# Keep the Makefile POSIX-compliant. We currently allow hyphens in # target names, but that may change in the future. # # See https://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/utilities/make.html. .POSIX: # This comment is used to simplify checking local copies of the # Makefile. Bump this number every time a significant change is made to # this Makefile. # # AdGuard-Project-Version: 6 # Don't name these macros "GO" etc., because GNU Make apparently makes # them exported environment variables with the literal value of # "${GO:-go}" and so on, which is not what we need. Use a dot in the # name to make sure that users don't have an environment variable with # the same name. # # See https://unix.stackexchange.com/q/646255/105635. GO.MACRO = $${GO:-go} VERBOSE.MACRO = $${VERBOSE:-0} CHANNEL = development CLIENT_DIR = client COMMIT = $$( git rev-parse --short HEAD ) DEPLOY_SCRIPT_PATH = not/a/real/path DIST_DIR = dist GOAMD64 = v1 GOPROXY = https://proxy.golang.org|direct GOTOOLCHAIN = go1.23.2 GOTELEMETRY = off GPG_KEY = devteam@adguard.com GPG_KEY_PASSPHRASE = not-a-real-password NPM = npm NPM_FLAGS = --prefix $(CLIENT_DIR) NPM_INSTALL_FLAGS = $(NPM_FLAGS) --quiet --no-progress --ignore-engines\ --ignore-optional --ignore-platform --ignore-scripts RACE = 0 SIGN = 1 SIGNER_API_KEY = not-a-real-key VERSION = v0.0.0 YARN = yarn NEXTAPI = 0 # Macros for the build-release target. If FRONTEND_PREBUILT is 0, the # default, the macro $(BUILD_RELEASE_DEPS_$(FRONTEND_PREBUILT)) expands # into BUILD_RELEASE_DEPS_0, and so both frontend and backend # dependencies are fetched and the frontend is built. Otherwise, if # FRONTEND_PREBUILT is 1, only backend dependencies are fetched and the # frontend isn't rebuilt. # # TODO(a.garipov): We could probably do that from .../build-release.sh, # but that would mean either calling make from inside make or # duplicating commands in two places, both of which don't seem to me # like nice solutions. FRONTEND_PREBUILT = 0 BUILD_RELEASE_DEPS_0 = deps js-build BUILD_RELEASE_DEPS_1 = go-deps ENV = env\ CHANNEL='$(CHANNEL)'\ COMMIT='$(COMMIT)'\ DEPLOY_SCRIPT_PATH='$(DEPLOY_SCRIPT_PATH)' \ DIST_DIR='$(DIST_DIR)'\ GO="$(GO.MACRO)"\ GOAMD64='$(GOAMD64)'\ GOPROXY='$(GOPROXY)'\ GOTELEMETRY='$(GOTELEMETRY)'\ GOTOOLCHAIN='$(GOTOOLCHAIN)'\ GPG_KEY='$(GPG_KEY)'\ GPG_KEY_PASSPHRASE='$(GPG_KEY_PASSPHRASE)'\ PATH="$${PWD}/bin:$$( "$(GO.MACRO)" env GOPATH )/bin:$${PATH}"\ RACE='$(RACE)'\ SIGN='$(SIGN)'\ SIGNER_API_KEY='$(SIGNER_API_KEY)' \ NEXTAPI='$(NEXTAPI)'\ VERBOSE="$(VERBOSE.MACRO)"\ VERSION="$(VERSION)"\ # Keep the line above blank. ENV_MISC = env\ VERBOSE="$(VERBOSE.MACRO)"\ # Keep the line above blank. # Keep this target first, so that a naked make invocation triggers a # full build. build: deps quick-build quick-build: js-build go-build deps: js-deps go-deps lint: js-lint go-lint test: js-test go-test # Here and below, keep $(SHELL) in quotes, because on Windows this will # expand to something like "C:/Program Files/Git/usr/bin/sh.exe". build-docker: ; $(ENV) "$(SHELL)" ./scripts/make/build-docker.sh build-release: $(BUILD_RELEASE_DEPS_$(FRONTEND_PREBUILT)) $(ENV) "$(SHELL)" ./scripts/make/build-release.sh clean: ; $(ENV) "$(SHELL)" ./scripts/make/clean.sh init: ; git config core.hooksPath ./scripts/hooks js-build: ; $(NPM) $(NPM_FLAGS) run build-prod js-deps: ; $(NPM) $(NPM_INSTALL_FLAGS) ci js-lint: ; $(NPM) $(NPM_FLAGS) run lint js-test: ; $(NPM) $(NPM_FLAGS) run test go-bench: ; $(ENV) "$(SHELL)" ./scripts/make/go-bench.sh go-build: ; $(ENV) "$(SHELL)" ./scripts/make/go-build.sh go-deps: ; $(ENV) "$(SHELL)" ./scripts/make/go-deps.sh go-env: ; $(ENV) "$(GO.MACRO)" env go-fuzz: ; $(ENV) "$(SHELL)" ./scripts/make/go-fuzz.sh go-lint: ; $(ENV) "$(SHELL)" ./scripts/make/go-lint.sh # TODO(a.garipov): Think about making RACE='1' the default for all # targets. go-test: ; $(ENV) RACE='1' "$(SHELL)" ./scripts/make/go-test.sh go-tools: ; $(ENV) "$(SHELL)" ./scripts/make/go-tools.sh go-upd-tools: ; $(ENV) "$(SHELL)" ./scripts/make/go-upd-tools.sh go-check: go-tools go-lint go-test # A quick check to make sure that all operating systems relevant to the # development of the project can be typechecked and built successfully. go-os-check: env GOOS='darwin' "$(GO.MACRO)" vet ./internal/... env GOOS='freebsd' "$(GO.MACRO)" vet ./internal/... env GOOS='openbsd' "$(GO.MACRO)" vet ./internal/... env GOOS='linux' "$(GO.MACRO)" vet ./internal/... env GOOS='windows' "$(GO.MACRO)" vet ./internal/... openapi-lint: ; cd ./openapi/ && $(YARN) test openapi-show: ; cd ./openapi/ && $(YARN) start txt-lint: ; $(ENV) "$(SHELL)" ./scripts/make/txt-lint.sh md-lint: ; $(ENV_MISC) "$(SHELL)" ./scripts/make/md-lint.sh sh-lint: ; $(ENV_MISC) "$(SHELL)" ./scripts/make/sh-lint.sh