Fix status for certificates not updating.

This commit is contained in:
Eugene Bujak 2019-02-12 19:53:53 +03:00 committed by Eugene Bujak
parent c061bec6d8
commit 4b4faad9e8

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@ -1057,8 +1057,6 @@ func handleTLSConfigure(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var mainCert *x509.Certificate
if data.CertificateChain != "" {
certPEM, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(data.CertificateChain)
if err != nil {
@ -1145,30 +1143,30 @@ func handleTLSConfigure(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// spew.Dump(chains)
config.TLS = data
// update status
if mainCert != nil {
data.StatusCertificate = fmt.Sprintf("Certificate expires on %s", mainCert.NotAfter) //, valid for hostname %s", mainCert.NotAfter, mainCert.Subject.CommonName)
if len(mainCert.DNSNames) == 1 {
data.StatusCertificate += fmt.Sprintf(", valid for hostname %s", mainCert.DNSNames[0])
} else if len(mainCert.DNSNames) > 1 {
data.StatusCertificate += ", valid for hostnames " + strings.Join(mainCert.DNSNames, ", ")
// update status
if mainCert != nil {
config.TLS.StatusCertificate = fmt.Sprintf("Certificate expires on %s", mainCert.NotAfter) //, valid for hostname %s", mainCert.NotAfter, mainCert.Subject.CommonName)
if len(mainCert.DNSNames) == 1 {
config.TLS.StatusCertificate += fmt.Sprintf(", valid for hostname %s", mainCert.DNSNames[0])
} else if len(mainCert.DNSNames) > 1 {
config.TLS.StatusCertificate += ", valid for hostnames " + strings.Join(mainCert.DNSNames, ", ")
// issue a warning if certificate is about to expire
now := time.Now()
if mainCert.NotAfter.AddDate(0, 0, -30).After(now) {
timeLeft := time.Until(mainCert.NotAfter)
if timeLeft > 0 {
config.TLS.Warning = fmt.Sprintf("Your certificate expires in %.0f days, we recommend you update it soon", timeLeft.Hours()/24)
} else {
config.TLS.Warning = fmt.Sprintf("Your certificate has expired on %s, we recommend you update it immediatedly", mainCert.NotAfter)
// issue a warning if certificate is about to expire
now := time.Now()
if mainCert.NotAfter.AddDate(0, 0, -30).After(now) {
timeLeft := time.Until(mainCert.NotAfter)
if timeLeft > 0 {
data.Warning = fmt.Sprintf("Your certificate expires in %.0f days, we recommend you update it soon", timeLeft.Hours()/24)
} else {
data.Warning = fmt.Sprintf("Your certificate has expired on %s, we recommend you update it immediatedly", mainCert.NotAfter)
config.TLS = data
httpUpdateConfigReloadDNSReturnOK(w, r)