#!/bin/sh verbose="${VERBOSE:-0}" # Set verbosity. if [ "$verbose" -gt '0' ] then set -x fi # Set $EXIT_ON_ERROR to zero to see all errors. if [ "${EXIT_ON_ERROR:-1}" -eq '0' ] then set +e else set -e fi # We don't need glob expansions and we want to see errors about unset variables. set -f -u # Deferred Helpers not_found_msg=' looks like a binary not found error. make sure you have installed the linter binaries using: $ make go-tools ' readonly not_found_msg # TODO(a.garipov): Put it into a separate script and source it both here and in # txt-lint.sh? not_found() { if [ "$?" -eq '127' ] then # Code 127 is the exit status a shell uses when a command or # a file is not found, according to the Bash Hackers wiki. # # See https://wiki.bash-hackers.org/dict/terms/exit_status. echo "$not_found_msg" 1>&2 fi } trap not_found EXIT # Warnings go_version="$( "${GO:-go}" version )" readonly go_version go_min_version='go1.18' go_version_msg=" warning: your go version (${go_version}) is different from the recommended minimal one (${go_min_version}). if you have the version installed, please set the GO environment variable. for example: export GO='${go_min_version}' " readonly go_min_version go_version_msg case "$go_version" in ('go version'*"$go_min_version"*) # Go on. ;; (*) echo "$go_version_msg" 1>&2 ;; esac # Simple Analyzers # blocklist_imports is a simple check against unwanted packages. The following # packages are banned: # # * Packages errors and log are replaced by our own packages in the # github.com/AdguardTeam/golibs module. # # * Package io/ioutil is soft-deprecated. # # * Package reflect is often an overkill, and for deep comparisons there are # much better functions in module github.com/google/go-cmp. Which is # already our indirect dependency and which may or may not enter the stdlib # at some point. # # See https://github.com/golang/go/issues/45200. # # * Package unsafe is… unsafe. # # * Package golang.org/x/net/context has been moved into stdlib. # blocklist_imports() { git grep\ -e '[[:space:]]"errors"$'\ -e '[[:space:]]"io/ioutil"$'\ -e '[[:space:]]"log"$'\ -e '[[:space:]]"reflect"$'\ -e '[[:space:]]"unsafe"$'\ -e '[[:space:]]"golang.org/x/net/context"$'\ -n\ -- '*.go'\ | sed -e 's/^\([^[:space:]]\+\)\(.*\)$/\1 blocked import:\2/'\ || exit 0 } # method_const is a simple check against the usage of some raw strings and # numbers where one should use named constants. method_const() { git grep -F\ -e '"DELETE"'\ -e '"GET"'\ -e '"POST"'\ -e '"PUT"'\ -n\ -- '*.go'\ | sed -e 's/^\([^[:space:]]\+\)\(.*\)$/\1 http method literal:\2/'\ || exit 0 } # underscores is a simple check against Go filenames with underscores. Add new # build tags and OS as you go. The main goal of this check is to discourage the # use of filenames like client_manager.go. underscores() { underscore_files="$( git ls-files '*_*.go'\ | grep -F\ -e '_big.go'\ -e '_bsd.go'\ -e '_darwin.go'\ -e '_freebsd.go'\ -e '_linux.go'\ -e '_little.go'\ -e '_openbsd.go'\ -e '_others.go'\ -e '_test.go'\ -e '_unix.go'\ -e '_windows.go' \ -v\ | sed -e 's/./\t\0/' )" readonly underscore_files if [ "$underscore_files" != '' ] then echo 'found file names with underscores:' echo "$underscore_files" fi } # TODO(a.garipov): Add an analyzer to look for `fallthrough`, `goto`, and `new`? # Helpers # exit_on_output exits with a nonzero exit code if there is anything in the # command's combined output. exit_on_output() ( set +e if [ "$VERBOSE" -lt '2' ] then set +x fi cmd="$1" shift output="$( "$cmd" "$@" 2>&1 )" exitcode="$?" if [ "$exitcode" -ne '0' ] then echo "'$cmd' failed with code $exitcode" fi if [ "$output" != '' ] then if [ "$*" != '' ] then echo "combined output of linter '$cmd $*':" else echo "combined output of linter '$cmd':" fi echo "$output" if [ "$exitcode" -eq '0' ] then exitcode='1' fi fi return "$exitcode" ) # Checks exit_on_output blocklist_imports exit_on_output method_const exit_on_output underscores exit_on_output gofumpt --extra -e -l . # TODO(a.garipov): golint is deprecated, and seems to cause more and more # issues with each release. Find a suitable replacement. # # golint --set_exit_status ./... "$GO" vet ./... govulncheck ./... # Apply more lax standards to the code we haven't properly refactored yet. gocyclo --over 17 ./internal/querylog/ gocyclo --over 15 ./internal/home/ ./internal/dhcpd gocyclo --over 13 ./internal/filtering/ # Apply stricter standards to new or somewhat refactored code. gocyclo --over 10 ./internal/aghio/ ./internal/aghnet/ ./internal/aghos/\ ./internal/aghtest/ ./internal/dnsforward/ ./internal/stats/\ ./internal/tools/ ./internal/updater/ ./internal/version/ ./main.go ineffassign ./... unparam ./... git ls-files -- '*.go' '*.mod' '*.sh' 'Makefile' | xargs misspell --error looppointer ./... nilness ./... exit_on_output shadow --strict ./... # TODO(a.garipov): Enable in v0.108.0. # gosec --quiet ./... # TODO(a.garipov): Enable --blank? errcheck --asserts ./... staticcheck ./...