mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 22:48:35 +03:00
Added several blocked services
Closes #2224
Closes #2401
Squashed commit of the following:
commit 8d422091187d03273393775ddc691bdd2a6913f4
Merge: 7a8f598b fa33568f
Author: Andrey Meshkov <am@adguard.com>
Date: Thu Feb 4 17:57:32 2021 +0300
Merge branch 'master' into fix-2224
commit 7a8f598b19a877c19cb1537047c0ae14fa8a0064
Author: Andrey Meshkov <am@adguard.com>
Date: Thu Feb 4 17:34:53 2021 +0300
Review comments
commit 181db867fc56d89dd13a4d50a24922604eed4eae
Author: Andrey Meshkov <am@adguard.com>
Date: Thu Feb 4 17:20:20 2021 +0300
fixed review comments
commit fd5b0816d63952664c6e89a91494ca09dc4fc52d
Author: Ildar Kamalov <ik@adguard.com>
Date: Thu Feb 4 16:10:29 2021 +0300
+ client: add service icons
commit 724e0c26691488fdf7cd8215d200867ed3a86198
Author: Andrey Meshkov <am@adguard.com>
Date: Thu Feb 4 15:42:53 2021 +0300
Added several blocked services
Closes #2224
Closes #2401
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 271 additions and 67 deletions
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ and this project adheres to
### Added
- Added more services to the "Blocked services" list ([#2224], [#2401]).
- `ipset` subdomain matching, just like `dnsmasq` does ([#2179]).
- Client ID support for DNS-over-HTTPS, DNS-over-QUIC, and DNS-over-TLS
@ -33,10 +34,12 @@ and this project adheres to
[#1383]: https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome/issues/1383
[#2102]: https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome/issues/2102
[#2179]: https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome/issues/2179
[#2224]: https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome/issues/2224
[#2302]: https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome/issues/2302
[#2304]: https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome/issues/2304
[#2305]: https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome/issues/2305
[#2337]: https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome/issues/2337
[#2401]: https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome/issues/2401
### Changed
@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ Here is a link to AdGuard Home project: https://crowdin.com/project/adguard-appl
Here's what you can also do to contribute:
1. [Look for issues](https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22help+wanted%22+) marked as "help wanted".
2. Actualize the list of *Blocked services*. It it can be found in [dnsfilter/blocked_services.go](https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome/blob/master/internal/dnsfilter/blocked_services.go).
2. Actualize the list of *Blocked services*. It it can be found in [dnsfilter/blocked.go](https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome/blob/master/internal/dnsfilter/blocked.go).
3. Actualize the list of known *trackers*. It it can be found in [client/src/helpers/trackers/adguard.json](https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome/blob/master/client/src/helpers/trackers/adguard.json).
4. Actualize the list of vetted *blocklists*. It it can be found in [client/src/helpers/filters/filters.json](https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome/blob/master/client/src/helpers/filters/filters.json).
@ -104,14 +104,8 @@ const Icons = () => (
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@ -362,6 +356,58 @@ const Icons = () => (
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<path d="M25,48C13.225,48,5,39.888,5,28.271c0-6.065,3.922-12.709,9.325-15.797c0.151-0.086,0.322-0.132,0.496-0.132 c0.803,0,1.407,0.547,1.407,1.271c0,1.18,0.456,3.923,1.541,5.738c4.455-1.65,9.074-5.839,7.464-16.308 c-0.008-0.051-0.012-0.102-0.012-0.152c0-0.484,0.217-0.907,0.579-1.132c0.34-0.208,0.764-0.221,1.14-0.034 C31.173,3.808,45,11.892,45,28.407C45,39.394,36.215,48,25,48z M26.052,3.519c0.003,0.001,0.005,0.002,0.008,0.004 C26.057,3.521,26.055,3.52,26.052,3.519z" />
@ -200,92 +200,144 @@ export const FILTERS_URLS = {
export const SERVICES = [
id: 'facebook',
name: 'Facebook',
id: 'whatsapp',
name: 'WhatsApp',
id: 'instagram',
name: 'Instagram',
id: 'twitter',
name: 'Twitter',
id: 'youtube',
name: 'YouTube',
id: 'netflix',
name: 'Netflix',
id: 'snapchat',
name: 'Snapchat',
id: 'twitch',
name: 'Twitch',
id: 'discord',
name: 'Discord',
id: 'skype',
name: 'Skype',
id: '9gag',
name: '9Gag',
id: 'amazon',
name: 'Amazon',
id: 'ebay',
name: 'eBay',
id: 'origin',
name: 'Origin',
id: 'cloudflare',
name: 'Cloudflare',
name: 'CloudFlare',
id: 'steam',
name: 'Steam',
id: 'dailymotion',
name: 'Dailymotion',
id: 'discord',
name: 'Discord',
id: 'disneyplus',
name: 'Disney+',
id: 'ebay',
name: 'EBay',
id: 'epic_games',
name: 'Epic Games',
id: 'facebook',
name: 'Facebook',
id: 'hulu',
name: 'Hulu',
id: 'imgur',
name: 'Imgur',
id: 'instagram',
name: 'Instagram',
id: 'mail_ru',
name: 'Mail.ru',
id: 'netflix',
name: 'Netflix',
id: 'ok',
name: 'OK.ru',
id: 'origin',
name: 'Origin',
id: 'pinterest',
name: 'Pinterest',
id: 'qq',
name: 'QQ',
id: 'reddit',
name: 'Reddit',
id: 'ok',
name: 'OK',
id: 'skype',
name: 'Skype',
id: 'vk',
name: 'VK',
id: 'snapchat',
name: 'Snapchat',
id: 'mail_ru',
name: 'mail.ru',
id: 'spotify',
name: 'Spotify',
id: 'steam',
name: 'Steam',
id: 'telegram',
name: 'Telegram',
id: 'tiktok',
name: 'TikTok',
id: 'qq',
name: 'QQ',
id: 'tinder',
name: 'Tinder',
id: 'twitch',
name: 'Twitch',
id: 'twitter',
name: 'Twitter',
id: 'viber',
name: 'Viber',
id: 'vimeo',
name: 'Vimeo',
id: 'vk',
name: 'VK.com',
id: 'wechat',
name: 'WeChat',
id: 'weibo',
name: 'Weibo',
id: 'whatsapp',
name: 'WhatsApp',
id: 'youtube',
name: 'YouTube',
@ -161,7 +161,73 @@ var serviceRulesArray = []svc{
{"qq", []string{"||qq.com^", "||qqzaixian.com^"}},
{"vimeo", []string{
{"pinterest", []string{
{"imgur", []string{
{"dailymotion", []string{
{"qq", []string{
// block qq.com and subdomains excluding WeChat domains
{"wechat", []string{
{"viber", []string{
{"weibo", []string{
{"9gag", []string{
{"telegram", []string{
{"disneyplus", []string{
{"hulu", []string{
{"spotify", []string{
{"tinder", []string{
// convert array to map
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
// +build ignore
package dnsfilter
import (
// This is a simple tool that takes a list of services and prints them to the output.
// It is supposed to be used to update:
// client/src/helpers/constants.js
// client/src/components/ui/Icons.js
// Usage:
// 1. go run ./internal/dnsfilter/blocked_test.go
// 2. Use the output to replace `SERVICES` array in "client/src/helpers/constants.js".
// 3. You'll need to enter services names manually.
// 4. Don't forget to add missing icons to "client/src/components/ui/Icons.js".
// TODO(ameshkov): Rework generator: have a JSON file with all the metadata we need
// then use this JSON file to generate JS and Go code
func TestGenServicesArray(t *testing.T) {
services := make([]svc, len(serviceRulesArray))
copy(services, serviceRulesArray)
sort.Slice(services, func(i, j int) bool {
return services[i].name < services[j].name
fmt.Println("export const SERVICES = [")
for _, s := range services {
fmt.Printf(" {\n id: '%s',\n name: '%s',\n },\n", s.name, s.name)
Add table
Reference in a new issue