mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 22:48:35 +03:00
Merge pull request #7 in DNS/adguard-dns from metrics to master
* commit '1f0fdef8d6b2ce324e7009bb3f95626d87438d61': Fix invalid element order for historical stats -- in API declaration values are from oldest to newest, not other way around. Rewrite how historical stats are stored and calculated. coredns plugin -- convert logic into switch, logging unexpected non-covered cases After filters were redownloaded and deemed to be fresh, tell coredns server to reload coredns plugin -- on server reload, metrics disappeared, therefore they must be registered on each reload instead of once coredns plugin -- give feedback how many rules were in rulefile dnsfilter -- Update tests to check for expected filter/nofilter reason as well. Remove debug logging during checks if coredns is alive Be more atomic during writing of files -- this prevents other processes from seeing empty or impartial files Start coredns on launch before we serve HTTP -- this checks if port is available Move starting of coredns server into separate function sometimes answer can be empty, therefore question could be lost -- pass both to querylog Reduce binary size of coredns by 60% by removing orchestration plugins like kubernetes, route53, trace, etcd and federation Fix registration of metrics if querylog is enabled
This commit is contained in:
9 changed files with 312 additions and 305 deletions
@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ AdguardDNS: $(STATIC) *.go
coredns: coredns_plugin/*.go dnsfilter/*.go
echo mkfile_dir = $(mkfile_dir)
go get -v -d github.com/coredns/coredns
cd $(GOPATH)/src/github.com/coredns/coredns && perl -p -i.bak -e 's/^(trace|route53|federation|kubernetes|etcd):.*//' plugin.cfg
cd $(GOPATH)/src/github.com/coredns/coredns && grep -q '^dnsfilter:' plugin.cfg || perl -p -i.bak -e 's|^log:log|log:log\ndnsfilter:github.com/AdguardTeam/AdguardDNS/coredns_plugin|' plugin.cfg
grep '^dnsfilter:' $(GOPATH)/src/github.com/coredns/coredns/plugin.cfg ## used to check that plugin.cfg was successfully edited by sed
cd $(GOPATH)/src/github.com/coredns/coredns && GOOS=$(NATIVE_GOOS) GOARCH=$(NATIVE_GOARCH) go generate
@ -122,6 +122,11 @@ func main() {
http.Handle("/", http.FileServer(box))
err = startDNSServer()
if err != nil {
URL := fmt.Sprintf("http://%s", address)
log.Println("Go to " + URL)
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(address, nil))
@ -108,11 +108,16 @@ func writeConfig() error {
log.Printf("Couldn't generate YAML file: %s", err)
return err
err = ioutil.WriteFile(configfile, yamlText, 0644)
err = ioutil.WriteFile(configfile+".tmp", yamlText, 0644)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Couldn't write YAML config: %s", err)
return err
err = os.Rename(configfile+".tmp", configfile)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Couldn't rename YAML config: %s", err)
return err
return nil
@ -127,10 +132,14 @@ func writeCoreDNSConfig() error {
log.Printf("Couldn't generate DNS config: %s", err)
return err
err = ioutil.WriteFile(corefile, []byte(configtext), 0644)
err = ioutil.WriteFile(corefile+".tmp", []byte(configtext), 0644)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Couldn't write DNS config: %s", err)
err = os.Rename(corefile+".tmp", corefile)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Couldn't rename DNS config: %s", err)
return err
@ -44,7 +44,6 @@ func tellCoreDNSToReload() {
log.Printf("os.FindProcess(%d) returned err: %v\n", pid, err)
log.Printf("os.FindProcess(%d) returned: %v, %v\n", pid, process, err)
err = process.Signal(syscall.SIGUSR1)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("process.Signal on pid %d returned: %v\n", pid, err)
@ -69,9 +68,10 @@ func isRunning() bool {
if err != nil {
log.Printf("os.FindProcess(%d) returned err: %v\n", pid, err)
} else {
log.Printf("os.FindProcess(%d) returned: %v, %v\n", pid, process, err)
err := process.Signal(syscall.Signal(0))
log.Printf("process.Signal on pid %d returned: %v\n", pid, err)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("process.Signal on pid %d returned: %v\n", pid, err)
if err == nil {
return true
@ -79,24 +79,22 @@ func isRunning() bool {
return false
func handleStart(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
func startDNSServer() error {
if isRunning() {
http.Error(w, fmt.Sprintf("Unable to start coreDNS: Already running"), 400)
return fmt.Errorf("Unable to start coreDNS: Already running")
err := writeCoreDNSConfig()
if err != nil {
errortext := fmt.Sprintf("Unable to write coredns config: %s", err)
errortext := fmt.Errorf("Unable to write coredns config: %s", err)
http.Error(w, errortext, http.StatusInternalServerError)
return errortext
err = writeFilterFile()
if err != nil {
errortext := fmt.Sprintf("Couldn't write filter file: %s", err)
errortext := fmt.Errorf("Couldn't write filter file: %s", err)
http.Error(w, errortext, http.StatusInternalServerError)
return errortext
binarypath := filepath.Join(config.ourBinaryDir, config.CoreDNS.binaryFile)
configpath := filepath.Join(config.ourBinaryDir, config.CoreDNS.coreFile)
@ -105,14 +103,27 @@ func handleStart(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
coreDNSCommand.Stderr = os.Stderr
err = coreDNSCommand.Start()
if err != nil {
errortext := fmt.Sprintf("Unable to start coreDNS: %s", err)
errortext := fmt.Errorf("Unable to start coreDNS: %s", err)
http.Error(w, errortext, http.StatusInternalServerError)
return errortext
log.Printf("coredns PID: %v\n", coreDNSCommand.Process.Pid)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "OK, PID %d\n", coreDNSCommand.Process.Pid)
go childwaiter()
return nil
func handleStart(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if isRunning() {
http.Error(w, fmt.Sprintf("Unable to start coreDNS: Already running"), 400)
err := startDNSServer()
if err != nil {
http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "OK, PID %d\n", coreDNSCommand.Process.Pid)
func childwaiter() {
@ -188,21 +199,23 @@ func handleStatus(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// stats
// -----
func handleStats(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
snap := &statistics.lastsnap
histrical := generateMapFromStats(&statistics.perMinute, 0, 2)
// sum them up
summed := map[string]interface{}{}
for key, values := range histrical {
summedValue := 0.0
floats, ok := values.([]float64)
if !ok {
for _, v := range floats {
summedValue += v
summed[key] = summedValue
summed["stats_period"] = "3 minutes"
// generate from last 3 minutes
var last3mins statsSnapshot
last3mins.filteredTotal = snap.filteredTotal - statistics.perMinute.filteredTotal[2]
last3mins.filteredLists = snap.filteredLists - statistics.perMinute.filteredLists[2]
last3mins.filteredSafebrowsing = snap.filteredSafebrowsing - statistics.perMinute.filteredSafebrowsing[2]
last3mins.filteredParental = snap.filteredParental - statistics.perMinute.filteredParental[2]
last3mins.totalRequests = snap.totalRequests - statistics.perMinute.totalRequests[2]
last3mins.processingTimeSum = snap.processingTimeSum - statistics.perMinute.processingTimeSum[2]
last3mins.processingTimeCount = snap.processingTimeCount - statistics.perMinute.processingTimeCount[2]
// rate := computeRate(append([]float64(snap.totalRequests}, statistics.perMinute.totalRequests[0:2])
data := generateMapFromSnap(last3mins)
json, err := json.Marshal(data)
json, err := json.Marshal(summed)
if err != nil {
errortext := fmt.Sprintf("Unable to marshal status json: %s", err)
@ -221,28 +234,29 @@ func handleStats(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
func handleStatsHistory(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// handle time unit and prepare our time window size
limitTime := time.Now()
timeUnit := r.URL.Query().Get("time_unit")
now := time.Now()
timeUnitString := r.URL.Query().Get("time_unit")
var stats *periodicStats
switch timeUnit {
var timeUnit time.Duration
switch timeUnitString {
case "seconds":
limitTime = limitTime.Add(statsHistoryElements * -1 * time.Second)
timeUnit = time.Second
stats = &statistics.perSecond
case "minutes":
limitTime = limitTime.Add(statsHistoryElements * -1 * time.Minute)
timeUnit = time.Minute
stats = &statistics.perMinute
case "hours":
limitTime = limitTime.Add(statsHistoryElements * -1 * time.Hour)
timeUnit = time.Hour
stats = &statistics.perHour
case "days":
limitTime = limitTime.Add(statsHistoryElements * -1 * time.Hour * 24)
timeUnit = time.Hour * 24
stats = &statistics.perDay
http.Error(w, "Must specify valid time_unit parameter", 400)
// check if start time is within supported time range
// parse start and end time
startTime, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, r.URL.Query().Get("start_time"))
if err != nil {
errortext := fmt.Sprintf("Must specify valid start_time parameter: %s", err)
@ -250,12 +264,6 @@ func handleStatsHistory(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
http.Error(w, errortext, 400)
if startTime.Before(limitTime) {
http.Error(w, "start_time parameter is outside of supported range", 501)
// check if end time is within supported time range
endTime, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, r.URL.Query().Get("end_time"))
if err != nil {
errortext := fmt.Sprintf("Must specify valid end_time parameter: %s", err)
@ -263,28 +271,22 @@ func handleStatsHistory(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
http.Error(w, errortext, 400)
if endTime.Before(limitTime) {
// check if start and time times are within supported time range
timeRange := timeUnit * statsHistoryElements
if startTime.Add(timeRange).Before(now) {
http.Error(w, "start_time parameter is outside of supported range", 501)
if endTime.Add(timeRange).Before(now) {
http.Error(w, "end_time parameter is outside of supported range", 501)
// calculate how which slice range we need to provide
var start int
var end int
switch timeUnit {
case "seconds":
start = int(startTime.Sub(limitTime).Seconds())
end = int(endTime.Sub(limitTime).Seconds())
case "minutes":
start = int(startTime.Sub(limitTime).Minutes())
end = int(endTime.Sub(limitTime).Minutes())
case "hours":
start = int(startTime.Sub(limitTime).Hours())
end = int(endTime.Sub(limitTime).Hours())
case "days":
start = int(startTime.Sub(limitTime).Hours() / 24.0)
end = int(endTime.Sub(limitTime).Hours() / 24.0)
// calculate start and end of our array
// basically it's how many hours/minutes/etc have passed since now
start := int(now.Sub(endTime) / timeUnit)
end := int(now.Sub(startTime) / timeUnit)
// swap them around if they're inverted
if start > end {
@ -840,6 +842,7 @@ func refreshFiltersIfNeccessary() int {
errortext := fmt.Sprintf("Couldn't write filter file: %s", err)
return updateCount
@ -918,11 +921,17 @@ func writeFilterFile() error {
data = append(data, []byte(rule)...)
data = append(data, '\n')
err := ioutil.WriteFile(filterpath, data, 0644)
err := ioutil.WriteFile(filterpath+".tmp", data, 0644)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Couldn't write filter file: %s", err)
return err
err = os.Rename(filterpath+".tmp", filterpath)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Couldn't rename filter file: %s", err)
return err
return nil
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ func setupPlugin(c *caddy.Controller) (*Plugin, error) {
case "querylog":
d.QueryLogEnabled = true
once.Do(func() {
onceQueryLog.Do(func() {
go startQueryLogServer() // TODO: how to handle errors?
@ -145,6 +145,7 @@ func setupPlugin(c *caddy.Controller) (*Plugin, error) {
defer file.Close()
count := 0
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(file)
for scanner.Scan() {
text := scanner.Text()
@ -158,7 +159,9 @@ func setupPlugin(c *caddy.Controller) (*Plugin, error) {
if err != nil {
return nil, err
log.Printf("Added %d rules from %s", count, filterFileName)
if err = scanner.Err(); err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -184,23 +187,21 @@ func setup(c *caddy.Controller) error {
c.OnStartup(func() error {
once.Do(func() {
m := dnsserver.GetConfig(c).Handler("prometheus")
if m == nil {
if x, ok := m.(*metrics.Metrics); ok {
m := dnsserver.GetConfig(c).Handler("prometheus")
if m == nil {
return nil
if x, ok := m.(*metrics.Metrics); ok {
return nil
@ -410,39 +411,44 @@ func (d *Plugin) serveDNSInternal(ctx context.Context, w dns.ResponseWriter, r *
return dns.RcodeServerFailure, fmt.Errorf("plugin/dnsfilter: %s", err), dnsfilter.Result{}
// safebrowsing
if result.IsFiltered == true && result.Reason == dnsfilter.FilteredSafeBrowsing {
// return cname safebrowsing.block.dns.adguard.com
val := d.SafeBrowsingBlockHost
rcode, err := d.replaceHostWithValAndReply(ctx, w, r, host, val, question)
if err != nil {
return rcode, err, dnsfilter.Result{}
if result.IsFiltered {
switch result.Reason {
case dnsfilter.FilteredSafeBrowsing:
// return cname safebrowsing.block.dns.adguard.com
val := d.SafeBrowsingBlockHost
rcode, err := d.replaceHostWithValAndReply(ctx, w, r, host, val, question)
if err != nil {
return rcode, err, dnsfilter.Result{}
return rcode, err, result
case dnsfilter.FilteredParental:
// return cname family.block.dns.adguard.com
val := d.ParentalBlockHost
rcode, err := d.replaceHostWithValAndReply(ctx, w, r, host, val, question)
if err != nil {
return rcode, err, dnsfilter.Result{}
return rcode, err, result
case dnsfilter.FilteredBlackList:
// return NXdomain
rcode, err := writeNXdomain(ctx, w, r)
if err != nil {
return rcode, err, dnsfilter.Result{}
return rcode, err, result
log.Printf("SHOULD NOT HAPPEN -- got unknown reason for filtering: %T %v %s", result.Reason, result.Reason, result.Reason.String())
return rcode, err, result
// parental
if result.IsFiltered == true && result.Reason == dnsfilter.FilteredParental {
// return cname
val := d.ParentalBlockHost
rcode, err := d.replaceHostWithValAndReply(ctx, w, r, host, val, question)
if err != nil {
return rcode, err, dnsfilter.Result{}
} else {
switch result.Reason {
case dnsfilter.NotFilteredWhiteList:
rcode, err := plugin.NextOrFailure(d.Name(), d.Next, ctx, w, r)
return rcode, err, result
case dnsfilter.NotFilteredNotFound:
// do nothing, pass through to lower code
log.Printf("SHOULD NOT HAPPEN -- got unknown reason for not filtering: %T %v %s", result.Reason, result.Reason, result.Reason.String())
return rcode, err, result
// blacklist
if result.IsFiltered == true && result.Reason == dnsfilter.FilteredBlackList {
rcode, err := writeNXdomain(ctx, w, r)
if err != nil {
return rcode, err, dnsfilter.Result{}
return rcode, err, result
if result.IsFiltered == false && result.Reason == dnsfilter.NotFilteredWhiteList {
rcode, err := plugin.NextOrFailure(d.Name(), d.Next, ctx, w, r)
return rcode, err, result
rcode, err := plugin.NextOrFailure(d.Name(), d.Next, ctx, w, r)
@ -498,11 +504,11 @@ func (d *Plugin) ServeDNS(ctx context.Context, w dns.ResponseWriter, r *dns.Msg)
// log
if d.QueryLogEnabled {
logRequest(rrw.Msg, result, time.Since(start), ip)
logRequest(r, rrw.Msg, result, time.Since(start), ip)
return rcode, err
func (d *Plugin) Name() string { return "dnsfilter" }
var once sync.Once
var onceQueryLog sync.Once
@ -19,24 +19,26 @@ import (
var logBuffer = ring.Ring{}
type logEntry struct {
R *dns.Msg
Result dnsfilter.Result
Time time.Time
Elapsed time.Duration
IP string
Question *dns.Msg
Answer *dns.Msg
Result dnsfilter.Result
Time time.Time
Elapsed time.Duration
IP string
func init() {
func logRequest(r *dns.Msg, result dnsfilter.Result, elapsed time.Duration, ip string) {
func logRequest(question *dns.Msg, answer *dns.Msg, result dnsfilter.Result, elapsed time.Duration, ip string) {
entry := logEntry{
R: r,
Result: result,
Time: time.Now(),
Elapsed: elapsed,
IP: ip,
Question: question,
Answer: answer,
Result: result,
Time: time.Now(),
Elapsed: elapsed,
IP: ip,
@ -57,21 +59,21 @@ func handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
"client": entry.IP,
question := map[string]interface{}{
"host": strings.ToLower(strings.TrimSuffix(entry.R.Question[0].Name, ".")),
"type": dns.Type(entry.R.Question[0].Qtype).String(),
"class": dns.Class(entry.R.Question[0].Qclass).String(),
"host": strings.ToLower(strings.TrimSuffix(entry.Question.Question[0].Name, ".")),
"type": dns.Type(entry.Question.Question[0].Qtype).String(),
"class": dns.Class(entry.Question.Question[0].Qclass).String(),
jsonentry["question"] = question
status, _ := response.Typify(entry.R, time.Now().UTC())
status, _ := response.Typify(entry.Answer, time.Now().UTC())
jsonentry["status"] = status.String()
if len(entry.Result.Rule) > 0 {
jsonentry["rule"] = entry.Result.Rule
if len(entry.R.Answer) > 0 {
if entry.Answer != nil && len(entry.Answer.Answer) > 0 {
var answers = []map[string]interface{}{}
for _, k := range entry.R.Answer {
for _, k := range entry.Answer.Answer {
header := k.Header()
answer := map[string]interface{}{
"type": dns.TypeToString[header.Rrtype],
@ -385,43 +385,44 @@ var regexRules = []string{"/example\\.org/", "@@||test.example.org^"}
var maskRules = []string{"test*.example.org^", "exam*.com"}
var tests = []struct {
testname string
rules []string
hostname string
result bool
testname string
rules []string
hostname string
isFiltered bool
reason Reason
{"sanity", []string{"||doubleclick.net^"}, "www.doubleclick.net", true},
{"sanity", []string{"||doubleclick.net^"}, "nodoubleclick.net", false},
{"sanity", []string{"||doubleclick.net^"}, "doubleclick.net.ru", false},
{"sanity", []string{"||doubleclick.net^"}, "wmconvirus.narod.ru", false},
{"blocking", blockingRules, "example.org", true},
{"blocking", blockingRules, "test.example.org", true},
{"blocking", blockingRules, "test.test.example.org", true},
{"blocking", blockingRules, "testexample.org", false},
{"blocking", blockingRules, "onemoreexample.org", false},
{"whitelist", whitelistRules, "example.org", true},
{"whitelist", whitelistRules, "test.example.org", false},
{"whitelist", whitelistRules, "test.test.example.org", false},
{"whitelist", whitelistRules, "testexample.org", false},
{"whitelist", whitelistRules, "onemoreexample.org", false},
{"important", importantRules, "example.org", false},
{"important", importantRules, "test.example.org", true},
{"important", importantRules, "test.test.example.org", true},
{"important", importantRules, "testexample.org", false},
{"important", importantRules, "onemoreexample.org", false},
{"regex", regexRules, "example.org", true},
{"regex", regexRules, "test.example.org", false},
{"regex", regexRules, "test.test.example.org", false},
{"regex", regexRules, "testexample.org", true},
{"regex", regexRules, "onemoreexample.org", true},
{"mask", maskRules, "test.example.org", true},
{"mask", maskRules, "test2.example.org", true},
{"mask", maskRules, "example.com", true},
{"mask", maskRules, "exampleeee.com", true},
{"mask", maskRules, "onemoreexamsite.com", true},
{"mask", maskRules, "example.org", false},
{"mask", maskRules, "testexample.org", false},
{"mask", maskRules, "example.co.uk", false},
{"sanity", []string{"||doubleclick.net^"}, "www.doubleclick.net", true, FilteredBlackList},
{"sanity", []string{"||doubleclick.net^"}, "nodoubleclick.net", false, NotFilteredNotFound},
{"sanity", []string{"||doubleclick.net^"}, "doubleclick.net.ru", false, NotFilteredNotFound},
{"sanity", []string{"||doubleclick.net^"}, "wmconvirus.narod.ru", false, NotFilteredNotFound},
{"blocking", blockingRules, "example.org", true, FilteredBlackList},
{"blocking", blockingRules, "test.example.org", true, FilteredBlackList},
{"blocking", blockingRules, "test.test.example.org", true, FilteredBlackList},
{"blocking", blockingRules, "testexample.org", false, NotFilteredNotFound},
{"blocking", blockingRules, "onemoreexample.org", false, NotFilteredNotFound},
{"whitelist", whitelistRules, "example.org", true, FilteredBlackList},
{"whitelist", whitelistRules, "test.example.org", false, NotFilteredWhiteList},
{"whitelist", whitelistRules, "test.test.example.org", false, NotFilteredWhiteList},
{"whitelist", whitelistRules, "testexample.org", false, NotFilteredNotFound},
{"whitelist", whitelistRules, "onemoreexample.org", false, NotFilteredNotFound},
{"important", importantRules, "example.org", false, NotFilteredWhiteList},
{"important", importantRules, "test.example.org", true, FilteredBlackList},
{"important", importantRules, "test.test.example.org", true, FilteredBlackList},
{"important", importantRules, "testexample.org", false, NotFilteredNotFound},
{"important", importantRules, "onemoreexample.org", false, NotFilteredNotFound},
{"regex", regexRules, "example.org", true, FilteredBlackList},
{"regex", regexRules, "test.example.org", false, NotFilteredWhiteList},
{"regex", regexRules, "test.test.example.org", false, NotFilteredWhiteList},
{"regex", regexRules, "testexample.org", true, FilteredBlackList},
{"regex", regexRules, "onemoreexample.org", true, FilteredBlackList},
{"mask", maskRules, "test.example.org", true, FilteredBlackList},
{"mask", maskRules, "test2.example.org", true, FilteredBlackList},
{"mask", maskRules, "example.com", true, FilteredBlackList},
{"mask", maskRules, "exampleeee.com", true, FilteredBlackList},
{"mask", maskRules, "onemoreexamsite.com", true, FilteredBlackList},
{"mask", maskRules, "example.org", false, NotFilteredNotFound},
{"mask", maskRules, "testexample.org", false, NotFilteredNotFound},
{"mask", maskRules, "example.co.uk", false, NotFilteredNotFound},
func TestMatching(t *testing.T) {
@ -439,8 +440,11 @@ func TestMatching(t *testing.T) {
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Error while matching host %s: %s", test.hostname, err)
if ret.IsFiltered != test.result {
t.Errorf("Hostname %s has wrong result (%v must be %v)", test.hostname, ret, test.result)
if ret.IsFiltered != test.isFiltered {
t.Errorf("Hostname %s has wrong result (%v must be %v)", test.hostname, ret.IsFiltered, test.isFiltered)
if ret.Reason != test.reason {
t.Errorf("Hostname %s has wrong reason (%v must be %v)", test.hostname, ret.Reason.String(), test.reason.String())
@ -51,33 +51,14 @@ func ensureDELETE(handler func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request)) func(http.Re
// --------------------------
// helper functions for stats
// --------------------------
func computeRate(input []float64) []float64 {
func getReversedSlice(input [statsHistoryElements]float64, start int, end int) []float64 {
output := make([]float64, 0)
for i := len(input) - 2; i >= 0; i-- {
value := input[i]
diff := value - input[i+1]
output = append([]float64{diff}, output...)
for i := start; i <= end; i++ {
output = append([]float64{input[i]}, output...)
return output
func generateMapFromSnap(snap statsSnapshot) map[string]interface{} {
var avgProcessingTime float64
if snap.processingTimeCount > 0 {
avgProcessingTime = snap.processingTimeSum / snap.processingTimeCount
result := map[string]interface{}{
"dns_queries": snap.totalRequests,
"blocked_filtering": snap.filteredLists,
"replaced_safebrowsing": snap.filteredSafebrowsing,
"replaced_safesearch": snap.filteredSafesearch,
"replaced_parental": snap.filteredParental,
"avg_processing_time": avgProcessingTime,
return result
func generateMapFromStats(stats *periodicStats, start int, end int) map[string]interface{} {
// clamp
start = clamp(start, 0, statsHistoryElements)
@ -85,8 +66,8 @@ func generateMapFromStats(stats *periodicStats, start int, end int) map[string]i
avgProcessingTime := make([]float64, 0)
count := computeRate(stats.processingTimeCount[start:end])
sum := computeRate(stats.processingTimeSum[start:end])
count := getReversedSlice(stats.entries[processingTimeCount], start, end)
sum := getReversedSlice(stats.entries[processingTimeSum], start, end)
for i := 0; i < len(count); i++ {
var avg float64
if count[i] != 0 {
@ -97,11 +78,11 @@ func generateMapFromStats(stats *periodicStats, start int, end int) map[string]i
result := map[string]interface{}{
"dns_queries": computeRate(stats.totalRequests[start:end]),
"blocked_filtering": computeRate(stats.filteredLists[start:end]),
"replaced_safebrowsing": computeRate(stats.filteredSafebrowsing[start:end]),
"replaced_safesearch": computeRate(stats.filteredSafesearch[start:end]),
"replaced_parental": computeRate(stats.filteredParental[start:end]),
"dns_queries": getReversedSlice(stats.entries[totalRequests], start, end),
"blocked_filtering": getReversedSlice(stats.entries[filteredLists], start, end),
"replaced_safebrowsing": getReversedSlice(stats.entries[filteredSafebrowsing], start, end),
"replaced_safesearch": getReversedSlice(stats.entries[filteredSafesearch], start, end),
"replaced_parental": getReversedSlice(stats.entries[filteredParental], start, end),
"avg_processing_time": avgProcessingTime,
return result
@ -8,70 +8,50 @@ import (
type periodicStats struct {
totalRequests []float64
filteredTotal []float64
filteredLists []float64
filteredSafebrowsing []float64
filteredSafesearch []float64
filteredParental []float64
processingTimeSum []float64
processingTimeCount []float64
lastRotate time.Time // last time this data was rotated
type statsSnapshot struct {
totalRequests float64
filteredTotal float64
filteredLists float64
filteredSafebrowsing float64
filteredSafesearch float64
filteredParental float64
processingTimeSum float64
processingTimeCount float64
type statsCollection struct {
perSecond periodicStats
perMinute periodicStats
perHour periodicStats
perDay periodicStats
lastsnap statsSnapshot
var statistics statsCollection
var client = &http.Client{
Timeout: time.Second * 30,
const statsHistoryElements = 60 + 1 // +1 for calculating delta
// as seen over HTTP
type statsEntry map[string]float64
type statsEntries map[string][statsHistoryElements]float64
var requestCountTotalRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`^coredns_dns_request_count_total`)
var requestDurationSecondsSum = regexp.MustCompile(`^coredns_dns_request_duration_seconds_sum`)
var requestDurationSecondsCount = regexp.MustCompile(`^coredns_dns_request_duration_seconds_count`)
const (
statsHistoryElements = 60 + 1 // +1 for calculating delta
totalRequests = `coredns_dns_request_count_total`
filteredTotal = `coredns_dnsfilter_filtered_total`
filteredLists = `coredns_dnsfilter_filtered_lists_total`
filteredSafebrowsing = `coredns_dnsfilter_filtered_safebrowsing_total`
filteredSafesearch = `coredns_dnsfilter_safesearch_total`
filteredParental = `coredns_dnsfilter_filtered_parental_total`
processingTimeSum = `coredns_dns_request_duration_seconds_sum`
processingTimeCount = `coredns_dns_request_duration_seconds_count`
func initPeriodicStats(stats *periodicStats) {
stats.totalRequests = make([]float64, statsHistoryElements)
stats.filteredTotal = make([]float64, statsHistoryElements)
stats.filteredLists = make([]float64, statsHistoryElements)
stats.filteredSafebrowsing = make([]float64, statsHistoryElements)
stats.filteredSafesearch = make([]float64, statsHistoryElements)
stats.filteredParental = make([]float64, statsHistoryElements)
stats.processingTimeSum = make([]float64, statsHistoryElements)
stats.processingTimeCount = make([]float64, statsHistoryElements)
type periodicStats struct {
entries statsEntries
lastRotate time.Time // last time this data was rotated
type stats struct {
perSecond periodicStats
perMinute periodicStats
perHour periodicStats
perDay periodicStats
lastSeen statsEntry
var statistics stats
func initPeriodicStats(periodic *periodicStats) {
periodic.entries = statsEntries{}
func init() {
@ -106,37 +86,22 @@ func isConnRefused(err error) bool {
return false
func sliceRotate(slice *[]float64) {
a := (*slice)[:len(*slice)-1]
*slice = append([]float64{0}, a...)
func statsRotate(stats *periodicStats, now time.Time) {
stats.lastRotate = now
func handleValue(input string, target *float64) {
value, err := strconv.ParseFloat(input, 64)
if err != nil {
log.Println("Failed to parse number input:", err)
func statsRotate(periodic *periodicStats, now time.Time) {
for key, values := range periodic.entries {
newValues := [statsHistoryElements]float64{}
for i := 1; i < len(values); i++ {
newValues[i] = values[i-1]
periodic.entries[key] = newValues
*target = value
periodic.lastRotate = now
// called every second, accumulates stats for each second, minute, hour and day
func collectStats() {
now := time.Now()
// rotate each second
// NOTE: since we are called every second, always rotate, otherwise aliasing problems cause the rotation to skip
// NOTE: since we are called every second, always rotate perSecond, otherwise aliasing problems cause the rotation to skip
if true {
statsRotate(&statistics.perSecond, now)
@ -172,6 +137,8 @@ func collectStats() {
entry := statsEntry{}
// handle body
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(strings.NewReader(string(body)))
for scanner.Scan() {
@ -181,38 +148,61 @@ func collectStats() {
splitted := strings.Split(line, " ")
switch {
case splitted[0] == "coredns_dnsfilter_filtered_total":
handleValue(splitted[1], &statistics.lastsnap.filteredTotal)
case splitted[0] == "coredns_dnsfilter_filtered_lists_total":
handleValue(splitted[1], &statistics.lastsnap.filteredLists)
case splitted[0] == "coredns_dnsfilter_filtered_safebrowsing_total":
handleValue(splitted[1], &statistics.lastsnap.filteredSafebrowsing)
case splitted[0] == "coredns_dnsfilter_filtered_parental_total":
handleValue(splitted[1], &statistics.lastsnap.filteredParental)
case requestCountTotalRegex.MatchString(splitted[0]):
handleValue(splitted[1], &statistics.lastsnap.totalRequests)
case requestDurationSecondsSum.MatchString(splitted[0]):
handleValue(splitted[1], &statistics.lastsnap.processingTimeSum)
case requestDurationSecondsCount.MatchString(splitted[0]):
handleValue(splitted[1], &statistics.lastsnap.processingTimeCount)
if len(splitted) < 2 {
value, err := strconv.ParseFloat(splitted[1], 64)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Failed to parse number input %s: %s", splitted[1], err)
key := splitted[0]
index := strings.IndexByte(key, '{')
if index >= 0 {
key = key[:index]
// empty keys are not ok
if key == "" {
got, ok := entry[key]
if ok {
value += got
entry[key] = value
// put the snap into per-second, per-minute, per-hour and per-day
// calculate delta
delta := calcDelta(entry, statistics.lastSeen)
// apply delta to second/minute/hour/day
applyDelta(&statistics.perSecond, delta)
applyDelta(&statistics.perMinute, delta)
applyDelta(&statistics.perHour, delta)
applyDelta(&statistics.perDay, delta)
// save last seen
statistics.lastSeen = entry
func assignSnapToStats(stats *periodicStats) {
stats.totalRequests[0] = statistics.lastsnap.totalRequests
stats.filteredTotal[0] = statistics.lastsnap.filteredTotal
stats.filteredLists[0] = statistics.lastsnap.filteredLists
stats.filteredSafebrowsing[0] = statistics.lastsnap.filteredSafebrowsing
stats.filteredSafesearch[0] = statistics.lastsnap.filteredSafesearch
stats.filteredParental[0] = statistics.lastsnap.filteredParental
stats.processingTimeSum[0] = statistics.lastsnap.processingTimeSum
stats.processingTimeCount[0] = statistics.lastsnap.processingTimeCount
func calcDelta(current, seen statsEntry) statsEntry {
delta := statsEntry{}
for key, currentValue := range current {
seenValue := seen[key]
deltaValue := currentValue - seenValue
delta[key] = deltaValue
return delta
func applyDelta(current *periodicStats, delta statsEntry) {
for key, deltaValue := range delta {
currentValues := current.entries[key]
currentValues[0] += deltaValue
current.entries[key] = currentValues
Add table
Reference in a new issue