package dnsforward

import (


// To transfer information between modules
// TODO(s.chzhen):  Add lowercased, non-FQDN version of the hostname from the
// question of the request.  Add persistent client.
type dnsContext struct {
	proxyCtx *proxy.DNSContext

	// setts are the filtering settings for the client.
	setts *filtering.Settings

	result *filtering.Result

	// origResp is the response received from upstream.  It is set when the
	// response is modified by filters.
	origResp *dns.Msg

	// err is the error returned from a processing function.
	err error

	// clientID is the ClientID from DoH, DoQ, or DoT, if provided.
	clientID string

	// startTime is the time at which the processing of the request has started.
	startTime time.Time

	// origQuestion is the question received from the client.  It is set
	// when the request is modified by rewrites.
	origQuestion dns.Question

	// protectionEnabled shows if the filtering is enabled, and if the
	// server's DNS filter is ready.
	protectionEnabled bool

	// responseFromUpstream shows if the response is received from the
	// upstream servers.
	responseFromUpstream bool

	// responseAD shows if the response had the AD bit set.
	responseAD bool

	// isDHCPHost is true if the request for a local domain name and the DHCP is
	// available for this request.
	isDHCPHost bool

// resultCode is the result of a request processing function.
type resultCode int

const (
	// resultCodeSuccess is returned when a handler performed successfully, and
	// the next handler must be called.
	resultCodeSuccess resultCode = iota

	// resultCodeFinish is returned when a handler performed successfully, and
	// the processing of the request must be stopped.

	// resultCodeError is returned when a handler failed, and the processing of
	// the request must be stopped.

// ddrHostFQDN is the FQDN used in Discovery of Designated Resolvers (DDR) requests.
// See
const ddrHostFQDN = ""

// handleDNSRequest filters the incoming DNS requests and writes them to the query log
func (s *Server) handleDNSRequest(_ *proxy.Proxy, pctx *proxy.DNSContext) error {
	dctx := &dnsContext{
		proxyCtx:  pctx,
		result:    &filtering.Result{},
		startTime: time.Now(),

	type modProcessFunc func(ctx *dnsContext) (rc resultCode)

	// Since (*dnsforward.Server).handleDNSRequest(...) is used as
	// proxy.(Config).RequestHandler, there is no need for additional index
	// out of range checking in any of the following functions, because the
	// (*proxy.Proxy).handleDNSRequest method performs it before calling the
	// appropriate handler.
	mods := []modProcessFunc{
	for _, process := range mods {
		r := process(dctx)
		switch r {
		case resultCodeSuccess:
			// continue: call the next filter

		case resultCodeFinish:
			return nil

		case resultCodeError:
			return dctx.err

	if pctx.Res != nil {
		// Some devices require DNS message compression.
		pctx.Res.Compress = true

	return nil

// mozillaFQDN is the domain used to signal the Firefox browser to not use its
// own DoH server.
// See
const mozillaFQDN = ""

// healthcheckFQDN is a reserved domain-name used for healthchecking.
// [Section 6.2 of RFC 6761] states that DNS Registries/Registrars must not
// grant requests to register test names in the normal way to any person or
// entity, making domain names under the .test TLD free to use in internal
// purposes.
// [Section 6.2 of RFC 6761]:
const healthcheckFQDN = "healthcheck.adguardhome.test."

// processInitial terminates the following processing for some requests if
// needed and enriches dctx with some client-specific information.
// TODO(e.burkov):  Decompose into less general processors.
func (s *Server) processInitial(dctx *dnsContext) (rc resultCode) {
	log.Debug("dnsforward: started processing initial")
	defer log.Debug("dnsforward: finished processing initial")

	pctx := dctx.proxyCtx

	q := pctx.Req.Question[0]
	qt := q.Qtype
	if s.conf.AAAADisabled && qt == dns.TypeAAAA {
		_ = proxy.CheckDisabledAAAARequest(pctx, true)

		return resultCodeFinish

	if (qt == dns.TypeA || qt == dns.TypeAAAA) && q.Name == mozillaFQDN {
		pctx.Res = s.NewMsgNXDOMAIN(pctx.Req)

		return resultCodeFinish

	if q.Name == healthcheckFQDN {
		// Generate a NODATA negative response to make nslookup exit with 0.
		pctx.Res = s.replyCompressed(pctx.Req)

		return resultCodeFinish

	// Get the ClientID, if any, before getting client-specific filtering
	// settings.
	var key [8]byte
	binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(key[:], pctx.RequestID)
	dctx.clientID = string(s.clientIDCache.Get(key[:]))

	// Get the client-specific filtering settings.
	dctx.protectionEnabled, _ = s.UpdatedProtectionStatus()
	dctx.setts = s.clientRequestFilteringSettings(dctx)

	return resultCodeSuccess

// processClientIP sends the client IP address to s.addrProc, if needed.
func (s *Server) processClientIP(addr netip.Addr) {
	if !addr.IsValid() {
		log.Info("dnsforward: warning: bad client addr %q", addr)


	// Do not assign s.addrProc to a local variable to then use, since this lock
	// also serializes the closure of s.addrProc.
	defer s.serverLock.RUnlock()


// processDDRQuery responds to Discovery of Designated Resolvers (DDR) SVCB
// queries.  The response contains different types of encryption supported by
// current user configuration.
// See
func (s *Server) processDDRQuery(dctx *dnsContext) (rc resultCode) {
	log.Debug("dnsforward: started processing ddr")
	defer log.Debug("dnsforward: finished processing ddr")

	if !s.conf.HandleDDR {
		return resultCodeSuccess

	pctx := dctx.proxyCtx
	q := pctx.Req.Question[0]
	if q.Name == ddrHostFQDN {
		pctx.Res = s.makeDDRResponse(pctx.Req)

		return resultCodeFinish

	return resultCodeSuccess

// makeDDRResponse creates a DDR answer based on the server configuration.  The
// constructed SVCB resource records have the priority of 1 for each entry,
// similar to examples provided by the [draft standard].
// TODO(a.meshkov):  Consider setting the priority values based on the protocol.
// [draft standard]:
func (s *Server) makeDDRResponse(req *dns.Msg) (resp *dns.Msg) {
	resp = s.replyCompressed(req)
	if req.Question[0].Qtype != dns.TypeSVCB {
		return resp

	// TODO(e.burkov):  Think about storing the FQDN version of the server's
	// name somewhere.
	domainName := dns.Fqdn(s.conf.ServerName)

	for _, addr := range s.conf.HTTPSListenAddrs {
		values := []dns.SVCBKeyValue{
			&dns.SVCBAlpn{Alpn: []string{"h2"}},
			&dns.SVCBPort{Port: uint16(addr.Port)},
			&dns.SVCBDoHPath{Template: "/dns-query{?dns}"},

		ans := &dns.SVCB{
			Hdr:      s.hdr(req, dns.TypeSVCB),
			Priority: 1,
			Target:   domainName,
			Value:    values,

		resp.Answer = append(resp.Answer, ans)

	if s.conf.hasIPAddrs {
		// Only add DNS-over-TLS resolvers in case the certificate contains IP
		// addresses.
		// See
		for _, addr := range s.dnsProxy.TLSListenAddr {
			values := []dns.SVCBKeyValue{
				&dns.SVCBAlpn{Alpn: []string{"dot"}},
				&dns.SVCBPort{Port: uint16(addr.Port)},

			ans := &dns.SVCB{
				Hdr:      s.hdr(req, dns.TypeSVCB),
				Priority: 1,
				Target:   domainName,
				Value:    values,

			resp.Answer = append(resp.Answer, ans)

	for _, addr := range s.dnsProxy.QUICListenAddr {
		values := []dns.SVCBKeyValue{
			&dns.SVCBAlpn{Alpn: []string{"doq"}},
			&dns.SVCBPort{Port: uint16(addr.Port)},

		ans := &dns.SVCB{
			Hdr:      s.hdr(req, dns.TypeSVCB),
			Priority: 1,
			Target:   domainName,
			Value:    values,

		resp.Answer = append(resp.Answer, ans)

	return resp

// processDHCPHosts respond to A requests if the target hostname is known to
// the server.  It responds with a mapped IP address if the DNS64 is enabled and
// the request is for AAAA.
// TODO(a.garipov): Adapt to AAAA as well.
func (s *Server) processDHCPHosts(dctx *dnsContext) (rc resultCode) {
	log.Debug("dnsforward: started processing dhcp hosts")
	defer log.Debug("dnsforward: finished processing dhcp hosts")

	pctx := dctx.proxyCtx
	req := pctx.Req

	q := &req.Question[0]
	dhcpHost := s.dhcpHostFromRequest(q)
	if dctx.isDHCPHost = dhcpHost != ""; !dctx.isDHCPHost {
		return resultCodeSuccess

	if !pctx.IsPrivateClient {
		log.Debug("dnsforward: %q requests for dhcp host %q", pctx.Addr, dhcpHost)
		pctx.Res = s.NewMsgNXDOMAIN(req)

		// Do not even put into query log.
		return resultCodeFinish

	ip := s.dhcpServer.IPByHost(dhcpHost)
	if ip == (netip.Addr{}) {
		// Go on and process them with filters, including dnsrewrite ones, and
		// possibly route them to a domain-specific upstream.
		log.Debug("dnsforward: no dhcp record for %q", dhcpHost)

		return resultCodeSuccess

	log.Debug("dnsforward: dhcp record for %q is %s", dhcpHost, ip)

	resp := s.replyCompressed(req)
	switch q.Qtype {
	case dns.TypeA:
		a := &dns.A{
			Hdr: s.hdr(req, dns.TypeA),
			A:   ip.AsSlice(),
		resp.Answer = append(resp.Answer, a)
	case dns.TypeAAAA:
		if s.dns64Pref != (netip.Prefix{}) {
			// Respond with DNS64-mapped address for IPv4 host if DNS64 is
			// enabled.
			aaaa := &dns.AAAA{
				Hdr:  s.hdr(req, dns.TypeAAAA),
				AAAA: s.mapDNS64(ip),
			resp.Answer = append(resp.Answer, aaaa)
		// Go on.

	dctx.proxyCtx.Res = resp

	return resultCodeSuccess

// processDHCPAddrs responds to PTR requests if the target IP is leased by the
// DHCP server.
func (s *Server) processDHCPAddrs(dctx *dnsContext) (rc resultCode) {
	log.Debug("dnsforward: started processing dhcp addrs")
	defer log.Debug("dnsforward: finished processing dhcp addrs")

	pctx := dctx.proxyCtx
	if pctx.Res != nil {
		return resultCodeSuccess

	req := pctx.Req
	q := req.Question[0]
	pref := pctx.RequestedPrivateRDNS
	// TODO(e.burkov):  Consider answering authoritatively for SOA and NS
	// queries.
	if pref == (netip.Prefix{}) || q.Qtype != dns.TypePTR {
		return resultCodeSuccess

	addr := pref.Addr()
	host := s.dhcpServer.HostByIP(addr)
	if host == "" {
		return resultCodeSuccess

	log.Debug("dnsforward: dhcp client %s is %q", addr, host)

	resp := s.replyCompressed(req)
	ptr := &dns.PTR{
		Hdr: dns.RR_Header{
			Name:   q.Name,
			Rrtype: dns.TypePTR,
			// TODO(e.burkov):  Use [dhcpsvc.Lease.Expiry].  See
			Ttl:   s.dnsFilter.BlockedResponseTTL(),
			Class: dns.ClassINET,
		Ptr: dns.Fqdn(strings.Join([]string{host, s.localDomainSuffix}, ".")),
	resp.Answer = append(resp.Answer, ptr)
	pctx.Res = resp

	return resultCodeSuccess

// Apply filtering logic
func (s *Server) processFilteringBeforeRequest(dctx *dnsContext) (rc resultCode) {
	log.Debug("dnsforward: started processing filtering before req")
	defer log.Debug("dnsforward: finished processing filtering before req")

	if dctx.proxyCtx.RequestedPrivateRDNS != (netip.Prefix{}) {
		// There is no need to filter request for locally served ARPA hostname
		// so disable redundant filters.
		dctx.setts.ParentalEnabled = false
		dctx.setts.SafeBrowsingEnabled = false
		dctx.setts.SafeSearchEnabled = false
		dctx.setts.ServicesRules = nil

	if dctx.proxyCtx.Res != nil {
		// Go on since the response is already set.
		return resultCodeSuccess

	defer s.serverLock.RUnlock()

	var err error
	if dctx.result, err = s.filterDNSRequest(dctx); err != nil {
		dctx.err = err

		return resultCodeError

	return resultCodeSuccess

// ipStringFromAddr extracts an IP address string from net.Addr.
func ipStringFromAddr(addr net.Addr) (ipStr string) {
	if ip, _ := netutil.IPAndPortFromAddr(addr); ip != nil {
		return ip.String()

	return ""

// processUpstream passes request to upstream servers and handles the response.
func (s *Server) processUpstream(dctx *dnsContext) (rc resultCode) {
	log.Debug("dnsforward: started processing upstream")
	defer log.Debug("dnsforward: finished processing upstream")

	pctx := dctx.proxyCtx
	req := pctx.Req

	if pctx.Res != nil {
		// The response has already been set.
		return resultCodeSuccess
	} else if dctx.isDHCPHost {
		// A DHCP client hostname query that hasn't been handled or filtered.
		// Respond with an NXDOMAIN.
		// TODO(a.garipov): Route such queries to a custom upstream for the
		// local domain name if there is one.
		name := req.Question[0].Name
		log.Debug("dnsforward: dhcp client hostname %q was not filtered", name[:len(name)-1])
		pctx.Res = s.NewMsgNXDOMAIN(req)

		return resultCodeFinish

	s.setCustomUpstream(pctx, dctx.clientID)

	reqWantsDNSSEC := s.setReqAD(req)

	// Process the request further since it wasn't filtered.
	prx := s.proxy()
	if prx == nil {
		dctx.err = srvClosedErr

		return resultCodeError

	if dctx.err = prx.Resolve(pctx); dctx.err != nil {
		return resultCodeError

	dctx.responseFromUpstream = true
	dctx.responseAD = pctx.Res.AuthenticatedData

	s.setRespAD(pctx, reqWantsDNSSEC)

	return resultCodeSuccess

// setReqAD changes the request based on the server settings.  wantsDNSSEC is
// false if the response should be cleared of the AD bit.
// TODO(a.garipov, e.burkov): This should probably be done in module dnsproxy.
func (s *Server) setReqAD(req *dns.Msg) (wantsDNSSEC bool) {
	if !s.conf.EnableDNSSEC {
		return false

	origReqAD := req.AuthenticatedData
	req.AuthenticatedData = true

	// Per [RFC 6840] says, validating resolvers should only set the AD bit when
	// the response has the AD bit set and the request contained either a set DO
	// bit or a set AD bit.  So, if neither of these is true, clear the AD bits
	// in [Server.setRespAD].
	// [RFC 6840]:
	return origReqAD || hasDO(req)

// hasDO returns true if msg has EDNS(0) options and the DNSSEC OK flag is set
// in there.
// TODO(a.garipov): Move to golibs/dnsmsg when it's there.
func hasDO(msg *dns.Msg) (do bool) {
	o := msg.IsEdns0()
	if o == nil {
		return false

	return o.Do()

// setRespAD changes the request and response based on the server settings and
// the original request data.
func (s *Server) setRespAD(pctx *proxy.DNSContext, reqWantsDNSSEC bool) {
	if s.conf.EnableDNSSEC && !reqWantsDNSSEC {
		pctx.Req.AuthenticatedData = false
		pctx.Res.AuthenticatedData = false

// dhcpHostFromRequest returns a hostname from question, if the request is for a
// DHCP client's hostname when DHCP is enabled, and an empty string otherwise.
func (s *Server) dhcpHostFromRequest(q *dns.Question) (reqHost string) {
	if !s.dhcpServer.Enabled() {
		return ""

	// Include AAAA here, because despite the fact that we don't support it yet,
	// the expected behavior here is to respond with an empty answer and not
	if qt := q.Qtype; qt != dns.TypeA && qt != dns.TypeAAAA {
		return ""

	reqHost = strings.ToLower(q.Name[:len(q.Name)-1])
	if !netutil.IsImmediateSubdomain(reqHost, s.localDomainSuffix) {
		return ""

	return reqHost[:len(reqHost)-len(s.localDomainSuffix)-1]

// setCustomUpstream sets custom upstream settings in pctx, if necessary.
func (s *Server) setCustomUpstream(pctx *proxy.DNSContext, clientID string) {
	if !pctx.Addr.IsValid() || s.conf.ClientsContainer == nil {

	// Use the ClientID first, since it has a higher priority.
	id := cmp.Or(clientID, pctx.Addr.Addr().String())
	upsConf, err := s.conf.ClientsContainer.UpstreamConfigByID(id, s.bootstrap)
	if err != nil {
		log.Error("dnsforward: getting custom upstreams for client %s: %s", id, err)


	if upsConf != nil {
		log.Debug("dnsforward: using custom upstreams for client %s", id)

		pctx.CustomUpstreamConfig = upsConf

// Apply filtering logic after we have received response from upstream servers
func (s *Server) processFilteringAfterResponse(dctx *dnsContext) (rc resultCode) {
	log.Debug("dnsforward: started processing filtering after resp")
	defer log.Debug("dnsforward: finished processing filtering after resp")

	switch res := dctx.result; res.Reason {
	case filtering.NotFilteredAllowList:
		return resultCodeSuccess

		if dctx.origQuestion.Name == "" {
			// origQuestion is set in case we get only CNAME without IP from
			// rewrites table.
			return resultCodeSuccess

		pctx := dctx.proxyCtx
		pctx.Req.Question[0], pctx.Res.Question[0] = dctx.origQuestion, dctx.origQuestion

		rr := s.genAnswerCNAME(pctx.Req, res.CanonName)
		answer := append([]dns.RR{rr}, pctx.Res.Answer...)
		pctx.Res.Answer = answer

		return resultCodeSuccess
		return s.filterAfterResponse(dctx)

// filterAfterResponse returns the result of filtering the response that wasn't
// explicitly allowed or rewritten.
func (s *Server) filterAfterResponse(dctx *dnsContext) (res resultCode) {
	// Check the response only if it's from an upstream.  Don't check the
	// response if the protection is disabled since dnsrewrite rules aren't
	// applied to it anyway.
	if !dctx.protectionEnabled || !dctx.responseFromUpstream {
		return resultCodeSuccess

	err := s.filterDNSResponse(dctx)
	if err != nil {
		dctx.err = err

		return resultCodeError

	return resultCodeSuccess