Merge: Block epic games

* commit '55538f72eae3b62a7f7f8876c9b0e25d429110e1':
  block epic games
This commit is contained in:
Ildar Kamalov 2019-10-04 18:17:06 +03:00
commit 8b7d23e7d0
3 changed files with 9 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -116,6 +116,10 @@ const Icons = () => (
<path d="M14.398 7.2a2.4 2.4 0 1 0 .003 4.799 2.4 2.4 0 0 0-.003-4.8zm0 0" fill="none" strokeWidth="1.6" stroke="currentColor" strokeMiterlimit="10"/><path d="M8 14c-.629 0-1.18.297-1.547.75l1.758.48c.426.114.68.555.562.98a.804.804 0 0 1-.984.563l-1.762-.48A1.998 1.998 0 0 0 10 16c0-1.105-.895-2-2-2zm0 0" /><path d="M19.2 3.2H4.8c-.886 0-1.6.714-1.6 1.6v9.063l2.027.551a3.213 3.213 0 0 1 2.289-1.566l2.136-2.567a4.799 4.799 0 1 1 4.066 4.066l-2.566 2.137A3.195 3.195 0 0 1 8 19.2 3.2 3.2 0 0 1 4.8 16c0-.016.005-.027.005-.043l-1.606-.437v3.68c0 .886.715 1.6 1.602 1.6h14.398c.887 0 1.602-.714 1.602-1.6V4.8c0-.886-.715-1.6-1.602-1.6zm0 0" />
<symbol id="service_epic_games" viewBox="0 0 50 50" fill="currentColor" strokeLinecap="round" strokeLinejoin="round" strokeWidth="2">
<path d="M 10 3 C 6.69 3 4 5.69 4 9 L 4 41.240234 L 25 47.539062 L 46 41.240234 L 46 9 C 46 5.69 43.31 3 40 3 L 10 3 z M 11 8 L 15 8 L 15 11 L 11 11 L 11 18 L 14 18 L 14 21 L 11 21 L 11 28 L 15 28 L 15 31 L 11 31 C 9.34 31 8 29.66 8 28 L 8 11 C 8 9.34 9.34 8 11 8 z M 17 8 L 23 8 C 24.66 8 26 9.34 26 11 L 26 18 C 26 19.66 24.66 21 23 21 L 20 21 L 20 31 L 17 31 L 17 8 z M 28 8 L 31 8 L 31 31 L 28 31 L 28 8 z M 36 8 L 39 8 C 40.66 8 42 9.34 42 11 L 42 15 L 39 15 L 39 11 L 36 11 L 36 28 L 39 28 L 39 24 L 42 24 L 42 28 C 42 29.66 40.66 31 39 31 L 36 31 C 34.34 31 33 29.66 33 28 L 33 11 C 33 9.34 34.34 8 36 8 z M 20 11 L 20 18 L 23 18 L 23 11 L 20 11 z M 9 34 L 13 34 C 13.55 34 14 34.45 14 35 L 14 36 L 13 36 L 13 35.25 C 13 35.11 12.89 35 12.75 35 L 9.25 35 C 9.11 35 9 35.11 9 35.25 L 9 38.75 C 9 38.89 9.11 39 9.25 39 L 12.75 39 C 12.89 39 13 38.89 13 38.75 L 13 38 L 12 38 L 12 37 L 14 37 L 14 39 C 14 39.55 13.55 40 13 40 L 9 40 C 8.45 40 8 39.55 8 39 L 8 35 C 8 34.45 8.45 34 9 34 z M 18 34 L 19 34 L 22 40 L 21 40 L 20.5 39 L 16.5 39 L 16 40 L 15 40 L 18 34 z M 23 34 L 24 34 L 26 38 L 28 34 L 29 34 L 29 40 L 28 40 L 28 36 L 26.5 39 L 25.5 39 L 24 36 L 24 40 L 23 40 L 23 34 z M 30 34 L 35 34 L 35 35 L 31 35 L 31 36.5 L 33 36.5 L 33 37.5 L 31 37.5 L 31 39 L 35 39 L 35 40 L 30 40 L 30 34 z M 37 34 L 41 34 C 41.55 34 42 34.45 42 35 L 42 35.5 L 41 35.5 L 41 35.25 C 41 35.11 40.89 35 40.75 35 L 37.25 35 C 37.11 35 37 35.11 37 35.25 L 37 36.25 C 37 36.39 37.11 36.5 37.25 36.5 L 41 36.5 C 41.55 36.5 42 36.95 42 37.5 L 42 39 C 42 39.55 41.55 40 41 40 L 37 40 C 36.45 40 36 39.55 36 39 L 36 38.5 L 37 38.5 L 37 38.75 C 37 38.89 37.11 39 37.25 39 L 40.75 39 C 40.89 39 41 38.89 41 38.75 L 41 37.75 C 41 37.61 40.89 37.5 40.75 37.5 L 37 37.5 C 36.45 37.5 36 37.05 36 36.5 L 36 35 C 36 34.45 36.45 34 37 34 z M 18.5 35 L 17 38 L 20 38 L 18.5 35 z"></path>
<symbol id="service_skype" viewBox="0 0 26 26" fill="currentColor" strokeLinecap="round" strokeLinejoin="round" strokeWidth="2">
<path d="M23.363 14.387c.153-.739.23-1.5.23-2.266C23.594 5.883 18.45.805 12.122.805c-.594 0-1.191.047-1.781.136A6.891 6.891 0 0 0 6.852 0C3.074 0 0 3.035 0 6.762c0 1.144.293 2.27.852 3.265-.133.688-.2 1.391-.2 2.094 0 6.238 5.149 11.316 11.47 11.316.648 0 1.3-.054 1.94-.164.95.477 2.012.727 3.086.727C20.926 24 24 20.969 24 17.238c0-1.004-.215-1.96-.637-2.851zM17.758 17.3c-.508.707-1.258 1.27-2.23 1.668-.966.394-2.122.593-3.434.593-1.578 0-2.903-.273-3.934-.812a5.074 5.074 0 0 1-1.808-1.582c-.47-.664-.707-1.324-.707-1.961 0-.395.156-.738.457-1.023.304-.278.687-.418 1.148-.418.379 0 .703.109.969.332.254.21.469.523.644.93.192.437.407.808.633 1.598.281.91 0 1.652-.191 2.215-.57.546-.367.812-.813.812-1.352 0-.43-.14-.765-.422-1.027-.3-.277-.699-.492-1.176-.637-.5-.152-1.18-.32-2.015-.496-1.14-.238-2.11-.523-2.88-.847-.788-.332-1.425-.79-1.89-1.364-.472-.582-.71-1.312-.71-2.172 0-.816.253-1.554.75-2.191.488-.633 1.206-1.125 2.132-1.46.91-.333 1.996-.5 3.223-.5.98 0 1.844.108 2.566.331.723.223 1.336.524 1.813.89.484.376.843.774 1.07 1.235 0 .386-.153.738-.453 1.046-.297.31-.68.465-1.125.465-.41 0-.727-.097-.95-.289-.207-.18-.418-.46-.656-.863-.273-.516-.605-.918-.984-1.203-.371-.277-.989-.418-1.836-.418-.79 0-1.43.156-1.902.465-.461.293-.684.633-.684 1.039 0 .246.07.449.219.629.156.187.379.351.656.488.289.145.586.258.883.34.308.082.82.207 1.523.367.887.191 1.707.398 2.43.625.73.234 1.363.516 1.879.848.527.34.941.773 1.238 1.16.445 1.91a4.07 4.07 0 0 1-.77 2.418zm0 0"/>

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@ -280,6 +280,10 @@ export const SERVICES = [
id: 'steam',
name: 'Steam',
id: 'epic_games',
name: 'Epic Games',
id: 'ok',
name: 'OK',

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@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ var serviceRulesArray = []svc{
{"skype", []string{"||^"}},
{"vk", []string{"||^"}},
{"steam", []string{"||^"}},
{"epic_games", []string{"||^"}},
{"mail_ru", []string{"||^"}},
{"tiktok", []string{