package aghos

import (


// event is a convenient alias for an empty struct to signal that watching
// event happened.
type event = struct{}

// FSWatcher tracks all the fyle system events and notifies about those.
// TODO(e.burkov, a.garipov): Move into another package like aghfs.
// TODO(e.burkov):  Add tests.
type FSWatcher interface {
	// Start starts watching the added files.
	Start() (err error)

	// Close stops watching the files and closes an update channel.

	// Events returns the channel to notify about the file system events.
	Events() (e <-chan event)

	// Add starts tracking the file.  It returns an error if the file can't be
	// tracked.  It must not be called after Start.
	Add(name string) (err error)

// osWatcher tracks the file system provided by the OS.
type osWatcher struct {
	// watcher is the actual notifier that is handled by osWatcher.
	watcher *fsnotify.Watcher

	// events is the channel to notify.
	events chan event

	// files is the set of tracked files.
	files *container.MapSet[string]

// osWatcherPref is a prefix for logging and wrapping errors in osWathcer's
// methods.
const osWatcherPref = "os watcher"

// NewOSWritesWatcher creates FSWatcher that tracks the real file system of the
// OS and notifies only about writing events.
func NewOSWritesWatcher() (w FSWatcher, err error) {
	defer func() { err = errors.Annotate(err, "%s: %w", osWatcherPref) }()

	var watcher *fsnotify.Watcher
	watcher, err = fsnotify.NewWatcher()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("creating watcher: %w", err)

	return &osWatcher{
		watcher: watcher,
		events:  make(chan event, 1),
		files:   container.NewMapSet[string](),
	}, nil

// type check
var _ FSWatcher = (*osWatcher)(nil)

// Start implements the FSWatcher interface for *osWatcher.
func (w *osWatcher) Start() (err error) {
	go w.handleErrors()
	go w.handleEvents()

	return nil

// Close implements the FSWatcher interface for *osWatcher.
func (w *osWatcher) Close() (err error) {
	return w.watcher.Close()

// Events implements the FSWatcher interface for *osWatcher.
func (w *osWatcher) Events() (e <-chan event) {

// Add implements the [FSWatcher] interface for *osWatcher.
// TODO(e.burkov):  Make it accept non-existing files to detect it's creating.
func (w *osWatcher) Add(name string) (err error) {
	defer func() { err = errors.Annotate(err, "%s: %w", osWatcherPref) }()

	fi, err := fs.Stat(osutil.RootDirFS(), name)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("checking file %q: %w", name, err)

	name = filepath.Join("/", name)

	// Watch the directory and filter the events by the file name, since the
	// common recomendation to the fsnotify package is to watch the directory
	// instead of the file itself.
	// See
	if !fi.IsDir() {
		name = filepath.Dir(name)

	return w.watcher.Add(name)

// handleEvents notifies about the received file system's event if needed.  It
// is intended to be used as a goroutine.
func (w *osWatcher) handleEvents() {
	defer log.OnPanic(fmt.Sprintf("%s: handling events", osWatcherPref))

	defer close(

	ch := w.watcher.Events
	for e := range ch {
		if e.Op&fsnotify.Write == 0 || !w.files.Has(e.Name) {

		// Skip the following events assuming that sometimes the same event
		// occurs several times.
		for ok := true; ok; {
			select {
			case _, ok = <-ch:
				// Go on.
				ok = false

		select {
		case <- event{}:
			// Go on.
			log.Debug("%s: events buffer is full", osWatcherPref)

// handleErrors handles accompanying errors.  It used to be called in a separate
// goroutine.
func (w *osWatcher) handleErrors() {
	defer log.OnPanic(fmt.Sprintf("%s: handling errors", osWatcherPref))

	for err := range w.watcher.Errors {
		log.Error("%s: %s", osWatcherPref, err)