diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index 4bf94940..33baeb22 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -143,6 +143,8 @@ In this release, the schema version has changed from 20 to 23.
 ### Fixed
+- Using of `/etc/hosts` file to resolve the hostnames of upstream DNS servers
+  ([#5902]).
 - Excessive error logging when using DNS-over-QUIC ([#5285]).
 - Cannot set `bind_host` in AdGuardHome.yaml (docker version)([#4231], [#4235]).
 - The blocklists can now be deleted properly ([#5700]).
@@ -157,6 +159,7 @@ In this release, the schema version has changed from 20 to 23.
 [#4235]: https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome/pull/4235
 [#5285]: https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome/issues/5285
 [#5700]: https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome/issues/5700
+[#5902]: https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome/issues/5902
 [#5910]: https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome/issues/5910
 [#5913]: https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome/issues/5913
diff --git a/internal/aghnet/hostscontainer.go b/internal/aghnet/hostscontainer.go
index 2f4f20b8..2fecbc6f 100644
--- a/internal/aghnet/hostscontainer.go
+++ b/internal/aghnet/hostscontainer.go
@@ -56,15 +56,20 @@ func (rm *requestMatcher) MatchRequest(
 ) (res *urlfilter.DNSResult, ok bool) {
 	switch req.DNSType {
 	case dns.TypeA, dns.TypeAAAA, dns.TypePTR:
-		log.Debug("%s: handling the request for %s", hostsContainerPrefix, req.Hostname)
+		log.Debug(
+			"%s: handling %s request for %s",
+			hostsContainerPrefix,
+			dns.Type(req.DNSType),
+			req.Hostname,
+		)
+		rm.stateLock.RLock()
+		defer rm.stateLock.RUnlock()
+		return rm.engine.MatchRequest(req)
 		return nil, false
-	rm.stateLock.RLock()
-	defer rm.stateLock.RUnlock()
-	return rm.engine.MatchRequest(req)
 // Translate returns the source hosts-syntax rule for the generated dnsrewrite
@@ -96,6 +101,8 @@ const hostsContainerPrefix = "hosts container"
 // HostsContainer stores the relevant hosts database provided by the OS and
 // processes both A/AAAA and PTR DNS requests for those.
+// TODO(e.burkov):  Improve API and move to golibs.
 type HostsContainer struct {
 	// requestMatcher matches the requests and translates the rules.  It's
 	// embedded to implement MatchRequest and Translate for *HostsContainer.
diff --git a/internal/dnsforward/config.go b/internal/dnsforward/config.go
index 994b91e9..aa3f4808 100644
--- a/internal/dnsforward/config.go
+++ b/internal/dnsforward/config.go
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ import (
-	"github.com/AdguardTeam/dnsproxy/upstream"
@@ -436,102 +435,6 @@ func (s *Server) initDefaultSettings() {
-// UpstreamHTTPVersions returns the HTTP versions for upstream configuration
-// depending on configuration.
-func UpstreamHTTPVersions(http3 bool) (v []upstream.HTTPVersion) {
-	if !http3 {
-		return upstream.DefaultHTTPVersions
-	}
-	return []upstream.HTTPVersion{
-		upstream.HTTPVersion3,
-		upstream.HTTPVersion2,
-		upstream.HTTPVersion11,
-	}
-// prepareUpstreamSettings - prepares upstream DNS server settings
-func (s *Server) prepareUpstreamSettings() error {
-	// We're setting a customized set of RootCAs.  The reason is that Go default
-	// mechanism of loading TLS roots does not always work properly on some
-	// routers so we're loading roots manually and pass it here.
-	//
-	// See [aghtls.SystemRootCAs].
-	upstream.RootCAs = s.conf.TLSv12Roots
-	upstream.CipherSuites = s.conf.TLSCiphers
-	// Load upstreams either from the file, or from the settings
-	var upstreams []string
-	if s.conf.UpstreamDNSFileName != "" {
-		data, err := os.ReadFile(s.conf.UpstreamDNSFileName)
-		if err != nil {
-			return fmt.Errorf("reading upstream from file: %w", err)
-		}
-		upstreams = stringutil.SplitTrimmed(string(data), "\n")
-		log.Debug("dns: using %d upstream servers from file %s", len(upstreams), s.conf.UpstreamDNSFileName)
-	} else {
-		upstreams = s.conf.UpstreamDNS
-	}
-	httpVersions := UpstreamHTTPVersions(s.conf.UseHTTP3Upstreams)
-	upstreams = stringutil.FilterOut(upstreams, IsCommentOrEmpty)
-	upstreamConfig, err := proxy.ParseUpstreamsConfig(
-		upstreams,
-		&upstream.Options{
-			Bootstrap:    s.conf.BootstrapDNS,
-			Timeout:      s.conf.UpstreamTimeout,
-			HTTPVersions: httpVersions,
-			PreferIPv6:   s.conf.BootstrapPreferIPv6,
-		},
-	)
-	if err != nil {
-		return fmt.Errorf("parsing upstream config: %w", err)
-	}
-	if len(upstreamConfig.Upstreams) == 0 {
-		log.Info("warning: no default upstream servers specified, using %v", defaultDNS)
-		var uc *proxy.UpstreamConfig
-		uc, err = proxy.ParseUpstreamsConfig(
-			defaultDNS,
-			&upstream.Options{
-				Bootstrap:    s.conf.BootstrapDNS,
-				Timeout:      s.conf.UpstreamTimeout,
-				HTTPVersions: httpVersions,
-				PreferIPv6:   s.conf.BootstrapPreferIPv6,
-			},
-		)
-		if err != nil {
-			return fmt.Errorf("parsing default upstreams: %w", err)
-		}
-		upstreamConfig.Upstreams = uc.Upstreams
-	}
-	s.conf.UpstreamConfig = upstreamConfig
-	return nil
-// setProxyUpstreamMode sets the upstream mode and related settings in conf
-// based on provided parameters.
-func setProxyUpstreamMode(
-	conf *proxy.Config,
-	allServers bool,
-	fastestAddr bool,
-	fastestTimeout time.Duration,
-) {
-	if allServers {
-		conf.UpstreamMode = proxy.UModeParallel
-	} else if fastestAddr {
-		conf.UpstreamMode = proxy.UModeFastestAddr
-		conf.FastestPingTimeout = fastestTimeout
-	} else {
-		conf.UpstreamMode = proxy.UModeLoadBalance
-	}
 // prepareIpsetListSettings reads and prepares the ipset configuration either
 // from a file or from the data in the configuration file.
 func (s *Server) prepareIpsetListSettings() (err error) {
diff --git a/internal/dnsforward/dnsforward.go b/internal/dnsforward/dnsforward.go
index 34f01884..a3f9fa73 100644
--- a/internal/dnsforward/dnsforward.go
+++ b/internal/dnsforward/dnsforward.go
@@ -466,19 +466,15 @@ func (s *Server) setupResolvers(localAddrs []string) (err error) {
 	log.Debug("dnsforward: upstreams to resolve ptr for local addresses: %v", localAddrs)
-	var upsConfig *proxy.UpstreamConfig
-	upsConfig, err = proxy.ParseUpstreamsConfig(
-		localAddrs,
-		&upstream.Options{
-			Bootstrap: bootstraps,
-			Timeout:   defaultLocalTimeout,
-			// TODO(e.burkov): Should we verify server's certificates?
+	upsConfig, err := s.prepareUpstreamConfig(localAddrs, nil, &upstream.Options{
+		Bootstrap: bootstraps,
+		Timeout:   defaultLocalTimeout,
+		// TODO(e.burkov): Should we verify server's certificates?
-			PreferIPv6: s.conf.BootstrapPreferIPv6,
-		},
-	)
+		PreferIPv6: s.conf.BootstrapPreferIPv6,
+	})
 	if err != nil {
-		return fmt.Errorf("parsing upstreams: %w", err)
+		return fmt.Errorf("parsing private upstreams: %w", err)
 	s.localResolvers = &proxy.Proxy{
@@ -510,7 +506,8 @@ func (s *Server) Prepare(conf *ServerConfig) (err error) {
 	err = s.prepareUpstreamSettings()
 	if err != nil {
-		return fmt.Errorf("preparing upstream settings: %w", err)
+		// Don't wrap the error, because it's informative enough as is.
+		return err
 	var proxyConfig proxy.Config
diff --git a/internal/dnsforward/http.go b/internal/dnsforward/http.go
index 3cf28e4b..e95459c7 100644
--- a/internal/dnsforward/http.go
+++ b/internal/dnsforward/http.go
@@ -633,61 +633,70 @@ func (err domainSpecificTestError) Error() (msg string) {
 	return fmt.Sprintf("WARNING: %s", err.error)
-// checkDNS checks the upstream server defined by upstreamConfigStr using
-// healthCheck for actually exchange messages.  It uses bootstrap to resolve the
-// upstream's address.
-func checkDNS(
-	upstreamConfigStr string,
-	bootstrap []string,
-	bootstrapPrefIPv6 bool,
-	timeout time.Duration,
-	healthCheck healthCheckFunc,
-) (err error) {
-	if IsCommentOrEmpty(upstreamConfigStr) {
-		return nil
+// parseUpstreamLine parses line and creates the [upstream.Upstream] using opts
+// and information from [s.dnsFilter.EtcHosts].  It returns an error if the line
+// is not a valid upstream line, see [upstream.AddressToUpstream].  It's a
+// caller's responsibility to close u.
+func (s *Server) parseUpstreamLine(
+	line string,
+	opts *upstream.Options,
+) (u upstream.Upstream, specific bool, err error) {
+	// Separate upstream from domains list.
+	upstreamAddr, domains, err := separateUpstream(line)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, false, fmt.Errorf("wrong upstream format: %w", err)
-	// Separate upstream from domains list.
-	upstreamAddr, domains, err := separateUpstream(upstreamConfigStr)
-	if err != nil {
-		return fmt.Errorf("wrong upstream format: %w", err)
-	}
+	specific = len(domains) > 0
 	useDefault, err := validateUpstream(upstreamAddr, domains)
 	if err != nil {
-		return fmt.Errorf("wrong upstream format: %w", err)
+		return nil, specific, fmt.Errorf("wrong upstream format: %w", err)
 	} else if useDefault {
-		return nil
-	}
-	if len(bootstrap) == 0 {
-		bootstrap = defaultBootstrap
+		return nil, specific, nil
 	log.Debug("dnsforward: checking if upstream %q works", upstreamAddr)
-	u, err := upstream.AddressToUpstream(upstreamAddr, &upstream.Options{
-		Bootstrap:  bootstrap,
-		Timeout:    timeout,
-		PreferIPv6: bootstrapPrefIPv6,
-	})
+	opts = &upstream.Options{
+		Bootstrap:  opts.Bootstrap,
+		Timeout:    opts.Timeout,
+		PreferIPv6: opts.PreferIPv6,
+	}
+	if s.dnsFilter != nil && s.dnsFilter.EtcHosts != nil {
+		resolved := s.resolveUpstreamHost(extractUpstreamHost(upstreamAddr))
+		sortNetIPAddrs(resolved, opts.PreferIPv6)
+		opts.ServerIPAddrs = resolved
+	}
+	u, err = upstream.AddressToUpstream(upstreamAddr, opts)
 	if err != nil {
-		return fmt.Errorf("failed to choose upstream for %q: %w", upstreamAddr, err)
+		return nil, specific, fmt.Errorf("creating upstream for %q: %w", upstreamAddr, err)
+	}
+	return u, specific, nil
+func (s *Server) checkDNS(line string, opts *upstream.Options, check healthCheckFunc) (err error) {
+	if IsCommentOrEmpty(line) {
+		return nil
+	}
+	var u upstream.Upstream
+	var specific bool
+	defer func() {
+		if err != nil && specific {
+			err = domainSpecificTestError{error: err}
+		}
+	}()
+	u, specific, err = s.parseUpstreamLine(line, opts)
+	if err != nil || u == nil {
+		return err
 	defer func() { err = errors.WithDeferred(err, u.Close()) }()
-	if err = healthCheck(u); err != nil {
-		err = fmt.Errorf("upstream %q fails to exchange: %w", upstreamAddr, err)
-		if domains != nil {
-			return domainSpecificTestError{error: err}
-		}
-		return err
-	}
-	log.Debug("dnsforward: upstream %q is ok", upstreamAddr)
-	return nil
+	return check(u)
 func (s *Server) handleTestUpstreamDNS(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
@@ -699,47 +708,54 @@ func (s *Server) handleTestUpstreamDNS(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
-	result := map[string]string{}
-	bootstraps := req.BootstrapDNS
-	bootstrapPrefIPv6 := s.conf.BootstrapPreferIPv6
-	timeout := s.conf.UpstreamTimeout
+	opts := &upstream.Options{
+		Bootstrap:  req.BootstrapDNS,
+		Timeout:    s.conf.UpstreamTimeout,
+		PreferIPv6: s.conf.BootstrapPreferIPv6,
+	}
+	if len(opts.Bootstrap) == 0 {
+		opts.Bootstrap = defaultBootstrap
+	}
 	type upsCheckResult = struct {
-		res  string
+		err  error
 		host string
+	req.Upstreams = stringutil.FilterOut(req.Upstreams, IsCommentOrEmpty)
+	req.PrivateUpstreams = stringutil.FilterOut(req.PrivateUpstreams, IsCommentOrEmpty)
 	upsNum := len(req.Upstreams) + len(req.PrivateUpstreams)
+	result := make(map[string]string, upsNum)
 	resCh := make(chan upsCheckResult, upsNum)
-	checkUps := func(ups string, healthCheck healthCheckFunc) {
-		res := upsCheckResult{
-			host: ups,
-		}
-		defer func() { resCh <- res }()
-		checkErr := checkDNS(ups, bootstraps, bootstrapPrefIPv6, timeout, healthCheck)
-		if checkErr != nil {
-			res.res = checkErr.Error()
-		} else {
-			res.res = "OK"
-		}
-	}
 	for _, ups := range req.Upstreams {
-		go checkUps(ups, checkDNSUpstreamExc)
+		go func(ups string) {
+			resCh <- upsCheckResult{
+				host: ups,
+				err:  s.checkDNS(ups, opts, checkDNSUpstreamExc),
+			}
+		}(ups)
 	for _, ups := range req.PrivateUpstreams {
-		go checkUps(ups, checkPrivateUpstreamExc)
+		go func(ups string) {
+			resCh <- upsCheckResult{
+				host: ups,
+				err:  s.checkDNS(ups, opts, checkPrivateUpstreamExc),
+			}
+		}(ups)
 	for i := 0; i < upsNum; i++ {
-		pair := <-resCh
 		// TODO(e.burkov):  The upstreams used for both common and private
 		// resolving should be reported separately.
-		result[pair.host] = pair.res
+		pair := <-resCh
+		if pair.err != nil {
+			result[pair.host] = pair.err.Error()
+		} else {
+			result[pair.host] = "OK"
+		}
-	close(resCh)
 	_ = aghhttp.WriteJSONResponse(w, r, result)
diff --git a/internal/dnsforward/http_test.go b/internal/dnsforward/http_test.go
index c9846ae4..38d8a766 100644
--- a/internal/dnsforward/http_test.go
+++ b/internal/dnsforward/http_test.go
@@ -13,10 +13,12 @@ import (
+	"testing/fstest"
+	"github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome/internal/aghtest"
@@ -280,6 +282,10 @@ func TestIsCommentOrEmpty(t *testing.T) {
 func TestValidateUpstreams(t *testing.T) {
+	const sdnsStamp = `sdns://AQMAAAAAAAAAFDE3Ni4xMDMuMTMwLjEzMDo1NDQzINErR_J` +
+		`S3PLCu_iZEIbq95zkSV2LFsigxDIuUso_OQhzIjIuZG5zY3J5cHQuZGVmYXVsdC5uczE` +
+		`uYWRndWFyZC5jb20`
 	testCases := []struct {
 		name    string
 		wantErr string
@@ -300,7 +306,7 @@ func TestValidateUpstreams(t *testing.T) {
-			"[/host/]sdns://AQMAAAAAAAAAFDE3Ni4xMDMuMTMwLjEzMDo1NDQzINErR_JS3PLCu_iZEIbq95zkSV2LFsigxDIuUso_OQhzIjIuZG5zY3J5cHQuZGVmYXVsdC5uczEuYWRndWFyZC5jb20",
+			"[/host/]" + sdnsStamp,
 	}, {
 		name:    "with_default",
@@ -310,7 +316,7 @@ func TestValidateUpstreams(t *testing.T) {
-			"[/host/]sdns://AQMAAAAAAAAAFDE3Ni4xMDMuMTMwLjEzMDo1NDQzINErR_JS3PLCu_iZEIbq95zkSV2LFsigxDIuUso_OQhzIjIuZG5zY3J5cHQuZGVmYXVsdC5uczEuYWRndWFyZC5jb20",
+			"[/host/]" + sdnsStamp,
 	}, {
@@ -326,9 +332,10 @@ func TestValidateUpstreams(t *testing.T) {
 		wantErr: `validating upstream "123.3.7m": not an ip:port`,
 		set:     []string{"123.3.7m"},
 	}, {
-		name:    "invalid",
-		wantErr: `bad upstream for domain "[/host.com]tls://dns.adguard.com": missing separator`,
-		set:     []string{"[/host.com]tls://dns.adguard.com"},
+		name: "invalid",
+		wantErr: `bad upstream for domain "[/host.com]tls://dns.adguard.com": ` +
+			`missing separator`,
+		set: []string{"[/host.com]tls://dns.adguard.com"},
 	}, {
 		name:    "invalid",
 		wantErr: `validating upstream "[host.ru]#": not an ip:port`,
@@ -340,14 +347,14 @@ func TestValidateUpstreams(t *testing.T) {
+			sdnsStamp,
-			"[/host/]sdns://AQMAAAAAAAAAFDE3Ni4xMDMuMTMwLjEzMDo1NDQzINErR_JS3PLCu_iZEIbq95zkSV2LFsigxDIuUso_OQhzIjIuZG5zY3J5cHQuZGVmYXVsdC5uczEuYWRndWFyZC5jb20",
+			"[/host/]" + sdnsStamp,
 	}, {
@@ -418,27 +425,28 @@ func TestValidateUpstreamsPrivate(t *testing.T) {
-func newLocalUpstreamListener(t *testing.T, port int, handler dns.Handler) (real net.Addr) {
+func newLocalUpstreamListener(t *testing.T, port uint16, handler dns.Handler) (real netip.AddrPort) {
+	t.Helper()
 	startCh := make(chan struct{})
 	upsSrv := &dns.Server{
-		Addr:              netip.AddrPortFrom(netutil.IPv4Localhost(), uint16(port)).String(),
+		Addr:              netip.AddrPortFrom(netutil.IPv4Localhost(), port).String(),
 		Net:               "tcp",
 		Handler:           handler,
 		NotifyStartedFunc: func() { close(startCh) },
 	go func() {
-		t := testutil.PanicT{}
 		err := upsSrv.ListenAndServe()
-		require.NoError(t, err)
+		require.NoError(testutil.PanicT{}, err)
 	testutil.CleanupAndRequireSuccess(t, upsSrv.Shutdown)
-	return upsSrv.Listener.Addr()
+	return testutil.RequireTypeAssert[*net.TCPAddr](t, upsSrv.Listener.Addr()).AddrPort()
-func TestServer_handleTestUpstreaDNS(t *testing.T) {
+func TestServer_HandleTestUpstreamDNS(t *testing.T) {
 	goodHandler := dns.HandlerFunc(func(w dns.ResponseWriter, m *dns.Msg) {
 		err := w.WriteMsg(new(dns.Msg).SetReply(m))
 		require.NoError(testutil.PanicT{}, err)
@@ -457,9 +465,38 @@ func TestServer_handleTestUpstreaDNS(t *testing.T) {
 		Host:   newLocalUpstreamListener(t, 0, badHandler).String(),
-	const upsTimeout = 100 * time.Millisecond
+	const (
+		upsTimeout = 100 * time.Millisecond
-	srv := createTestServer(t, &filtering.Config{}, ServerConfig{
+		hostsFileName = "hosts"
+		upstreamHost  = "custom.localhost"
+	)
+	hostsListener := newLocalUpstreamListener(t, 0, goodHandler)
+	hostsUps := (&url.URL{
+		Scheme: "tcp",
+		Host:   netutil.JoinHostPort(upstreamHost, int(hostsListener.Port())),
+	}).String()
+	hc, err := aghnet.NewHostsContainer(
+		filtering.SysHostsListID,
+		fstest.MapFS{
+			hostsFileName: &fstest.MapFile{
+				Data: []byte(hostsListener.Addr().String() + " " + upstreamHost),
+			},
+		},
+		&aghtest.FSWatcher{
+			OnEvents: func() (e <-chan struct{}) { return nil },
+			OnAdd:    func(_ string) (err error) { return nil },
+			OnClose:  func() (err error) { return nil },
+		},
+		hostsFileName,
+	)
+	require.NoError(t, err)
+	srv := createTestServer(t, &filtering.Config{
+		EtcHosts: hc,
+	}, ServerConfig{
 		UDPListenAddrs:  []*net.UDPAddr{{}},
 		TCPListenAddrs:  []*net.TCPAddr{{}},
 		UpstreamTimeout: upsTimeout,
@@ -486,8 +523,7 @@ func TestServer_handleTestUpstreaDNS(t *testing.T) {
 			"upstream_dns": []string{badUps},
 		wantResp: map[string]any{
-			badUps: `upstream "` + badUps + `" fails to exchange: ` +
-				`couldn't communicate with upstream: exchanging with ` +
+			badUps: `couldn't communicate with upstream: exchanging with ` +
 				badUps + ` over tcp: dns: id mismatch`,
 		name: "broken",
@@ -497,20 +533,40 @@ func TestServer_handleTestUpstreaDNS(t *testing.T) {
 		wantResp: map[string]any{
 			goodUps: "OK",
-			badUps: `upstream "` + badUps + `" fails to exchange: ` +
-				`couldn't communicate with upstream: exchanging with ` +
+			badUps: `couldn't communicate with upstream: exchanging with ` +
 				badUps + ` over tcp: dns: id mismatch`,
 		name: "both",
+	}, {
+		body: map[string]any{
+			"upstream_dns": []string{"[/domain.example/]" + badUps},
+		},
+		wantResp: map[string]any{
+			"[/domain.example/]" + badUps: `WARNING: couldn't communicate ` +
+				`with upstream: exchanging with ` + badUps + ` over tcp: ` +
+				`dns: id mismatch`,
+		},
+		name: "domain_specific_error",
+	}, {
+		body: map[string]any{
+			"upstream_dns": []string{hostsUps},
+		},
+		wantResp: map[string]any{
+			hostsUps: "OK",
+		},
+		name: "etc_hosts",
 	for _, tc := range testCases {
 		t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
-			reqBody, err := json.Marshal(tc.body)
+			var reqBody []byte
+			reqBody, err = json.Marshal(tc.body)
 			require.NoError(t, err)
 			w := httptest.NewRecorder()
-			r, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodPost, "", bytes.NewReader(reqBody))
+			var r *http.Request
+			r, err = http.NewRequest(http.MethodPost, "", bytes.NewReader(reqBody))
 			require.NoError(t, err)
 			srv.handleTestUpstreamDNS(w, r)
@@ -538,11 +594,15 @@ func TestServer_handleTestUpstreaDNS(t *testing.T) {
 		req := map[string]any{
 			"upstream_dns": []string{sleepyUps},
-		reqBody, err := json.Marshal(req)
+		var reqBody []byte
+		reqBody, err = json.Marshal(req)
 		require.NoError(t, err)
 		w := httptest.NewRecorder()
-		r, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodPost, "", bytes.NewReader(reqBody))
+		var r *http.Request
+		r, err = http.NewRequest(http.MethodPost, "", bytes.NewReader(reqBody))
 		require.NoError(t, err)
 		srv.handleTestUpstreamDNS(w, r)
diff --git a/internal/dnsforward/upstreams.go b/internal/dnsforward/upstreams.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cbd92b36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/internal/dnsforward/upstreams.go
@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+package dnsforward
+import (
+	"bytes"
+	"fmt"
+	"net"
+	"net/url"
+	"os"
+	"strings"
+	"time"
+	"github.com/AdguardTeam/dnsproxy/proxy"
+	"github.com/AdguardTeam/dnsproxy/upstream"
+	"github.com/AdguardTeam/golibs/log"
+	"github.com/AdguardTeam/golibs/netutil"
+	"github.com/AdguardTeam/golibs/stringutil"
+	"github.com/AdguardTeam/urlfilter"
+	"github.com/miekg/dns"
+	"golang.org/x/exp/maps"
+	"golang.org/x/exp/slices"
+// loadUpstreams parses upstream DNS servers from the configured file or from
+// the configuration itself.
+func (s *Server) loadUpstreams() (upstreams []string, err error) {
+	if s.conf.UpstreamDNSFileName == "" {
+		return stringutil.FilterOut(s.conf.UpstreamDNS, IsCommentOrEmpty), nil
+	}
+	var data []byte
+	data, err = os.ReadFile(s.conf.UpstreamDNSFileName)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, fmt.Errorf("reading upstream from file: %w", err)
+	}
+	upstreams = stringutil.SplitTrimmed(string(data), "\n")
+	log.Debug("dnsforward: got %d upstreams in %q", len(upstreams), s.conf.UpstreamDNSFileName)
+	return stringutil.FilterOut(upstreams, IsCommentOrEmpty), nil
+// prepareUpstreamSettings sets upstream DNS server settings.
+func (s *Server) prepareUpstreamSettings() (err error) {
+	// We're setting a customized set of RootCAs.  The reason is that Go default
+	// mechanism of loading TLS roots does not always work properly on some
+	// routers so we're loading roots manually and pass it here.
+	//
+	// See [aghtls.SystemRootCAs].
+	upstream.RootCAs = s.conf.TLSv12Roots
+	upstream.CipherSuites = s.conf.TLSCiphers
+	// Load upstreams either from the file, or from the settings
+	var upstreams []string
+	upstreams, err = s.loadUpstreams()
+	if err != nil {
+		return fmt.Errorf("loading upstreams: %w", err)
+	}
+	s.conf.UpstreamConfig, err = s.prepareUpstreamConfig(upstreams, defaultDNS, &upstream.Options{
+		Bootstrap:    s.conf.BootstrapDNS,
+		Timeout:      s.conf.UpstreamTimeout,
+		HTTPVersions: UpstreamHTTPVersions(s.conf.UseHTTP3Upstreams),
+		PreferIPv6:   s.conf.BootstrapPreferIPv6,
+	})
+	if err != nil {
+		return fmt.Errorf("preparing upstream config: %w", err)
+	}
+	return nil
+// prepareUpstreamConfig sets upstream configuration based on upstreams and
+// configuration of s.
+func (s *Server) prepareUpstreamConfig(
+	upstreams []string,
+	defaultUpstreams []string,
+	opts *upstream.Options,
+) (uc *proxy.UpstreamConfig, err error) {
+	uc, err = proxy.ParseUpstreamsConfig(upstreams, opts)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, fmt.Errorf("parsing upstream config: %w", err)
+	}
+	if len(uc.Upstreams) == 0 && defaultUpstreams != nil {
+		log.Info("dnsforward: warning: no default upstreams specified, using %v", defaultUpstreams)
+		var defaultUpstreamConfig *proxy.UpstreamConfig
+		defaultUpstreamConfig, err = proxy.ParseUpstreamsConfig(defaultUpstreams, opts)
+		if err != nil {
+			return nil, fmt.Errorf("parsing default upstreams: %w", err)
+		}
+		uc.Upstreams = defaultUpstreamConfig.Upstreams
+	}
+	if s.dnsFilter != nil && s.dnsFilter.EtcHosts != nil {
+		err = s.replaceUpstreamsWithHosts(uc, opts)
+		if err != nil {
+			return nil, fmt.Errorf("resolving upstreams with hosts: %w", err)
+		}
+	}
+	return uc, nil
+// replaceUpstreamsWithHosts replaces unique upstreams with their resolved
+// versions based on the system hosts file.
+// TODO(e.burkov):  This should be performed inside dnsproxy, which should
+// actually consider /etc/hosts.  See TODO on [aghnet.HostsContainer].
+func (s *Server) replaceUpstreamsWithHosts(
+	upsConf *proxy.UpstreamConfig,
+	opts *upstream.Options,
+) (err error) {
+	resolved := map[string]*upstream.Options{}
+	err = s.resolveUpstreamsWithHosts(resolved, upsConf.Upstreams, opts)
+	if err != nil {
+		return fmt.Errorf("resolving upstreams: %w", err)
+	}
+	hosts := maps.Keys(upsConf.DomainReservedUpstreams)
+	// TODO(e.burkov):  Think of extracting sorted range into an util function.
+	slices.Sort(hosts)
+	for _, host := range hosts {
+		err = s.resolveUpstreamsWithHosts(resolved, upsConf.DomainReservedUpstreams[host], opts)
+		if err != nil {
+			return fmt.Errorf("resolving upstreams reserved for %s: %w", host, err)
+		}
+	}
+	hosts = maps.Keys(upsConf.SpecifiedDomainUpstreams)
+	slices.Sort(hosts)
+	for _, host := range hosts {
+		err = s.resolveUpstreamsWithHosts(resolved, upsConf.SpecifiedDomainUpstreams[host], opts)
+		if err != nil {
+			return fmt.Errorf("resolving upstreams specific for %s: %w", host, err)
+		}
+	}
+	return nil
+// resolveUpstreamsWithHosts resolves the IP addresses of each of the upstreams
+// and replaces those both in upstreams and resolved.  Upstreams that failed to
+// resolve are placed to resolved as-is.  This function only returns error of
+// upstreams closing.
+func (s *Server) resolveUpstreamsWithHosts(
+	resolved map[string]*upstream.Options,
+	upstreams []upstream.Upstream,
+	opts *upstream.Options,
+) (err error) {
+	for i := range upstreams {
+		u := upstreams[i]
+		addr := u.Address()
+		host := extractUpstreamHost(addr)
+		withIPs, ok := resolved[host]
+		if !ok {
+			ips := s.resolveUpstreamHost(host)
+			if len(ips) == 0 {
+				resolved[host] = nil
+				return nil
+			}
+			sortNetIPAddrs(ips, opts.PreferIPv6)
+			withIPs = opts.Clone()
+			withIPs.ServerIPAddrs = ips
+			resolved[host] = withIPs
+		} else if withIPs == nil {
+			continue
+		}
+		if err = u.Close(); err != nil {
+			return fmt.Errorf("closing upstream %s: %w", addr, err)
+		}
+		upstreams[i], err = upstream.AddressToUpstream(addr, withIPs)
+		if err != nil {
+			return fmt.Errorf("replacing upstream %s with resolved %s: %w", addr, host, err)
+		}
+		log.Debug("dnsforward: using %s for %s", withIPs.ServerIPAddrs, upstreams[i].Address())
+	}
+	return nil
+// extractUpstreamHost returns the hostname of addr without port with an
+// assumption that any address passed here has already been successfully parsed
+// by [upstream.AddressToUpstream].  This function eesentially mirrors the logic
+// of [upstream.AddressToUpstream], see TODO on [replaceUpstreamsWithHosts].
+func extractUpstreamHost(addr string) (host string) {
+	var err error
+	if strings.Contains(addr, "://") {
+		var u *url.URL
+		u, err = url.Parse(addr)
+		if err != nil {
+			log.Debug("dnsforward: parsing upstream %s: %s", addr, err)
+			return addr
+		}
+		return u.Hostname()
+	}
+	// Probably, plain UDP upstream defined by address or address:port.
+	host, err = netutil.SplitHost(addr)
+	if err != nil {
+		return addr
+	}
+	return host
+// resolveUpstreamHost returns the version of ups with IP addresses from the
+// system hosts file placed into its options.
+func (s *Server) resolveUpstreamHost(host string) (addrs []net.IP) {
+	req := &urlfilter.DNSRequest{
+		Hostname: host,
+		DNSType:  dns.TypeA,
+	}
+	aRes, _ := s.dnsFilter.EtcHosts.MatchRequest(req)
+	req.DNSType = dns.TypeAAAA
+	aaaaRes, _ := s.dnsFilter.EtcHosts.MatchRequest(req)
+	var ips []net.IP
+	for _, rw := range append(aRes.DNSRewrites(), aaaaRes.DNSRewrites()...) {
+		dr := rw.DNSRewrite
+		if dr == nil || dr.Value == nil {
+			continue
+		}
+		if ip, ok := dr.Value.(net.IP); ok {
+			ips = append(ips, ip)
+		}
+	}
+	return ips
+// sortNetIPAddrs sorts addrs in accordance with the protocol preferences.
+// Invalid addresses are sorted near the end.
+// TODO(e.burkov):  This function taken from dnsproxy, which also already
+// contains a few similar functions.  Think of moving to golibs.
+func sortNetIPAddrs(addrs []net.IP, preferIPv6 bool) {
+	l := len(addrs)
+	if l <= 1 {
+		return
+	}
+	slices.SortStableFunc(addrs, func(addrA, addrB net.IP) (sortsBefore bool) {
+		switch len(addrA) {
+		case net.IPv4len, net.IPv6len:
+			switch len(addrB) {
+			case net.IPv4len, net.IPv6len:
+				// Go on.
+			default:
+				return true
+			}
+		default:
+			return false
+		}
+		if aIs4, bIs4 := addrA.To4() != nil, addrB.To4() != nil; aIs4 != bIs4 {
+			if aIs4 {
+				return !preferIPv6
+			}
+			return preferIPv6
+		}
+		return bytes.Compare(addrA, addrB) < 0
+	})
+// UpstreamHTTPVersions returns the HTTP versions for upstream configuration
+// depending on configuration.
+func UpstreamHTTPVersions(http3 bool) (v []upstream.HTTPVersion) {
+	if !http3 {
+		return upstream.DefaultHTTPVersions
+	}
+	return []upstream.HTTPVersion{
+		upstream.HTTPVersion3,
+		upstream.HTTPVersion2,
+		upstream.HTTPVersion11,
+	}
+// setProxyUpstreamMode sets the upstream mode and related settings in conf
+// based on provided parameters.
+func setProxyUpstreamMode(
+	conf *proxy.Config,
+	allServers bool,
+	fastestAddr bool,
+	fastestTimeout time.Duration,
+) {
+	if allServers {
+		conf.UpstreamMode = proxy.UModeParallel
+	} else if fastestAddr {
+		conf.UpstreamMode = proxy.UModeFastestAddr
+		conf.FastestPingTimeout = fastestTimeout
+	} else {
+		conf.UpstreamMode = proxy.UModeLoadBalance
+	}
diff --git a/internal/filtering/filtering.go b/internal/filtering/filtering.go
index 7cad6c99..e67c3a39 100644
--- a/internal/filtering/filtering.go
+++ b/internal/filtering/filtering.go
@@ -519,7 +519,7 @@ func (d *DNSFilter) matchSysHosts(
 	dnsres, _ := d.EtcHosts.MatchRequest(&urlfilter.DNSRequest{
 		Hostname:         host,
 		SortedClientTags: setts.ClientTags,
-		// TODO(e.burkov):  Wait for urlfilter update to pass net.IP.
+		// TODO(e.burkov):  Wait for urlfilter update to pass netip.Addr.
 		ClientIP:   setts.ClientIP.String(),
 		ClientName: setts.ClientName,
 		DNSType:    qtype,