package dnsforward

import (


// Write Stats data and logs
func (s *Server) processQueryLogsAndStats(dctx *dnsContext) (rc resultCode) {
	elapsed := time.Since(dctx.startTime)
	pctx := dctx.proxyCtx

	shouldLog := true
	msg := pctx.Req

	// don't log ANY request if refuseAny is enabled
	if len(msg.Question) >= 1 && msg.Question[0].Qtype == dns.TypeANY && s.conf.RefuseAny {
		shouldLog = false

	ip, _ := netutil.IPAndPortFromAddr(pctx.Addr)
	ip = netutil.CloneIP(ip)

	defer s.serverLock.RUnlock()


	log.Debug("client ip: %s", ip)

	// Synchronize access to s.queryLog and s.stats so they won't be suddenly
	// uninitialized while in use.  This can happen after proxy server has been
	// stopped, but its workers haven't yet exited.
	if shouldLog && s.queryLog != nil {
		s.logQuery(dctx, pctx, elapsed, ip)

	if s.stats != nil {
		s.updateStats(dctx, elapsed, *dctx.result, ip)

	return resultCodeSuccess

// logQuery pushes the request details into the query log.
func (s *Server) logQuery(
	dctx *dnsContext,
	pctx *proxy.DNSContext,
	elapsed time.Duration,
	ip net.IP,
) {
	p := &querylog.AddParams{
		Question:          pctx.Req,
		ReqECS:            pctx.ReqECS,
		Answer:            pctx.Res,
		OrigAnswer:        dctx.origResp,
		Result:            dctx.result,
		ClientID:          dctx.clientID,
		ClientIP:          ip,
		Elapsed:           elapsed,
		AuthenticatedData: dctx.responseAD,

	switch pctx.Proto {
	case proxy.ProtoHTTPS:
		p.ClientProto = querylog.ClientProtoDoH
	case proxy.ProtoQUIC:
		p.ClientProto = querylog.ClientProtoDoQ
	case proxy.ProtoTLS:
		p.ClientProto = querylog.ClientProtoDoT
	case proxy.ProtoDNSCrypt:
		p.ClientProto = querylog.ClientProtoDNSCrypt
		// Consider this a plain DNS-over-UDP or DNS-over-TCP request.

	if pctx.Upstream != nil {
		p.Upstream = pctx.Upstream.Address()
	} else if cachedUps := pctx.CachedUpstreamAddr; cachedUps != "" {
		p.Upstream = pctx.CachedUpstreamAddr
		p.Cached = true


// updatesStats writes the request into statistics.
func (s *Server) updateStats(
	ctx *dnsContext,
	elapsed time.Duration,
	res filtering.Result,
	clientIP net.IP,
) {
	pctx := ctx.proxyCtx
	e := stats.Entry{}
	e.Domain = strings.ToLower(pctx.Req.Question[0].Name)
	e.Domain = e.Domain[:len(e.Domain)-1] // remove last "."

	if clientID := ctx.clientID; clientID != "" {
		e.Client = clientID
	} else if clientIP != nil {
		e.Client = clientIP.String()

	e.Time = uint32(elapsed / 1000)
	e.Result = stats.RNotFiltered

	switch res.Reason {
	case filtering.FilteredSafeBrowsing:
		e.Result = stats.RSafeBrowsing
	case filtering.FilteredParental:
		e.Result = stats.RParental
	case filtering.FilteredSafeSearch:
		e.Result = stats.RSafeSearch
	case filtering.FilteredBlockList,
		e.Result = stats.RFiltered
