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synced 2025-03-14 22:48:35 +03:00
Pull request 2025: 6184-service-icons
Closes #6184. Squashed commit of the following: commit 6189cdada082bd27effd0e994ed26d514a072e27 Author: Ainar Garipov <A.Garipov@AdGuard.COM> Date: Fri Oct 6 12:39:59 2023 +0300 filtering: upd svcs
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 5 additions and 5 deletions
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ NOTE: Add new changes BELOW THIS COMMENT.
### Changed
- Node 16 is now required to build the frontend.
- Node.JS 16 is now required to build the frontend.
### Fixed
@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ var blockedServices = []blockedService{{
}, {
ID: "bilibili",
Name: "Bilibili",
IconSVG: []byte("<svg xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\" viewBox=\"0 0 48 48\"><path fill=\"currentColor\" d=\"M36.5,12h-7.086l3.793-3.793c0.391-0.391,0.391-1.023,0-1.414s-1.023-0.391-1.414,0L26.586,12 h-5.172l-5.207-5.207c-0.391-0.391-1.023-0.391-1.414,0s-0.391,1.023,0,1.414L18.586,12H12.5C9.467,12,7,14.467,7,17.5v15 c0,3.033,2.467,5.5,5.5,5.5h2c0,0.829,0.671,1.5,1.5,1.5s1.5-0.671,1.5-1.5h14c0,0.829,0.671,1.5,1.5,1.5s1.5-0.671,1.5-1.5h2 c3.033,0,5.5-2.467,5.5-5.5v-15C42,14.467,39.533,12,36.5,12z M39,32.5c0,1.378-1.122,2.5-2.5,2.5h-24c-1.378,0-2.5-1.122-2.5-2.5 v-15c0-1.378,1.122-2.5,2.5-2.5h24c1.378,0,2.5,1.122,2.5,2.5V32.5z\"/><rect width=\"2.75\" height=\"7.075\" x=\"30.625\" y=\"18.463\" fill=\"currentColor\" transform=\"rotate(-71.567 32.001 22)\"/><rect width=\"7.075\" height=\"2.75\" x=\"14.463\" y=\"20.625\" fill=\"currentColor\" transform=\"rotate(-18.432 17.998 21.997)\"/><path fill=\"currentColor\" d=\"M28.033,27.526c-0.189,0.593-0.644,0.896-1.326,0.896c-0.076-0.013-0.139-0.013-0.24-0.025 c-0.013,0-0.05-0.013-0.063,0c-0.341-0.05-0.745-0.177-1.061-0.467c-0.366-0.265-0.808-0.745-0.947-1.477 c0,0-0.29,1.174-0.896,1.49c-0.076,0.05-0.164,0.114-0.253,0.164l-0.038,0.025c-0.303,0.164-0.682,0.265-1.086,0.278 c-0.568-0.051-0.947-0.328-1.136-0.821l-0.063-0.164l-1.427,0.656l0.05,0.139c0.467,1.124,1.465,1.768,2.74,1.768 c0.922,0,1.667-0.303,2.209-0.909c0.556,0.606,1.288,0.909,2.209,0.909c1.856,0,2.55-1.288,2.765-1.843l0.051-0.126l-1.427-0.657 L28.033,27.526z\"/></svg>"),
IconSVG: []byte("<svg xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\" viewBox=\"0 0 48 48\" fill=\"currentColor\"><path d=\"M36.5 12h-7.09l3.8-3.8a1 1 0 1 0-1.42-1.4L26.6 12H21.4l-5.2-5.2a1 1 0 1 0-1.42 1.4l3.8 3.8H12.5A5.5 5.5 0 0 0 7 17.5v15a5.5 5.5 0 0 0 5.5 5.5h2a1.5 1.5 0 1 0 3 0h14a1.5 1.5 0 1 0 3 0h2a5.5 5.5 0 0 0 5.5-5.5v-15a5.5 5.5 0 0 0-5.5-5.5ZM39 32.5a2.5 2.5 0 0 1-2.5 2.5h-24a2.5 2.5 0 0 1-2.5-2.5v-15a2.5 2.5 0 0 1 2.5-2.5h24a2.5 2.5 0 0 1 2.5 2.5v15Z\"/><path d=\"m29.08 19.58-.87 2.6 6.71 2.24.87-2.6-6.71-2.24Zm-8.16 0-6.7 2.23.86 2.61 6.71-2.23-.87-2.61Zm7.11 7.95c-.19.59-.64.9-1.32.9l-.24-.03c-.02 0-.05-.02-.07 0a1.99 1.99 0 0 1-1.06-.47 2.37 2.37 0 0 1-.94-1.48s-.3 1.18-.9 1.5l-.25.16-.04.02a2.47 2.47 0 0 1-1.09.28c-.56-.05-.94-.33-1.13-.82l-.07-.17- 2.82 0 0 0 2.74 1.77c.92 0 1.66-.3 2.2-.91.56.6 1.3.9 2.22.9a2.82 2.82 0 0 0 2.76-1.84l.05-.12-1.43-.66-.06.17Z\"/></svg>"),
Rules: []string{
@ -1709,7 +1709,6 @@ var blockedServices = []blockedService{{
@ -1741,6 +1740,7 @@ var blockedServices = []blockedService{{
@ -1985,7 +1985,7 @@ var blockedServices = []blockedService{{
}, {
ID: "qq",
Name: "QQ",
IconSVG: []byte("<svg xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\" fill=\"currentColor\" viewBox=\"0 0 32 32\"><g fill=\"none\" fillRule=\"evenodd\"><path d=\"M0 0h32v32H0z\" /><g fill=\"currentColor\" fillRule=\"nonzero\"><path d=\"M11.25 32C8.342 32 6 30.74 6 29.242c0-1.497 2.342-2.757 5.25-2.757s5.25 1.26 5.25 2.757S14.158 32 11.25 32zM27 29.242c0-1.497-2.342-2.757-5.25-2.757s-5.25 1.26-5.25 2.757S18.842 32 21.75 32 27 30.74 27 29.242zM14.885 7.182c0 .63-.323 1.182-.808 1.182-.485 0-.808-.552-.808-1.182 0-.63.323-1.182.808-1.182.485 0 .808.552.808 1.182zM18.923 6c-.485 0-.808.552-.808 1.182 0 .63.323-.394.808-.394.485 0 .808 1.024.808.394S19.408 6 18.923 6z\" /><path d=\"M6.653 12.638s4.685 2.465 9.926 2.465c5.242 0 9.927-2.465 9.927-2.465.112-.09.217-.161.316-.212-.002-1.088-.078-2.026-.078-2.808C26.744 4.292 22.138 0 16.5 0S6.176 4.292 6.176 9.618v2.78c. 0 1.986 1.272 1.986 2.782s-.874 2.782-1.986 2.782c-1.111 0-1.985-1.271-1.985-2.782 0-1.51.874-2.782 1.985-2.782zm-5.558 0c1.111 0 1.985 1.272 1.985 2.782s-.874 2.782-1.985 2.782c-1.112 0-1.986-1.271-1.986-2.782 0-1.51.874-2.782 1.986-2.782zm2.779 6.624c2.912 0 5.294.464 5.294.994s-2.382 1.656-5.294 1.656c-2.912 0-5.294-1.126-5.294-1.656s2.382-.994 5.294-.994zm11.374 5.182c-.058.038-.108.076-.177.117-.159.08-5.241 3.18-11.038 3.18-1.43 0-2.7-.239-3.97-.477-.239 1.67-.239 3.259-.239 3.974 0 1.272-1.032 1.193-2.303 1.272-1.27 0-2.223.16-2.303-1.033 0-.16-.08-2.782.397-5.564-1.588-.716-2.62-1.272-2.7-1.352a3.293 3.293 0 01-.335-.216C4.012 17.55 3 19.598 3 21.223c0 3.815 1.112 3.418 1.112 3.418.476 0 1.27-.795 1.985-1.67C7.765 27.662 11.735 31 16.5 31c4.765 0 8.735-3.338 10.403-8.028.715.874 1.509 1.669 1.985 1.669 0 0 1.112.397 1.112-3.418 0-1.588-.968-3.631-2.126-5.443z\" /></g></g></svg>"),
IconSVG: []byte("<svg xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\" viewBox=\"0 0 32 32\" fill=\"currentColor\"><path d=\"M11.25 32C8.35 32 6 30.74 6 29.24c0-1.5 2.34-2.75 5.25-2.75s5.25 1.26 5.25 2.75S14.16 32 11.25 32ZM27 29.24c0-1.5-2.34-2.75-5.25-2.75s-5.25 1.26-5.25 2.75S18.84 32 21.75 32 27 30.74 27 29.24ZM14.88 7.18c0 .63-.32 1.18-.8 1.18-.49 0-.81-.55-.81-1.18 0-.63.32-1.18.8-1.18.5 0 .81.55.81 1.18ZM18.93 6c-.48 0-.8.55-.8 1.18 0 .63.32-.4.8-.4.49 0 .81 6 18.93 6Z\"/><path d=\"M6.65 12.64s4.69 2.46 9.93 2.46c5.24 0 9.93-2.46 9.93-2.46.1-.1.21-.16.31-.21 0-1.1-.08-2.03-.08-2.81C26.74 4.29 22.14 0 16.5 0S6.18 4.3 6.18 9.62v2.78c. 0 1.98 1.28 1.98 2.79s-.87 2.78-1.98 2.78c-1.11 0-1.99-1.27-1.99-2.78 0-1.51.88-2.79 1.99-2.79Zm-5.56 0c1.11 0 1.99 1.28 1.99 2.79s-.88 2.78-1.99 2.78c-1.11 0-1.99-1.27-1.99-2.78 0-1.51.88-2.79 2-2.79Zm2.78 6.63c2.91 0 5.3.46 5.3 1s-2.39 1.65-5.3 1.65c-2.91 0-5.3-1.13-5.3-1.66s2.39-1 5.3-1Zm11.37 5.18-.17.12c-.16.08-5.24 3.18-11.04 3.18-1.43 0-2.7-.24-3.97-.48-.24 1.67-.24 3.26-.24 3.97 0 1.28-1.03 1.2-2.3 1.28-1.27 0-2.23.16-2.3-1.04 0-.16-.09-2.78.4-5.56a23.87 23.87 0 0 1-2.7-1.35 3.3 3.3 0 0 1-.34-.22C4 17.55 3 19.6 3 21.22c0 3.82 1.11 3.42 1.11 3.42.48 0 1.27-.8 1.99-1.67C7.77 27.67 11.73 31 16.5 31c4.76 0 8.73-3.34 10.4- 1.51 1.67 1.99 1.67 0 0 1.11.4 1.11-3.42 0-1.58-.97-3.63-2.13-5.44Z\"/></svg>"),
Rules: []string{
@ -2437,7 +2437,7 @@ var blockedServices = []blockedService{{
}, {
ID: "xboxlive",
Name: "Xbox Live",
IconSVG: []byte("<svg xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\" fill=\"currentColor\" viewBox=\"0 0 84 84\" xml:space=\"preserve\"><g transform=\"translate(-59.355 -42.513)\"><g transform=\"matrix(.26458 0 0 .26458 -145.88 -71.438)\" fill=\"currentColor\"><path d=\"m936.09 559.48s0.4 0 0 0c48.4 36.8 130.4 127.2 105.6 152.8-28.4 24.8-65.2 39.6-105.6 39.6s-77.6-14.8-105.6-39.6c-25.2-25.6 57.2-116 105.2-152.4 0-0.4 0.4-0.4 0.4-0.4zm83.6-105.2c-24.4-14.8-51.2-23.6-83.6-23.6s-59.2 8.8-83.6 23.6c-0.4 0-0.4 0.4-0.4 0.8s0.4 0.4 0.8 0.4c31.2-6.8 78.4 20 82.8 22.8h0.8c4.4-2.8 51.6-29.6 82.8-22.8 0.4 0 0.8 0 0.8-0.4s0-0.8-0.4-0.8zm-196 22.4c-0.4 0-0.4 0.4-0.8 0.4-29.2 29.2-47.2 69.6-47.2 114 0 36.4 12.4 70.4 32.8 97.2 0 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.8 0.4s0.4-0.4 0-0.8c-12.4-38 50.4-129.6 82.8-168l0.4-0.4c0-0.4 0-0.4-0.4-0.4-49.2-48.8-65.6-43.6-68.4-42.4zm156.4 42-0.4 0.4s0 0.4 0.4 0.4c32.4 38.4 94.8 130 82.8 168v0.8c0.4 0 0.8 0 0.8-0.4 20.4-26.8 32.8-60.8 32.8-97.2 0-44.4-18-84.8-47.6-114-0.4-0.4-0.4-0.4-0.8-0.4-2.4-0.8-18.8-6-68 42.4z\"/></g></g></svg>"),
IconSVG: []byte("<svg xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\" viewBox=\"0 0 84 84\" fill=\"currentColor\"><path d=\"M42.44 34.08c12.8 9.73 34.5 33.65 27.94 40.42a42.24 42.24 0 0 1-27.94 10.48A42.03 42.03 0 0 1 14.5 74.5c-6.67-6.77 15.13-30.69 27.83-40.32 0-.1.1-.1.1-.1ZM64.56 6.24A41.32 41.32 0 0 0 42.43 0a41.32 41.32 0 0 0-22.11 6.24c-.1 0-.1.1-.1.21s. 20.75 5.3 21.91 6.03h.21c1.17-.74 13.65-7.83 21.9-6.03.12 0 .22 0 .22-.1s0-.22-.1-.22ZM12.7 12.17c-.1 0-.1.1-.21.1a42.56 42.56 0 0 0-3.81 55.88c0 . 0-.21C5.62 57.99 22.23 33.75 30.8 23.6l.11-.1c0-.11 0-.11-.1-.11-13.02-12.91-17.36-11.54-18.1-11.22Zm41.38 11.11-.1.1s0 .11.1.11c8.57 10.16 25.08 34.4 21.9 44.45v.22c.11 0 .22 0 .22-.11a42.53 42.53 0 0 0 8.67-25.72 42.21 42.21 0 0 0-12.59-30.16c-.1-.1-.1-.1-.21-.1-.64-.22-4.97-1.6-18 11.21Z\"/></svg>"),
Rules: []string{
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