diff --git a/client/src/__locales/en.json b/client/src/__locales/en.json
index f39d2f51..a5c21109 100644
--- a/client/src/__locales/en.json
+++ b/client/src/__locales/en.json
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@
     "example_upstream_udp": "regular DNS (over UDP, hostname);",
     "example_upstream_dot": "encrypted <0>DNS-over-TLS</0>;",
     "example_upstream_doh": "encrypted <0>DNS-over-HTTPS</0>;",
-    "example_upstream_doq": "encrypted <0>DNS-over-QUIC</0> (experimental);",
+    "example_upstream_doq": "encrypted <0>DNS-over-QUIC</0>;",
     "example_upstream_sdns": "<0>DNS Stamps</0> for <1>DNSCrypt</1> or <2>DNS-over-HTTPS</2> resolvers;",
     "example_upstream_tcp": "regular DNS (over TCP);",
     "example_upstream_tcp_hostname": "regular DNS (over TCP, hostname);",
@@ -369,8 +369,8 @@
     "encryption_https_desc": "If HTTPS port is configured, AdGuard Home admin interface will be accessible via HTTPS, and it will also provide DNS-over-HTTPS on '/dns-query' location.",
     "encryption_dot": "DNS-over-TLS port",
     "encryption_dot_desc": "If this port is configured, AdGuard Home will run a DNS-over-TLS server on this port.",
-    "encryption_doq": "DNS-over-QUIC port (experimental)",
-    "encryption_doq_desc": "If this port is configured, AdGuard Home will run a DNS-over-QUIC server on this port. It's experimental and may not be reliable. Also, there are not too many clients that support it at the moment.",
+    "encryption_doq": "DNS-over-QUIC port",
+    "encryption_doq_desc": "If this port is configured, AdGuard Home will run a DNS-over-QUIC server on this port.",
     "encryption_certificates": "Certificates",
     "encryption_certificates_desc": "In order to use encryption, you need to provide a valid SSL certificates chain for your domain. You can get a free certificate on <0>{{link}}</0> or you can buy it from one of the trusted Certificate Authorities.",
     "encryption_certificates_input": "Copy/paste your PEM-encoded certificates here.",