#!/bin/sh # This comment is used to simplify checking local copies of the script. Bump # this number every time a remarkable change is made to this script. # # AdGuard-Project-Version: 5 verbose="${VERBOSE:-0}" readonly verbose if [ "$verbose" -gt '0' ] then set -x fi # Set $EXIT_ON_ERROR to zero to see all errors. if [ "${EXIT_ON_ERROR:-1}" -eq '0' ] then set +e else set -e fi # We don't need glob expansions and we want to see errors about unset variables. set -f -u # Source the common helpers, including not_found. . ./scripts/make/helper.sh # Simple analyzers # trailing_newlines is a simple check that makes sure that all plain-text files # have a trailing newlines to make sure that all tools work correctly with them. trailing_newlines() ( nl="$( printf "\n" )" readonly nl # NOTE: Adjust for your project. git ls-files\ ':!*.png'\ ':!*.tar.gz'\ ':!*.zip'\ | while read -r f do final_byte="$( tail -c -1 "$f" )" if [ "$final_byte" != "$nl" ] then printf '%s: must have a trailing newline\n' "$f" fi done ) # trailing_whitespace is a simple check that makes sure that there are no # trailing whitespace in plain-text files. trailing_whitespace() { # NOTE: Adjust for your project. git ls-files\ ':!*.bmp'\ ':!*.jpg'\ ':!*.mmdb'\ ':!*.png'\ ':!*.svg'\ ':!*.tar.gz'\ ':!*.webp'\ ':!*.zip'\ | while read -r f do grep -e '[[:space:]]$' -n -- "$f"\ | sed -e "s:^:${f}\::" -e 's/ \+$/>>>&<<</' done } run_linter -e trailing_newlines run_linter -e trailing_whitespace git ls-files -- '*.conf' '*.md' '*.txt' '*.yaml' '*.yml'\ 'client/src/__locales/en.json'\ | xargs misspell --error\ | sed -e 's/^/misspell: /'