mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 22:48:35 +03:00
+ client: add link to the new article about hosts blocklists syntax
This commit is contained in:
19 changed files with 243 additions and 70 deletions
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@
"example_comment": "! Sem se přidává komentář",
"example_comment_meaning": "jen komentář",
"example_comment_hash": "# Také komentář",
"example_regex_meaning": "blokovat přístup k doménám, které odpovídají <0> určenému regulárnímu výrazu </0>",
"example_regex_meaning": "blokuje přístup doménám, které vyhovují regulárnímu výrazu",
"example_upstream_regular": "obyčejný DNS (přes UDP)",
"example_upstream_dot": "šifrovaný <0>DNS přes TLS</0>",
"example_upstream_doh": "šifrovaný <0>DNS přes HTTPS</0>",
@ -200,6 +200,7 @@
"install_settings_dns_desc": "Budete muset nakonfigurovat Vaše zařízení nebo router, aby používali DNS server na následujících adresách:",
"install_settings_all_interfaces": "Všechna rozhraní",
"install_auth_title": "Ověřování",
"install_auth_desc": "Doporučujeme Vám nakonfigurovat v administrátorském webovém rozhraní AdGuard Home ověření Vaší identity heslem. I když je přístupné pouze ve Vaší lokální síti, je stále důležité chránit jej před neomezeným přístupem.",
"install_auth_username": "Uživatelské jméno",
"install_auth_password": "Heslo",
"install_auth_confirm": "Potvrďte heslo",
@ -373,9 +374,30 @@
"domain": "Doména",
"answer": "Odpověď",
"filter_added_successfully": "Filtr byl úspěšně přidán",
"statistics_configuration": "Konfigurace statistik",
"statistics_retention": "Uchovávání statistik",
"statistics_retention_desc": "Pokud hodnotu intervalu snížíte, některá data budou ztracena",
"statistics_clear": " Vyčistit statistiky",
"statistics_clear_confirm": "Opravdu chcete vyčistit statistiky?",
"statistics_cleared": "Statistiky úspěšně vyčištěny"
"statistics_retention_confirm": "Opravdu chcete změnit uchovávání statistik? Pokud snížíte hodnotu intervalu, některá data budou ztracena",
"statistics_cleared": "Statistiky úspěšně vyčištěny",
"interval_hours": "Hodiny: {{count}}",
"interval_hours_plural": "Hodiny: {{count}}",
"filters_configuration": "Konfigurace filtrů",
"filters_enable": "Povolit filtry",
"filters_interval": "Interval aktualizace filtrů",
"disabled": "Vypnuto",
"username_label": "Uživatelské jméno",
"username_placeholder": "Zadejte uživatelské jméno",
"password_label": "Heslo",
"password_placeholder": "Zadejte heslo",
"sign_in": "Přihlásit se",
"sign_out": "Odhlásit se",
"forgot_password": "Zapomněli jste heslo?",
"forgot_password_desc": "Prosím, následujte <0>tyto kroky</0> k vytvoření nového hesla pro váš uživatelský účet.",
"location": "Umístění",
"orgname": "Název organizace",
"netname": "Název sítě",
"descr": "Popis",
"whois": "Whois"
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@
"example_comment": "! Her er en kommentar",
"example_comment_meaning": "bare en kommentar",
"example_comment_hash": "# Også en kommentar",
"example_regex_meaning": "bloker adgangen til de domæner, der matcher det <0>angivne regulære udtryk</0>",
"example_regex_meaning": "bloker adgangen til de domæner, der matcher det angivne regulære udtryk",
"example_upstream_regular": "almindelig DNS (over UDP)",
"example_upstream_dot": "krypteret <0>DNS-over-TLS</0>",
"example_upstream_doh": "krypteret <0>DNS-over-HTTPS</0>",
@ -174,6 +174,15 @@
"rule_added_to_custom_filtering_toast": "Regel tilføjet til de brugerdefinerede filtreringsregler",
"query_log_response_status": "Status: {{value}}",
"query_log_filtered": "Filtreret af {{filter}}",
"query_log_confirm_clear": "Er du sikker på, at du vil rydde hele forespørgselsloggen?",
"query_log_cleared": "Forespørgselsloggen er blevet ryddet",
"query_log_clear": "Ryd forespørgselslogfiler",
"query_log_retention": "Opbevaring af forespørgselslogfiler",
"query_log_enable": "Aktivér log",
"query_log_configuration": "Konfiguration af logfiler",
"query_log_disabled": "Forespørgselsloggen er deaktiveret og kan konfigureres i <0>indstillinger</0>",
"query_log_strict_search": "Brug dobbelt anførselstegn til streng søgning",
"query_log_retention_confirm": "Er du sikker på, at du vil ændre opbevaring af forespørgselsloggen? Hvis du mindsker intervalværdien, vil nogle data gå tabt",
"source_label": "Kilde",
"found_in_known_domain_db": "Fundet i databasen med kendte domæner.",
"category_label": "Kategori",
@ -191,6 +200,7 @@
"install_settings_dns_desc": "Du skal konfigurere dine enheder eller router til at bruge DNS-serveren på følgende adresser:",
"install_settings_all_interfaces": "Alle grænseflader",
"install_auth_title": "Autentificering",
"install_auth_desc": "Det anbefales stærkt at konfigurere adgangskodeautentificering til din AdGuard Home administrator webgrænseflade. Selvom det kun er tilgængeligt på dit lokale netværk, er det stadig vigtigt at få det beskyttet mod ubegrænset adgang.",
"install_auth_username": "Brugernavn",
"install_auth_password": "Adgangskode",
"install_auth_confirm": "Bekræft adgangskode",
@ -364,9 +374,30 @@
"domain": "Domæne",
"answer": "Svar",
"filter_added_successfully": "Filtret er blevet tilføjet",
"statistics_configuration": "Konfiguration af statistik",
"statistics_retention": "Tilbageholdelse af statistikker",
"statistics_retention_desc": "Hvis du mindsker intervalværdien, vil nogle data gå tabt",
"statistics_clear": " Ryd statistikker",
"statistics_clear_confirm": "Er du sikker på, at du vil slette statistikkerne?",
"statistics_cleared": "Statistikkerne blev slettet"
"statistics_retention_confirm": "Er du sikker på, at du vil ændre opbevaring af statistikker? Hvis du mindsker intervalværdien, vil nogle data gå tabt",
"statistics_cleared": "Statistikkerne blev slettet",
"interval_hours": "{{count}} time",
"interval_hours_plural": "{{count}} timer",
"filters_configuration": "Konfiguration af filtre",
"filters_enable": "Aktivér filtre",
"filters_interval": "Filtrenes opdateringsinterval",
"disabled": "Deaktiveret",
"username_label": "Brugernavn",
"username_placeholder": "Indtast brugernavn",
"password_label": "Adgangskode",
"password_placeholder": "Indtast adgangskode",
"sign_in": "Log ind",
"sign_out": "Log ud",
"forgot_password": "Glemt adgangskode?",
"forgot_password_desc": "Følg <0>disse trin</0> for at oprette en ny adgangskode til din brugerkonto.",
"location": "Placering",
"orgname": "Organisationens navn",
"netname": "Netværksnavn",
"descr": "Beskrivelse",
"whois": "Whois"
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@
"example_comment": "! Hier steht ein Kommentar",
"example_comment_meaning": "Nur ein Kommentar",
"example_comment_hash": "# Auch ein Kommentar",
"example_regex_meaning": "Zugriff auf die Domains sperren, die dem <0>spezifizierten regulären Ausdruck</0> entsprechen.",
"example_regex_meaning": "Zugriff auf die Domains blockieren, die dem <0>spezifizierten regulären Ausdruck</0> entsprechen",
"example_upstream_regular": "regulärer DNS (über UDP)",
"example_upstream_dot": "verschlüsseltes <a href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNS_over_TLS' target='_blank'>DNS-over-TLS</a>",
"example_upstream_doh": "verschlüsseltes <a href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNS_over_HTTPS' target='_blank'>DNS-over-HTTPS</a>",
@ -398,5 +398,7 @@
"location": "Ort",
"orgname": "Name der Organisation",
"netname": "Netzwerkname",
"descr": "Beschreibung"
"descr": "Beschreibung",
"whois": "Whois",
"filtering_rules_learn_more": "<0>Erfahren Sie mehr</0> über die Erstellung eigener Hosts-Blocklisten."
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@
"example_comment": "! Here goes a comment",
"example_comment_meaning": "just a comment",
"example_comment_hash": "# Also a comment",
"example_regex_meaning": "block access to the domains matching the <0>specified regular expression</0>",
"example_regex_meaning": "block access to the domains matching the specified regular expression",
"example_upstream_regular": "regular DNS (over UDP)",
"example_upstream_dot": "encrypted <0>DNS-over-TLS</0>",
"example_upstream_doh": "encrypted <0>DNS-over-HTTPS</0>",
@ -399,5 +399,6 @@
"orgname": "Organization name",
"netname": "Network name",
"descr": "Description",
"whois": "Whois"
"whois": "Whois",
"filtering_rules_learn_more": "<0>Learn more</0> about creating your own hosts blocklists."
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@
"example_comment": "! Aquí va un comentario",
"example_comment_meaning": "solo un comentario",
"example_comment_hash": "# También un comentario",
"example_regex_meaning": "bloquear el acceso a los dominios que coincidan con la <0>expresión regular especificada</0>",
"example_regex_meaning": "bloquear el acceso a los dominios que coincidan con la expresión regular especificada",
"example_upstream_regular": "DNS regular (mediante UDP)",
"example_upstream_dot": "cifrado <0>DNS mediante TLS</0>",
"example_upstream_doh": "cifrado <0>DNS mediante HTTPS</0>",
@ -174,6 +174,15 @@
"rule_added_to_custom_filtering_toast": "Regla añadida a las reglas de filtrado personalizado",
"query_log_response_status": "Estado: {{value}}",
"query_log_filtered": "Filtrado por {{filter}}",
"query_log_confirm_clear": "¿Está seguro de que desea borrar todo el registro de consultas?",
"query_log_cleared": "El registro de consultas se ha borrado correctamente",
"query_log_clear": "Borrar registros de consultas",
"query_log_retention": "Retención de registros de consultas",
"query_log_enable": "Habilitar registro",
"query_log_configuration": "Configuración de registros",
"query_log_disabled": "El registro de consultas está deshabilitado y se puede configurar en la <0>configuración</0>",
"query_log_strict_search": "Usar comillas dobles para una búsqueda estricta",
"query_log_retention_confirm": "¿Está seguro de que desea cambiar la retención del registro de consultas? Si disminuye el valor del intervalo, se perderán algunos datos",
"source_label": "Fuente",
"found_in_known_domain_db": "Encontrado en la base de datos de dominios conocidos.",
"category_label": "Categoría",
@ -191,6 +200,7 @@
"install_settings_dns_desc": "Deberá configurar sus dispositivos o router para usar el servidor DNS en las siguientes direcciones:",
"install_settings_all_interfaces": "Todas las interfaces",
"install_auth_title": "Autenticación",
"install_auth_desc": "Se recomienda encarecidamente configurar la autenticación por contraseña para la interfaz web de administración de AdGuard Home. Incluso si solo es accesible en su red local, es importante que esté protegido contra el acceso no autorizado.",
"install_auth_username": "Usuario",
"install_auth_password": "Contraseña",
"install_auth_confirm": "Confirmar contraseña",
@ -364,9 +374,30 @@
"domain": "Dominio",
"answer": "Respuesta",
"filter_added_successfully": "El filtro ha sido añadido correctamente",
"statistics_configuration": "Configuración de estadísticas",
"statistics_retention": "Retención de estadísticas",
"statistics_retention_desc": "Si disminuye el valor del intervalo, algunos datos estarán perdidos",
"statistics_clear": " Borrar estadísticas",
"statistics_clear": "Borrar estadísticas",
"statistics_clear_confirm": "¿Está seguro de que desea borrar las estadísticas?",
"statistics_cleared": "Estadísticas borradas correctamente"
"statistics_retention_confirm": "¿Está seguro de que desea cambiar la retención de estadísticas? Si disminuye el valor del intervalo, se perderán algunos datos",
"statistics_cleared": "Estadísticas borradas correctamente",
"interval_hours": "{{count}} hora",
"interval_hours_plural": "{{count}} horas",
"filters_configuration": "Configuración de filtros",
"filters_enable": "Habilitar filtros",
"filters_interval": "Intervalo de actualización",
"disabled": "Deshabilitado",
"username_label": "Usuario",
"username_placeholder": "Ingrese su nombre de usuario",
"password_label": "Contraseña",
"password_placeholder": "Ingrese la contraseña",
"sign_in": "Iniciar sesión",
"sign_out": "Cerrar sesión",
"forgot_password": "¿Olvidaste tu contraseña?",
"forgot_password_desc": "Por favor siga <0>estos pasos</0> para crear una nueva contraseña para su cuenta de usuario.",
"location": "Ubicación",
"orgname": "Nombre de la organización",
"netname": "Nombre de la red",
"descr": "Descripción",
"whois": "Whois"
@ -113,7 +113,6 @@
"example_comment": "! Voici comment ajouter une déscription",
"example_comment_meaning": "commentaire",
"example_comment_hash": "# Et comme ça aussi on peut laisser des commentaires",
"example_regex_meaning": "block access to the domains matching the specified regular expression",
"example_upstream_regular": "DNS classique (au-dessus de UDP)",
"example_upstream_dot": "<a href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNS_over_TLS' target='_blank'>DNS-au-dessus-de-TLS</a> chiffré",
"example_upstream_doh": "<a href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNS_over_HTTPS' target='_blank'>DNS-au-dessus-de-HTTPS</a> chiffré",
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@
"example_comment": "! Komentar di sini",
"example_comment_meaning": "hanya sebuah komentar",
"example_comment_hash": "Juga sebuah komentar",
"example_regex_meaning": "blokir akses ke domain yang cocok dengan <0>ekspresi reguler yang ditentukan</0>",
"example_regex_meaning": "blokir akses ke domain yang cocok dengan ekspresi reguler yang ditentukan",
"example_upstream_regular": "DNS reguler (melalui UDP)",
"example_upstream_dot": "terenkripsi <a href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNS_over_TLS' target='_blank'>DNS-over-TLS</a>",
"example_upstream_doh": "terenkripsi <a href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNS_over_HTTPS' target='_blank'>DNS-over-HTTPS</a>",
@ -14,6 +14,8 @@
"dhcp_disable": "Disabilita server DHCP",
"dhcp_not_found": "Nessun server DHCP attivo trovato nella rete. Puoi attivare il server DHCP built-in senza problemi.",
"dhcp_found": "Trovati server DHCP attivi nella rete. Non è consigliato attivare il server DHCP built-in",
"dhcp_leases": "Leases DHCP",
"dhcp_static_leases": "Leases DHCP statici",
"dhcp_leases_not_found": "Nessun lease DHCP trovato",
"dhcp_config_saved": "Configurazione server DHCP salvata",
"form_error_required": "Campo richiesto",
@ -21,6 +23,7 @@
"form_error_mac_format": "Formato MAC non valido",
"form_error_positive": "Deve essere maggiore di 0",
"dhcp_form_gateway_input": "IP Gateway",
"dhcp_form_subnet_input": "Subnet mask",
"dhcp_form_range_title": "Range indirizzi IP",
"dhcp_form_range_start": "Inizio range",
"dhcp_form_range_end": "Fine range",
@ -35,16 +38,26 @@
"dhcp_error": "Impossibile determinare se è presente un altro server DHCP nella rete.",
"dhcp_static_ip_error": "Pe rutilizzare un server DHCP, bisogna impostare un indirizzo IP statico. Non siamo riusciti a determinare se questa interfaccia di rete sia configurata per utilizzare un indirizzo IP statico. Per favore impostare un indirizzo IP statico manualmente.",
"dhcp_dynamic_ip_found": "Il tuo sistema utilizza indirizzi IP dinamici per questa interfaccia <0>{{interfaceName}}</0>. Per utilizzare un server DHCP bisogna impostare un indirizzo IP statico. Il tuo indirizzo attuale è <0>{{ipAddress}}</0>. Imposteremo automaticamente questo indirizzo come statico premendo il pulsante Abilita DHCP",
"dhcp_lease_added": "Lease statici \"{{key}}\" aggiunti correttamente",
"dhcp_lease_deleted": "Lease statico \"{{key}}\" eliminato correttamente",
"dhcp_new_static_lease": "Nuovo lease statico",
"dhcp_static_leases_not_found": "Non è stato trovato nessun leases statico DHCP",
"dhcp_add_static_lease": "Aggiungi lease statico",
"delete_confirm": "Sei sicuro di voler cancellare \"{{key}}\"?",
"form_enter_hostname": "Inserisci hostname",
"error_details": "Dettagli errore",
"back": "Indietro",
"dashboard": "Cruscotto",
"settings": "Impostazioni",
"filters": "Filtri",
"query_log": "Query Log",
"faq": "FAQ",
"version": "versione",
"address": "indirizzo IP",
"on": "ATTIVO",
"copyright": "Copyright",
"homepage": "Pagina iniziale",
"report_an_issue": "Segnala un problema",
"privacy_policy": "Politica sulla privacy",
"enable_protection": "Abilita protezione",
@ -53,10 +66,12 @@
"disabled_protection": "Protezione disabilitata",
"refresh_statics": "Aggiorna statistiche",
"dns_query": "Query DNS",
"blocked_by": "Bloccato dai Filtri",
"stats_malware_phishing": "Malware/phishing bloccati",
"stats_adult": "Siti per adulti bloccati",
"stats_query_domain": "Domini maggiormente richiesti",
"for_last_24_hours": "nelle ultime 24 ore",
"for_last_days": "per gli ultimi {{value}} giorni",
"for_last_days_plural": "per gli ultimi {{count}} giorni",
"no_domains_found": "Nessun dominio trovato",
"requests_count": "Numero richieste",
@ -64,6 +79,9 @@
"top_clients": "Client più utilizzati",
"no_clients_found": "Nessun client trovato",
"general_statistics": "Statistiche generali",
"number_of_dns_query_days": "Numero delle query DNS elaborate negli ultimi {{count}} giorni",
"number_of_dns_query_days_plural": "Numero delle query DNS elaborate negli ultimi {{count}} giorni",
"number_of_dns_query_24_hours": "Numero di query DNS elaborate nelle ultime 24 ore",
"number_of_dns_query_blocked_24_hours": "Numero di richieste DNS bloccate dai filtri adblock e dalle liste di host bloccati",
"number_of_dns_query_blocked_24_hours_by_sec": "Numero di richieste DNS bloccate dal modulo AdGuard browsing security",
"number_of_dns_query_blocked_24_hours_adult": "Numero di siti per adulti bloccati",
@ -138,6 +156,7 @@
"domain_name_table_header": "Nome dominio",
"type_table_header": "Tipo",
"response_table_header": "Risposta",
"client_table_header": "Client",
"empty_response_status": "Vuoto",
"show_all_filter_type": "Mostra tutti",
"show_filtered_type": "Mostra filtrati",
@ -152,6 +171,7 @@
"updated_custom_filtering_toast": "Le regole dei filtri personalizzate sono state aggiornate",
"rule_removed_from_custom_filtering_toast": "Regola rimossa dalle regole dei filtri personalizzate",
"rule_added_to_custom_filtering_toast": "Regola aggiunta alle regole dei filtri personalizzate",
"query_log_response_status": "Status: {{value}}",
"source_label": "Fonte",
"found_in_known_domain_db": "Trovato nel database dei domini conosciuti.",
"category_label": "Categoria",
@ -165,10 +185,13 @@
"install_settings_port": "Porta",
"install_settings_interface_link": "La tua interfaccia web di amministrazione di AdGuard Home sarà disponibile ai seguenti indirizzi:",
"form_error_port": "Immettere un valore di porta valido",
"install_settings_dns": "Server DNS",
"install_settings_dns_desc": "Sarà necessario configurare i dispositivi o il router per utilizzare il server DNS nei seguenti indirizzi:",
"install_settings_all_interfaces": "Tutte le interfacce",
"install_auth_title": "Autenticazione",
"install_auth_desc": "Si consiglia vivamente di configurare l'autenticazione della password per l'interfaccia web di amministrazione di AdGuard Home. Anche se è accessibile solo nella rete locale, è comunque importante proteggerlo da accessi illimitati.",
"install_auth_username": "Nome utente",
"install_auth_password": "Password",
"install_auth_confirm": "Conferma password",
"install_auth_username_enter": "Inserisci nome utente",
"install_auth_password_enter": "Inserisci password",
@ -177,6 +200,7 @@
"install_devices_desc": "Affinché AdGuard Home inizi a funzionare, è necessario configurare i dispositivi per utilizzarlo.",
"install_submit_title": "Congratulazioni!",
"install_submit_desc": "La procedura di configurazione è terminata e sei pronto per iniziare a utilizzare AdGuard Home.",
"install_devices_router": "Router",
"install_devices_router_desc": "Questa configurazione coprirà automaticamente tutti i dispositivi collegati al router di casa e non sarà necessario configurarli manualmente.",
"install_devices_address": "Il server DNS di AdGuard Home sta ascoltando sui seguenti indirizzi",
"install_devices_router_list_1": "Apri le preferenze per il tuo router. Di solito, puoi accedervi dal tuo browser tramite un URL (come o Potrebbe essere richiesto di inserire la password. Se non lo ricordi, puoi spesso reimpostare la password premendo un pulsante sul router stesso. Alcuni router richiedono un'applicazione specifica, che in quel caso dovrebbe essere già installata sul tuo computer / telefono.",
@ -254,6 +278,7 @@
"clients_desc": "Configura i dispositivi connessi ad AdGuard Home",
"settings_global": "Globale",
"settings_custom": "Personalizzato",
"table_client": "Client",
"table_name": "Nome",
"save_btn": "Salva",
"client_add": "Aggiungi Client",
@ -266,14 +291,25 @@
"form_enter_mac": "Inserisci MAC",
"form_client_name": "Inserisci nome client",
"client_global_settings": "Usa le impostazioni globali",
"client_deleted": "Client \"{{key}}\" eliminato correttamente",
"client_added": "Client \"{{key}}\" aggiunto correttamente",
"client_updated": "Client \"{{key}}\" aggiornato correttamente",
"clients_not_found": "Nessun client trovato",
"client_confirm_delete": "Sei sicuro di voler eliminare il client \"{{key}}\"?",
"filter_confirm_delete": "Sei sicuro di voler cancellare questo filtro?",
"auto_clients_title": "Clienti (tempo di esecuzione)",
"auto_clients_desc": "Dati dei clienti che utilizzano AdGuard Home, ma che non sono salvati nella configurazione",
"access_title": "Impostazioni di accesso",
"access_desc": "Qui puoi configurare le regole d'accesso per il server DNS di AdGuard Home.",
"access_allowed_title": "Client permessi",
"access_allowed_desc": "Una lista in CIDR o indirizzi IP. Se configurata AdGuard Home accetterà richieste solo da questi indirizzi ip.",
"access_disallowed_title": "Client non permessi",
"access_disallowed_desc": "Una lista in CIDR o indirizzi IP. Se configurata AdGuard Home non accetterà richieste da questi indirizzi ip.",
"access_blocked_title": "Domini bloccati",
"access_blocked_desc": "Non confondere questi elementi con i filtri. AdGuard Home eliminerà le query DNS con questi domini nell'elaborazione della query.",
"access_settings_saved": "Impostazioni di accesso salvate correttamente",
"updates_checked": "Aggiornamenti controllati con successo",
"updates_version_equal": "AdGuard Home è aggiornato",
"check_updates_now": "Controlla aggiornamenti adesso",
"dns_privacy": "Privacy DNS",
"setup_dns_privacy_1": "<0>DNS-over-TLS:</0> Utilizza la stringa <1>{{address}}</1>.",
@ -308,5 +344,16 @@
"block_services": "Blocca servizi specifici",
"blocked_services": "Servizi bloccati",
"blocked_services_desc": "Consente di bloccare rapidamente siti e servizi popolari.",
"blocked_services_saved": "Servizi bloccati salvati correttamente"
"blocked_services_saved": "Servizi bloccati salvati correttamente",
"blocked_services_global": "Utilizza le servizi globali bloccati",
"blocked_service": "Servizio bloccato",
"block_all": "Blocca tutto",
"unblock_all": "Sblocca tutto",
"stats_params": "Configurazione delle statistiche",
"config_successfully_saved": "Configurazione salvata correttamente",
"interval_24_hour": "24 ore",
"interval_days": "{{count}} giorni",
"domain": "Dominio",
"answer": "Risposta",
"filter_added_successfully": "Il filtro è stato aggiunto correttamente"
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@
"example_comment": "! ここにはコメントが入ります",
"example_comment_meaning": "ただのコメントです",
"example_comment_hash": "# ここもコメントです",
"example_regex_meaning": "<0>指定の正規表現</0>に一致するドメインへのアクセスをブロックします",
"example_regex_meaning": "指定の正規表現に一致するドメインへのアクセスをブロックします",
"example_upstream_regular": "通常のDNS(UDPでの問い合わせ)",
"example_upstream_dot": "暗号化されている <a href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNS_over_TLS' target='_blank'>DNS-over-TLS</a>",
"example_upstream_doh": "暗号化されている <a href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNS_over_HTTPS' target='_blank'>DNS-over-HTTPS</a>",
@ -141,7 +141,6 @@
"example_comment": "! 여기는 주석이 올 수 있습니다",
"example_comment_meaning": "말 그대로의 의미입니다",
"example_comment_hash": "# 이것 또한 주석입니다",
"example_regex_meaning": "<0>특정 정규 표현식</0>에 맞는 도메인 접근을 차단합니다",
"example_upstream_regular": "사용자 지정 DNS (UDP을 통한 접속)",
"example_upstream_dot": "암호화 된 <0>DNS-over-TLS</0>",
"example_upstream_doh": "암호화 된 <0>DNS-over-HTTPS</0>",
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@
"example_comment": "! Hier komt een opmerking",
"example_comment_meaning": "zomaar een opmerking",
"example_comment_hash": "# Nog een opmerking",
"example_regex_meaning": "blokkeer de toegang tot de domeinen die overeenkomen met de <0> opgegeven reguliere expressie </0>",
"example_regex_meaning": "blokkeer de toegang tot de domeinen die overeenkomen met de opgegeven reguliere expressie",
"example_upstream_regular": "standaard DNS (over UDP)",
"example_upstream_dot": "versleutelde<a href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNS_over_TLS' target='_blank'>DNS-over-TLS</a>",
"example_upstream_doh": "versleutelde<a href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNS_over_HTTPS' target='_blank'>DNS-over-HTTPS</a>",
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@
"example_comment": "! Tutaj idzie komentarz",
"example_comment_meaning": "komentarz",
"example_comment_hash": "# Również komentarz",
"example_regex_meaning": "blokuj dostęp do domen pasujących do <0>określonego wyrażenia regularnego</0>",
"example_regex_meaning": "blokuj dostęp do domen pasujących do określonego wyrażenia regularnego",
"example_upstream_regular": "normalny DNS (przez UDP)",
"example_upstream_dot": "zaszyfrowany <a href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNS_over_TLS' target='_blank'>DNS-przez-TLS</a>",
"example_upstream_doh": "zaszyfrowany <a href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNS_over_HTTPS' target='_blank'>DNS-przez-HTTPS</a>",
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@
"example_comment": "! Aqui vai um comentário",
"example_comment_meaning": "apenas um comentário",
"example_comment_hash": "# Também um comentário",
"example_regex_meaning": "bloqueia o acesso aos domínios que correspondem à <0>expressão regular especificada</0>",
"example_regex_meaning": "bloqueia o acesso aos domínios que correspondem à expressão regular especificada",
"example_upstream_regular": "DNS regular (através do UDP)",
"example_upstream_dot": "<0>DNS-sobre-TLS</0> criptografado",
"example_upstream_doh": "<0>DNS-sobre-HTTPS</0> criptografado",
@ -174,6 +174,15 @@
"rule_added_to_custom_filtering_toast": "Regra adicionada às regras de filtragem personalizadas",
"query_log_response_status": "Status: {{value}}",
"query_log_filtered": "Filtrado por {{filter}}",
"query_log_confirm_clear": "Você tem certeza que deseja limpar o registro de consulta?",
"query_log_cleared": "O registro de consulta foi limpo com sucesso",
"query_log_clear": "Limpar registros de consulta",
"query_log_retention": "Arquivamento de registros de consultas",
"query_log_enable": "Ativar registro",
"query_log_configuration": "Configuração de registros",
"query_log_disabled": "O registro de consulta está desativado e pode ser configurado em <0>configurações</0>",
"query_log_strict_search": "Use aspas duplas para uma pesquisa mais criteriosa",
"query_log_retention_confirm": "Você tem certeza de que deseja alterar o arquivamento do registro de consulta? Se diminuir o valor de intervalo, alguns dados serão perdidos",
"source_label": "Fonte",
"found_in_known_domain_db": "Encontrado no banco de dados de domínios conhecidos.",
"category_label": "Categoria",
@ -191,6 +200,7 @@
"install_settings_dns_desc": "Você precisa configurar seu dispositivo ou roteador para usar o servidor DNS nos seguintes endereços:",
"install_settings_all_interfaces": "Todas interfaces",
"install_auth_title": "Autenticação",
"install_auth_desc": "É altamente recomendável configurar a autenticação por senha na interface web de administração do AdGuard Home. Mesmo que ela seja acessível somente em sua rede local, ainda assim é importante protegê-la contra acesso irrestrito.",
"install_auth_username": "Nome de usuário",
"install_auth_password": "Senha",
"install_auth_confirm": "Confirmar senha",
@ -364,9 +374,30 @@
"domain": "Domínio",
"answer": "Resposta",
"filter_added_successfully": "O filtro foi adicionado com sucesso",
"statistics_configuration": "Configurações de estatísticas",
"statistics_retention": "Permanência das estatísticas",
"statistics_retention_desc": "Se você diminuir o valor do intervalo, alguns dados serão perdidos",
"statistics_clear": " Limpar estatísticas",
"statistics_clear_confirm": "Você tem certeza de que deseja limpar as estatísticas?",
"statistics_cleared": "As estatísticas foram limpas com sucesso"
"statistics_retention_confirm": "Você tem certeza que quer alterar o arquivamento das estatísticas? Se diminuir o valor do intervalo, alguns dados serão perdidos",
"statistics_cleared": "As estatísticas foram limpas com sucesso",
"interval_hours": "{{count}} hora",
"interval_hours_plural": "{{count}} horas",
"filters_configuration": "Configuração de filtros",
"filters_enable": "Ativar filtros",
"filters_interval": "Intervalo de atualização de filtros",
"disabled": "Desativado",
"username_label": "Nome de usuário",
"username_placeholder": "Digite o nome de usuário",
"password_label": "Senha",
"password_placeholder": "Digite a senha",
"sign_in": "Entrar",
"sign_out": "Encerrar sessão",
"forgot_password": "Esqueceu sua senha?",
"forgot_password_desc": "Por favor, siga <0>estes passos</0> para criar uma nova senha para a sua conta.",
"location": "Localização",
"orgname": "Nome da organização",
"netname": "Nome da rede",
"descr": "Descrição",
"whois": "Whois"
@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
"client_settings": "Definições do cliente",
"example_upstream_reserved": "pode especificar um DNS upstream <0>para um domínio(s) especifico</0>",
"example_upstream_reserved": "pode especificar um DNS upstream <0>para domínio(s) especifico(s)</0>",
"upstream_parallel": "Usar consultas paralelas para acelerar a resolução consultando simultaneamente todos os servidores upstream",
"bootstrap_dns": "Servidores DNS de inicialização",
"bootstrap_dns_desc": "Servidores DNS de inicialização são usados para resolver endereços IP dos resolvedores DoH/DoT que especifica como upstreams.",
"check_dhcp_servers": "Verificar por servidores DHCP",
"save_config": "Guardar config",
"save_config": "Guardar configuração",
"enabled_dhcp": "Servidor DHCP activado",
"disabled_dhcp": "Servidor DHCP desactivado",
"dhcp_title": "Servidor DHCP (experimental)",
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@
"example_comment": "! Aqui vai um comentário",
"example_comment_meaning": "apenas um comentário",
"example_comment_hash": "# Também um comentário",
"example_regex_meaning": "bloqueia o acesso aos domínios que correspondem à <0>expressão regular especificada</0>",
"example_regex_meaning": "bloquear o acesso aos domínios que correspondam à expressão regular especificada",
"example_upstream_regular": "dNS regular (através do UDP)",
"example_upstream_dot": "<0>DNS-sobre-TLS</0> criptografado",
"example_upstream_doh": "<0>DNS-sobre-HTTPS</0> criptografado",
@ -200,6 +200,7 @@
"install_settings_dns_desc": "Precisa de configurar o seu dispositivo ou router para usar o servidor DNS nos seguintes endereços:",
"install_settings_all_interfaces": "Todas as interfaces",
"install_auth_title": "Autenticação",
"install_auth_desc": "É altamente recomendável configurar a autenticação por palavra-passe para a sua interface web de administrador do AdGuard Home. Mesmo que seja acessível apenas na sua rede local, ainda assim é importante protegê-lo contra o acesso irrestrito.",
"install_auth_username": "Nome do utilizador",
"install_auth_password": "Palavra-passe",
"install_auth_confirm": "Confirmar palavra-passe",
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
"dhcp_warning": "Если вы все равно хотите включить DHCP-сервер, убедитесь, что в сети больше нет активных DHCP-серверов. Иначе это может сломать доступ в сеть для подключенных устройств!",
"dhcp_error": "Мы не смогли определить присутствие других DHCP-серверов в сети.",
"dhcp_static_ip_error": "Для того, чтобы использовать DHCP-сервер, должен быть установлен статический IP-адрес. Мы не смогли определить, использует ли этот сетевой интерфейс статический IP-адрес. Пожалуйста, установите его вручную.",
"dhcp_dynamic_ip_found": "Ваша система использует динамический IP-адрес для интерфейса <0>{{interfaceName}}</0>. Чтобы использовать DHCP-сервер необходимо установить статический IP-адрес. Ваш текущий IP-адрес - <0>{{ipAddress}}</0>. Мы автоматически установим его как статический ессли вы нажмете кнопку Включить DHCP.",
"dhcp_dynamic_ip_found": "Ваша система использует динамический IP-адрес для интерфейса <0>{{interfaceName}}</0>. Чтобы использовать DHCP-сервер необходимо установить статический IP-адрес. Ваш текущий IP-адрес – <0>{{ipAddress}}</0>. Мы автоматически установим его как статический, если вы нажмете кнопку Включить DHCP.",
"dhcp_lease_added": "Статическая аренда \"{{key}}\" успешно добавлена",
"dhcp_lease_deleted": "Статическая аренда \"{{key}}\" успешно удалена",
"dhcp_new_static_lease": "Новая статическая аренда",
@ -140,7 +140,7 @@
"example_regex_meaning": "блокирует доступ к доменам, соответствующим <0>заданному регулярному выражению</0>",
"example_upstream_regular": "обычный DNS (поверх UDP)",
"example_upstream_dot": "зашифрованный <a href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNS_over_TLS' target='_blank'>DNS-поверх-TLS</a>",
"example_upstream_doh": "зашифрованный <a href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNS_over_HTTPS' target='_blank'>DNS-поверх-HTTPS</a>",
"example_upstream_doh": "зашифрованный <a href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNS_over_HTTPS' target='_blank'>DNS-over-HTTPS</a>",
"example_upstream_sdns": "вы можете использовать <a href='https://dnscrypt.info/stamps/' target='_blank'>DNS Stamps</a> для <a href='https://dnscrypt.info/' target='_blank'>DNSCrypt</a> или <a href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNS_over_HTTPS' target='_blank'>DNS-over-HTTPS</a> резолверов",
"example_upstream_tcp": "обычный DNS (поверх TCP)",
"all_filters_up_to_date_toast": "Все фильтры обновлены",
@ -186,7 +186,7 @@
"filter_label": "Фильтр",
"unknown_filter": "Неизвестный фильтр {{filterId}}",
"install_welcome_title": "Добро пожаловать в AdGuard Home!",
"install_welcome_desc": "AdGuard Home - это DNS-сервер, блокирующий рекламу и трекинг. Его цель - дать вам возможность контролировать всю вашу сеть и все подключенные устройства. Он не требует установки клиентских программ.",
"install_welcome_desc": "AdGuard Home – это DNS-сервер, блокирующий рекламу и трекинг. Его цель – дать вам возможность контролировать всю вашу сеть и все подключенные устройства. Он не требует установки клиентских программ.",
"install_settings_title": "Веб-интерфейс администрирования",
"install_settings_listen": "Сетевой интерфейс",
"install_settings_port": "Порт",
@ -268,7 +268,7 @@
"topline_expiring_certificate": "Ваш SSL-сертификат скоро истекает. Обновите <0>Настройки шифрования</0>.",
"topline_expired_certificate": "Ваш SSL-сертификат истек. Обновите <0>Настройки шифрования</0>.",
"form_error_port_range": "Введите значение порта из интервала 80-65535",
"form_error_port_unsafe": "Это - небезопасный порт",
"form_error_port_unsafe": "Это небезопасный порт",
"form_error_equal": "Не должны быть равны",
"form_error_password": "Пароли не совпадают",
"reset_settings": "Сбросить настройки",
@ -403,5 +403,6 @@
"for_last_days_2": "за последние {{count}} дней",
"number_of_dns_query_days_0": "Количество DNS-запросов за {{count}} день",
"number_of_dns_query_days_1": "Количество DNS-запросов за {{count}} дня",
"number_of_dns_query_days_2": "Количество DNS-запросов за {{count}} дней"
"number_of_dns_query_days_2": "Количество DNS-запросов за {{count}} дней",
"filtering_rules_learn_more": "<0>Узнайте больше</0> о создании собственных списков блокировки хостов."
@ -66,31 +66,31 @@
"disabled_protection": "Zaščita je onemogočena",
"refresh_statics": "Osveži statistiko",
"dns_query": "Poizvedbe DNS",
"blocked_by": "Blokirano s filtri",
"stats_malware_phishing": "Blokirano zlonamernih programov/lažnih predstavljanj",
"stats_adult": "Blokirano spletnih strani za odrasle",
"blocked_by": "Onemogočeno s filtri",
"stats_malware_phishing": "Onemogočeno zlonamernih programov/lažnih predstavljanj",
"stats_adult": "Onemogočeno spletnih strani za odrasle",
"stats_query_domain": "Najbolj poizvedovane domene",
"for_last_24_hours": "v zadnjih 24 urah",
"for_last_days": "zadnjega {{count}} dne",
"for_last_days_plural": "zadnjih {{count}} dni",
"no_domains_found": "Ni najdenih domen",
"requests_count": "Štavilo zahtev",
"top_blocked_domains": "Najbolj blokirane domene",
"top_blocked_domains": "Najbolj zavirane domene",
"top_clients": "Najpogostejši odjemalci",
"no_clients_found": "Ni najdenih odjemalcev",
"general_statistics": "Splošna statistika",
"number_of_dns_query_days": "Število poizvedb DNS, obdelanih zadnji {{count}} dan",
"number_of_dns_query_days_plural": "Število poizvedb DNS, obdelanih zadnjih {{count}} dni",
"number_of_dns_query_24_hours": "Število opravljenih DNS poizvedb v zadnjih 24 urah",
"number_of_dns_query_blocked_24_hours": "Število zahtev DNS, ki so blokirane s filtri oglasov, in seznami blokiranja gostiteljev",
"number_of_dns_query_blocked_24_hours_by_sec": "Število zahtev DNS, ki jih je blokiral AdGuardov modul varnosti brskanja",
"number_of_dns_query_blocked_24_hours_adult": "Število blokiranih spletnih strani za odrasle",
"number_of_dns_query_blocked_24_hours": "Število onemogočenih zahtev DNS s filtri oglasov, in seznami zaviranja gostiteljev",
"number_of_dns_query_blocked_24_hours_by_sec": "Število onemogočenih zahtev DNS z AdGuardovim modulom varnosti brskanja",
"number_of_dns_query_blocked_24_hours_adult": "Število onemogočenih spletnih strani za odrasle",
"enforced_save_search": "Prisilno varno iskanje",
"number_of_dns_query_to_safe_search": "Število zahtev DNS za iskalnike, ki jim je bilo vsiljeno varno iskanje",
"average_processing_time": "Povprečni čas obdelave",
"average_processing_time_hint": "Povprečni čas v milisekundah pri obdelavi zahteve DNS",
"block_domain_use_filters_and_hosts": "Blokiraj domene s filtri in gostiteljskimi datotekami",
"filters_block_toggle_hint": "Pravila blokiranja lahko nastavite v nastavitvah <a href='#filters'>Filtri</a>.",
"block_domain_use_filters_and_hosts": "Onemogoči domene s filtri in gostiteljskimi datotekami",
"filters_block_toggle_hint": "Pravila zaviranja lahko nastavite v nastavitvah <a href='#filters'>Filtri</a>.",
"use_adguard_browsing_sec": "Uporabi AdGuardovo spletno storitev 'Varnost brskanja'",
"use_adguard_browsing_sec_hint": "AdGuard Home bo preveril s spletno storitivijo 'Varnost brskanja', ali je domena na seznamu nedovoljenih. Za preverjanje bo uporabila za zasebnost prijazno API povezavo: strežniku se pošlje le kratka predpona imena domene SHA256 hash.",
"use_adguard_parental": "Uporabi AdGuardovo spletno storitev 'Starševski nadzor'",
@ -122,8 +122,8 @@
"actions_table_header": "Akcij",
"edit_table_action": "Uredi",
"delete_table_action": "Izbriši",
"filters_and_hosts": "Filtri in seznami blokiranj gostiteljev",
"filters_and_hosts_hint": "AdGuard Home razume osnovna pravila blokiranja oglasov in sintakso datotek gostiteljev.",
"filters_and_hosts": "Filtri in seznami zaviranja gostiteljev",
"filters_and_hosts_hint": "AdGuard Home razume osnovna pravila zaviranja oglasov in sintakso datotek gostiteljev.",
"no_filters_added": "Ni dodanih filtrov",
"add_filter_btn": "Dodaj filter",
"cancel_btn": "Prekliči",
@ -133,15 +133,14 @@
"new_filter_btn": "Nova naročnina filtra",
"enter_valid_filter_url": "Vnesite veljaven URL za naročnino filtra ali datoteko gostiteljev.",
"custom_filter_rules": "Pravila filtriranja po meri",
"custom_filter_rules_hint": "V vrstico vnesite eno pravilo. Uporabite lahko pravila blokiranja oglasov ali sintakso gostiteljskih datotek.",
"custom_filter_rules_hint": "V vrstico vnesite eno pravilo. Uporabite lahko pravila zaviranja oglasov ali sintakso gostiteljskih datotek.",
"examples_title": "Primeri",
"example_meaning_filter_block": "blokira dostop do domene example.org in vseh njenih poddomen",
"example_meaning_filter_whitelist": "odblokira dostop do domene example.org in vseh njenih poddomen",
"example_meaning_filter_block": "onemogoči dostop do domene example.org in vseh njenih poddomen",
"example_meaning_filter_whitelist": "omogoči dostop do domene example.org in vseh njenih poddomen",
"example_meaning_host_block": "AdGuard Home bo zdaj vrnil naslov za domeno example.org (ne pa tudi njunih poddomen).",
"example_comment": "! Tukaj je komentar",
"example_comment_meaning": "samo komentar",
"example_comment_hash": "# Tudi komentar",
"example_regex_meaning": "blokira dostop do domen, ki se ujemajo z <0>določenim regularnemim izrazom</0>",
"example_upstream_regular": "redni DNS (nad UDP)",
"example_upstream_dot": "šifriran <0>DNS-prek-TLS</0>",
"example_upstream_doh": "šifriran <0>DNS-prek-HTTPS</0>",
@ -151,8 +150,8 @@
"updated_upstream_dns_toast": "Posodobljeni Zagonske strežnike DNS",
"dns_test_ok_toast": "Navedeni strežniki DNS delujejo pravilno",
"dns_test_not_ok_toast": "Ni mogoče uporabiti: strežnika \"{{key}}\". Preverite, ali ste ga pravilno napisali",
"unblock_btn": "Odblokiraj",
"block_btn": "Blokiraj",
"unblock_btn": "Omogoči",
"block_btn": "Onemogoči",
"time_table_header": "Čas",
"domain_name_table_header": "Ime domene",
"type_table_header": "Vrsta",
@ -190,7 +189,7 @@
"filter_label": "Filter",
"unknown_filter": "Neznan filter {{filterId}}",
"install_welcome_title": "Dobrodošli v AdGuard Home!",
"install_welcome_desc": "AdGuard Home je omrežni DNS strežnik, ki blokira celotno omrežje. Njegov namen je, da vam omogoči nadzor nad celotnim omrežjem in vsemi vašimi napravami in ne zahteva uporabe odjemalskega programa.\n \n ",
"install_welcome_desc": "AdGuard Home je omrežni strežnik DNS, ki zavira oglase in sledilce v celotnem omrežju. Njegov namen je omogočanje nadzora nad celotnim omrežjem in vsemi vašimi napravami in ne zahteva uporabo odjemalskega programa.",
"install_settings_title": "Skrbniški spletni vmesnik",
"install_settings_listen": "Poslušaj vmesnik",
"install_settings_port": "Vrata",
@ -316,7 +315,7 @@
"access_allowed_desc": "Seznam naslovov CIDR ali IP. Če je konfiguriran, bo AdGuard Home sprejel zahteve samo od teh teh IP naslovov.",
"access_disallowed_title": "Zavrnjeni odjemalci",
"access_disallowed_desc": "Seznam naslovov CIDR ali IP. Če je konfiguriran, bo AdGuard Home spustil zahteve iz teh IP naslovov.",
"access_blocked_title": "Blokirane domene",
"access_blocked_title": "Zavirane domene",
"access_blocked_desc": "Tega ne zamenjujte s filtri. AdGuard Home bo v spustil poizvedbe DNS s temi domenamiv vprašanju poizvedbe.",
"access_settings_saved": "Nastavitve dostopa so uspešno shranjene",
"updates_checked": "Posodobitve so uspešno preverjene",
@ -57,6 +57,7 @@
"disabled_protection": "Kopplade bort skydd",
"refresh_statics": "Uppdatera statistik",
"dns_query": "DNS-förfrågningar",
"blocked_by": "<0>Blockerat av filter</0>",
"stats_malware_phishing": "Blockerad skadekod/phising",
"stats_adult": "Blockerade vuxensajter",
"stats_query_domain": "Mest eftersökta domäner",
@ -171,6 +172,7 @@
"install_settings_dns_desc": "Du behöver ställa in dina enheter eller din router för att använda DNS-server på följande adresser.",
"install_settings_all_interfaces": "Alla gränssnitt",
"install_auth_title": "Autentisering",
"install_auth_desc": "Det rekommenderas starkt att ställa in lösenordsskydd till webbgränssnittets administrativa del i ditt AdGuard Home. Även om den endast är åtkomlig på ditt lokala nätverk rekommenderas det ändå att skydda det mot oönskad åtkomst.",
"install_auth_username": "Användarnamn",
"install_auth_password": "Lösenord",
"install_auth_confirm": "Bekräfta lösenord",
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@
"filter_url_table_header": "過濾器網址",
"rules_count_table_header": "規則總數",
"last_time_updated_table_header": "最近的更新時間",
"actions_table_header": "行動",
"actions_table_header": "動作",
"edit_table_action": "編輯",
"delete_table_action": "刪除",
"filters_and_hosts": "過濾器和主機封鎖清單",
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@
"example_comment": "! 看,一個註解",
"example_comment_meaning": "只是一個註解",
"example_comment_hash": "# 也是一個註解",
"example_regex_meaning": "封鎖至與<0>已明確指定的規則運算式</0>(Regular Expression)相符的網域之存取",
"example_regex_meaning": "封鎖至與該已明確指定的規則運算式(Regular Expression)相符的網域之存取",
"example_upstream_regular": "一般的 DNS(透過 UDP)",
"example_upstream_dot": "加密的 <0>DNS-over-TLS</0>",
"example_upstream_doh": "加密的 <0>DNS-over-HTTPS</0>",
@ -277,7 +277,7 @@
"form_error_password": "不相符的密碼",
"reset_settings": "重置設定",
"update_announcement": "AdGuard Home {{version}} 現為可用的!關於更多的資訊,<0>點擊這裡</0>。",
"setup_guide": "安裝指南",
"setup_guide": "設置指南",
"dns_addresses": "DNS 位址",
"down": "停止運作的",
"fix": "修復",
@ -39,40 +39,47 @@ class UserRules extends Component {
<ol className="leading-loose">
<code>||example.org^</code> – {t('example_meaning_filter_block')}
<code>||example.org^</code> –
<code> @@||example.org^</code> – {t('example_meaning_filter_whitelist')}
<code> @@||example.org^</code> –
<code> example.org</code> – {t('example_meaning_host_block')}
<code> example.org</code> –
<code>{t('example_comment')}</code> – {t('example_comment_meaning')}
<code><Trans>example_comment</Trans></code> –
<code>{t('example_comment_hash')}</code> –
<code><Trans>example_comment_hash</Trans></code> –
<code>/REGEX/</code> –
rel="noopener noreferrer"
<p className="mt-1">
rel="noopener noreferrer"
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