mirror of
synced 2025-02-16 09:59:49 +03:00
all: sync with master; upd chlog
This commit is contained in:
99 changed files with 3202 additions and 1886 deletions
@ -32,31 +32,33 @@
- 'attributes':
'description': 'On which Platform does the issue occur?'
'label': 'Platform (OS and CPU architecture)'
# NOTE: Keep the 386 at the bottom for each OS, because a lot of people
# Seem to confuse them with AMD64, which is what they actually need.
- 'Darwin (aka macOS)/AMD64 (aka x86_64)'
- 'Darwin (aka macOS)/ARM64'
- 'FreeBSD/386'
- 'FreeBSD/AMD64 (aka x86_64)'
- 'FreeBSD/ARM64'
- 'FreeBSD/ARMv5'
- 'FreeBSD/ARMv6'
- 'FreeBSD/ARMv7'
- 'Linux/386'
- 'Linux/AMD64 (aka x86_64)'
- 'Linux/ARM64'
- 'Linux/ARMv5'
- 'Linux/ARMv6'
- 'Linux/ARMv7'
- 'Linux/MIPS LE'
- 'Linux/MIPS'
- 'Linux/MIPS64 LE'
- 'Linux/MIPS64'
- 'Linux/PPC64 LE'
- 'OpenBSD/AMD64 (aka x86_64)'
- 'OpenBSD/ARM64'
- 'Windows/386'
- 'Windows/AMD64 (aka x86_64)'
- 'Windows/ARM64'
- 'Darwin (aka macOS), AMD64 (aka x86_64)'
- 'Darwin (aka macOS), ARM64'
- 'FreeBSD, AMD64 (aka x86_64)'
- 'FreeBSD, ARM64'
- 'FreeBSD, ARMv5'
- 'FreeBSD, ARMv6'
- 'FreeBSD, ARMv7'
- 'FreeBSD, 32-bit Intel (aka 386)'
- 'Linux, AMD64 (aka x86_64)'
- 'Linux, ARM64'
- 'Linux, ARMv5'
- 'Linux, ARMv6'
- 'Linux, ARMv7'
- 'Linux, MIPS LE'
- 'Linux, MIPS'
- 'Linux, MIPS64 LE'
- 'Linux, MIPS64'
- 'Linux, PPC64 LE'
- 'Linux, 32-bit Intel (aka 386)'
- 'OpenBSD, AMD64 (aka x86_64)'
- 'OpenBSD, ARM64'
- 'Windows, AMD64 (aka x86_64)'
- 'Windows, ARM64'
- 'Windows, 32-bit Intel (aka 386)'
- 'Custom (please mention in the description)'
'id': 'os'
'type': 'dropdown'
@ -142,8 +144,10 @@
'type': 'textarea'
'required': false
'description': >
Open a bug report. Please do not open bug reports for questions or help
with configuring clients. If you want to ask for help, use the Discussions
# NOTE: GitHub limits the description length to 200 characters. Also, Markdown
# doesn't work here.
'description': |
For help, use the Discussions section instead. Write the title in English
to make it easier for other people to search for duplicates. (Any language
is fine in the body.)
'name': 'Bug'
@ -48,7 +48,11 @@
'type': 'textarea'
'required': false
'description': 'Suggest a feature or an enhancement for AdGuard Home'
# NOTE: GitHub limits the description length to 200 characters. Also, Markdown
# doesn't work here.
'description': |
Write the title in English to make it easier for other people to search for
duplicates. (Any language is fine in the body.)
- 'feature request'
'name': 'Feature request or enhancement'
@ -14,11 +14,11 @@ and this project adheres to
## [v0.108.0] - TBA
## [v0.107.35] - 2023-08-02 (APPROX.)
## [v0.107.36] - 2023-08-09 (APPROX.)
See also the [v0.107.35 GitHub milestone][ms-v0.107.35].
See also the [v0.107.36 GitHub milestone][ms-v0.107.36].
[ms-v0.107.35]: https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome/milestone/70?closed=1
[ms-v0.107.36]: https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome/milestone/71?closed=1
@ -29,6 +29,34 @@ NOTE: Add new changes ABOVE THIS COMMENT.
## [v0.107.35] - 2023-07-26
See also the [v0.107.35 GitHub milestone][ms-v0.107.35].
### Changed
- Improved reliability filtering-rule list updates on Unix systems.
### Fixed
- Occasional client information lookup failures that could lead to the DNS
server getting stuck ([#6006]).
- `bufio.Scanner: token too long` and other errors when trying to add
filtering-rule lists with lines over 1024 bytes long or containing cosmetic
rules ([#6003]).
### Removed
- Default exposure of the non-standard ports 784 and 8853 for DNS-over-QUIC in
the `Dockerfile`.
[#6003]: https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome/issues/6003
[#6006]: https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome/issues/6006
[ms-v0.107.35]: https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome/milestone/70?closed=1
## [v0.107.34] - 2023-07-12
See also the [v0.107.34 GitHub milestone][ms-v0.107.34].
@ -2242,11 +2270,12 @@ See also the [v0.104.2 GitHub milestone][ms-v0.104.2].
[Unreleased]: https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome/compare/v0.107.35...HEAD
[v0.107.35]: https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome/compare/v0.107.34...v0.107.35
[Unreleased]: https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome/compare/v0.107.36...HEAD
[v0.107.36]: https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome/compare/v0.107.35...v0.107.36
[Unreleased]: https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome/compare/v0.107.34...HEAD
[Unreleased]: https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome/compare/v0.107.35...HEAD
[v0.107.35]: https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome/compare/v0.107.34...v0.107.35
[v0.107.34]: https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome/compare/v0.107.33...v0.107.34
[v0.107.33]: https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome/compare/v0.107.32...v0.107.33
[v0.107.32]: https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome/compare/v0.107.31...v0.107.32
@ -127,3 +127,10 @@ openapi-lint: ; cd ./openapi/ && $(YARN) test
openapi-show: ; cd ./openapi/ && $(YARN) start
txt-lint: ; $(ENV) "$(SHELL)" ./scripts/make/txt-lint.sh
# TODO(a.garipov): Consider adding to scripts/ and the common project
# structure.
cd ./internal/tools/ &&\
"$(GO.MACRO)" get -u &&\
"$(GO.MACRO)" mod tidy
@ -416,7 +416,8 @@ There are three options how you can install an unstable version:
### <a href="#reporting-issues" id="reporting-issues" name="reporting-issues">Report issues</a>
If you run into any problem or have a suggestion, head to [this page][iss] and
click on the “New issue” button.
click on the “New issue” button. Please follow the instructions in the issue
form carefully and don't forget to start by searching for duplicates.
[iss]: https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome/issues
@ -444,7 +444,7 @@
"client_confirm_delete": "Opravdu chcete odstranit klienta \"{{key}}\"?",
"list_confirm_delete": "Opravdu chcete smazat tento seznam?",
"auto_clients_title": "Spuštění klienti",
"auto_clients_desc": "Zařízení, která nejsou na seznamu stálých klientů, a mohou nadále používat AdGuard Home",
"auto_clients_desc": "Informace o IP adresách zařízení, která používají nebo mohou používat AdGuard Home. Tyto informace se získávají z několika zdrojů, včetně souborů hosts, reverzního DNS atd.",
"access_title": "Nastavení přístupu",
"access_desc": "Zde můžete konfigurovat pravidla přístupu pro server DNS AdGuard Home",
"access_allowed_title": "Povolení klienti",
@ -444,7 +444,7 @@
"client_confirm_delete": "Sikker på, at du vil slette klient \"{{key}}\"?",
"list_confirm_delete": "Sikker på, at du vil slette denne liste?",
"auto_clients_title": "Klienter (runtime)",
"auto_clients_desc": "Enheder, som ikke er på listen over Permanente klienter, kan stadig bruge AdGuard Home",
"auto_clients_desc": "Oplysninger om IP-adresser på enheder, som (måske) bruger AdGuard Home. Disse oplysninger indsamles fra flere kilder, herunder hosts-filer, reverse DNS mv.",
"access_title": "Adgangsindstillinger",
"access_desc": "Her kan adgangsregler for AdGuard Home DNS-serveren opsættes",
"access_allowed_title": "Tilladte klienter",
@ -444,7 +444,7 @@
"client_confirm_delete": "Möchten Sie den Client „{{key}}“ wirklich löschen?",
"list_confirm_delete": "Möchten Sie diese Liste wirklich löschen?",
"auto_clients_title": "Laufzeit-Clients",
"auto_clients_desc": "Geräte, die nicht auf der Liste der persistenten Clients stehen und trotzdem AdGuard Home verwenden dürfen",
"auto_clients_desc": "Informationen über IP-Adressen der Geräten, die AdGuard Home nutzen oder nutzen könnten. Diese Informationen werden aus verschiedenen Quellen gesammelt, darunter Hosts-Dateien, Reverse-DNS usw.",
"access_title": "Zugriffsrechte",
"access_desc": "Hier können Sie die Zugriffsregeln für den DNS-Server von AdGuard Home konfigurieren",
"access_allowed_title": "Zugelassene Clients",
@ -444,7 +444,7 @@
"client_confirm_delete": "Are you sure you want to delete client \"{{key}}\"?",
"list_confirm_delete": "Are you sure you want to delete this list?",
"auto_clients_title": "Runtime clients",
"auto_clients_desc": "Devices not on the list of Persistent clients that may still use AdGuard Home",
"auto_clients_desc": "Information about IP addresses of devices that are using or may use AdGuard Home. This information is gathered from several sources, including hosts files, reverse DNS, etc.",
"access_title": "Access settings",
"access_desc": "Here you can configure access rules for the AdGuard Home DNS server",
"access_allowed_title": "Allowed clients",
@ -444,7 +444,7 @@
"client_confirm_delete": "¿Estás seguro de que deseas eliminar el cliente \"{{key}}\"?",
"list_confirm_delete": "¿Estás seguro de que deseas eliminar esta lista?",
"auto_clients_title": "Clientes activos",
"auto_clients_desc": "Dispositivos que no están en la lista de clientes persistentes que aún pueden utilizar AdGuard Home",
"auto_clients_desc": "Información sobre las direcciones IP de los dispositivos que usan o pueden usar AdGuard Home. Esta información se recopila de varias fuentes, incluidos ficheros de host, DNS inverso, etc.",
"access_title": "Configuración de acceso",
"access_desc": "Aquí puedes configurar las reglas de acceso para el servidor DNS de AdGuard Home",
"access_allowed_title": "Clientes permitidos",
@ -2,21 +2,21 @@
"client_settings": "Päätelaiteasetukset",
"example_upstream_reserved": "ylävirta <0>tietyille verkkotunnuksille</0>;",
"example_upstream_comment": "kommentti.",
"upstream_parallel": "Käytä rinnakkaisia pyyntöjä ja nopeuta selvitystä käyttämällä kaikkia ylävirran palvelimia samanaikaisesti.",
"upstream_parallel": "Käytä rinnakkaisia pyyntöjä ja nopeuta selvitystä käyttämällä kaikkia ylävirtapalvelimia samanaikaisesti.",
"parallel_requests": "Rinnakkaiset pyynnöt",
"load_balancing": "Kuormantasaus",
"load_balancing_desc": "Lähetä pyyntö yhdelle ylävirran palvelimelle kerrallaan. AdGuard Home pyrkii valitsemaan nopeimman palvelimen painotetun satunnaisalgoritminsa avulla.",
"load_balancing_desc": "Lähetä pyyntö yhdelle ylävirtapalvelimelle kerrallaan. AdGuard Home pyrkii valitsemaan nopeimman palvelimen painotetun satunnaisalgoritminsa avulla.",
"bootstrap_dns": "Bootstrap DNS-palvelimet",
"bootstrap_dns_desc": "Bootstrap DNS-palvelimia käytetään ylävirroiksi määritettyjen DoH/DoT-resolvereiden IP-osoitteiden selvitykseen.",
"local_ptr_title": "Yksityiset käänteiset DNS-palvelimet",
"local_ptr_desc": "DNS-palvelimet, joita AdGuard Home käyttää paikallisille PTR-pyynnöille. Näitä palvelimia käytetään yksityistä IP-osoitetta käyttävien PTR-pyyntöjen osoitteiden, kuten \"\", selvitykseen käänteisen DNS:n avulla. Jos ei käytössä, AdGuard Home käyttää käyttöjärjestelmän oletusarvoisia DNS-resolvereita, poislukien AdGuard Homen omat osoitteet.",
"local_ptr_default_resolver": "Oletusarvoisesti AdGuard Home käyttää seuraavia käänteisiä DNS-resolvereita: {{ip}}.",
"local_ptr_no_default_resolver": "AdGuard Home ei voinut määrittää tälle järjestelmälle sopivaa yksityistä käänteistä DNS-resolveria.",
"local_ptr_title": "Yksityiset käänteis-DNS-palvelimet",
"local_ptr_desc": "DNS-palvelimet, joita AdGuard Home käyttää paikallisille PTR-pyynnöille. Näitä palvelimia käytetään yksityistä IP-osoitetta käyttävien PTR-pyyntöjen osoitteiden, kuten \"\", selvitykseen käänteis-DNS:n avulla. Jos ei käytössä, AdGuard Home käyttää käyttöjärjestelmän oletusarvoisia DNS-resolvereita, poislukien AdGuard Homen omat osoitteet.",
"local_ptr_default_resolver": "Oletusarvoisesti AdGuard Home käyttää seuraavia käänteis-DNS-resolvereita: {{ip}}.",
"local_ptr_no_default_resolver": "AdGuard Home ei voinut määrittää tälle järjestelmälle sopivaa yksityistä käänteis-DNS-resolveria.",
"local_ptr_placeholder": "Syötä yksi palvelimen osoite per rivi",
"resolve_clients_title": "Käytä päätelaitteiden IP-osoitteille käänteistä selvitystä",
"resolve_clients_desc": "Selvitä päätelaitteiden IP-osoitteiden isäntänimet käänteisesti lähettämällä PTR-pyynnöt sopiville resolvereille (yksityiset DNS-palvelimet paikallisille päätelaitteille, lähtevät palvelimet päätelaitteille, joilla on julkiset IP-osoitteet).",
"use_private_ptr_resolvers_title": "Käytä yksityisiä käänteisiä DNS-resolvereita",
"use_private_ptr_resolvers_desc": "Suorita käänteiset DNS-selvitykset paikallisesti tarjotuille osoitteille käyttäen näitä ylävirran palvelimia. Jos ei käytössä, vastaa AdGuard Home kaikkiin sen tyyppisiin PTR-pyyntöihin NXDOMAIN-arvolla, pois lukien DHCP, /etc/hosts, yms. -tiedoista tunnistettut päätelaitteet.",
"resolve_clients_desc": "Selvitä päätelaitteiden IP-osoitteiden isäntänimet käänteisesti lähettämällä PTR-pyynnöt sopiville resolvereille (yksityiset DNS-palvelimet paikallisille päätelaitteille, ylävirtapalvelimet päätelaitteille, joilla on julkiset IP-osoitteet).",
"use_private_ptr_resolvers_title": "Käytä yksityisiä käänteis-DNS-resolvereita",
"use_private_ptr_resolvers_desc": "Suorita käänteis-DNS-selvitykset paikallisesti tarjotuille osoitteille käyttäen näitä ylävirtapalvelimia. Jos ei käytössä, vastaa AdGuard Home kaikkiin sen tyyppisiin PTR-pyyntöihin NXDOMAIN-arvolla, pois lukien DHCP, /etc/hosts, yms. -tiedoista tunnistettut päätelaitteet.",
"check_dhcp_servers": "Etsi DHCP-palvelimia",
"save_config": "Tallenna asetukset",
"enabled_dhcp": "DHCP-palvelin otettiin käyttöön",
@ -220,7 +220,7 @@
"example_upstream_tcp_port": "tavallinen DNS (TCP, portti);",
"example_upstream_tcp_hostname": "tavallinen DNS (TCP, isäntänimi);",
"all_lists_up_to_date_toast": "Kaikki listat ovat ajan tasalla",
"updated_upstream_dns_toast": "Ylävirtojen palvelimet tallennettiin",
"updated_upstream_dns_toast": "Ylävirtapalvelimet tallennettiin",
"dns_test_ok_toast": "Määritetyt DNS-palvelimet toimivat oikein",
"dns_test_not_ok_toast": "Palvelin \"{{key}}\": Ei voitu käyttää, tarkista oikeinkirjoitus",
"dns_test_warning_toast": "Datavuon \"{{key}}\" ei vastaa testipyyntöihin eikä välttämättä toimi kunnolla",
@ -444,7 +444,7 @@
"client_confirm_delete": "Haluatko varmasti poistaa päätelaitteen \"{{key}}\"?",
"list_confirm_delete": "Haluatko varmasti poistaa tämän listan?",
"auto_clients_title": "Määrittämättömät päätelaitteet",
"auto_clients_desc": "Päätelaitteet, joita ei ole määritetty pysyviksi ja jotka voivat silti käyttää AdGuard Homea.",
"auto_clients_desc": "Päätelaitteet, joita ei ole määritetty pysyviksi ja jotka voivat silti käyttää AdGuard Homea. Näitä tietoja kertään useista lähteistä, mm. hosts-tiedostoista ja kääteis-DNS:llä.",
"access_title": "Käytön asetukset",
"access_desc": "Tässä voidaan määrittää AdGuard Homen DNS-palvelimen käyttöoikeussääntöjä.",
"access_allowed_title": "Sallitut päätelaitteet",
@ -623,7 +623,7 @@
"enter_cache_size": "Syötä välimuistin koko (tavuina)",
"enter_cache_ttl_min_override": "Syötä vähimmäis-TTL (sekunteina)",
"enter_cache_ttl_max_override": "Syötä enimmäis-TTL (sekunteina)",
"cache_ttl_min_override_desc": "Pidennä ylävirran palvelimelta vastaanotettuja, lyhyitä elinaika-arvoja (sekunteina) tallennettaessa DNS-vastauksia välimuistiin.",
"cache_ttl_min_override_desc": "Pidennä ylävirtapalvelimelta vastaanotettuja, lyhyitä elinaika-arvoja (sekunteina) tallennettaessa DNS-vastauksia välimuistiin.",
"cache_ttl_max_override_desc": "Määritä DNS-välimuistin kohteiden enimmäiselinaika (sekunteina).",
"ttl_cache_validation": "Välimuistin vähimmäiselinajan on oltava pienempi tai sama kuin enimmäiselinajan",
"cache_optimistic": "Optimistinen välimuisti",
@ -444,7 +444,7 @@
"client_confirm_delete": "Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer le client « {{key}} » ?",
"list_confirm_delete": "Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer cette liste ?",
"auto_clients_title": "Clients d'exécution",
"auto_clients_desc": "Appareils ne figurant pas sur la liste des clients persistants qui peuvent encore utiliser AdGuard Home.",
"auto_clients_desc": "Informations sur les adresses IP des appareils qui utilisent ou pourraient utiliser AdGuard Home. Ces informations sont recueillies à partir de plusieurs sources, notamment les fichiers hosts, le DNS inverse, etc.",
"access_title": "Paramètres d'accès",
"access_desc": "Ici vous pouvez configurer les règles d'accès au serveur DNS AdGuard Home",
"access_allowed_title": "Clients autorisés",
@ -444,7 +444,7 @@
"client_confirm_delete": "Sei sicuro di voler eliminare il client \"{{key}}\"?",
"list_confirm_delete": "Sei sicuro di voler eliminare questo elenco?",
"auto_clients_title": "Client in tempo reale",
"auto_clients_desc": "Dispositivi non presenti nell'elenco dei client Persistenti che possono ancora utilizzare AdGuard Home",
"auto_clients_desc": "Informazioni sugli indirizzi IP dei dispositivi che utilizzano o potrebbero utilizzare AdGuard Home. Queste informazioni vengono raccolte da diverse fonti, inclusi file host, DNS inverso, ecc.",
"access_title": "Impostazioni di accesso",
"access_desc": "Qui puoi configurare le regole d'accesso per il server DNS di AdGuard Home",
"access_allowed_title": "Client permessi",
@ -444,7 +444,7 @@
"client_confirm_delete": "クライアント \"{{key}}\" を削除してもよろしいですか?",
"list_confirm_delete": "このリストを削除してもよろしいですか?",
"auto_clients_title": "ランタイムクライアント",
"auto_clients_desc": "永続的クライアントのリストに未登録で、AdGuard Homeを使用する場合があるデバイスのリスト。",
"auto_clients_desc": "AdGuard Home を使用している、または使用する可能性のあるデバイスの IP アドレスに関する情報です。この情報は、hosts ファイル、リバース DNS など、複数の情報源から収集されます。",
"access_title": "アクセス設定",
"access_desc": "こちらでは、AdGuard Home DNSサーバーのアクセスルールを設定できます。",
"access_allowed_title": "許可されたクライアント",
@ -444,7 +444,7 @@
"client_confirm_delete": "정말 클라이언트 '{{key}}'을(를) 삭제하시겠습니까?",
"list_confirm_delete": "정말로 이 목록을 제거하시겠습니까?",
"auto_clients_title": "런타임 클라이언트",
"auto_clients_desc": "AdGuard Home을 계속 사용할 수 있는 영구 클라이언트 목록에 없는 디바이스입니다",
"auto_clients_desc": "AdGuard Home을 사용 중이거나 사용할 수 있는 기기의 IP 주소에 대한 정보가 표시됩니다. 이 정보는 호스트 파일, 역방향 DNS 등 여러 소스에서 수집됩니다.",
"access_title": "접근 설정",
"access_desc": "여기에서 AdGuard Home DNS 서버에 대한 액세스 규칙을 설정할 수 있습니다",
"access_allowed_title": "허용된 클라이언트",
@ -186,7 +186,7 @@
"cancel_btn": "Annuleren",
"enter_name_hint": "Voeg naam toe",
"enter_url_or_path_hint": "Voer een URL in of het pad van de lijst",
"check_updates_btn": "Controleer op updates",
"check_updates_btn": "Controleren op updates",
"new_blocklist": "Nieuwe blokkeerlijst",
"new_allowlist": "Nieuwe toelatingslijst",
"edit_blocklist": "Blokkeerlijst beheren",
@ -444,7 +444,7 @@
"client_confirm_delete": "Ben je zeker dat je deze gebruiker \"{{key}}\" wilt verwijderen?",
"list_confirm_delete": "Ben je zeker om deze lijst te verwijderen?",
"auto_clients_title": "Runtime-clients",
"auto_clients_desc": "Apparaten die niet op de lijst van permanente clients staan die mogelijk nog steeds AdGuard Home gebruiken",
"auto_clients_desc": "Informatie over IP-adressen van apparaten die AdGuard Home gebruiken of kunnen gebruiken. Deze informatie wordt verzameld uit verschillende bronnen, waaronder hosts-bestanden, reverse DNS, enz.",
"access_title": "Toegangs instellingen",
"access_desc": "Hier kan je toegangsregels voor de AdGuard Home DNS-server instellen",
"access_allowed_title": "Toegestane gebruikers",
@ -456,7 +456,7 @@
"access_settings_saved": "Toegangsinstellingen succesvol opgeslagen",
"updates_checked": "Een nieuwe versie van AdGuard Home is beschikbaar\n",
"updates_version_equal": "AdGuard Home is actueel",
"check_updates_now": "Controleer op updates",
"check_updates_now": "Nu controleren op updates",
"version_request_error": "Updatecontrole mislukt. Controleer je internetverbinding.",
"dns_privacy": "DNS Privacy",
"setup_dns_privacy_1": "<0>DNS-via-TLS:</0> Gebruik <1>{{address}}</1> string.",
@ -573,7 +573,7 @@
"tags_title": "Labels",
"tags_desc": "Je kunt labels selecteren die overeenkomen met de client. Labels kunnen worden opgenomen in de filterregels om ze \n nauwkeuriger toe te passen. <0>Meer informatie</0>.",
"form_select_tags": "Client tags selecteren",
"check_title": "Controleer de filtering",
"check_title": "De filtering controleren",
"check_desc": "Controleren of een hostnaam wordt gefilterd.",
"check": "Controleren",
"form_enter_host": "Voer een hostnaam in",
@ -444,7 +444,7 @@
"client_confirm_delete": "Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć klienta \"{{key}}\"?",
"list_confirm_delete": "Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć tę listę?",
"auto_clients_title": "Uruchomieni klienci",
"auto_clients_desc": "Urządzenia, których nie ma na liście stałych klientów, które mogą nadal korzystać z AdGuard Home",
"auto_clients_desc": "Informacje o adresach IP urządzeń korzystających lub mogących korzystać z AdGuard Home. Te informacje są gromadzone z wielu źródeł takich jak pliki hosta, odwrotna translacja DNS, itp.",
"access_title": "Ustawienia dostępu",
"access_desc": "Tutaj możesz skonfigurować reguły dostępu dla serwera DNS AdGuard Home",
"access_allowed_title": "Dozwoleni klienci",
@ -470,7 +470,7 @@
"setup_dns_privacy_ios_2": "Aplikacja <0>AdGuard dla iOS</0> obsługuje <1>DNS-over-HTTPS</1> i <1>DNS-over-TLS</1>.",
"setup_dns_privacy_other_title": "Inne implementacje",
"setup_dns_privacy_other_1": "Sam AdGuard Home może być bezpiecznym klientem DNS na dowolnej platformie.",
"setup_dns_privacy_other_2": "<0>dnsproxy</0> obsługuje wszystkie znane bezpieczne protokoły DNS.\n\n",
"setup_dns_privacy_other_2": "<0>dnsproxy</0> obsługuje wszystkie znane bezpieczne protokoły DNS.",
"setup_dns_privacy_other_3": "<0>dnscrypt-proxy</0> obsługuje <1>DNS-over-HTTPS</1>.",
"setup_dns_privacy_other_4": "<0>Mozilla Firefox</0> obsługuje <1>DNS-over-HTTPS</1>.",
"setup_dns_privacy_other_5": "Znajdziesz więcej implementacji <0>tutaj</0> i <1>tutaj</1>.",
@ -444,7 +444,7 @@
"client_confirm_delete": "Você tem certeza de que deseja excluir o cliente \"{{key}}\"?",
"list_confirm_delete": "Você tem certeza de que deseja excluir essa lista?",
"auto_clients_title": "Clientes ativos",
"auto_clients_desc": "Dispositivo não está na lista de dispositivos persistentes que podem ser utilizados no AdGuard Home",
"auto_clients_desc": "Informações sobre endereços IP de dispositivos que usam ou podem usar o AdGuard Home. Essas informações são coletadas de várias fontes, incluindo arquivos de hosts, DNS reverso, etc.",
"access_title": "Configurações de acessos",
"access_desc": "Aqui você pode configurar as regras de acesso para o servidores de DNS do AdGuard Home",
"access_allowed_title": "Clientes permitidos",
@ -444,7 +444,7 @@
"client_confirm_delete": "Tem a certeza de que deseja excluir o cliente \"{{key}}\"?",
"list_confirm_delete": "Você tem certeza de que deseja excluir essa lista?",
"auto_clients_title": "Clientes ativos",
"auto_clients_desc": "Dispositivo não está na lista de dispositivos persistentes que podem ser utilizados no AdGuard Home",
"auto_clients_desc": "Informações sobre endereços IP de dispositivos que estão a utilizar ou podem utilizar o AdGuard Home. Estas informações são recolhidas a partir de várias fontes, incluindo ficheiros hosts, DNS reverso etc.",
"access_title": "Definições de acesso",
"access_desc": "Aqui pode configurar as regras de acesso para o servidores de DNS do AdGuard Home",
"access_allowed_title": "Clientes permitidos",
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@
"number_of_dns_query_to_safe_search": "Количество запросов DNS для поисковых систем, для которых был применён Безопасный поиск",
"average_processing_time": "Среднее время обработки запроса",
"average_processing_time_hint": "Среднее время для обработки запроса DNS в миллисекундах",
"block_domain_use_filters_and_hosts": "Блокировать домены с использованием фильтров и файлов хостов",
"block_domain_use_filters_and_hosts": "Блокировать домены с использованием фильтров и файлов hosts",
"filters_block_toggle_hint": "Вы можете настроить правила блокировки в <a>«Фильтрах»</a>.",
"use_adguard_browsing_sec": "Включить Безопасную навигацию AdGuard",
"use_adguard_browsing_sec_hint": "AdGuard Home проверит, включён ли домен в веб-службу безопасности браузера. Он будет использовать API, чтобы выполнить проверку: на сервер отправляется только короткий префикс имени домена SHA256.",
@ -296,7 +296,7 @@
"rate_limit_desc": "Ограничение на количество запросов в секунду для каждого клиента (0 — неограниченно).",
"blocking_ipv4_desc": "IP-адрес, возвращаемый при блокировке A-запроса",
"blocking_ipv6_desc": "IP-адрес, возвращаемый при блокировке AAAA-запроса",
"blocking_mode_default": "Стандартный: Отвечает с нулевым IP-адресом, ( для A; :: для AAAA) когда заблокировано правилом в стиле Adblock; отвечает с IP-адресом, указанным в правиле, когда заблокировано правилом в стиле /etc/hosts-style",
"blocking_mode_default": "Стандартный: Отвечает с нулевым IP-адресом, ( для A; :: для AAAA) когда заблокировано правилом в стиле Adblock; отвечает с IP-адресом, указанным в правиле, когда заблокировано правилом в стиле файлов hosts",
"blocking_mode_refused": "REFUSED: Отвечает с кодом REFUSED",
"blocking_mode_nxdomain": "NXDOMAIN: Отвечает с кодом NXDOMAIN\n",
"blocking_mode_null_ip": "Нулевой IP: Отвечает с нулевым IP-адресом ( для A; :: для AAAA)",
@ -444,7 +444,7 @@
"client_confirm_delete": "Вы уверены, что хотите удалить клиента «{{key}}»?",
"list_confirm_delete": "Вы уверены, что хотите удалить этот список?",
"auto_clients_title": "Клиенты (runtime)",
"auto_clients_desc": "Несохранённые клиенты, которые могут пользоваться AdGuard Home",
"auto_clients_desc": "Информация об IP-адресах устройств, которые используют или могут использовать AdGuard Home. Эта информация собирается из нескольких источников, включая файлы hosts, обратный DNS и так далее.",
"access_title": "Настройки доступа",
"access_desc": "Здесь вы можете настроить правила доступа к DNS-серверу AdGuard Home",
"access_allowed_title": "Разрешённые клиенты",
@ -435,6 +435,7 @@
"updates_checked": "ඇඩ්ගාර්ඩ් හෝම් හි නව අනුවාදයක් තිබේ",
"updates_version_equal": "ඇඩ්ගාර්ඩ් හෝම් යාවත්කාලීනයි",
"check_updates_now": "දැන් යාවත්කාල පරීක්ෂා කරන්න",
"version_request_error": "යාවත්කාලීන පරීක්ෂාවට අසමත් විය. ඔබගේ අන්තර්ජාල සම්බන්ධතාවය පරීක්ෂා කරන්න.",
"dns_privacy": "ව.නා.ප. රහස්යතා",
"setup_dns_privacy_1": "<0>TLS-මගින්-ව.නා.ප.</0> සඳහා <1>{{address}}</1>.",
"setup_dns_privacy_2": "<0>HTTPS-මගින්-ව.නා.ප.</0> සඳහා <1>{{address}}</1>.",
@ -453,7 +454,9 @@
"setup_dns_notice": "ඔබට <1>HTTPS-මගින්-ව.නා.ප.</1> හෝ <1>DNS-මගින්-ව.නා.ප.</1> භාවිතයට ඇඩ්ගාර්ඩ් හෝම් සැකසුම් තුළ <0>සංකේතනය වින්යාසගත</0> කළ යුතුය.",
"rewrite_added": "\"{{key}}\" සඳහා ව.නා.ප. නැවත ලිවීම සාර්ථකව එකතු කෙරිණි",
"rewrite_deleted": "\"{{key}}\" සඳහා ව.නා.ප. නැවත ලිවීම ඉවත් කෙරිණි",
"rewrite_add": "ව.නා.ප. නැවත ලිවීමක් එකතු කරන්න",
"rewrite_updated": "ව.නා.ප. නැවත ලිවීම සාර්ථකව යාවත්කාලීන කෙරිණි",
"rewrite_add": "ව.නා.ප. නැවත ලිවීමක් යොදන්න",
"rewrite_edit": "ව.නා.ප. නැවත ලිවීම සංස්කරණය",
"rewrite_not_found": "ව.නා.ප. නැවත ලිවීම් හමු නොවිණි",
"rewrite_confirm_delete": "\"{{key}}\" සඳහා ව.නා.ප. නැවත ලිවීම ඉවත් කිරීමට අවශ්ය බව ඔබට විශ්වාසද?",
"rewrite_desc": "නිශ්චිත වසම් නාමයක් සඳහා අභිරුචි ව.නා.ප. ප්රතිචාර පහසුවෙන් වින්යාසගත කිරීමට ඉඩ දෙයි.",
@ -611,9 +614,12 @@
"safe_browsing": "ආරක්ෂිත පිරික්සුම",
"served_from_cache": "{{value}} <i>(නිහිතයෙන් ගැනිණි)</i>",
"form_error_password_length": "මුරපදය අවම වශයෙන් අකුරු {{value}} ක් දිගු විය යුතුමයි",
"anonymizer_notification": "<0>සටහන:</0> අ.ජා.කෙ. නිර්නාමිකකරණය සබලයි. ඔබට එය <1>පොදු සැකසුම්</1> හරහා අබල කිරීමට හැකිය .",
"confirm_dns_cache_clear": "ඔබට ව.නා.ප. නිහිතය හිස් කිරීමට වුවමනාද?",
"cache_cleared": "ව.නා.ප. නිහිතය හිස් කෙරිණි",
"clear_cache": "නිහිතය මකන්න",
"make_static": "ස්ථිතික කරන්න",
"theme_auto_desc": "ස්වයං (උපාංගයේ වර්ණ පරිපාටිය මත පදනම්ව)",
"theme_dark_desc": "අඳුරු තේමාව",
"theme_light_desc": "දීප්ත තේමාව",
"disable_for_seconds": "තත්පර {{count}} ක්",
@ -387,7 +387,7 @@
"encryption_key": "Súkromný kľúč",
"encryption_key_input": "Skopírujte a prilepte sem svoj súkromný kľúč vo formáte PEM pre Váš certifikát.",
"encryption_enable": "Zapnite šifrovanie (HTTPS, DNS-cez-HTTPS a DNS-cez-TLS)",
"encryption_enable_desc": "Ak je šifrovanie zapnuté, AdGuard Home administrátorské rozhranie bude pracovať cez HTTPS a DNS server bude počúvať požiadavky cez DNS-cez-HTTPS a DNS-cez-TLS.",
"encryption_enable_desc": "Ak je šifrovanie zapnuté, AdGuard Home administrátorské rozhranie bude pracovať cez HTTPS a DNS server bude počúvať dopyty cez DNS-cez-HTTPS a DNS-cez-TLS.",
"encryption_chain_valid": "Certifikačný reťazec je platný",
"encryption_chain_invalid": "Certifikačný reťazec je neplatný",
"encryption_key_valid": "Toto je platný {{type}} súkromný kľúč",
@ -497,7 +497,7 @@
"blocked_services": "Blokované služby",
"blocked_services_desc": "Umožňuje rýchlo blokovať populárne stránky a služby.",
"blocked_services_saved": "Blokované služby boli úspešne uložené",
"blocked_services_global": "Použite globálne blokované služby",
"blocked_services_global": "Použiť globálne blokované služby",
"blocked_service": "Blokované služby",
"block_all": "Blokovať všetko",
"unblock_all": "Odblokovať všetko",
@ -554,7 +554,7 @@
"whois": "WHOIS",
"filtering_rules_learn_more": "<0>Dozvedieť sa viac</0> o tvorbe vlastných zoznamov hostiteľov.",
"blocked_by_response": "Blokované pomocou CNAME alebo IP v odpovedi",
"blocked_by_cname_or_ip": "Zablokované na základe CNAME alebo IP",
"blocked_by_cname_or_ip": "Blokované pomocou CNAME alebo IP",
"try_again": "Skúste znova",
"domain_desc": "Zadajte meno domény alebo zástupný znak, ktorý chcete prepísať.",
"example_rewrite_domain": "prepísať odpovede iba pre toto meno domény.",
@ -571,7 +571,7 @@
"autofix_warning_list": "Bude vykonávať tieto úlohy: <0>Deaktivovať systém DNSStubListener</0> <0>Nastaviť adresu servera DNS na</0> <0>Nahradiť cieľový symbolický odkaz /etc/resolv.conf na /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf</0> <0>Zastaviť službu DNSStubListener (znova načítať službu systemd-resolved)</0>",
"autofix_warning_result": "Výsledkom bude, že všetky DNS dopyty z Vášho systému budú štandardne spracované službou AdGuard Home.",
"tags_title": "Tagy",
"tags_desc": "Môžete vybrať značky, ktoré zodpovedajú klientovi. Zahrňte značky do pravidiel filtrovania, aby ste ich použili presnejšie. <0>Viac informácií</0>.",
"tags_desc": "Môžete vybrať značky, ktoré zodpovedajú klientovi. Zahrňte značky do pravidiel filtrácie, aby ste ich použili presnejšie. <0>Viac informácií</0>.",
"form_select_tags": "Zvoľte tagy klienta",
"check_title": "Skontrolujte filtráciu",
"check_desc": "Skontrolujte, či je názov hostiteľa filtrovaný.",
@ -608,7 +608,7 @@
"show_whitelisted_responses": "Obsiahnuté v bielej listine",
"show_processed_responses": "Spracované",
"blocked_safebrowsing": "Zablokované modulom Bezpečné prehliadanie",
"blocked_adult_websites": "Zablokovaná stránka pre dospelých",
"blocked_adult_websites": "Zablokované Rodičovskou kontrolou",
"blocked_threats": "Zablokované hrozby",
"allowed": "Povolené",
"filtered": "Filtrované",
@ -444,7 +444,7 @@
"client_confirm_delete": "Ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati odjemalca \"{{key}}\"?",
"list_confirm_delete": "Ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati ta seznam?",
"auto_clients_title": "Odjemalci izvajanja",
"auto_clients_desc": "Naprave, ki niso na seznamu trajnih odjemalcev, ki morda še vedno uporabljajo AdGuard Home",
"auto_clients_desc": "Informacije o naslovih IP naprav, ki uporabljajo ali bi lahko uporabljale AdGuard Home. Te informacije so zbrane iz več virov, vključno z datotekami gostiteljev, povratnim DNS-jem itd.",
"access_title": "Nastavitve dostopa",
"access_desc": "Tukaj lahko nastavite pravila dostopa strežnika DNS AdGuard Home",
"access_allowed_title": "Dovoljeni odjemalci",
@ -167,6 +167,7 @@
"enabled_parental_toast": "Uključena roditeljska kontrola",
"disabled_safe_search_toast": "Isključena sigurna pretraga",
"enabled_save_search_toast": "Uključeno sigurno pretraživanje",
"updated_save_search_toast": "Ažurirane postavke bezbedne pretrage",
"enabled_table_header": "Uključeno",
"name_table_header": "Ime",
"list_url_table_header": "URL do liste",
@ -256,12 +257,12 @@
"query_log_cleared": "Dnevnik unosa je uspešno očišćen",
"query_log_updated": "Dnevnik zapisa je uspešno ažuriran",
"query_log_clear": "Očisti dnevnike unosa",
"query_log_retention": "Zadržavanje dnevnika unosa",
"query_log_retention": "Rotacija evidencija upita",
"query_log_enable": "Uključi dnevnik",
"query_log_configuration": "Konfiguracija dnevnika",
"query_log_disabled": "Dnevnik unosa je isključen ali se može konfigurisati u <0>postavkama</0>",
"query_log_strict_search": "Koristi duple navodnike za striktnu pretragu",
"query_log_retention_confirm": "Jeste li sigurni da želite da promenite zadržavanje dnevnika unosa? Ako smanjite vrednost intervala, neki podaci će biti izgubljeni",
"query_log_retention_confirm": "Želite li zaista da promenite rotaciju evidencije upita? Ako smanjite vrednost intervala, neki podaci će biti izgubljeni",
"anonymize_client_ip": "Anonimizuj IP klijenta",
"anonymize_client_ip_desc": "Ne čuvaj punu IP adresu klijenta u dnevnicima i statistikama",
"dns_config": "Konfiguracija DNS servera",
@ -290,6 +291,8 @@
"rate_limit": "Ograničenje brzine",
"edns_enable": "Uključi EDNS Client Subnet",
"edns_cs_desc": "Dodajte opciju podmreži EDNS klijenta (ECS) uzvodnim zahtevima i evidentirajte vrednosti koje klijenti šalju u evidenciji upita.",
"edns_use_custom_ip": "Koristi prilagođeni IP za EDNS",
"edns_use_custom_ip_desc": "Dozvoli korišćenje prilagođenog IP-a za EDNS",
"rate_limit_desc": "Broj zahteva u sekundi dozvoljen po klijentu. Postavljanje na 0 znači da nema ograničenja.",
"blocking_ipv4_desc": "IP adresa koja će biti vraćena za blokirane zahteve",
"blocking_ipv6_desc": "IP adresa koja će biti vraćena za blokirane AAAA zahteve",
@ -441,7 +444,7 @@
"client_confirm_delete": "Jeste li sigurni da želite da izbrišete klijenta \"{{key}}\"?",
"list_confirm_delete": "Jeste li sigurni da želite da izbrišete ovu listu?",
"auto_clients_title": "Klijenti (runtime)",
"auto_clients_desc": "Uređaji koji nisu na listi upornih klijenata koji i dalje mogu da koriste AdGuard Home",
"auto_clients_desc": "Podaci o klijentima koji koriste AdGuard Home, ali nisu sačuvani u konfiguraciji",
"access_title": "Postavke pristupa",
"access_desc": "Ovde možete konfigurisati pravila pristupa za AdGuard Home DNS server",
"access_allowed_title": "Dozvoljeni klijenti",
@ -525,6 +528,10 @@
"statistics_retention_confirm": "Jeste li sigurni da želite da promenite zadržavanje statistike? Ako smanjite vrednost intervala, neki podaci će biti izgubljeni",
"statistics_cleared": "Statistika je uspešno očišćena",
"statistics_enable": "Uključi statistiku",
"ignore_domains": "Zanemari domene (razdvojene novom linijom)",
"ignore_domains_title": "Zanemareni domeni",
"ignore_domains_desc_stats": "Upiti za ove domene nisu upisani u statistiku",
"ignore_domains_desc_query": "Upiti za ove domene nisu upisani u evidenciju upita",
"interval_hours": "{{count}} čas",
"interval_hours_plural": "{{count}} časova",
"filters_configuration": "Konfiguracija filtera",
@ -645,5 +652,29 @@
"confirm_dns_cache_clear": "Želite li zaista da obrišite DNS keš?",
"cache_cleared": "DNS keš je uspešno očišćen",
"clear_cache": "Obriši keš memoriju",
"protection_section_label": "Zaštita"
"make_static": "Učini statičnim",
"theme_auto_desc": "Automatski (na osnovu šeme boja uređaja)",
"theme_dark_desc": "Tamna tema",
"theme_light_desc": "Svetla tema",
"disable_for_seconds": "Za {{count}} sekund",
"disable_for_seconds_plural": "Za {{count}} sekundi",
"disable_for_minutes": "Za {{count}} minut",
"disable_for_minutes_plural": "Za {{count}} minuta",
"disable_for_hours": "Za {{count}} sat",
"disable_for_hours_plural": "Za {{count}} sati",
"disable_until_tomorrow": "Do sutra",
"disable_notify_for_seconds": "Isključi zaštitu na {{count}} sekund",
"disable_notify_for_seconds_plural": "Isključi zaštitu na {{count}} sekundi",
"disable_notify_for_minutes": "Isključi zaštitu na {{count}} minut",
"disable_notify_for_minutes_plural": "Isključi zaštitu na {{count}} minuta",
"disable_notify_for_hours": "Isključi zaštitu na {{count}} sat",
"disable_notify_for_hours_plural": "Isključi zaštitu na {{count}} sati",
"disable_notify_until_tomorrow": "Isključi zaštitu do sutra",
"enable_protection_timer": "Zaštita će biti uključena u {{time}}",
"custom_retention_input": "Unesite zadržavanje u časovima",
"custom_rotation_input": "Unesite rotaciju u časovima",
"protection_section_label": "Zaštita",
"log_and_stats_section_label": "Evidencija upita i statistika",
"ignore_query_log": "Zanemari ovog klijenta u evidenciji upita",
"ignore_statistics": "Zanemari ovog klijenta u statističkim podacima"
@ -444,7 +444,7 @@
"client_confirm_delete": "\"{{key}}\" istemcisini silmek istediğinizden emin misiniz?",
"list_confirm_delete": "Bu listeyi silmek istediğinizden emin misiniz?",
"auto_clients_title": "Çalışma zamanı istemcileri",
"auto_clients_desc": "Henüz AdGuard Home'u kullanabilecek Kalıcı istemciler listesinde olmayan cihazlar",
"auto_clients_desc": "AdGuard Home'u kullanan veya kullanabilecek cihazların IP adresleri hakkında bilgiler. Bu bilgiler, hosts dosyaları, ters DNS, vb. dahil olmak üzere çeşitli kaynaklardan toplanır.",
"access_title": "Erişim ayarları",
"access_desc": "AdGuard Home DNS sunucusu için erişim kurallarını buradan yapılandırabilirsiniz",
"access_allowed_title": "İzin verilen istemciler",
@ -444,7 +444,7 @@
"client_confirm_delete": "您确定要删除客户端 \"{{key}}\"?",
"list_confirm_delete": "您确定要删除此列表吗?",
"auto_clients_title": "客户端(运行时间)",
"auto_clients_desc": "不在可继续使用 AdGuard Home 的持久客户端列表中的设备。",
"auto_clients_desc": "有关正在使用或可能使用 AdGuard Home 的设备的 IP 地址的信息。此信息是从多个来源收集的,包括 hosts 文件、反向 DNS 等。",
"access_title": "访问设置",
"access_desc": "您可以在此处配置 AdGuard Home 的 DNS 服务器的访问规则",
"access_allowed_title": "允许的客户端",
@ -164,7 +164,7 @@
"disabled_parental_toast": "已停用家長監護",
"enabled_parental_toast": "已啟用家長監護",
"disabled_safe_search_toast": "已停用安全搜尋",
"enabled_save_search_toast": "已啟用安全搜尋",
"updated_save_search_toast": "已更新安全搜尋設定",
"enabled_table_header": "啟用",
"name_table_header": "名稱",
"list_url_table_header": "清單 URL 網址",
@ -211,6 +211,10 @@
"example_upstream_doq": "加密 <0>DNS-over-QUIC</0>",
"example_upstream_sdns": "您可以使透過 <0>DNS Stamps</0> 來解析 <1>DNSCrypt</1> 或 <2>DNS-over-HTTPS</2>",
"example_upstream_tcp": "一般 DNS(透過 TCP)",
"example_upstream_regular_port": "一般 DNS(透過 UDP,連接埠)",
"example_upstream_udp": "一般 DNS(透過 UDP,主機名稱)",
"example_upstream_tcp_port": "一般 DNS(透過 TCP,連接埠)",
"example_upstream_tcp_hostname": "一般 DNS(透過 TCP,主機名稱)",
"all_lists_up_to_date_toast": "所有清單已更新至最新",
"dns_test_ok_toast": "設定中的 DNS 上游運作正常",
"dns_test_not_ok_toast": "DNS 設定中的 \"{{key}}\" 出現錯誤,請確認是否正確輸入",
@ -468,6 +472,7 @@
"rewrite_added": "「{{key}}」的 DNS 覆寫新增成功",
"rewrite_deleted": "「{{key}}」的 DNS 覆寫刪除成功",
"rewrite_add": "新增 DNS 覆寫",
"rewrite_edit": "編輯 DNS 覆寫",
"rewrite_not_found": "找不到 DNS 覆寫",
"rewrite_confirm_delete": "您確定要刪除 \"{{key}}\" 的 DNS 覆寫?",
"rewrite_desc": "提供簡單的方式對特定網域自訂 DNS 回應。",
@ -501,6 +506,7 @@
"interval_days": "{{count}} 天",
"interval_days_plural": "{{count}} 天",
"domain": "網域",
"ecs": "EDNS 子網",
"punycode": "Punycode",
"answer": "回應",
"filter_added_successfully": "已成功新增清單",
@ -514,6 +520,8 @@
"statistics_retention_confirm": "您確定要更改統計資料保存時間嗎?如果您縮短期限部分資料可能將會遺失",
"statistics_cleared": "已清除統計資料",
"statistics_enable": "啟用統計數據",
"ignore_domains": "已忽略網域(每行一個)",
"ignore_domains_title": "已忽略網域",
"interval_hours": "{{count}} 小時",
"interval_hours_plural": "{{count}} 小時",
"filters_configuration": "過濾器設定",
@ -626,6 +634,7 @@
"safe_browsing": "安全瀏覽",
"served_from_cache": "{{value}} <i>(由快取回應)</i>",
"form_error_password_length": "密碼必須至少 {{value}} 個字元長度",
"make_static": "新增為靜態",
"theme_dark_desc": "深色主題",
"theme_light_desc": "淺色主題",
"disable_for_seconds": "{{count}} 秒",
@ -444,7 +444,7 @@
"client_confirm_delete": "您確定您想要刪除用戶端 \"{{key}}\" 嗎?",
"list_confirm_delete": "您確定您想要刪除該清單嗎?",
"auto_clients_title": "執行時期用戶端",
"auto_clients_desc": "未於可能仍然使用 AdGuard Home 的持續性用戶端之清單上的裝置",
"auto_clients_desc": "AdGuard Home 使用或可能使用的裝置的 IP 地址資訊。這些資訊來自多個來源,包括主機檔案、反向 DNS 等。",
"access_title": "存取設定",
"access_desc": "於此您可配置用於 AdGuard Home DNS 伺服器之存取規則",
"access_allowed_title": "已允許的用戶端",
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ const ClientsTable = ({
const handleSubmit = (values) => {
const config = values;
const config = { ...values };
if (values) {
if (values.blocked_services) {
@ -64,12 +64,6 @@ export default {
"homepage": "https://github.com/MasterKia/PersianBlocker",
"source": "https://adguardteam.github.io/HostlistsRegistry/assets/filter_19.txt"
"ITA_filtri_dns": {
"name": "ITA: Filtri-DNS",
"categoryId": "regional",
"homepage": "https://filtri-dns.ga/",
"source": "https://adguardteam.github.io/HostlistsRegistry/assets/filter_18.txt"
"KOR_list_kr": {
"name": "KOR: List-KR DNS",
"categoryId": "regional",
@ -166,14 +160,20 @@ export default {
"homepage": "https://github.com/DandelionSprout/adfilt",
"source": "https://adguardteam.github.io/HostlistsRegistry/assets/filter_12.txt"
"dandelion_sprouts_anti_push_notifications": {
"name": "Dandelion Sprout's Anti Push Notifications",
"categoryId": "other",
"homepage": "https://github.com/DandelionSprout/adfilt",
"source": "https://adguardteam.github.io/HostlistsRegistry/assets/filter_39.txt"
"dandelion_sprouts_game_console_adblock_list": {
"name": "Dandelion Sprout's Game Console Adblock List",
"categoryId": "other",
"homepage": "https://github.com/DandelionSprout/adfilt",
"source": "https://adguardteam.github.io/HostlistsRegistry/assets/filter_6.txt"
"hagezi_personal": {
"name": "HaGeZi Personal Black \u0026 White",
"hagezi_multinormal": {
"name": "HaGeZi Multi NORMAL",
"categoryId": "general",
"homepage": "https://github.com/hagezi/dns-blocklists",
"source": "https://adguardteam.github.io/HostlistsRegistry/assets/filter_34.txt"
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
"timeUpdated": "2023-07-01T00:11:37.465Z",
"timeUpdated": "2023-07-15T00:10:47.501Z",
"categories": {
"0": "audio_video_player",
"1": "comments",
@ -14088,10 +14088,11 @@
"companyId": "qihoo_360_technology"
"qq.com": {
"name": "qq.com",
"categoryId": 8,
"url": "http://www.qq.com/",
"companyId": "qq.com"
"name": "QQ International",
"categoryId": 2,
"url": "https://www.qq.com/",
"companyId": "tencent",
"source": "AdGuard"
"qrius": {
"name": "Qrius",
@ -20508,6 +20509,7 @@
"amazon.com.au": "amazon",
"amazon-corp.com": "amazon",
"a2z.com": "amazon",
"firetvcaptiveportal.com": "amazon",
"amazon-adsystem.com": "amazon_adsystem",
"serving-sys.com": "amazon_adsystem",
"sizmek.com": "amazon_adsystem",
@ -22997,6 +22999,7 @@
"mrskincash.com": "mrskincash",
"e-msedge.net": "msedge",
"l-msedge.net": "msedge",
"s-msedge.net": "msedge",
"msn.com": "msn",
"s-msn.com": "msn",
"musculahq.appspot.com": "muscula",
@ -41,18 +41,12 @@ RUN setcap 'cap_net_bind_service=+eip' /opt/adguardhome/AdGuardHome
# 68 : UDP : DHCP (client)
# 80 : TCP : HTTP (main)
# 443 : TCP, UDP : HTTPS, DNS-over-HTTPS (incl. HTTP/3), DNSCrypt (main)
# 784 : UDP : DNS-over-QUIC (deprecated; use 853)
# 853 : TCP, UDP : DNS-over-TLS, DNS-over-QUIC
# 3000 : TCP, UDP : HTTP(S) (alt, incl. HTTP/3)
# 5443 : TCP, UDP : DNSCrypt (alt)
# 6060 : TCP : HTTP (pprof)
# 8853 : UDP : DNS-over-QUIC (deprecated; use 853)
# TODO(a.garipov): Remove the old, non-standard 784 and 8853 ports for
# DNS-over-QUIC in a future release.
EXPOSE 53/tcp 53/udp 67/udp 68/udp 80/tcp 443/tcp 443/udp 784/udp\
853/tcp 853/udp 3000/tcp 3000/udp 5443/tcp 5443/udp 6060/tcp\
EXPOSE 53/tcp 53/udp 67/udp 68/udp 80/tcp 443/tcp 443/udp 853/tcp\
853/udp 3000/tcp 3000/udp 5443/tcp 5443/udp 6060/tcp
WORKDIR /opt/adguardhome/work
@ -3,9 +3,8 @@ module github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome
go 1.19
require (
// TODO(a.garipov): Update to a tagged version when it's released.
github.com/AdguardTeam/dnsproxy v0.50.3-0.20230628054307-31e374065768
github.com/AdguardTeam/golibs v0.13.3
github.com/AdguardTeam/dnsproxy v0.52.0
github.com/AdguardTeam/golibs v0.13.6
github.com/AdguardTeam/urlfilter v0.16.1
github.com/NYTimes/gziphandler v1.1.1
github.com/ameshkov/dnscrypt/v2 v2.2.7
@ -16,7 +15,7 @@ require (
github.com/go-ping/ping v1.1.0
github.com/google/go-cmp v0.5.9
github.com/google/gopacket v1.1.19
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github.com/josharian/native v1.1.1-0.20230202152459-5c7d0dd6ab86
@ -28,14 +27,14 @@ require (
// own code for that. Perhaps, use gopacket.
github.com/mdlayher/raw v0.1.0
github.com/miekg/dns v1.1.55
github.com/quic-go/quic-go v0.35.1
github.com/quic-go/quic-go v0.36.1
github.com/stretchr/testify v1.8.4
github.com/ti-mo/netfilter v0.5.0
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howett.net/plist v1.0.0
@ -62,6 +61,6 @@ require (
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@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
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github.com/AdguardTeam/urlfilter v0.16.1 h1:ZPi0rjqo8cQf2FVdzo6cqumNoHZx2KPXj2yZa1A5BBw=
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@ -52,8 +52,8 @@ github.com/google/gopacket v1.1.19 h1:ves8RnFZPGiFnTS0uPQStjwru6uO6h+nlr9j6fL7kF
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@ -134,10 +134,10 @@ go.etcd.io/bbolt v1.3.7 h1:j+zJOnnEjF/kyHlDDgGnVL/AIqIJPq8UoB2GSNfkUfQ=
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golang.org/x/crypto v0.10.0/go.mod h1:o4eNf7Ede1fv+hwOwZsTHl9EsPFO6q6ZvYR8vYfY45I=
golang.org/x/exp v0.0.0-20230626212559-97b1e661b5df h1:UA2aFVmmsIlefxMk29Dp2juaUSth8Pyn3Tq5Y5mJGME=
golang.org/x/exp v0.0.0-20230626212559-97b1e661b5df/go.mod h1:FXUEEKJgO7OQYeo8N01OfiKP8RXMtf6e8aTskBGqWdc=
golang.org/x/crypto v0.11.0 h1:6Ewdq3tDic1mg5xRO4milcWCfMVQhI4NkqWWvqejpuA=
golang.org/x/crypto v0.11.0/go.mod h1:xgJhtzW8F9jGdVFWZESrid1U1bjeNy4zgy5cRr/CIio=
golang.org/x/exp v0.0.0-20230713183714-613f0c0eb8a1 h1:MGwJjxBy0HJshjDNfLsYO8xppfqWlA5ZT9OhtUUhTNw=
golang.org/x/exp v0.0.0-20230713183714-613f0c0eb8a1/go.mod h1:FXUEEKJgO7OQYeo8N01OfiKP8RXMtf6e8aTskBGqWdc=
golang.org/x/lint v0.0.0-20200302205851-738671d3881b/go.mod h1:3xt1FjdF8hUf6vQPIChWIBhFzV8gjjsPE/fR3IyQdNY=
golang.org/x/mod v0.1.1-0.20191105210325-c90efee705ee/go.mod h1:QqPTAvyqsEbceGzBzNggFXnrqF1CaUcvgkdR5Ot7KZg=
golang.org/x/mod v0.4.2/go.mod h1:s0Qsj1ACt9ePp/hMypM3fl4fZqREWJwdYDEqhRiZZUA=
@ -152,8 +152,8 @@ golang.org/x/net v0.0.0-20210226172049-e18ecbb05110/go.mod h1:m0MpNAwzfU5UDzcl9v
golang.org/x/net v0.0.0-20210316092652-d523dce5a7f4/go.mod h1:RBQZq4jEuRlivfhVLdyRGr576XBO4/greRjx4P4O3yc=
golang.org/x/net v0.0.0-20210405180319-a5a99cb37ef4/go.mod h1:p54w0d4576C0XHj96bSt6lcn1PtDYWL6XObtHCRCNQM=
golang.org/x/net v0.0.0-20210929193557-e81a3d93ecf6/go.mod h1:9nx3DQGgdP8bBQD5qxJ1jj9UTztislL4KSBs9R2vV5Y=
golang.org/x/net v0.11.0 h1:Gi2tvZIJyBtO9SDr1q9h5hEQCp/4L2RQ+ar0qjx2oNU=
golang.org/x/net v0.11.0/go.mod h1:2L/ixqYpgIVXmeoSA/4Lu7BzTG4KIyPIryS4IsOd1oQ=
golang.org/x/net v0.12.0 h1:cfawfvKITfUsFCeJIHJrbSxpeu/E81khclypR0GVT50=
golang.org/x/net v0.12.0/go.mod h1:zEVYFnQC7m/vmpQFELhcD1EWkZlX69l4oqgmer6hfKA=
golang.org/x/sync v0.0.0-20190423024810-112230192c58/go.mod h1:RxMgew5VJxzue5/jJTE5uejpjVlOe/izrB70Jof72aM=
golang.org/x/sync v0.0.0-20210220032951-036812b2e83c/go.mod h1:RxMgew5VJxzue5/jJTE5uejpjVlOe/izrB70Jof72aM=
golang.org/x/sync v0.3.0 h1:ftCYgMx6zT/asHUrPw8BLLscYtGznsLAnjq5RH9P66E=
@ -177,16 +177,16 @@ golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20220209214540-3681064d5158/go.mod h1:oPkhp1MJrh7nUepCBc
golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20220622161953-175b2fd9d664/go.mod h1:oPkhp1MJrh7nUepCBck5+mAzfO9JrbApNNgaTdGDITg=
golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20220908164124-27713097b956/go.mod h1:oPkhp1MJrh7nUepCBck5+mAzfO9JrbApNNgaTdGDITg=
golang.org/x/sys v0.4.1-0.20230131160137-e7d7f63158de/go.mod h1:oPkhp1MJrh7nUepCBck5+mAzfO9JrbApNNgaTdGDITg=
golang.org/x/sys v0.9.0 h1:KS/R3tvhPqvJvwcKfnBHJwwthS11LRhmM5D59eEXa0s=
golang.org/x/sys v0.9.0/go.mod h1:oPkhp1MJrh7nUepCBck5+mAzfO9JrbApNNgaTdGDITg=
golang.org/x/sys v0.10.0 h1:SqMFp9UcQJZa+pmYuAKjd9xq1f0j5rLcDIk0mj4qAsA=
golang.org/x/sys v0.10.0/go.mod h1:oPkhp1MJrh7nUepCBck5+mAzfO9JrbApNNgaTdGDITg=
golang.org/x/term v0.0.0-20201126162022-7de9c90e9dd1/go.mod h1:bj7SfCRtBDWHUb9snDiAeCFNEtKQo2Wmx5Cou7ajbmo=
golang.org/x/text v0.3.0/go.mod h1:NqM8EUOU14njkJ3fqMW+pc6Ldnwhi/IjpwHt7yyuwOQ=
golang.org/x/text v0.3.2/go.mod h1:bEr9sfX3Q8Zfm5fL9x+3itogRgK3+ptLWKqgva+5dAk=
golang.org/x/text v0.3.3/go.mod h1:5Zoc/QRtKVWzQhOtBMvqHzDpF6irO9z98xDceosuGiQ=
golang.org/x/text v0.3.6/go.mod h1:5Zoc/QRtKVWzQhOtBMvqHzDpF6irO9z98xDceosuGiQ=
golang.org/x/text v0.3.7/go.mod h1:u+2+/6zg+i71rQMx5EYifcz6MCKuco9NR6JIITiCfzQ=
golang.org/x/text v0.10.0 h1:UpjohKhiEgNc0CSauXmwYftY1+LlaC75SJwh0SgCX58=
golang.org/x/text v0.10.0/go.mod h1:TvPlkZtksWOMsz7fbANvkp4WM8x/WCo/om8BMLbz+aE=
golang.org/x/text v0.11.0 h1:LAntKIrcmeSKERyiOh0XMV39LXS8IE9UL2yP7+f5ij4=
golang.org/x/text v0.11.0/go.mod h1:TvPlkZtksWOMsz7fbANvkp4WM8x/WCo/om8BMLbz+aE=
golang.org/x/tools v0.0.0-20180917221912-90fa682c2a6e/go.mod h1:n7NCudcB/nEzxVGmLbDWY5pfWTLqBcC2KZ6jyYvM4mQ=
golang.org/x/tools v0.0.0-20191119224855-298f0cb1881e/go.mod h1:b+2E5dAYhXwXZwtnZ6UAqBI28+e2cm9otk0dWdXHAEo=
golang.org/x/tools v0.0.0-20200130002326-2f3ba24bd6e7/go.mod h1:TB2adYChydJhpapKDTa4BR/hXlZSLoq2Wpct/0txZ28=
@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
package aghio
package aghio_test
import (
@ -31,7 +32,7 @@ func TestLimitReader(t *testing.T) {
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
_, err := LimitReader(nil, tc.n)
_, err := aghio.LimitReader(nil, tc.n)
testutil.AssertErrorMsg(t, tc.wantErrMsg, err)
@ -57,7 +58,7 @@ func TestLimitedReader_Read(t *testing.T) {
limit: 3,
want: 0,
}, {
err: &LimitReachedError{
err: &aghio.LimitReachedError{
Limit: 0,
name: "limit_reached",
@ -74,7 +75,7 @@ func TestLimitedReader_Read(t *testing.T) {
for _, tc := range testCases {
readCloser := io.NopCloser(strings.NewReader(tc.rStr))
lreader, err := LimitReader(readCloser, tc.limit)
lreader, err := aghio.LimitReader(readCloser, tc.limit)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotNil(t, lreader)
@ -89,7 +90,7 @@ func TestLimitedReader_Read(t *testing.T) {
func TestLimitedReader_LimitReachedError(t *testing.T) {
testutil.AssertErrorMsg(t, "attempted to read more than 0 bytes", &LimitReachedError{
testutil.AssertErrorMsg(t, "attempted to read more than 0 bytes", &aghio.LimitReachedError{
Limit: 0,
@ -141,9 +141,9 @@ type HostsRecord struct {
Canonical string
// equal returns true if all fields of rec are equal to field in other or they
// Equal returns true if all fields of rec are equal to field in other or they
// both are nil.
func (rec *HostsRecord) equal(other *HostsRecord) (ok bool) {
func (rec *HostsRecord) Equal(other *HostsRecord) (ok bool) {
if rec == nil {
return other == nil
} else if other == nil {
@ -495,7 +495,7 @@ func (hc *HostsContainer) refresh() (err error) {
// hc.last is nil on the first refresh, so let that one through.
if hc.last != nil && maps.EqualFunc(hp.table, hc.last, (*HostsRecord).equal) {
if hc.last != nil && maps.EqualFunc(hp.table, hc.last, (*HostsRecord).Equal) {
log.Debug("%s: no changes detected", hostsContainerPrefix)
return nil
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
package aghnet
import (
const nl = "\n"
func TestHostsContainer_PathsToPatterns(t *testing.T) {
gsfs := fstest.MapFS{
"dir_0/file_1": &fstest.MapFile{Data: []byte{1}},
"dir_0/file_2": &fstest.MapFile{Data: []byte{2}},
"dir_0/dir_1/file_3": &fstest.MapFile{Data: []byte{3}},
testCases := []struct {
name string
paths []string
want []string
name: "no_paths",
paths: nil,
want: nil,
}, {
name: "single_file",
paths: []string{"dir_0/file_1"},
want: []string{"dir_0/file_1"},
}, {
name: "several_files",
paths: []string{"dir_0/file_1", "dir_0/file_2"},
want: []string{"dir_0/file_1", "dir_0/file_2"},
}, {
name: "whole_dir",
paths: []string{"dir_0"},
want: []string{"dir_0/*"},
}, {
name: "file_and_dir",
paths: []string{"dir_0/file_1", "dir_0/dir_1"},
want: []string{"dir_0/file_1", "dir_0/dir_1/*"},
}, {
name: "non-existing",
paths: []string{path.Join("dir_0", "file_3")},
want: nil,
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
patterns, err := pathsToPatterns(gsfs, tc.paths)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, tc.want, patterns)
t.Run("bad_file", func(t *testing.T) {
const errStat errors.Error = "bad file"
badFS := &fakefs.StatFS{
OnOpen: func(_ string) (f fs.File, err error) { panic("not implemented") },
OnStat: func(name string) (fi fs.FileInfo, err error) {
return nil, errStat
_, err := pathsToPatterns(badFS, []string{""})
assert.ErrorIs(t, err, errStat)
func TestUniqueRules_ParseLine(t *testing.T) {
ip := netutil.IPv4Localhost()
ipStr := ip.String()
testCases := []struct {
name string
line string
wantIP netip.Addr
wantHosts []string
name: "simple",
line: ipStr + ` hostname`,
wantIP: ip,
wantHosts: []string{"hostname"},
}, {
name: "aliases",
line: ipStr + ` hostname alias`,
wantIP: ip,
wantHosts: []string{"hostname", "alias"},
}, {
name: "invalid_line",
line: ipStr,
wantIP: netip.Addr{},
wantHosts: nil,
}, {
name: "invalid_line_hostname",
line: ipStr + ` # hostname`,
wantIP: ip,
wantHosts: nil,
}, {
name: "commented_aliases",
line: ipStr + ` hostname # alias`,
wantIP: ip,
wantHosts: []string{"hostname"},
}, {
name: "whole_comment",
line: `# ` + ipStr + ` hostname`,
wantIP: netip.Addr{},
wantHosts: nil,
}, {
name: "partial_comment",
line: ipStr + ` host#name`,
wantIP: ip,
wantHosts: []string{"host"},
}, {
name: "empty",
line: ``,
wantIP: netip.Addr{},
wantHosts: nil,
}, {
name: "bad_hosts",
line: ipStr + ` bad..host bad._tld empty.tld. ok.host`,
wantIP: ip,
wantHosts: []string{"ok.host"},
for _, tc := range testCases {
hp := hostsParser{}
t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
got, hosts := hp.parseLine(tc.line)
assert.Equal(t, tc.wantIP, got)
assert.Equal(t, tc.wantHosts, hosts)
@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
package aghnet
package aghnet_test
import (
@ -12,6 +10,7 @@ import (
@ -24,10 +23,7 @@ import (
const (
nl = "\n"
sp = " "
const nl = "\n"
func TestNewHostsContainer(t *testing.T) {
const dirname = "dir"
@ -48,11 +44,11 @@ func TestNewHostsContainer(t *testing.T) {
name: "one_file",
paths: []string{p},
}, {
wantErr: ErrNoHostsPaths,
wantErr: aghnet.ErrNoHostsPaths,
name: "no_files",
paths: []string{},
}, {
wantErr: ErrNoHostsPaths,
wantErr: aghnet.ErrNoHostsPaths,
name: "non-existent_file",
paths: []string{path.Join(dirname, filename+"2")},
}, {
@ -77,7 +73,7 @@ func TestNewHostsContainer(t *testing.T) {
return eventsCh
hc, err := NewHostsContainer(0, testFS, &aghtest.FSWatcher{
hc, err := aghnet.NewHostsContainer(0, testFS, &aghtest.FSWatcher{
OnEvents: onEvents,
OnAdd: onAdd,
OnClose: func() (err error) { return nil },
@ -103,7 +99,7 @@ func TestNewHostsContainer(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("nil_fs", func(t *testing.T) {
require.Panics(t, func() {
_, _ = NewHostsContainer(0, nil, &aghtest.FSWatcher{
_, _ = aghnet.NewHostsContainer(0, nil, &aghtest.FSWatcher{
// Those shouldn't panic.
OnEvents: func() (e <-chan struct{}) { return nil },
OnAdd: func(name string) (err error) { return nil },
@ -114,7 +110,7 @@ func TestNewHostsContainer(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("nil_watcher", func(t *testing.T) {
require.Panics(t, func() {
_, _ = NewHostsContainer(0, testFS, nil, p)
_, _ = aghnet.NewHostsContainer(0, testFS, nil, p)
@ -127,7 +123,7 @@ func TestNewHostsContainer(t *testing.T) {
OnClose: func() (err error) { return nil },
hc, err := NewHostsContainer(0, testFS, errWatcher, p)
hc, err := aghnet.NewHostsContainer(0, testFS, errWatcher, p)
require.ErrorIs(t, err, errOnAdd)
assert.Nil(t, hc)
@ -158,11 +154,11 @@ func TestHostsContainer_refresh(t *testing.T) {
OnClose: func() (err error) { return nil },
hc, err := NewHostsContainer(0, testFS, w, "dir")
hc, err := aghnet.NewHostsContainer(0, testFS, w, "dir")
require.NoError(t, err)
testutil.CleanupAndRequireSuccess(t, hc.Close)
checkRefresh := func(t *testing.T, want *HostsRecord) {
checkRefresh := func(t *testing.T, want *aghnet.HostsRecord) {
upd, ok := aghchan.MustReceive(hc.Upd(), 1*time.Second)
@ -175,11 +171,11 @@ func TestHostsContainer_refresh(t *testing.T) {
require.True(t, ok)
require.NotNil(t, rec)
assert.Truef(t, rec.equal(want), "%+v != %+v", rec, want)
assert.Truef(t, rec.Equal(want), "%+v != %+v", rec, want)
t.Run("initial_refresh", func(t *testing.T) {
checkRefresh(t, &HostsRecord{
checkRefresh(t, &aghnet.HostsRecord{
Aliases: stringutil.NewSet(),
Canonical: "hostname",
@ -189,7 +185,7 @@ func TestHostsContainer_refresh(t *testing.T) {
testFS["dir/file2"] = &fstest.MapFile{Data: []byte(ipStr + ` alias` + nl)}
eventsCh <- event{}
checkRefresh(t, &HostsRecord{
checkRefresh(t, &aghnet.HostsRecord{
Aliases: stringutil.NewSet("alias"),
Canonical: "hostname",
@ -228,66 +224,6 @@ func TestHostsContainer_refresh(t *testing.T) {
func TestHostsContainer_PathsToPatterns(t *testing.T) {
gsfs := fstest.MapFS{
"dir_0/file_1": &fstest.MapFile{Data: []byte{1}},
"dir_0/file_2": &fstest.MapFile{Data: []byte{2}},
"dir_0/dir_1/file_3": &fstest.MapFile{Data: []byte{3}},
testCases := []struct {
name string
paths []string
want []string
name: "no_paths",
paths: nil,
want: nil,
}, {
name: "single_file",
paths: []string{"dir_0/file_1"},
want: []string{"dir_0/file_1"},
}, {
name: "several_files",
paths: []string{"dir_0/file_1", "dir_0/file_2"},
want: []string{"dir_0/file_1", "dir_0/file_2"},
}, {
name: "whole_dir",
paths: []string{"dir_0"},
want: []string{"dir_0/*"},
}, {
name: "file_and_dir",
paths: []string{"dir_0/file_1", "dir_0/dir_1"},
want: []string{"dir_0/file_1", "dir_0/dir_1/*"},
}, {
name: "non-existing",
paths: []string{path.Join("dir_0", "file_3")},
want: nil,
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
patterns, err := pathsToPatterns(gsfs, tc.paths)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, tc.want, patterns)
t.Run("bad_file", func(t *testing.T) {
const errStat errors.Error = "bad file"
badFS := &aghtest.StatFS{
OnStat: func(name string) (fs.FileInfo, error) {
return nil, errStat
_, err := pathsToPatterns(badFS, []string{""})
assert.ErrorIs(t, err, errStat)
func TestHostsContainer_Translate(t *testing.T) {
stubWatcher := aghtest.FSWatcher{
OnEvents: func() (e <-chan struct{}) { return nil },
@ -297,7 +233,7 @@ func TestHostsContainer_Translate(t *testing.T) {
require.NoError(t, fstest.TestFS(testdata, "etc_hosts"))
hc, err := NewHostsContainer(0, testdata, &stubWatcher, "etc_hosts")
hc, err := aghnet.NewHostsContainer(0, testdata, &stubWatcher, "etc_hosts")
require.NoError(t, err)
testutil.CleanupAndRequireSuccess(t, hc.Close)
@ -527,7 +463,7 @@ func TestHostsContainer(t *testing.T) {
OnClose: func() (err error) { return nil },
hc, err := NewHostsContainer(listID, testdata, &stubWatcher, "etc_hosts")
hc, err := aghnet.NewHostsContainer(listID, testdata, &stubWatcher, "etc_hosts")
require.NoError(t, err)
testutil.CleanupAndRequireSuccess(t, hc.Close)
@ -558,69 +494,3 @@ func TestHostsContainer(t *testing.T) {
func TestUniqueRules_ParseLine(t *testing.T) {
ip := netutil.IPv4Localhost()
ipStr := ip.String()
testCases := []struct {
name string
line string
wantIP netip.Addr
wantHosts []string
name: "simple",
line: ipStr + ` hostname`,
wantIP: ip,
wantHosts: []string{"hostname"},
}, {
name: "aliases",
line: ipStr + ` hostname alias`,
wantIP: ip,
wantHosts: []string{"hostname", "alias"},
}, {
name: "invalid_line",
line: ipStr,
wantIP: netip.Addr{},
wantHosts: nil,
}, {
name: "invalid_line_hostname",
line: ipStr + ` # hostname`,
wantIP: ip,
wantHosts: nil,
}, {
name: "commented_aliases",
line: ipStr + ` hostname # alias`,
wantIP: ip,
wantHosts: []string{"hostname"},
}, {
name: "whole_comment",
line: `# ` + ipStr + ` hostname`,
wantIP: netip.Addr{},
wantHosts: nil,
}, {
name: "partial_comment",
line: ipStr + ` host#name`,
wantIP: ip,
wantHosts: []string{"host"},
}, {
name: "empty",
line: ``,
wantIP: netip.Addr{},
wantHosts: nil,
}, {
name: "bad_hosts",
line: ipStr + ` bad..host bad._tld empty.tld. ok.host`,
wantIP: ip,
wantHosts: []string{"ok.host"},
for _, tc := range testCases {
hp := hostsParser{}
t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
got, hosts := hp.parseLine(tc.line)
assert.Equal(t, tc.wantIP, got)
assert.Equal(t, tc.wantHosts, hosts)
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package aghnet
import (
@ -15,6 +16,10 @@ import (
// DialContextFunc is the semantic alias for dialing functions, such as
// [http.Transport.DialContext].
type DialContextFunc = func(ctx context.Context, network, addr string) (conn net.Conn, err error)
// Variables and functions to substitute in tests.
var (
// aghosRunCommand is the function to run shell commands.
@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ import (
@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ func TestIfaceSetStaticIP(t *testing.T) {
Data: []byte(`nameserver`),
panicFsys := &aghtest.FS{
panicFsys := &fakefs.FS{
OnOpen: func(name string) (fs.File, error) { panic("not implemented") },
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
package aghnet
import (
// testdata is the filesystem containing data for testing the package.
var testdata fs.FS = os.DirFS("./testdata")
// substRootDirFS replaces the aghos.RootDirFS function used throughout the
// package with fsys for tests ran under t.
func substRootDirFS(t testing.TB, fsys fs.FS) {
prev := rootDirFS
t.Cleanup(func() { rootDirFS = prev })
rootDirFS = fsys
// RunCmdFunc is the signature of aghos.RunCommand function.
type RunCmdFunc func(cmd string, args ...string) (code int, out []byte, err error)
// substShell replaces the the aghos.RunCommand function used throughout the
// package with rc for tests ran under t.
func substShell(t testing.TB, rc RunCmdFunc) {
prev := aghosRunCommand
t.Cleanup(func() { aghosRunCommand = prev })
aghosRunCommand = rc
// mapShell is a substitution of aghos.RunCommand that maps the command to it's
// execution result. It's only needed to simplify testing.
// TODO(e.burkov): Perhaps put all the shell interactions behind an interface.
type mapShell map[string]struct {
err error
out string
code int
// theOnlyCmd returns mapShell that only handles a single command and arguments
// combination from cmd.
func theOnlyCmd(cmd string, code int, out string, err error) (s mapShell) {
return mapShell{cmd: {code: code, out: out, err: err}}
// RunCmd is a RunCmdFunc handled by s.
func (s mapShell) RunCmd(cmd string, args ...string) (code int, out []byte, err error) {
key := strings.Join(append([]string{cmd}, args...), " ")
ret, ok := s[key]
if !ok {
return 0, nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected shell command %q", key)
return ret.code, []byte(ret.out), ret.err
// ifaceAddrsFunc is the signature of net.InterfaceAddrs function.
type ifaceAddrsFunc func() (ifaces []net.Addr, err error)
// substNetInterfaceAddrs replaces the the net.InterfaceAddrs function used
// throughout the package with f for tests ran under t.
func substNetInterfaceAddrs(t *testing.T, f ifaceAddrsFunc) {
prev := netInterfaceAddrs
t.Cleanup(func() { netInterfaceAddrs = prev })
netInterfaceAddrs = f
func TestGatewayIP(t *testing.T) {
const ifaceName = "ifaceName"
const cmd = "ip route show dev " + ifaceName
testCases := []struct {
shell mapShell
want netip.Addr
name string
shell: theOnlyCmd(cmd, 0, `default via onlink`, nil),
want: netip.MustParseAddr(""),
name: "success_v4",
}, {
shell: theOnlyCmd(cmd, 0, `default via ::ffff onlink`, nil),
want: netip.MustParseAddr("::ffff"),
name: "success_v6",
}, {
shell: theOnlyCmd(cmd, 0, `non-default via onlink`, nil),
want: netip.Addr{},
name: "bad_output",
}, {
shell: theOnlyCmd(cmd, 0, "", errors.Error("can't run command")),
want: netip.Addr{},
name: "err_runcmd",
}, {
shell: theOnlyCmd(cmd, 1, "", nil),
want: netip.Addr{},
name: "bad_code",
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
substShell(t, tc.shell.RunCmd)
assert.Equal(t, tc.want, GatewayIP(ifaceName))
func TestInterfaceByIP(t *testing.T) {
ifaces, err := GetValidNetInterfacesForWeb()
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotEmpty(t, ifaces)
for _, iface := range ifaces {
t.Run(iface.Name, func(t *testing.T) {
require.NotEmpty(t, iface.Addresses)
for _, ip := range iface.Addresses {
ifaceName := InterfaceByIP(ip)
require.Equal(t, iface.Name, ifaceName)
func TestBroadcastFromIPNet(t *testing.T) {
known4 := netip.MustParseAddr("")
fullBroadcast4 := netip.MustParseAddr("")
known6 := netip.MustParseAddr("102:304:506:708:90a:b0c:d0e:f10")
testCases := []struct {
pref netip.Prefix
want netip.Addr
name string
pref: netip.PrefixFrom(known4, 0),
want: fullBroadcast4,
name: "full",
}, {
pref: netip.PrefixFrom(known4, 20),
want: netip.MustParseAddr(""),
name: "full",
}, {
pref: netip.PrefixFrom(known6, netutil.IPv6BitLen),
want: known6,
name: "ipv6_no_mask",
}, {
pref: netip.PrefixFrom(known4, netutil.IPv4BitLen),
want: known4,
name: "ipv4_no_mask",
}, {
pref: netip.PrefixFrom(netip.IPv4Unspecified(), 0),
want: fullBroadcast4,
name: "unspecified",
}, {
pref: netip.Prefix{},
want: netip.Addr{},
name: "invalid",
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, tc.want, BroadcastFromPref(tc.pref))
func TestCheckPort(t *testing.T) {
laddr := netip.AddrPortFrom(netutil.IPv4Localhost(), 0)
t.Run("tcp_bound", func(t *testing.T) {
l, err := net.Listen("tcp", laddr.String())
require.NoError(t, err)
testutil.CleanupAndRequireSuccess(t, l.Close)
ipp := testutil.RequireTypeAssert[*net.TCPAddr](t, l.Addr()).AddrPort()
require.Equal(t, laddr.Addr(), ipp.Addr())
require.NotZero(t, ipp.Port())
err = CheckPort("tcp", ipp)
target := &net.OpError{}
require.ErrorAs(t, err, &target)
assert.Equal(t, "listen", target.Op)
t.Run("udp_bound", func(t *testing.T) {
conn, err := net.ListenPacket("udp", laddr.String())
require.NoError(t, err)
testutil.CleanupAndRequireSuccess(t, conn.Close)
ipp := testutil.RequireTypeAssert[*net.UDPAddr](t, conn.LocalAddr()).AddrPort()
require.Equal(t, laddr.Addr(), ipp.Addr())
require.NotZero(t, ipp.Port())
err = CheckPort("udp", ipp)
target := &net.OpError{}
require.ErrorAs(t, err, &target)
assert.Equal(t, "listen", target.Op)
t.Run("bad_network", func(t *testing.T) {
err := CheckPort("bad_network", netip.AddrPortFrom(netip.Addr{}, 0))
assert.NoError(t, err)
t.Run("can_bind", func(t *testing.T) {
err := CheckPort("udp", netip.AddrPortFrom(netip.IPv4Unspecified(), 0))
assert.NoError(t, err)
func TestCollectAllIfacesAddrs(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
name string
wantErrMsg string
addrs []net.Addr
wantAddrs []string
name: "success",
wantErrMsg: ``,
addrs: []net.Addr{&net.IPNet{
IP: net.IP{1, 2, 3, 4},
Mask: net.CIDRMask(24, netutil.IPv4BitLen),
}, &net.IPNet{
IP: net.IP{4, 3, 2, 1},
Mask: net.CIDRMask(16, netutil.IPv4BitLen),
wantAddrs: []string{"", ""},
}, {
name: "not_cidr",
wantErrMsg: `parsing cidr: invalid CIDR address:`,
addrs: []net.Addr{&net.IPAddr{
IP: net.IP{1, 2, 3, 4},
wantAddrs: nil,
}, {
name: "empty",
wantErrMsg: ``,
addrs: []net.Addr{},
wantAddrs: nil,
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
substNetInterfaceAddrs(t, func() ([]net.Addr, error) { return tc.addrs, nil })
addrs, err := CollectAllIfacesAddrs()
testutil.AssertErrorMsg(t, tc.wantErrMsg, err)
assert.Equal(t, tc.wantAddrs, addrs)
t.Run("internal_error", func(t *testing.T) {
const errAddrs errors.Error = "can't get addresses"
const wantErrMsg string = `getting interfaces addresses: ` + string(errAddrs)
substNetInterfaceAddrs(t, func() ([]net.Addr, error) { return nil, errAddrs })
_, err := CollectAllIfacesAddrs()
testutil.AssertErrorMsg(t, wantErrMsg, err)
func TestIsAddrInUse(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("addr_in_use", func(t *testing.T) {
l, err := net.Listen("tcp", "")
require.NoError(t, err)
testutil.CleanupAndRequireSuccess(t, l.Close)
_, err = net.Listen(l.Addr().Network(), l.Addr().String())
assert.True(t, IsAddrInUse(err))
t.Run("another", func(t *testing.T) {
const anotherErr errors.Error = "not addr in use"
assert.False(t, IsAddrInUse(anotherErr))
func TestNetInterface_MarshalJSON(t *testing.T) {
const want = `{` +
`"hardware_address":"aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff",` +
`"flags":"up|multicast",` +
`"ip_addresses":["","aaaa::1"],` +
`"name":"iface0",` +
`"mtu":1500` +
`}` + "\n"
ip4, ok := netip.AddrFromSlice([]byte{1, 2, 3, 4})
require.True(t, ok)
ip6, ok := netip.AddrFromSlice([]byte{0xAA, 0xAA, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1})
require.True(t, ok)
net4 := netip.PrefixFrom(ip4, 24)
net6 := netip.PrefixFrom(ip6, 8)
iface := &NetInterface{
Addresses: []netip.Addr{ip4, ip6},
Subnets: []netip.Prefix{net4, net6},
Name: "iface0",
HardwareAddr: net.HardwareAddr{0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC, 0xDD, 0xEE, 0xFF},
Flags: net.FlagUp | net.FlagMulticast,
MTU: 1500,
b := &bytes.Buffer{}
err := json.NewEncoder(b).Encode(iface)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, want, b.String())
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ import (
@ -1,21 +1,11 @@
package aghnet
package aghnet_test
import (
func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
@ -24,315 +14,3 @@ func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
// testdata is the filesystem containing data for testing the package.
var testdata fs.FS = os.DirFS("./testdata")
// substRootDirFS replaces the aghos.RootDirFS function used throughout the
// package with fsys for tests ran under t.
func substRootDirFS(t testing.TB, fsys fs.FS) {
prev := rootDirFS
t.Cleanup(func() { rootDirFS = prev })
rootDirFS = fsys
// RunCmdFunc is the signature of aghos.RunCommand function.
type RunCmdFunc func(cmd string, args ...string) (code int, out []byte, err error)
// substShell replaces the the aghos.RunCommand function used throughout the
// package with rc for tests ran under t.
func substShell(t testing.TB, rc RunCmdFunc) {
prev := aghosRunCommand
t.Cleanup(func() { aghosRunCommand = prev })
aghosRunCommand = rc
// mapShell is a substitution of aghos.RunCommand that maps the command to it's
// execution result. It's only needed to simplify testing.
// TODO(e.burkov): Perhaps put all the shell interactions behind an interface.
type mapShell map[string]struct {
err error
out string
code int
// theOnlyCmd returns mapShell that only handles a single command and arguments
// combination from cmd.
func theOnlyCmd(cmd string, code int, out string, err error) (s mapShell) {
return mapShell{cmd: {code: code, out: out, err: err}}
// RunCmd is a RunCmdFunc handled by s.
func (s mapShell) RunCmd(cmd string, args ...string) (code int, out []byte, err error) {
key := strings.Join(append([]string{cmd}, args...), " ")
ret, ok := s[key]
if !ok {
return 0, nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected shell command %q", key)
return ret.code, []byte(ret.out), ret.err
// ifaceAddrsFunc is the signature of net.InterfaceAddrs function.
type ifaceAddrsFunc func() (ifaces []net.Addr, err error)
// substNetInterfaceAddrs replaces the the net.InterfaceAddrs function used
// throughout the package with f for tests ran under t.
func substNetInterfaceAddrs(t *testing.T, f ifaceAddrsFunc) {
prev := netInterfaceAddrs
t.Cleanup(func() { netInterfaceAddrs = prev })
netInterfaceAddrs = f
func TestGatewayIP(t *testing.T) {
const ifaceName = "ifaceName"
const cmd = "ip route show dev " + ifaceName
testCases := []struct {
shell mapShell
want netip.Addr
name string
shell: theOnlyCmd(cmd, 0, `default via onlink`, nil),
want: netip.MustParseAddr(""),
name: "success_v4",
}, {
shell: theOnlyCmd(cmd, 0, `default via ::ffff onlink`, nil),
want: netip.MustParseAddr("::ffff"),
name: "success_v6",
}, {
shell: theOnlyCmd(cmd, 0, `non-default via onlink`, nil),
want: netip.Addr{},
name: "bad_output",
}, {
shell: theOnlyCmd(cmd, 0, "", errors.Error("can't run command")),
want: netip.Addr{},
name: "err_runcmd",
}, {
shell: theOnlyCmd(cmd, 1, "", nil),
want: netip.Addr{},
name: "bad_code",
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
substShell(t, tc.shell.RunCmd)
assert.Equal(t, tc.want, GatewayIP(ifaceName))
func TestInterfaceByIP(t *testing.T) {
ifaces, err := GetValidNetInterfacesForWeb()
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotEmpty(t, ifaces)
for _, iface := range ifaces {
t.Run(iface.Name, func(t *testing.T) {
require.NotEmpty(t, iface.Addresses)
for _, ip := range iface.Addresses {
ifaceName := InterfaceByIP(ip)
require.Equal(t, iface.Name, ifaceName)
func TestBroadcastFromIPNet(t *testing.T) {
known4 := netip.MustParseAddr("")
fullBroadcast4 := netip.MustParseAddr("")
known6 := netip.MustParseAddr("102:304:506:708:90a:b0c:d0e:f10")
testCases := []struct {
pref netip.Prefix
want netip.Addr
name string
pref: netip.PrefixFrom(known4, 0),
want: fullBroadcast4,
name: "full",
}, {
pref: netip.PrefixFrom(known4, 20),
want: netip.MustParseAddr(""),
name: "full",
}, {
pref: netip.PrefixFrom(known6, netutil.IPv6BitLen),
want: known6,
name: "ipv6_no_mask",
}, {
pref: netip.PrefixFrom(known4, netutil.IPv4BitLen),
want: known4,
name: "ipv4_no_mask",
}, {
pref: netip.PrefixFrom(netip.IPv4Unspecified(), 0),
want: fullBroadcast4,
name: "unspecified",
}, {
pref: netip.Prefix{},
want: netip.Addr{},
name: "invalid",
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, tc.want, BroadcastFromPref(tc.pref))
func TestCheckPort(t *testing.T) {
laddr := netip.AddrPortFrom(netutil.IPv4Localhost(), 0)
t.Run("tcp_bound", func(t *testing.T) {
l, err := net.Listen("tcp", laddr.String())
require.NoError(t, err)
testutil.CleanupAndRequireSuccess(t, l.Close)
ipp := testutil.RequireTypeAssert[*net.TCPAddr](t, l.Addr()).AddrPort()
require.Equal(t, laddr.Addr(), ipp.Addr())
require.NotZero(t, ipp.Port())
err = CheckPort("tcp", ipp)
target := &net.OpError{}
require.ErrorAs(t, err, &target)
assert.Equal(t, "listen", target.Op)
t.Run("udp_bound", func(t *testing.T) {
conn, err := net.ListenPacket("udp", laddr.String())
require.NoError(t, err)
testutil.CleanupAndRequireSuccess(t, conn.Close)
ipp := testutil.RequireTypeAssert[*net.UDPAddr](t, conn.LocalAddr()).AddrPort()
require.Equal(t, laddr.Addr(), ipp.Addr())
require.NotZero(t, ipp.Port())
err = CheckPort("udp", ipp)
target := &net.OpError{}
require.ErrorAs(t, err, &target)
assert.Equal(t, "listen", target.Op)
t.Run("bad_network", func(t *testing.T) {
err := CheckPort("bad_network", netip.AddrPortFrom(netip.Addr{}, 0))
assert.NoError(t, err)
t.Run("can_bind", func(t *testing.T) {
err := CheckPort("udp", netip.AddrPortFrom(netip.IPv4Unspecified(), 0))
assert.NoError(t, err)
func TestCollectAllIfacesAddrs(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
name string
wantErrMsg string
addrs []net.Addr
wantAddrs []string
name: "success",
wantErrMsg: ``,
addrs: []net.Addr{&net.IPNet{
IP: net.IP{1, 2, 3, 4},
Mask: net.CIDRMask(24, netutil.IPv4BitLen),
}, &net.IPNet{
IP: net.IP{4, 3, 2, 1},
Mask: net.CIDRMask(16, netutil.IPv4BitLen),
wantAddrs: []string{"", ""},
}, {
name: "not_cidr",
wantErrMsg: `parsing cidr: invalid CIDR address:`,
addrs: []net.Addr{&net.IPAddr{
IP: net.IP{1, 2, 3, 4},
wantAddrs: nil,
}, {
name: "empty",
wantErrMsg: ``,
addrs: []net.Addr{},
wantAddrs: nil,
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
substNetInterfaceAddrs(t, func() ([]net.Addr, error) { return tc.addrs, nil })
addrs, err := CollectAllIfacesAddrs()
testutil.AssertErrorMsg(t, tc.wantErrMsg, err)
assert.Equal(t, tc.wantAddrs, addrs)
t.Run("internal_error", func(t *testing.T) {
const errAddrs errors.Error = "can't get addresses"
const wantErrMsg string = `getting interfaces addresses: ` + string(errAddrs)
substNetInterfaceAddrs(t, func() ([]net.Addr, error) { return nil, errAddrs })
_, err := CollectAllIfacesAddrs()
testutil.AssertErrorMsg(t, wantErrMsg, err)
func TestIsAddrInUse(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("addr_in_use", func(t *testing.T) {
l, err := net.Listen("tcp", "")
require.NoError(t, err)
testutil.CleanupAndRequireSuccess(t, l.Close)
_, err = net.Listen(l.Addr().Network(), l.Addr().String())
assert.True(t, IsAddrInUse(err))
t.Run("another", func(t *testing.T) {
const anotherErr errors.Error = "not addr in use"
assert.False(t, IsAddrInUse(anotherErr))
func TestNetInterface_MarshalJSON(t *testing.T) {
const want = `{` +
`"hardware_address":"aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff",` +
`"flags":"up|multicast",` +
`"ip_addresses":["","aaaa::1"],` +
`"name":"iface0",` +
`"mtu":1500` +
`}` + "\n"
ip4, ok := netip.AddrFromSlice([]byte{1, 2, 3, 4})
require.True(t, ok)
ip6, ok := netip.AddrFromSlice([]byte{0xAA, 0xAA, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1})
require.True(t, ok)
net4 := netip.PrefixFrom(ip4, 24)
net6 := netip.PrefixFrom(ip6, 8)
iface := &NetInterface{
Addresses: []netip.Addr{ip4, ip6},
Subnets: []netip.Prefix{net4, net6},
Name: "iface0",
HardwareAddr: net.HardwareAddr{0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC, 0xDD, 0xEE, 0xFF},
Flags: net.FlagUp | net.FlagMulticast,
MTU: 1500,
b := &bytes.Buffer{}
err := json.NewEncoder(b).Encode(iface)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, want, b.String())
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
// Package aghrenameio is a wrapper around package github.com/google/renameio/v2
// that provides a similar stream-based API for both Unix and Windows systems.
// While the Windows API is not technically atomic, it still provides a
// consistent stream-based interface, and atomic renames of files do not seem to
// be possible in all cases anyway.
// See https://github.com/google/renameio/issues/1.
// TODO(a.garipov): Consider moving to golibs/renameioutil once tried and
// tested.
package aghrenameio
import (
// PendingFile is the interface for pending temporary files.
type PendingFile interface {
// Cleanup closes the file, and removes it without performing the renaming.
// To close and rename the file, use CloseReplace.
Cleanup() (err error)
// CloseReplace closes the temporary file and replaces the destination file
// with it, possibly atomically.
// This method is not safe for concurrent use by multiple goroutines.
CloseReplace() (err error)
// Write writes len(b) bytes from b to the File. It returns the number of
// bytes written and an error, if any. Write returns a non-nil error when n
// != len(b).
Write(b []byte) (n int, err error)
// NewPendingFile is a wrapper around [renameio.NewPendingFile] on Unix systems
// and [os.CreateTemp] on Windows.
func NewPendingFile(filePath string, mode fs.FileMode) (f PendingFile, err error) {
return newPendingFile(filePath, mode)
// WithDeferredCleanup is a helper that performs the necessary cleanups and
// finalizations of the temporary files based on the returned error.
func WithDeferredCleanup(returned error, file PendingFile) (err error) {
// Make sure that any error returned from here is marked as a deferred one.
if returned != nil {
return errors.WithDeferred(returned, file.Cleanup())
return errors.WithDeferred(nil, file.CloseReplace())
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
package aghrenameio_test
import (
// testPerm is the common permission mode for tests.
const testPerm fs.FileMode = 0o644
// Common file data for tests.
var (
initialData = []byte("initial data\n")
newData = []byte("new data\n")
func TestPendingFile(t *testing.T) {
targetPath := newInitialFile(t)
f, err := aghrenameio.NewPendingFile(targetPath, testPerm)
require.NoError(t, err)
_, err = f.Write(newData)
require.NoError(t, err)
err = f.CloseReplace()
require.NoError(t, err)
gotData, err := os.ReadFile(targetPath)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, newData, gotData)
// newInitialFile is a test helper that returns the path to the file containing
// [initialData].
func newInitialFile(t *testing.T) (targetPath string) {
dir := t.TempDir()
targetPath = filepath.Join(dir, "target")
err := os.WriteFile(targetPath, initialData, 0o644)
require.NoError(t, err)
return targetPath
func TestWithDeferredCleanup(t *testing.T) {
const testError errors.Error = "test error"
testCases := []struct {
error error
name string
wantErrMsg string
wantData []byte
name: "success",
error: nil,
wantErrMsg: "",
wantData: newData,
}, {
name: "error",
error: testError,
wantErrMsg: testError.Error(),
wantData: initialData,
for _, tc := range testCases {
tc := tc
t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
targetPath := newInitialFile(t)
f, err := aghrenameio.NewPendingFile(targetPath, testPerm)
require.NoError(t, err)
_, err = f.Write(newData)
require.NoError(t, err)
err = aghrenameio.WithDeferredCleanup(tc.error, f)
testutil.AssertErrorMsg(t, tc.wantErrMsg, err)
gotData, err := os.ReadFile(targetPath)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, tc.wantData, gotData)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
//go:build unix
package aghrenameio
import (
// pendingFile is a wrapper around [*renameio.PendingFile] making it an
// [io.WriteCloser].
type pendingFile struct {
file *renameio.PendingFile
// type check
var _ PendingFile = pendingFile{}
// Cleanup implements the [PendingFile] interface for pendingFile.
func (f pendingFile) Cleanup() (err error) {
return f.file.Cleanup()
// CloseReplace implements the [PendingFile] interface for pendingFile.
func (f pendingFile) CloseReplace() (err error) {
return f.file.CloseAtomicallyReplace()
// Write implements the [PendingFile] interface for pendingFile.
func (f pendingFile) Write(b []byte) (n int, err error) {
return f.file.Write(b)
// NewPendingFile is a wrapper around [renameio.NewPendingFile].
// f.Close must be called to finish the renaming.
func newPendingFile(filePath string, mode fs.FileMode) (f PendingFile, err error) {
file, err := renameio.NewPendingFile(filePath, renameio.WithPermissions(mode))
if err != nil {
// Don't wrap the error since it's informative enough as is.
return nil, err
return pendingFile{
file: file,
}, nil
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
//go:build windows
package aghrenameio
import (
// pendingFile is a wrapper around [*os.File] calling [os.Rename] in its Close
// method.
type pendingFile struct {
file *os.File
targetPath string
// type check
var _ PendingFile = (*pendingFile)(nil)
// Cleanup implements the [PendingFile] interface for *pendingFile.
func (f *pendingFile) Cleanup() (err error) {
closeErr := f.file.Close()
err = os.Remove(f.file.Name())
// Put closeErr into the deferred error because that's where it is usually
// expected.
return errors.WithDeferred(err, closeErr)
// CloseReplace implements the [PendingFile] interface for *pendingFile.
func (f *pendingFile) CloseReplace() (err error) {
err = f.file.Close()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("closing: %w", err)
err = os.Rename(f.file.Name(), f.targetPath)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("renaming: %w", err)
return nil
// Write implements the [PendingFile] interface for *pendingFile.
func (f *pendingFile) Write(b []byte) (n int, err error) {
return f.file.Write(b)
// NewPendingFile is a wrapper around [os.CreateTemp].
// f.Close must be called to finish the renaming.
func newPendingFile(filePath string, mode fs.FileMode) (f PendingFile, err error) {
// Use the same directory as the file itself, because moves across
// filesystems can be especially problematic.
file, err := os.CreateTemp(filepath.Dir(filePath), "")
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("opening pending file: %w", err)
err = file.Chmod(mode)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("preparing pending file: %w", err)
return &pendingFile{
file: file,
targetPath: filePath,
}, nil
@ -2,7 +2,9 @@
package aghtest
import (
@ -34,3 +36,10 @@ func ReplaceLogLevel(t testing.TB, l log.Level) {
t.Cleanup(func() { log.SetLevel(prev) })
// HostToIPs is a helper that generates one IPv4 and one IPv6 address from host.
func HostToIPs(host string) (ipv4, ipv6 net.IP) {
hash := sha256.Sum256([]byte(host))
return net.IP(hash[:4]), net.IP(hash[4:20])
@ -2,11 +2,15 @@ package aghtest
import (
@ -15,67 +19,6 @@ import (
// Keep entities in this file in alphabetic order.
// Standard Library
// Package fs
// FS is a fake [fs.FS] implementation for tests.
type FS struct {
OnOpen func(name string) (fs.File, error)
// type check
var _ fs.FS = (*FS)(nil)
// Open implements the [fs.FS] interface for *FS.
func (fsys *FS) Open(name string) (fs.File, error) {
return fsys.OnOpen(name)
// type check
var _ fs.GlobFS = (*GlobFS)(nil)
// GlobFS is a fake [fs.GlobFS] implementation for tests.
type GlobFS struct {
// FS is embedded here to avoid implementing all it's methods.
OnGlob func(pattern string) ([]string, error)
// Glob implements the [fs.GlobFS] interface for *GlobFS.
func (fsys *GlobFS) Glob(pattern string) ([]string, error) {
return fsys.OnGlob(pattern)
// type check
var _ fs.StatFS = (*StatFS)(nil)
// StatFS is a fake [fs.StatFS] implementation for tests.
type StatFS struct {
// FS is embedded here to avoid implementing all it's methods.
OnStat func(name string) (fs.FileInfo, error)
// Stat implements the [fs.StatFS] interface for *StatFS.
func (fsys *StatFS) Stat(name string) (fs.FileInfo, error) {
return fsys.OnStat(name)
// Package io
// Writer is a fake [io.Writer] implementation for tests.
type Writer struct {
OnWrite func(b []byte) (n int, err error)
var _ io.Writer = (*Writer)(nil)
// Write implements the [io.Writer] interface for *Writer.
func (w *Writer) Write(b []byte) (n int, err error) {
return w.OnWrite(b)
// Module adguard-home
// Package aghos
@ -135,6 +78,71 @@ func (s *ServiceWithConfig[ConfigType]) Config() (c ConfigType) {
return s.OnConfig()
// Package client
// AddressProcessor is a fake [client.AddressProcessor] implementation for
// tests.
type AddressProcessor struct {
OnProcess func(ip netip.Addr)
OnClose func() (err error)
// type check
var _ client.AddressProcessor = (*AddressProcessor)(nil)
// Process implements the [client.AddressProcessor] interface for
// *AddressProcessor.
func (p *AddressProcessor) Process(ip netip.Addr) {
// Close implements the [client.AddressProcessor] interface for
// *AddressProcessor.
func (p *AddressProcessor) Close() (err error) {
return p.OnClose()
// AddressUpdater is a fake [client.AddressUpdater] implementation for tests.
type AddressUpdater struct {
OnUpdateAddress func(ip netip.Addr, host string, info *whois.Info)
// type check
var _ client.AddressUpdater = (*AddressUpdater)(nil)
// UpdateAddress implements the [client.AddressUpdater] interface for
// *AddressUpdater.
func (p *AddressUpdater) UpdateAddress(ip netip.Addr, host string, info *whois.Info) {
p.OnUpdateAddress(ip, host, info)
// Package filtering
// Resolver is a fake [filtering.Resolver] implementation for tests.
type Resolver struct {
OnLookupIP func(ctx context.Context, network, host string) (ips []net.IP, err error)
// LookupIP implements the [filtering.Resolver] interface for *Resolver.
func (r *Resolver) LookupIP(ctx context.Context, network, host string) (ips []net.IP, err error) {
return r.OnLookupIP(ctx, network, host)
// Package rdns
// Exchanger is a fake [rdns.Exchanger] implementation for tests.
type Exchanger struct {
OnExchange func(ip netip.Addr) (host string, ttl time.Duration, err error)
// type check
var _ rdns.Exchanger = (*Exchanger)(nil)
// Exchange implements [rdns.Exchanger] interface for *Exchanger.
func (e *Exchanger) Exchange(ip netip.Addr) (host string, ttl time.Duration, err error) {
return e.OnExchange(ip)
// Module dnsproxy
// Package upstream
@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
package aghtest_test
import (
// Put interface checks that cause import cycles here.
// type check
var _ filtering.Resolver = (*aghtest.Resolver)(nil)
@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
package aghtest
import (
// TestResolver is a Resolver for tests.
type TestResolver struct {
counter int
counterLock sync.Mutex
// HostToIPs generates IPv4 and IPv6 from host.
func (r *TestResolver) HostToIPs(host string) (ipv4, ipv6 net.IP) {
hash := sha256.Sum256([]byte(host))
return net.IP(hash[:4]), net.IP(hash[4:20])
// LookupIP implements Resolver interface for *testResolver. It returns the
// slice of net.IP with IPv4 and IPv6 instances.
func (r *TestResolver) LookupIP(_ context.Context, _, host string) (ips []net.IP, err error) {
ipv4, ipv6 := r.HostToIPs(host)
addrs := []net.IP{ipv4, ipv6}
defer r.counterLock.Unlock()
return addrs, nil
// LookupHost implements Resolver interface for *testResolver. It returns the
// slice of IPv4 and IPv6 instances converted to strings.
func (r *TestResolver) LookupHost(host string) (addrs []string, err error) {
ipv4, ipv6 := r.HostToIPs(host)
defer r.counterLock.Unlock()
return []string{
}, nil
// Counter returns the number of requests handled.
func (r *TestResolver) Counter() int {
defer r.counterLock.Unlock()
return r.counter
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
package client
import (
// ErrClosed is returned from [AddressProcessor.Close] if it's closed more than
// once.
const ErrClosed errors.Error = "use of closed address processor"
// AddressProcessor is the interface for types that can process clients.
type AddressProcessor interface {
Process(ip netip.Addr)
Close() (err error)
// EmptyAddrProc is an [AddressProcessor] that does nothing.
type EmptyAddrProc struct{}
// type check
var _ AddressProcessor = EmptyAddrProc{}
// Process implements the [AddressProcessor] interface for EmptyAddrProc.
func (EmptyAddrProc) Process(_ netip.Addr) {}
// Close implements the [AddressProcessor] interface for EmptyAddrProc.
func (EmptyAddrProc) Close() (_ error) { return nil }
// DefaultAddrProcConfig is the configuration structure for address processors.
type DefaultAddrProcConfig struct {
// DialContext is used to create TCP connections to WHOIS servers.
// DialContext must not be nil if [DefaultAddrProcConfig.UseWHOIS] is true.
DialContext aghnet.DialContextFunc
// Exchanger is used to perform rDNS queries. Exchanger must not be nil if
// [DefaultAddrProcConfig.UseRDNS] is true.
Exchanger rdns.Exchanger
// PrivateSubnets are used to determine if an incoming IP address is
// private. It must not be nil.
PrivateSubnets netutil.SubnetSet
// AddressUpdater is used to update the information about a client's IP
// address. It must not be nil.
AddressUpdater AddressUpdater
// InitialAddresses are the addresses that are queued for processing
// immediately by [NewDefaultAddrProc].
InitialAddresses []netip.Addr
// UseRDNS, if true, enables resolving of client IP addresses using reverse
// DNS.
UseRDNS bool
// UsePrivateRDNS, if true, enables resolving of private client IP addresses
// using reverse DNS. See [DefaultAddrProcConfig.PrivateSubnets].
UsePrivateRDNS bool
// UseWHOIS, if true, enables resolving of client IP addresses using WHOIS.
UseWHOIS bool
// AddressUpdater is the interface for storages of DNS clients that can update
// information about them.
// TODO(a.garipov): Consider using the actual client storage once it is moved
// into this package.
type AddressUpdater interface {
// UpdateAddress updates information about an IP address, setting host (if
// not empty) and WHOIS information (if not nil).
UpdateAddress(ip netip.Addr, host string, info *whois.Info)
// DefaultAddrProc processes incoming client addresses with rDNS and WHOIS, if
// configured, and updates that information in a client storage.
type DefaultAddrProc struct {
// clientIPsMu serializes closure of clientIPs and access to isClosed.
clientIPsMu *sync.Mutex
// clientIPs is the channel queueing client processing tasks.
clientIPs chan netip.Addr
// rdns is used to perform rDNS lookups of clients' IP addresses.
rdns rdns.Interface
// whois is used to perform WHOIS lookups of clients' IP addresses.
whois whois.Interface
// addrUpdater is used to update the information about a client's IP
// address.
addrUpdater AddressUpdater
// privateSubnets are used to determine if an incoming IP address is
// private.
privateSubnets netutil.SubnetSet
// isClosed is set to true once the address processor is closed.
isClosed bool
// usePrivateRDNS, if true, enables resolving of private client IP addresses
// using reverse DNS.
usePrivateRDNS bool
const (
// defaultQueueSize is the size of queue of IPs for rDNS and WHOIS
// processing.
defaultQueueSize = 255
// defaultCacheSize is the maximum size of the cache for rDNS and WHOIS
// processing. It must be greater than zero.
defaultCacheSize = 10_000
// defaultIPTTL is the Time to Live duration for IP addresses cached by
// rDNS and WHOIS.
defaultIPTTL = 1 * time.Hour
// NewDefaultAddrProc returns a new running client address processor. c must
// not be nil.
func NewDefaultAddrProc(c *DefaultAddrProcConfig) (p *DefaultAddrProc) {
p = &DefaultAddrProc{
clientIPsMu: &sync.Mutex{},
clientIPs: make(chan netip.Addr, defaultQueueSize),
rdns: &rdns.Empty{},
addrUpdater: c.AddressUpdater,
whois: &whois.Empty{},
privateSubnets: c.PrivateSubnets,
usePrivateRDNS: c.UsePrivateRDNS,
if c.UseRDNS {
p.rdns = rdns.New(&rdns.Config{
Exchanger: c.Exchanger,
CacheSize: defaultCacheSize,
CacheTTL: defaultIPTTL,
if c.UseWHOIS {
p.whois = newWHOIS(c.DialContext)
go p.process()
for _, ip := range c.InitialAddresses {
return p
// newWHOIS returns a whois.Interface instance using the given function for
// dialing.
func newWHOIS(dialFunc aghnet.DialContextFunc) (w whois.Interface) {
// TODO(s.chzhen): Consider making configurable.
const (
// defaultTimeout is the timeout for WHOIS requests.
defaultTimeout = 5 * time.Second
// defaultMaxConnReadSize is an upper limit in bytes for reading from a
// net.Conn.
defaultMaxConnReadSize = 64 * 1024
// defaultMaxRedirects is the maximum redirects count.
defaultMaxRedirects = 5
// defaultMaxInfoLen is the maximum length of whois.Info fields.
defaultMaxInfoLen = 250
return whois.New(&whois.Config{
DialContext: dialFunc,
ServerAddr: whois.DefaultServer,
Port: whois.DefaultPort,
Timeout: defaultTimeout,
CacheSize: defaultCacheSize,
MaxConnReadSize: defaultMaxConnReadSize,
MaxRedirects: defaultMaxRedirects,
MaxInfoLen: defaultMaxInfoLen,
CacheTTL: defaultIPTTL,
// type check
var _ AddressProcessor = (*DefaultAddrProc)(nil)
// Process implements the [AddressProcessor] interface for *DefaultAddrProc.
func (p *DefaultAddrProc) Process(ip netip.Addr) {
defer p.clientIPsMu.Unlock()
if p.isClosed {
select {
case p.clientIPs <- ip:
// Go on.
log.Debug("clients: ip channel is full; len: %d", len(p.clientIPs))
// process processes the incoming client IP-address information. It is intended
// to be used as a goroutine. Once clientIPs is closed, process exits.
func (p *DefaultAddrProc) process() {
defer log.OnPanic("addrProcessor.process")
log.Info("clients: processing addresses")
for ip := range p.clientIPs {
host := p.processRDNS(ip)
info := p.processWHOIS(ip)
p.addrUpdater.UpdateAddress(ip, host, info)
log.Info("clients: finished processing addresses")
// processRDNS resolves the clients' IP addresses using reverse DNS. host is
// empty if there were errors or if the information hasn't changed.
func (p *DefaultAddrProc) processRDNS(ip netip.Addr) (host string) {
start := time.Now()
log.Debug("clients: processing %s with rdns", ip)
defer func() {
log.Debug("clients: finished processing %s with rdns in %s", ip, time.Since(start))
ok := p.shouldResolve(ip)
if !ok {
host, changed := p.rdns.Process(ip)
if !changed {
host = ""
return host
// shouldResolve returns false if ip is a loopback address, or ip is private and
// resolving of private addresses is disabled.
func (p *DefaultAddrProc) shouldResolve(ip netip.Addr) (ok bool) {
return !ip.IsLoopback() &&
(p.usePrivateRDNS || !p.privateSubnets.Contains(ip.AsSlice()))
// processWHOIS looks up the information about clients' IP addresses in the
// WHOIS databases. info is nil if there were errors or if the information
// hasn't changed.
func (p *DefaultAddrProc) processWHOIS(ip netip.Addr) (info *whois.Info) {
start := time.Now()
log.Debug("clients: processing %s with whois", ip)
defer func() {
log.Debug("clients: finished processing %s with whois in %s", ip, time.Since(start))
// TODO(s.chzhen): Move the timeout logic from WHOIS configuration to the
// context.
info, changed := p.whois.Process(context.Background(), ip)
if !changed {
info = nil
return info
// Close implements the [AddressProcessor] interface for *DefaultAddrProc.
func (p *DefaultAddrProc) Close() (err error) {
defer p.clientIPsMu.Unlock()
if p.isClosed {
return ErrClosed
p.isClosed = true
return nil
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
package client_test
import (
func TestEmptyAddrProc(t *testing.T) {
p := client.EmptyAddrProc{}
assert.NotPanics(t, func() {
assert.NotPanics(t, func() {
err := p.Close()
assert.NoError(t, err)
func TestDefaultAddrProc_Process_rDNS(t *testing.T) {
privateIP := netip.MustParseAddr("")
testCases := []struct {
rdnsErr error
ip netip.Addr
name string
host string
usePrivate bool
wantUpd bool
rdnsErr: nil,
ip: testIP,
name: "success",
host: testHost,
usePrivate: false,
wantUpd: true,
}, {
rdnsErr: nil,
ip: testIP,
name: "no_host",
host: "",
usePrivate: false,
wantUpd: false,
}, {
rdnsErr: nil,
ip: netip.MustParseAddr(""),
name: "localhost",
host: "",
usePrivate: false,
wantUpd: false,
}, {
rdnsErr: nil,
ip: privateIP,
name: "private_ignored",
host: "",
usePrivate: false,
wantUpd: false,
}, {
rdnsErr: nil,
ip: privateIP,
name: "private_processed",
host: "private.example",
usePrivate: true,
wantUpd: true,
}, {
rdnsErr: errors.Error("rdns error"),
ip: testIP,
name: "rdns_error",
host: "",
usePrivate: false,
wantUpd: false,
for _, tc := range testCases {
tc := tc
t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
updIPCh := make(chan netip.Addr, 1)
updHostCh := make(chan string, 1)
updInfoCh := make(chan *whois.Info, 1)
p := client.NewDefaultAddrProc(&client.DefaultAddrProcConfig{
DialContext: func(_ context.Context, _, _ string) (conn net.Conn, err error) {
panic("not implemented")
Exchanger: &aghtest.Exchanger{
OnExchange: func(ip netip.Addr) (host string, ttl time.Duration, err error) {
return tc.host, 0, tc.rdnsErr
PrivateSubnets: netutil.SubnetSetFunc(netutil.IsLocallyServed),
AddressUpdater: &aghtest.AddressUpdater{
OnUpdateAddress: newOnUpdateAddress(tc.wantUpd, updIPCh, updHostCh, updInfoCh),
UseRDNS: true,
UsePrivateRDNS: tc.usePrivate,
UseWHOIS: false,
testutil.CleanupAndRequireSuccess(t, p.Close)
if !tc.wantUpd {
gotIP, _ := testutil.RequireReceive(t, updIPCh, testTimeout)
assert.Equal(t, tc.ip, gotIP)
gotHost, _ := testutil.RequireReceive(t, updHostCh, testTimeout)
assert.Equal(t, tc.host, gotHost)
gotInfo, _ := testutil.RequireReceive(t, updInfoCh, testTimeout)
assert.Nil(t, gotInfo)
// newOnUpdateAddress is a test helper that returns a new OnUpdateAddress
// callback using the provided channels if an update is expected and panicking
// otherwise.
func newOnUpdateAddress(
want bool,
ips chan<- netip.Addr,
hosts chan<- string,
infos chan<- *whois.Info,
) (f func(ip netip.Addr, host string, info *whois.Info)) {
return func(ip netip.Addr, host string, info *whois.Info) {
if !want {
panic("got unexpected update")
ips <- ip
hosts <- host
infos <- info
func TestDefaultAddrProc_Process_WHOIS(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
wantInfo *whois.Info
exchErr error
name string
wantUpd bool
wantInfo: &whois.Info{
City: testWHOISCity,
exchErr: nil,
name: "success",
wantUpd: true,
}, {
wantInfo: nil,
exchErr: nil,
name: "no_info",
wantUpd: false,
}, {
wantInfo: nil,
exchErr: errors.Error("whois error"),
name: "whois_error",
wantUpd: false,
for _, tc := range testCases {
tc := tc
t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
whoisConn := &fakenet.Conn{
OnClose: func() (err error) { return nil },
OnRead: func(b []byte) (n int, err error) {
if tc.wantInfo == nil {
return 0, tc.exchErr
data := "city: " + tc.wantInfo.City + "\n"
copy(b, data)
return len(data), io.EOF
OnSetDeadline: func(_ time.Time) (err error) { return nil },
OnWrite: func(b []byte) (n int, err error) { return len(b), nil },
updIPCh := make(chan netip.Addr, 1)
updHostCh := make(chan string, 1)
updInfoCh := make(chan *whois.Info, 1)
p := client.NewDefaultAddrProc(&client.DefaultAddrProcConfig{
DialContext: func(_ context.Context, _, _ string) (conn net.Conn, err error) {
return whoisConn, nil
Exchanger: &aghtest.Exchanger{
OnExchange: func(_ netip.Addr) (_ string, _ time.Duration, _ error) {
panic("not implemented")
PrivateSubnets: netutil.SubnetSetFunc(netutil.IsLocallyServed),
AddressUpdater: &aghtest.AddressUpdater{
OnUpdateAddress: newOnUpdateAddress(tc.wantUpd, updIPCh, updHostCh, updInfoCh),
UseRDNS: false,
UsePrivateRDNS: false,
UseWHOIS: true,
testutil.CleanupAndRequireSuccess(t, p.Close)
if !tc.wantUpd {
gotIP, _ := testutil.RequireReceive(t, updIPCh, testTimeout)
assert.Equal(t, testIP, gotIP)
gotHost, _ := testutil.RequireReceive(t, updHostCh, testTimeout)
assert.Empty(t, gotHost)
gotInfo, _ := testutil.RequireReceive(t, updInfoCh, testTimeout)
assert.Equal(t, tc.wantInfo, gotInfo)
func TestDefaultAddrProc_Close(t *testing.T) {
p := client.NewDefaultAddrProc(&client.DefaultAddrProcConfig{})
err := p.Close()
assert.NoError(t, err)
err = p.Close()
assert.ErrorIs(t, err, client.ErrClosed)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
// Package client contains types and logic dealing with AdGuard Home's DNS
// clients.
// TODO(a.garipov): Expand.
package client
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
package client_test
import (
func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
// testHost is the common hostname for tests.
const testHost = "client.example"
// testTimeout is the common timeout for tests.
const testTimeout = 1 * time.Second
// testWHOISCity is the common city for tests.
const testWHOISCity = "Brussels"
// testIP is the common IP address for tests.
var testIP = netip.MustParseAddr("")
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import (
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import (
@ -270,7 +271,13 @@ type ServerConfig struct {
UDPListenAddrs []*net.UDPAddr // UDP listen address
TCPListenAddrs []*net.TCPAddr // TCP listen address
UpstreamConfig *proxy.UpstreamConfig // Upstream DNS servers config
OnDNSRequest func(d *proxy.DNSContext)
// AddrProcConf defines the configuration for the client IP processor.
// If nil, [client.EmptyAddrProc] is used.
// TODO(a.garipov): The use of [client.EmptyAddrProc] is a crutch for tests.
// Remove that.
AddrProcConf *client.DefaultAddrProcConfig
@ -298,9 +305,6 @@ type ServerConfig struct {
// DNS64Prefixes is a slice of NAT64 prefixes to be used for DNS64.
DNS64Prefixes []netip.Prefix
// ResolveClients signals if the RDNS should resolve clients' addresses.
ResolveClients bool
// UsePrivateRDNS defines if the PTR requests for unknown addresses from
// locally-served networks should be resolved via private PTR resolvers.
UsePrivateRDNS bool
@ -340,6 +344,7 @@ func (s *Server) createProxyConfig() (conf proxy.Config, err error) {
UpstreamConfig: srvConf.UpstreamConfig,
BeforeRequestHandler: s.beforeRequestHandler,
RequestHandler: s.handleDNSRequest,
HTTPSServerName: aghhttp.UserAgent(),
EnableEDNSClientSubnet: srvConf.EDNSClientSubnet.Enabled,
MaxGoroutines: int(srvConf.MaxGoroutines),
UseDNS64: srvConf.UseDNS64,
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
package dnsforward
import (
// DialContext is an [aghnet.DialContextFunc] that uses s to resolve hostnames.
func (s *Server) DialContext(ctx context.Context, network, addr string) (conn net.Conn, err error) {
log.Debug("dnsforward: dialing %q for network %q", addr, network)
host, port, err := net.SplitHostPort(addr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
dialer := &net.Dialer{
// TODO(a.garipov): Consider making configurable.
Timeout: time.Minute * 5,
if net.ParseIP(host) != nil {
return dialer.DialContext(ctx, network, addr)
addrs, err := s.Resolve(host)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("resolving %q: %w", host, err)
log.Debug("dnsforward: resolving %q: %v", host, addrs)
if len(addrs) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no addresses for host %q", host)
var dialErrs []error
for _, a := range addrs {
addr = net.JoinHostPort(a.String(), port)
conn, err = dialer.DialContext(ctx, network, addr)
if err != nil {
dialErrs = append(dialErrs, err)
return conn, err
// TODO(a.garipov): Use errors.Join in Go 1.20.
return nil, errors.List(fmt.Sprintf("dialing %q", addr), dialErrs...)
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import (
@ -99,8 +100,17 @@ type Server struct {
// must be a valid domain name plus dots on each side.
localDomainSuffix string
ipset ipsetCtx
privateNets netutil.SubnetSet
ipset ipsetCtx
privateNets netutil.SubnetSet
// addrProc, if not nil, is used to process clients' IP addresses with rDNS,
// WHOIS, etc.
addrProc client.AddressProcessor
// localResolvers is a DNS proxy instance used to resolve PTR records for
// addresses considered private as per the [privateNets].
// TODO(e.burkov): Remove once the local resolvers logic moved to dnsproxy.
localResolvers *proxy.Proxy
sysResolvers aghnet.SystemResolvers
@ -170,6 +180,9 @@ const (
// NewServer creates a new instance of the dnsforward.Server
// Note: this function must be called only once
// TODO(a.garipov): How many constructors and initializers does this thing have?
// Refactor!
func NewServer(p DNSCreateParams) (s *Server, err error) {
var localDomainSuffix string
if p.LocalDomain == "" {
@ -257,14 +270,25 @@ func (s *Server) WriteDiskConfig(c *FilteringConfig) {
c.UpstreamDNS = stringutil.CloneSlice(sc.UpstreamDNS)
// RDNSSettings returns the copy of actual RDNS configuration.
func (s *Server) RDNSSettings() (localPTRResolvers []string, resolveClients, resolvePTR bool) {
// LocalPTRResolvers returns the current local PTR resolver configuration.
func (s *Server) LocalPTRResolvers() (localPTRResolvers []string) {
defer s.serverLock.RUnlock()
return stringutil.CloneSlice(s.conf.LocalPTRResolvers),
return stringutil.CloneSlice(s.conf.LocalPTRResolvers)
// AddrProcConfig returns the current address processing configuration. Only
// fields c.UsePrivateRDNS, c.UseRDNS, and c.UseWHOIS are filled.
func (s *Server) AddrProcConfig() (c *client.DefaultAddrProcConfig) {
defer s.serverLock.RUnlock()
return &client.DefaultAddrProcConfig{
UsePrivateRDNS: s.conf.UsePrivateRDNS,
UseRDNS: s.conf.AddrProcConf.UseRDNS,
UseWHOIS: s.conf.AddrProcConf.UseWHOIS,
// Resolve - get IP addresses by host name from an upstream server.
@ -292,17 +316,13 @@ const (
var _ rdns.Exchanger = (*Server)(nil)
// Exchange implements the [rdns.Exchanger] interface for *Server.
func (s *Server) Exchange(ip netip.Addr) (host string, err error) {
func (s *Server) Exchange(ip netip.Addr) (host string, ttl time.Duration, err error) {
defer s.serverLock.RUnlock()
if !s.conf.ResolveClients {
return "", nil
arpa, err := netutil.IPToReversedAddr(ip.AsSlice())
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("reversing ip: %w", err)
return "", 0, fmt.Errorf("reversing ip: %w", err)
arpa = dns.Fqdn(arpa)
@ -318,16 +338,17 @@ func (s *Server) Exchange(ip netip.Addr) (host string, err error) {
Qclass: dns.ClassINET,
ctx := &proxy.DNSContext{
dctx := &proxy.DNSContext{
Proto: "udp",
Req: req,
StartTime: time.Now(),
var resolver *proxy.Proxy
if s.isPrivateIP(ip) {
if s.privateNets.Contains(ip.AsSlice()) {
if !s.conf.UsePrivateRDNS {
return "", nil
return "", 0, nil
resolver = s.localResolvers
@ -336,53 +357,48 @@ func (s *Server) Exchange(ip netip.Addr) (host string, err error) {
resolver = s.internalProxy
if err = resolver.Resolve(ctx); err != nil {
return "", err
if err = resolver.Resolve(dctx); err != nil {
return "", 0, err
return hostFromPTR(ctx.Res)
return hostFromPTR(dctx.Res)
// hostFromPTR returns domain name from the PTR response or error.
func hostFromPTR(resp *dns.Msg) (host string, err error) {
func hostFromPTR(resp *dns.Msg) (host string, ttl time.Duration, err error) {
// Distinguish between NODATA response and a failed request.
if resp.Rcode != dns.RcodeSuccess && resp.Rcode != dns.RcodeNameError {
return "", fmt.Errorf(
return "", 0, fmt.Errorf(
"received %s response: %w",
var ttlSec uint32
for _, ans := range resp.Answer {
ptr, ok := ans.(*dns.PTR)
if ok {
return strings.TrimSuffix(ptr.Ptr, "."), nil
if !ok {
if ptr.Hdr.Ttl > ttlSec {
host = ptr.Ptr
ttlSec = ptr.Hdr.Ttl
return "", ErrRDNSNoData
if host != "" {
// NOTE: Don't use [aghnet.NormalizeDomain] to retain original letter
// case.
host = strings.TrimSuffix(host, ".")
ttl = time.Duration(ttlSec) * time.Second
// isPrivateIP returns true if the ip is private.
func (s *Server) isPrivateIP(ip netip.Addr) (ok bool) {
return s.privateNets.Contains(ip.AsSlice())
// ShouldResolveClient returns false if ip is a loopback address, or ip is
// private and resolving of private addresses is disabled.
func (s *Server) ShouldResolveClient(ip netip.Addr) (ok bool) {
if ip.IsLoopback() {
return false
return host, ttl, nil
isPrivate := s.isPrivateIP(ip)
defer s.serverLock.RUnlock()
return s.conf.ResolveClients &&
(s.conf.UsePrivateRDNS || !isPrivate)
return "", 0, ErrRDNSNoData
// Start starts the DNS server.
@ -457,23 +473,27 @@ func (s *Server) filterOurDNSAddrs(addrs []string) (filtered []string, err error
return stringutil.FilterOut(addrs, ourAddrsSet.Has), nil
// setupResolvers initializes the resolvers for local addresses. For internal
// use only.
func (s *Server) setupResolvers(localAddrs []string) (err error) {
// setupLocalResolvers initializes the resolvers for local addresses. For
// internal use only.
func (s *Server) setupLocalResolvers() (err error) {
bootstraps := s.conf.BootstrapDNS
if len(localAddrs) == 0 {
localAddrs = s.sysResolvers.Get()
resolvers := s.conf.LocalPTRResolvers
if len(resolvers) == 0 {
resolvers = s.sysResolvers.Get()
bootstraps = nil
} else {
resolvers = stringutil.FilterOut(resolvers, IsCommentOrEmpty)
localAddrs, err = s.filterOurDNSAddrs(localAddrs)
resolvers, err = s.filterOurDNSAddrs(resolvers)
if err != nil {
return err
log.Debug("dnsforward: upstreams to resolve ptr for local addresses: %v", localAddrs)
log.Debug("dnsforward: upstreams to resolve ptr for local addresses: %v", resolvers)
upsConfig, err := s.prepareUpstreamConfig(localAddrs, nil, &upstream.Options{
uc, err := s.prepareUpstreamConfig(resolvers, nil, &upstream.Options{
Bootstrap: bootstraps,
Timeout: defaultLocalTimeout,
// TODO(e.burkov): Should we verify server's certificates?
@ -486,10 +506,17 @@ func (s *Server) setupResolvers(localAddrs []string) (err error) {
s.localResolvers = &proxy.Proxy{
Config: proxy.Config{
UpstreamConfig: upsConfig,
UpstreamConfig: uc,
if s.conf.UsePrivateRDNS &&
// Only set the upstream config if there are any upstreams. It's safe
// to put nil into [proxy.Config.PrivateRDNSUpstreamConfig].
len(uc.Upstreams)+len(uc.DomainReservedUpstreams)+len(uc.SpecifiedDomainUpstreams) > 0 {
s.dnsProxy.PrivateRDNSUpstreamConfig = uc
return nil
@ -539,25 +566,48 @@ func (s *Server) Prepare(conf *ServerConfig) (err error) {
return fmt.Errorf("preparing access: %w", err)
// Set the proxy here because [setupLocalResolvers] sets its values.
// TODO(e.burkov): Remove once the local resolvers logic moved to dnsproxy.
err = s.setupResolvers(s.conf.LocalPTRResolvers)
s.dnsProxy = &proxy.Proxy{Config: proxyConfig}
err = s.setupLocalResolvers()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("setting up resolvers: %w", err)
if s.conf.UsePrivateRDNS {
proxyConfig.PrivateRDNSUpstreamConfig = s.localResolvers.UpstreamConfig
s.dnsProxy = &proxy.Proxy{Config: proxyConfig}
return nil
// setupAddrProc initializes the address processor. For internal use only.
func (s *Server) setupAddrProc() {
// TODO(a.garipov): This is a crutch for tests; remove.
if s.conf.AddrProcConf == nil {
s.conf.AddrProcConf = &client.DefaultAddrProcConfig{}
if s.conf.AddrProcConf.AddressUpdater == nil {
s.addrProc = client.EmptyAddrProc{}
} else {
c := s.conf.AddrProcConf
c.DialContext = s.DialContext
c.PrivateSubnets = s.privateNets
c.UsePrivateRDNS = s.conf.UsePrivateRDNS
s.addrProc = client.NewDefaultAddrProc(s.conf.AddrProcConf)
// Clear the initial addresses to not resolve them again.
// TODO(a.garipov): Consider ways of removing this once more client
// logic is moved to package client.
c.InitialAddresses = nil
// validateBlockingMode returns an error if the blocking mode data aren't valid.
func validateBlockingMode(mode BlockingMode, blockingIPv4, blockingIPv6 net.IP) (err error) {
switch mode {
@ -696,6 +746,11 @@ func (s *Server) Reconfigure(conf *ServerConfig) error {
// TODO(a.garipov): This whole piece of API is weird and needs to be remade.
if conf == nil {
conf = &s.conf
} else {
closeErr := s.addrProc.Close()
if closeErr != nil {
log.Error("dnsforward: closing address processor: %s", closeErr)
err = s.Prepare(conf)
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package dnsforward
import (
@ -39,11 +40,29 @@ func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
// testTimeout is the common timeout for tests.
// TODO(a.garipov): Use more.
const testTimeout = 1 * time.Second
// testQuestionTarget is the common question target for tests.
// TODO(a.garipov): Use more.
const testQuestionTarget = "target.example"
const (
tlsServerName = "testdns.adguard.com"
testMessagesCount = 10
// testClientAddr is the common net.Addr for tests.
// TODO(a.garipov): Use more.
var testClientAddr net.Addr = &net.TCPAddr{
IP: net.IP{1, 2, 3, 4},
Port: 12345,
func startDeferStop(t *testing.T, s *Server) {
@ -53,6 +72,13 @@ func startDeferStop(t *testing.T, s *Server) {
testutil.CleanupAndRequireSuccess(t, s.Stop)
// packageUpstreamVariableMu is used to serialize access to the package-level
// variables of package upstream.
// TODO(s.chzhen): Move these parameters to upstream options and remove this
// crutch.
var packageUpstreamVariableMu = &sync.Mutex{}
func createTestServer(
t *testing.T,
filterConf *filtering.Config,
@ -61,6 +87,9 @@ func createTestServer(
) (s *Server) {
defer packageUpstreamVariableMu.Unlock()
rules := `||nxdomain.example.org
|||| host.example.org
@ -307,11 +336,9 @@ func TestServer(t *testing.T) {
func TestServer_timeout(t *testing.T) {
const timeout time.Duration = time.Second
t.Run("custom", func(t *testing.T) {
srvConf := &ServerConfig{
UpstreamTimeout: timeout,
UpstreamTimeout: testTimeout,
FilteringConfig: FilteringConfig{
BlockingMode: BlockingModeDefault,
EDNSClientSubnet: &EDNSClientSubnet{Enabled: false},
@ -324,7 +351,7 @@ func TestServer_timeout(t *testing.T) {
err = s.Prepare(srvConf)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, timeout, s.conf.UpstreamTimeout)
assert.Equal(t, testTimeout, s.conf.UpstreamTimeout)
t.Run("default", func(t *testing.T) {
@ -441,7 +468,14 @@ func TestServerRace(t *testing.T) {
func TestSafeSearch(t *testing.T) {
resolver := &aghtest.TestResolver{}
resolver := &aghtest.Resolver{
OnLookupIP: func(_ context.Context, _, host string) (ips []net.IP, err error) {
ip4, ip6 := aghtest.HostToIPs(host)
return []net.IP{ip4, ip6}, nil
safeSearchConf := filtering.SafeSearchConfig{
Enabled: true,
Google: true,
@ -480,7 +514,7 @@ func TestSafeSearch(t *testing.T) {
client := &dns.Client{}
yandexIP := net.IP{213, 180, 193, 56}
googleIP, _ := resolver.HostToIPs("forcesafesearch.google.com")
googleIP, _ := aghtest.HostToIPs("forcesafesearch.google.com")
testCases := []struct {
host string
@ -545,7 +579,7 @@ func TestInvalidRequest(t *testing.T) {
// Send a DNS request without question.
_, _, err := (&dns.Client{
Timeout: 500 * time.Millisecond,
Timeout: testTimeout,
}).Exchange(&req, addr)
assert.NoErrorf(t, err, "got a response to an invalid query")
@ -928,7 +962,7 @@ func TestBlockedBySafeBrowsing(t *testing.T) {
Upstream: aghtest.NewBlockUpstream(hostname, true),
ans4, _ := (&aghtest.TestResolver{}).HostToIPs(hostname)
ans4, _ := aghtest.HostToIPs(hostname)
filterConf := &filtering.Config{
SafeBrowsingEnabled: true,
@ -1266,25 +1300,57 @@ func TestNewServer(t *testing.T) {
// doubleTTL is a helper function that returns a clone of DNS PTR with appended
// copy of first answer record with doubled TTL.
func doubleTTL(msg *dns.Msg) (resp *dns.Msg) {
if msg == nil {
return nil
if len(msg.Answer) == 0 {
return msg
rec := msg.Answer[0]
ptr, ok := rec.(*dns.PTR)
if !ok {
return msg
clone := *ptr
clone.Hdr.Ttl *= 2
msg.Answer = append(msg.Answer, &clone)
return msg
func TestServer_Exchange(t *testing.T) {
const (
onesHost = "one.one.one.one"
twosHost = "two.two.two.two"
localDomainHost = "local.domain"
defaultTTL = time.Second * 60
var (
onesIP = netip.MustParseAddr("")
twosIP = netip.MustParseAddr("")
localIP = netip.MustParseAddr("")
revExtIPv4, err := netutil.IPToReversedAddr(onesIP.AsSlice())
onesRevExtIPv4, err := netutil.IPToReversedAddr(onesIP.AsSlice())
require.NoError(t, err)
twosRevExtIPv4, err := netutil.IPToReversedAddr(twosIP.AsSlice())
require.NoError(t, err)
extUpstream := &aghtest.UpstreamMock{
OnAddress: func() (addr string) { return "external.upstream.example" },
OnExchange: func(req *dns.Msg) (resp *dns.Msg, err error) {
return aghalg.Coalesce(
aghtest.MatchedResponse(req, dns.TypePTR, revExtIPv4, onesHost),
aghtest.MatchedResponse(req, dns.TypePTR, onesRevExtIPv4, onesHost),
doubleTTL(aghtest.MatchedResponse(req, dns.TypePTR, twosRevExtIPv4, twosHost)),
new(dns.Msg).SetRcode(req, dns.RcodeNameError),
), nil
@ -1320,53 +1386,65 @@ func TestServer_Exchange(t *testing.T) {
srv.conf.ResolveClients = true
srv.conf.UsePrivateRDNS = true
srv.privateNets = netutil.SubnetSetFunc(netutil.IsLocallyServed)
testCases := []struct {
name string
want string
req netip.Addr
wantErr error
locUpstream upstream.Upstream
req netip.Addr
name string
want string
wantTTL time.Duration
name: "external_good",
want: onesHost,
wantErr: nil,
locUpstream: nil,
req: onesIP,
wantTTL: defaultTTL,
}, {
name: "local_good",
want: localDomainHost,
wantErr: nil,
locUpstream: locUpstream,
req: localIP,
wantTTL: defaultTTL,
}, {
name: "upstream_error",
want: "",
wantErr: aghtest.ErrUpstream,
locUpstream: errUpstream,
req: localIP,
wantTTL: 0,
}, {
name: "empty_answer_error",
want: "",
wantErr: ErrRDNSNoData,
locUpstream: locUpstream,
req: netip.MustParseAddr(""),
wantTTL: 0,
}, {
name: "invalid_answer",
want: "",
wantErr: ErrRDNSNoData,
locUpstream: nonPtrUpstream,
req: localIP,
wantTTL: 0,
}, {
name: "refused",
want: "",
wantErr: ErrRDNSFailed,
locUpstream: refusingUpstream,
req: localIP,
wantTTL: 0,
}, {
name: "longest_ttl",
want: twosHost,
wantErr: nil,
locUpstream: nil,
req: twosIP,
wantTTL: defaultTTL * 2,
for _, tc := range testCases {
@ -1380,73 +1458,20 @@ func TestServer_Exchange(t *testing.T) {
t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
host, eerr := srv.Exchange(tc.req)
host, ttl, eerr := srv.Exchange(tc.req)
require.ErrorIs(t, eerr, tc.wantErr)
assert.Equal(t, tc.want, host)
assert.Equal(t, tc.wantTTL, ttl)
t.Run("resolving_disabled", func(t *testing.T) {
srv.conf.UsePrivateRDNS = false
host, eerr := srv.Exchange(localIP)
host, _, eerr := srv.Exchange(localIP)
require.NoError(t, eerr)
assert.Empty(t, host)
func TestServer_ShouldResolveClient(t *testing.T) {
srv := &Server{
privateNets: netutil.SubnetSetFunc(netutil.IsLocallyServed),
testCases := []struct {
ip netip.Addr
want require.BoolAssertionFunc
name string
resolve bool
usePrivate bool
name: "default",
ip: netip.MustParseAddr(""),
want: require.True,
resolve: true,
usePrivate: true,
}, {
name: "no_rdns",
ip: netip.MustParseAddr(""),
want: require.False,
resolve: false,
usePrivate: true,
}, {
name: "loopback",
ip: netip.MustParseAddr(""),
want: require.False,
resolve: true,
usePrivate: true,
}, {
name: "private_resolve",
ip: netip.MustParseAddr(""),
want: require.True,
resolve: true,
usePrivate: true,
}, {
name: "private_no_resolve",
ip: netip.MustParseAddr(""),
want: require.False,
resolve: true,
usePrivate: false,
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
srv.conf.ResolveClients = tc.resolve
srv.conf.UsePrivateRDNS = tc.usePrivate
ok := srv.ShouldResolveClient(tc.ip)
tc.want(t, ok)
@ -50,10 +50,10 @@ func (s *Server) beforeRequestHandler(
return true, nil
// getClientRequestFilteringSettings looks up client filtering settings using
// the client's IP address and ID, if any, from dctx.
func (s *Server) getClientRequestFilteringSettings(dctx *dnsContext) *filtering.Settings {
setts := s.dnsFilter.Settings()
// clientRequestFilteringSettings looks up client filtering settings using the
// client's IP address and ID, if any, from dctx.
func (s *Server) clientRequestFilteringSettings(dctx *dnsContext) (setts *filtering.Settings) {
setts = s.dnsFilter.Settings()
setts.ProtectionEnabled = dctx.protectionEnabled
if s.conf.FilterHandler != nil {
ip, _ := netutil.IPAndPortFromAddr(dctx.proxyCtx.Addr)
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ func (s *Server) getDNSConfig() (c *jsonDNSConfig) {
cacheMinTTL := s.conf.CacheMinTTL
cacheMaxTTL := s.conf.CacheMaxTTL
cacheOptimistic := s.conf.CacheOptimistic
resolveClients := s.conf.ResolveClients
resolveClients := s.conf.AddrProcConf.UseRDNS
usePrivateRDNS := s.conf.UsePrivateRDNS
localPTRUpstreams := stringutil.CloneSliceOrEmpty(s.conf.LocalPTRResolvers)
@ -314,8 +314,6 @@ func (s *Server) setConfig(dc *jsonDNSConfig) (shouldRestart bool) {
setIfNotNil(&s.conf.ProtectionEnabled, dc.ProtectionEnabled)
setIfNotNil(&s.conf.EnableDNSSEC, dc.DNSSECEnabled)
setIfNotNil(&s.conf.AAAADisabled, dc.DisableIPv6)
setIfNotNil(&s.conf.ResolveClients, dc.ResolveClients)
setIfNotNil(&s.conf.UsePrivateRDNS, dc.UsePrivateRDNS)
return s.setConfigRestartable(dc)
@ -335,6 +333,9 @@ func setIfNotNil[T any](currentPtr, newPtr *T) (hasSet bool) {
// setConfigRestartable sets the parameters which trigger a restart.
// shouldRestart is true if the server should be restarted to apply changes.
// s.serverLock is expected to be locked.
// TODO(a.garipov): Some of these could probably be updated without a restart.
// Inspect and consider refactoring.
func (s *Server) setConfigRestartable(dc *jsonDNSConfig) (shouldRestart bool) {
for _, hasSet := range []bool{
setIfNotNil(&s.conf.UpstreamDNS, dc.Upstreams),
@ -347,6 +348,8 @@ func (s *Server) setConfigRestartable(dc *jsonDNSConfig) (shouldRestart bool) {
setIfNotNil(&s.conf.CacheMinTTL, dc.CacheMinTTL),
setIfNotNil(&s.conf.CacheMaxTTL, dc.CacheMaxTTL),
setIfNotNil(&s.conf.CacheOptimistic, dc.CacheOptimistic),
setIfNotNil(&s.conf.AddrProcConf.UseRDNS, dc.ResolveClients),
setIfNotNil(&s.conf.UsePrivateRDNS, dc.UsePrivateRDNS),
} {
shouldRestart = shouldRestart || hasSet
if shouldRestart {
@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ type dnsContext struct {
setts *filtering.Settings
result *filtering.Result
// origResp is the response received from upstream. It is set when the
// response is modified by filters.
origResp *dns.Msg
@ -48,13 +49,13 @@ type dnsContext struct {
// clientID is the ClientID from DoH, DoQ, or DoT, if provided.
clientID string
// startTime is the time at which the processing of the request has started.
startTime time.Time
// origQuestion is the question received from the client. It is set
// when the request is modified by rewrites.
origQuestion dns.Question
// startTime is the time at which the processing of the request has started.
startTime time.Time
// protectionEnabled shows if the filtering is enabled, and if the
// server's DNS filter is ready.
protectionEnabled bool
@ -160,6 +161,22 @@ func (s *Server) processRecursion(dctx *dnsContext) (rc resultCode) {
return resultCodeSuccess
// mozillaFQDN is the domain used to signal the Firefox browser to not use its
// own DoH server.
// See https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/canary-domain-use-application-dnsnet.
const mozillaFQDN = "use-application-dns.net."
// healthcheckFQDN is a reserved domain-name used for healthchecking.
// [Section 6.2 of RFC 6761] states that DNS Registries/Registrars must not
// grant requests to register test names in the normal way to any person or
// entity, making domain names under the .test TLD free to use in internal
// purposes.
// [Section 6.2 of RFC 6761]: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc6761.html#section-6.2
const healthcheckFQDN = "healthcheck.adguardhome.test."
// processInitial terminates the following processing for some requests if
// needed and enriches dctx with some client-specific information.
@ -169,6 +186,8 @@ func (s *Server) processInitial(dctx *dnsContext) (rc resultCode) {
defer log.Debug("dnsforward: finished processing initial")
pctx := dctx.proxyCtx
q := pctx.Req.Question[0]
qt := q.Qtype
if s.conf.AAAADisabled && qt == dns.TypeAAAA {
@ -177,28 +196,13 @@ func (s *Server) processInitial(dctx *dnsContext) (rc resultCode) {
return resultCodeFinish
if s.conf.OnDNSRequest != nil {
// Disable Mozilla DoH.
// See https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/canary-domain-use-application-dnsnet.
if (qt == dns.TypeA || qt == dns.TypeAAAA) && q.Name == "use-application-dns.net." {
if (qt == dns.TypeA || qt == dns.TypeAAAA) && q.Name == mozillaFQDN {
pctx.Res = s.genNXDomain(pctx.Req)
return resultCodeFinish
// Handle a reserved domain healthcheck.adguardhome.test.
// [Section 6.2 of RFC 6761] states that DNS Registries/Registrars must not
// grant requests to register test names in the normal way to any person or
// entity, making domain names under test. TLD free to use in internal
// purposes.
// [Section 6.2 of RFC 6761]: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc6761.html#section-6.2
if q.Name == "healthcheck.adguardhome.test." {
if q.Name == healthcheckFQDN {
// Generate a NODATA negative response to make nslookup exit with 0.
pctx.Res = s.makeResponse(pctx.Req)
@ -213,11 +217,28 @@ func (s *Server) processInitial(dctx *dnsContext) (rc resultCode) {
// Get the client-specific filtering settings.
dctx.protectionEnabled, _ = s.UpdatedProtectionStatus()
dctx.setts = s.getClientRequestFilteringSettings(dctx)
dctx.setts = s.clientRequestFilteringSettings(dctx)
return resultCodeSuccess
// processClientIP sends the client IP address to s.addrProc, if needed.
func (s *Server) processClientIP(addr net.Addr) {
clientIP := netutil.NetAddrToAddrPort(addr).Addr()
if clientIP == (netip.Addr{}) {
log.Info("dnsforward: warning: bad client addr %q", addr)
// Do not assign s.addrProc to a local variable to then use, since this lock
// also serializes the closure of s.addrProc.
defer s.serverLock.RUnlock()
func (s *Server) setTableHostToIP(t hostToIPTable) {
defer s.tableHostToIPLock.Unlock()
@ -698,6 +719,18 @@ func (s *Server) processLocalPTR(dctx *dnsContext) (rc resultCode) {
if s.conf.UsePrivateRDNS {
if err := s.localResolvers.Resolve(pctx); err != nil {
// Generate the server failure if the private upstream configuration
// is empty.
// TODO(e.burkov): Get rid of this crutch once the local resolvers
// logic is moved to the dnsproxy completely.
if errors.Is(err, upstream.ErrNoUpstreams) {
pctx.Res = s.genServerFailure(pctx.Req)
// Do not even put into query log.
return resultCodeFinish
dctx.err = err
return resultCodeError
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import (
@ -22,6 +23,96 @@ const (
ddrTestFQDN = ddrTestDomainName + "."
func TestServer_ProcessInitial(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
name string
target string
wantRCode rules.RCode
qType rules.RRType
aaaaDisabled bool
wantRC resultCode
name: "success",
target: testQuestionTarget,
wantRCode: -1,
qType: dns.TypeA,
aaaaDisabled: false,
wantRC: resultCodeSuccess,
}, {
name: "aaaa_disabled",
target: testQuestionTarget,
wantRCode: dns.RcodeSuccess,
qType: dns.TypeAAAA,
aaaaDisabled: true,
wantRC: resultCodeFinish,
}, {
name: "aaaa_disabled_a",
target: testQuestionTarget,
wantRCode: -1,
qType: dns.TypeA,
aaaaDisabled: true,
wantRC: resultCodeSuccess,
}, {
name: "mozilla_canary",
target: mozillaFQDN,
wantRCode: dns.RcodeNameError,
qType: dns.TypeA,
aaaaDisabled: false,
wantRC: resultCodeFinish,
}, {
name: "adguardhome_healthcheck",
target: healthcheckFQDN,
wantRCode: dns.RcodeSuccess,
qType: dns.TypeA,
aaaaDisabled: false,
wantRC: resultCodeFinish,
for _, tc := range testCases {
tc := tc
t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
c := ServerConfig{
FilteringConfig: FilteringConfig{
AAAADisabled: tc.aaaaDisabled,
EDNSClientSubnet: &EDNSClientSubnet{Enabled: false},
s := createTestServer(t, &filtering.Config{}, c, nil)
var gotAddr netip.Addr
s.addrProc = &aghtest.AddressProcessor{
OnProcess: func(ip netip.Addr) { gotAddr = ip },
OnClose: func() (err error) { panic("not implemented") },
dctx := &dnsContext{
proxyCtx: &proxy.DNSContext{
Req: createTestMessageWithType(tc.target, tc.qType),
Addr: testClientAddr,
RequestID: 1234,
gotRC := s.processInitial(dctx)
assert.Equal(t, tc.wantRC, gotRC)
assert.Equal(t, netutil.NetAddrToAddrPort(testClientAddr).Addr(), gotAddr)
if tc.wantRCode > 0 {
gotResp := dctx.proxyCtx.Res
require.NotNil(t, gotResp)
assert.Equal(t, tc.wantRCode, gotResp.Rcode)
func TestServer_ProcessDDRQuery(t *testing.T) {
dohSVCB := &dns.SVCB{
Priority: 1,
@ -64,7 +155,7 @@ func TestServer_ProcessDDRQuery(t *testing.T) {
name: "pass_host",
wantRes: resultCodeSuccess,
host: "example.net.",
host: testQuestionTarget,
qtype: dns.TypeSVCB,
ddrEnabled: true,
portDoH: 8043,
@ -234,33 +325,33 @@ func TestServer_ProcessDetermineLocal(t *testing.T) {
func TestServer_ProcessDHCPHosts_localRestriction(t *testing.T) {
knownIP := netip.MustParseAddr("")
testCases := []struct {
wantIP netip.Addr
name string
host string
wantIP netip.Addr
wantRes resultCode
isLocalCli bool
wantIP: knownIP,
name: "local_client_success",
host: "example.lan",
wantIP: knownIP,
wantRes: resultCodeSuccess,
isLocalCli: true,
}, {
wantIP: netip.Addr{},
name: "local_client_unknown_host",
host: "wronghost.lan",
wantIP: netip.Addr{},
wantRes: resultCodeSuccess,
isLocalCli: true,
}, {
wantIP: netip.Addr{},
name: "external_client_known_host",
host: "example.lan",
wantIP: netip.Addr{},
wantRes: resultCodeFinish,
isLocalCli: false,
}, {
wantIP: netip.Addr{},
name: "external_client_unknown_host",
host: "wronghost.lan",
wantIP: netip.Addr{},
wantRes: resultCodeFinish,
isLocalCli: false,
@ -332,52 +423,52 @@ func TestServer_ProcessDHCPHosts(t *testing.T) {
knownIP := netip.MustParseAddr("")
testCases := []struct {
wantIP netip.Addr
name string
host string
suffix string
wantIP netip.Addr
wantRes resultCode
qtyp uint16
wantIP: netip.Addr{},
name: "success_external",
host: examplecom,
suffix: defaultLocalDomainSuffix,
wantIP: netip.Addr{},
wantRes: resultCodeSuccess,
qtyp: dns.TypeA,
}, {
wantIP: netip.Addr{},
name: "success_external_non_a",
host: examplecom,
suffix: defaultLocalDomainSuffix,
wantIP: netip.Addr{},
wantRes: resultCodeSuccess,
qtyp: dns.TypeCNAME,
}, {
wantIP: knownIP,
name: "success_internal",
host: examplelan,
suffix: defaultLocalDomainSuffix,
wantIP: knownIP,
wantRes: resultCodeSuccess,
qtyp: dns.TypeA,
}, {
wantIP: netip.Addr{},
name: "success_internal_unknown",
host: "example-new.lan",
suffix: defaultLocalDomainSuffix,
wantIP: netip.Addr{},
wantRes: resultCodeSuccess,
qtyp: dns.TypeA,
}, {
wantIP: netip.Addr{},
name: "success_internal_aaaa",
host: examplelan,
suffix: defaultLocalDomainSuffix,
wantIP: netip.Addr{},
wantRes: resultCodeSuccess,
qtyp: dns.TypeAAAA,
}, {
wantIP: knownIP,
name: "success_custom_suffix",
host: "example.custom",
suffix: "custom",
wantIP: knownIP,
wantRes: resultCodeSuccess,
qtyp: dns.TypeA,
@ -560,10 +651,8 @@ func TestServer_ProcessLocalPTR_usingResolvers(t *testing.T) {
var dnsCtx *dnsContext
setup := func(use bool) {
proxyCtx = &proxy.DNSContext{
Addr: &net.TCPAddr{
IP: net.IP{127, 0, 0, 1},
Req: createTestMessageWithType(reqAddr, dns.TypePTR),
Addr: testClientAddr,
Req: createTestMessageWithType(reqAddr, dns.TypePTR),
dnsCtx = &dnsContext{
proxyCtx: proxyCtx,
@ -42,11 +42,13 @@ func (s *Server) loadUpstreams() (upstreams []string, err error) {
// prepareUpstreamSettings sets upstream DNS server settings.
func (s *Server) prepareUpstreamSettings() (err error) {
// We're setting a customized set of RootCAs. The reason is that Go default
// mechanism of loading TLS roots does not always work properly on some
// routers so we're loading roots manually and pass it here.
// Use a customized set of RootCAs, because Go's default mechanism of
// loading TLS roots does not always work properly on some routers so we're
// loading roots manually and pass it here.
// See [aghtls.SystemRootCAs].
// TODO(a.garipov): Investigate if that's true.
upstream.RootCAs = s.conf.TLSv12Roots
upstream.CipherSuites = s.conf.TLSCiphers
@ -190,7 +192,7 @@ func (s *Server) resolveUpstreamsWithHosts(
// extractUpstreamHost returns the hostname of addr without port with an
// assumption that any address passed here has already been successfully parsed
// by [upstream.AddressToUpstream]. This function eesentially mirrors the logic
// by [upstream.AddressToUpstream]. This function essentially mirrors the logic
// of [upstream.AddressToUpstream], see TODO on [replaceUpstreamsWithHosts].
func extractUpstreamHost(addr string) (host string) {
var err error
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import (
@ -83,53 +84,53 @@ func (d *DNSFilter) filterSetProperties(
filters = d.WhitelistFilters
i := slices.IndexFunc(filters, func(filt FilterYAML) bool { return filt.URL == listURL })
i := slices.IndexFunc(filters, func(flt FilterYAML) bool { return flt.URL == listURL })
if i == -1 {
return false, errFilterNotExist
filt := &filters[i]
flt := &filters[i]
"filtering: set name to %q, url to %s, enabled to %t for filter %s",
defer func(oldURL, oldName string, oldEnabled bool, oldUpdated time.Time, oldRulesCount int) {
if err != nil {
filt.URL = oldURL
filt.Name = oldName
filt.Enabled = oldEnabled
filt.LastUpdated = oldUpdated
filt.RulesCount = oldRulesCount
flt.URL = oldURL
flt.Name = oldName
flt.Enabled = oldEnabled
flt.LastUpdated = oldUpdated
flt.RulesCount = oldRulesCount
}(filt.URL, filt.Name, filt.Enabled, filt.LastUpdated, filt.RulesCount)
}(flt.URL, flt.Name, flt.Enabled, flt.LastUpdated, flt.RulesCount)
filt.Name = newList.Name
flt.Name = newList.Name
if filt.URL != newList.URL {
if flt.URL != newList.URL {
if d.filterExistsLocked(newList.URL) {
return false, errFilterExists
shouldRestart = true
filt.URL = newList.URL
filt.LastUpdated = time.Time{}
flt.URL = newList.URL
flt.LastUpdated = time.Time{}
if filt.Enabled != newList.Enabled {
filt.Enabled = newList.Enabled
if flt.Enabled != newList.Enabled {
flt.Enabled = newList.Enabled
shouldRestart = true
if filt.Enabled {
if flt.Enabled {
if shouldRestart {
// Download the filter contents.
shouldRestart, err = d.update(filt)
shouldRestart, err = d.update(flt)
} else {
// TODO(e.burkov): The validation of the contents of the new URL is
@ -137,7 +138,7 @@ func (d *DNSFilter) filterSetProperties(
// possible to set a bad rules source, but the validation should still
// kick in when the filter is enabled. Consider changing this behavior
// to be stricter.
return shouldRestart, err
@ -250,24 +251,24 @@ func assignUniqueFilterID() int64 {
// Sets up a timer that will be checking for filters updates periodically
func (d *DNSFilter) periodicallyRefreshFilters() {
const maxInterval = 1 * 60 * 60
intval := 5 // use a dynamically increasing time interval
ivl := 5 // use a dynamically increasing time interval
for {
isNetErr, ok := false, false
if d.FiltersUpdateIntervalHours != 0 {
_, isNetErr, ok = d.tryRefreshFilters(true, true, false)
if ok && !isNetErr {
intval = maxInterval
ivl = maxInterval
if isNetErr {
intval *= 2
if intval > maxInterval {
intval = maxInterval
ivl *= 2
if ivl > maxInterval {
ivl = maxInterval
time.Sleep(time.Duration(intval) * time.Second)
time.Sleep(time.Duration(ivl) * time.Second)
@ -329,20 +330,20 @@ func (d *DNSFilter) refreshFiltersArray(filters *[]FilterYAML, force bool) (int,
return 0, nil, nil, false
nfail := 0
failNum := 0
for i := range updateFilters {
uf := &updateFilters[i]
updated, err := d.update(uf)
updateFlags = append(updateFlags, updated)
if err != nil {
log.Info("filtering: updating filter from url %q: %s\n", uf.URL, err)
log.Error("filtering: updating filter from url %q: %s\n", uf.URL, err)
if nfail == len(updateFilters) {
if failNum == len(updateFilters) {
return 0, nil, nil, true
@ -464,48 +465,6 @@ func (d *DNSFilter) update(filter *FilterYAML) (b bool, err error) {
return b, err
// finalizeUpdate closes and gets rid of temporary file f with filter's content
// according to updated. It also saves new values of flt's name, rules number
// and checksum if succeeded.
func (d *DNSFilter) finalizeUpdate(
file *os.File,
flt *FilterYAML,
updated bool,
res *rulelist.ParseResult,
) (err error) {
tmpFileName := file.Name()
// Close the file before renaming it because it's required on Windows.
// See https://github.com/adguardTeam/adGuardHome/issues/1553.
err = file.Close()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("closing temporary file: %w", err)
if !updated {
log.Debug("filtering: filter %d from url %q has no changes, skipping", flt.ID, flt.URL)
return os.Remove(tmpFileName)
fltPath := flt.Path(d.DataDir)
log.Info("filtering: saving contents of filter %d into %q", flt.ID, fltPath)
// Don't use renameio or maybe packages, since those will require loading
// the whole filter content to the memory on Windows.
err = os.Rename(tmpFileName, fltPath)
if err != nil {
return errors.WithDeferred(err, os.Remove(tmpFileName))
flt.Name = aghalg.Coalesce(flt.Name, res.Title)
flt.checksum, flt.RulesCount = res.Checksum, res.RulesCount
return nil
// updateIntl updates the flt rewriting it's actual file. It returns true if
// the actual update has been performed.
func (d *DNSFilter) updateIntl(flt *FilterYAML) (ok bool, err error) {
@ -513,63 +472,22 @@ func (d *DNSFilter) updateIntl(flt *FilterYAML) (ok bool, err error) {
var res *rulelist.ParseResult
var tmpFile *os.File
tmpFile, err = os.CreateTemp(filepath.Join(d.DataDir, filterDir), "")
if err != nil {
return false, err
defer func() {
finErr := d.finalizeUpdate(tmpFile, flt, ok, res)
if ok && finErr == nil {
"filtering: updated filter %d: %d bytes, %d rules",
err = errors.WithDeferred(err, finErr)
// Change the default 0o600 permission to something more acceptable by end
// users.
// See https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome/issues/3198.
if err = tmpFile.Chmod(0o644); err != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("changing file mode: %w", err)
tmpFile, err := aghrenameio.NewPendingFile(flt.Path(d.DataDir), 0o644)
if err != nil {
return false, err
defer func() { err = d.finalizeUpdate(tmpFile, flt, res, err, ok) }()
var r io.Reader
if !filepath.IsAbs(flt.URL) {
var resp *http.Response
resp, err = d.HTTPClient.Get(flt.URL)
if err != nil {
log.Info("filtering: requesting filter from %q: %s, skipping", flt.URL, err)
return false, err
defer func() { err = errors.WithDeferred(err, resp.Body.Close()) }()
if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
log.Info("filtering got status code %d from %q, skipping", resp.StatusCode, flt.URL)
return false, fmt.Errorf("got status code %d, want %d", resp.StatusCode, http.StatusOK)
r = resp.Body
} else {
var f *os.File
f, err = os.Open(flt.URL)
if err != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("open file: %w", err)
defer func() { err = errors.WithDeferred(err, f.Close()) }()
r = f
r, err := d.reader(flt.URL)
if err != nil {
// Don't wrap the error since it's informative enough as is.
return false, err
defer func() { err = errors.WithDeferred(err, r.Close()) }()
bufPtr := d.bufPool.Get().(*[]byte)
defer d.bufPool.Put(bufPtr)
@ -580,6 +498,78 @@ func (d *DNSFilter) updateIntl(flt *FilterYAML) (ok bool, err error) {
return res.Checksum != flt.checksum && err == nil, err
// finalizeUpdate closes and gets rid of temporary file f with filter's content
// according to updated. It also saves new values of flt's name, rules number
// and checksum if succeeded.
func (d *DNSFilter) finalizeUpdate(
file aghrenameio.PendingFile,
flt *FilterYAML,
res *rulelist.ParseResult,
returned error,
updated bool,
) (err error) {
id := flt.ID
if !updated {
if returned == nil {
log.Debug("filtering: filter %d from url %q has no changes, skipping", id, flt.URL)
return errors.WithDeferred(returned, file.Cleanup())
log.Info("filtering: saving contents of filter %d into %q", id, flt.Path(d.DataDir))
err = file.CloseReplace()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("finalizing update: %w", err)
rulesCount := res.RulesCount
log.Info("filtering: updated filter %d: %d bytes, %d rules", id, res.BytesWritten, rulesCount)
flt.Name = aghalg.Coalesce(flt.Name, res.Title)
flt.checksum = res.Checksum
flt.RulesCount = rulesCount
return nil
// reader returns an io.ReadCloser reading filtering-rule list data form either
// a file on the filesystem or the filter's HTTP URL.
func (d *DNSFilter) reader(fltURL string) (r io.ReadCloser, err error) {
if !filepath.IsAbs(fltURL) {
r, err = d.readerFromURL(fltURL)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("reading from url: %w", err)
return r, nil
r, err = os.Open(fltURL)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("opening file: %w", err)
return r, nil
// readerFromURL returns an io.ReadCloser reading filtering-rule list data form
// the filter's URL.
func (d *DNSFilter) readerFromURL(fltURL string) (r io.ReadCloser, err error) {
resp, err := d.HTTPClient.Get(fltURL)
if err != nil {
// Don't wrap the error since it's informative enough as is.
return nil, err
if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("got status code %d, want %d", resp.StatusCode, http.StatusOK)
return resp.Body, nil
// loads filter contents from the file in dataDir
func (d *DNSFilter) load(flt *FilterYAML) (err error) {
fileName := flt.Path(d.DataDir)
@ -943,7 +943,7 @@ func New(c *Config, blockFilters []Filter) (d *DNSFilter, err error) {
d = &DNSFilter{
bufPool: &sync.Pool{
New: func() (buf any) {
bufVal := make([]byte, rulelist.MaxRuleLen)
bufVal := make([]byte, rulelist.DefaultRuleBufSize)
return &bufVal
@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ import (
// Parser is a filtering-rule parser that collects data, such as the checksum
@ -48,19 +48,29 @@ type ParseResult struct {
// nil.
func (p *Parser) Parse(dst io.Writer, src io.Reader, buf []byte) (r *ParseResult, err error) {
s := bufio.NewScanner(src)
s.Buffer(buf, MaxRuleLen)
lineIdx := 0
// Don't use [DefaultRuleBufSize] as the maximum size, since some
// filtering-rule lists compressed by e.g. HostlistsCompiler can have very
// large lines. The buffer optimization still works for the more common
// case of reasonably-sized lines.
// See https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome/issues/6003.
s.Buffer(buf, bufio.MaxScanTokenSize)
// Use a one-based index for lines and columns, since these errors end up in
// the frontend, and users are more familiar with one-based line and column
// indexes.
lineNum := 1
for s.Scan() {
var n int
n, err = p.processLine(dst, s.Bytes(), lineIdx)
n, err = p.processLine(dst, s.Bytes(), lineNum)
p.written += n
if err != nil {
// Don't wrap the error, because it's informative enough as is.
return p.result(), err
r = p.result()
@ -81,7 +91,7 @@ func (p *Parser) result() (r *ParseResult) {
// processLine processes a single line. It may write to dst, and if it does, n
// is the number of bytes written.
func (p *Parser) processLine(dst io.Writer, line []byte, lineIdx int) (n int, err error) {
func (p *Parser) processLine(dst io.Writer, line []byte, lineNum int) (n int, err error) {
trimmed := bytes.TrimSpace(line)
if p.written == 0 && isHTMLLine(trimmed) {
return 0, ErrHTML
@ -95,9 +105,10 @@ func (p *Parser) processLine(dst io.Writer, line []byte, lineIdx int) (n int, er
if badIdx != -1 {
return 0, fmt.Errorf(
"line at index %d: character at index %d: non-printable character",
badIdx+bytes.Index(line, trimmed),
"line %d: character %d: likely binary character %q",
badIdx+bytes.Index(line, trimmed)+1,
@ -130,41 +141,37 @@ func hasPrefixFold(b, prefix []byte) (ok bool) {
// parseLine returns true if the parsed line is a filtering rule. line is
// assumed to be trimmed of whitespace characters. nonPrintIdx is the index of
// the first non-printable character, if any; if there are none, nonPrintIdx is
// -1.
// assumed to be trimmed of whitespace characters. badIdx is the index of the
// first character that may indicate that this is a binary file, or -1 if none.
// A line is considered a rule if it's not empty, not a comment, and contains
// only printable characters.
func parseLine(line []byte) (nonPrintIdx int, isRule bool) {
func parseLine(line []byte) (badIdx int, isRule bool) {
if len(line) == 0 || line[0] == '#' || line[0] == '!' {
return -1, false
nonPrintIdx = bytes.IndexFunc(line, isNotPrintable)
badIdx = slices.IndexFunc(line, likelyBinary)
return nonPrintIdx, nonPrintIdx == -1
return badIdx, badIdx == -1
// isNotPrintable returns true if r is not a printable character that can be
// contained in a filtering rule.
func isNotPrintable(r rune) (ok bool) {
// Tab isn't included into Unicode's graphic symbols, so include it here
// explicitly.
return r != '\t' && !unicode.IsGraphic(r)
// likelyBinary returns true if b is likely to be a byte from a binary file.
func likelyBinary(b byte) (ok bool) {
return (b < ' ' || b == 0x7f) && b != '\n' && b != '\r' && b != '\t'
// parseLineTitle is like [parseLine] but additionally looks for a title. line
// is assumed to be trimmed of whitespace characters.
func (p *Parser) parseLineTitle(line []byte) (nonPrintIdx int, isRule bool) {
func (p *Parser) parseLineTitle(line []byte) (badIdx int, isRule bool) {
if len(line) == 0 || line[0] == '#' {
return -1, false
if line[0] != '!' {
nonPrintIdx = bytes.IndexFunc(line, isNotPrintable)
badIdx = slices.IndexFunc(line, likelyBinary)
return nonPrintIdx, nonPrintIdx == -1
return badIdx, badIdx == -1
const titlePattern = "! Title: "
@ -6,10 +6,10 @@ import (
@ -17,6 +17,9 @@ import (
func TestParser_Parse(t *testing.T) {
longRule := strings.Repeat("a", rulelist.DefaultRuleBufSize+1) + "\n"
tooLongRule := strings.Repeat("a", bufio.MaxScanTokenSize+1) + "\n"
testCases := []struct {
name string
in string
@ -74,26 +77,42 @@ func TestParser_Parse(t *testing.T) {
wantTitle: "Test Title",
wantRulesNum: 1,
wantWritten: len(testRuleTextBlocked),
}, {
name: "cosmetic_with_zwnj",
in: testRuleTextCosmetic,
wantDst: testRuleTextCosmetic,
wantErrMsg: "",
wantTitle: "",
wantRulesNum: 1,
wantWritten: len(testRuleTextCosmetic),
}, {
name: "bad_char",
in: "! Title: Test Title \n" +
testRuleTextBlocked +
wantDst: testRuleTextBlocked,
wantErrMsg: "line at index 2: " +
"character at index 3: " +
"non-printable character",
wantErrMsg: "line 3: " +
"character 4: " +
"likely binary character '\\x7f'",
wantTitle: "Test Title",
wantRulesNum: 1,
wantWritten: len(testRuleTextBlocked),
}, {
name: "too_long",
in: strings.Repeat("a", rulelist.MaxRuleLen+1),
in: tooLongRule,
wantDst: "",
wantErrMsg: "scanning filter contents: " + bufio.ErrTooLong.Error(),
wantErrMsg: "scanning filter contents: bufio.Scanner: token too long",
wantTitle: "",
wantRulesNum: 0,
wantWritten: 0,
}, {
name: "longer_than_default",
in: longRule,
wantDst: longRule,
wantErrMsg: "",
wantTitle: "",
wantRulesNum: 1,
wantWritten: len(longRule),
}, {
name: "bad_tab_and_comment",
in: testRuleTextBadTab,
@ -118,7 +137,7 @@ func TestParser_Parse(t *testing.T) {
dst := &bytes.Buffer{}
buf := make([]byte, rulelist.MaxRuleLen)
buf := make([]byte, rulelist.DefaultRuleBufSize)
p := rulelist.NewParser()
r, err := p.Parse(dst, strings.NewReader(tc.in), buf)
@ -140,12 +159,12 @@ func TestParser_Parse(t *testing.T) {
func TestParser_Parse_writeError(t *testing.T) {
dst := &aghtest.Writer{
dst := &fakeio.Writer{
OnWrite: func(b []byte) (n int, err error) {
return 1, errors.Error("test error")
buf := make([]byte, rulelist.MaxRuleLen)
buf := make([]byte, rulelist.DefaultRuleBufSize)
p := rulelist.NewParser()
r, err := p.Parse(dst, strings.NewReader(testRuleTextBlocked), buf)
@ -165,7 +184,7 @@ func TestParser_Parse_checksums(t *testing.T) {
"# Another comment.\n"
buf := make([]byte, rulelist.MaxRuleLen)
buf := make([]byte, rulelist.DefaultRuleBufSize)
p := rulelist.NewParser()
r, err := p.Parse(&bytes.Buffer{}, strings.NewReader(withoutComments), buf)
@ -192,7 +211,7 @@ var (
func BenchmarkParser_Parse(b *testing.B) {
dst := &bytes.Buffer{}
src := strings.NewReader(strings.Repeat(testRuleTextBlocked, 1000))
buf := make([]byte, rulelist.MaxRuleLen)
buf := make([]byte, rulelist.DefaultRuleBufSize)
p := rulelist.NewParser()
@ -204,6 +223,14 @@ func BenchmarkParser_Parse(b *testing.B) {
require.NoError(b, errSink)
require.NotNil(b, resSink)
// Most recent result, on a ThinkPad X13 with a Ryzen Pro 7 CPU:
// goos: linux
// goarch: amd64
// pkg: github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome/internal/filtering/rulelist
// cpu: AMD Ryzen 7 PRO 4750U with Radeon Graphics
// BenchmarkParser_Parse-16 100000000 128.0 ns/op 48 B/op 1 allocs/op
func FuzzParser_Parse(f *testing.F) {
@ -215,15 +242,17 @@ func FuzzParser_Parse(f *testing.F) {
"! Comment",
"! Title ",
"! Title XXX",
" etc-hosts.example",
strings.Repeat("a", n+1),
strings.Repeat("a", rulelist.DefaultRuleBufSize+1),
strings.Repeat("a", bufio.MaxScanTokenSize+1),
for _, tc := range testCases {
@ -4,8 +4,6 @@
// TODO(a.garipov): Expand.
package rulelist
// MaxRuleLen is the maximum length of a line with a filtering rule, in bytes.
// TODO(a.garipov): Consider changing this to a rune length, like AdGuardDNS
// does.
const MaxRuleLen = 1024
// DefaultRuleBufSize is the default length of a buffer used to read a line with
// a filtering rule, in bytes.
const DefaultRuleBufSize = 1024
@ -7,8 +7,13 @@ const testTimeout = 1 * time.Second
// Common texts for tests.
const (
testRuleTextHTML = "<!DOCTYPE html>\n"
testRuleTextBlocked = "||blocked.example^\n"
testRuleTextBadTab = "||bad-tab-and-comment.example^\t# A comment.\n"
testRuleTextBlocked = "||blocked.example^\n"
testRuleTextEtcHostsTab = " tab..example^\t# A comment.\n"
testRuleTextHTML = "<!DOCTYPE html>\n"
// testRuleTextCosmetic is a cosmetic rule with a zero-width non-joiner.
// See https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome/issues/6003.
testRuleTextCosmetic = "||cosmetic.example## :has-text(/\u200c/i)\n"
@ -89,37 +89,34 @@ func TestSafeSearchCacheGoogle(t *testing.T) {
assert.False(t, res.IsFiltered)
assert.Empty(t, res.Rules)
resolver := &aghtest.TestResolver{}
resolver := &aghtest.Resolver{
OnLookupIP: func(_ context.Context, _, host string) (ips []net.IP, err error) {
ip4, ip6 := aghtest.HostToIPs(host)
return []net.IP{ip4, ip6}, nil
ss = newForTest(t, defaultSafeSearchConf)
ss.resolver = resolver
// Lookup for safesearch domain.
rewrite := ss.searchHost(domain, testQType)
ips, err := resolver.LookupIP(context.Background(), "ip", rewrite.NewCNAME)
require.NoError(t, err)
var foundIP net.IP
for _, ip := range ips {
if ip.To4() != nil {
foundIP = ip
wantIP, _ := aghtest.HostToIPs(rewrite.NewCNAME)
res, err = ss.CheckHost(domain, testQType)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Len(t, res.Rules, 1)
assert.True(t, res.Rules[0].IP.Equal(foundIP))
assert.True(t, res.Rules[0].IP.Equal(wantIP))
// Check cache.
cachedValue, isFound := ss.getCachedResult(domain, testQType)
require.True(t, isFound)
require.Len(t, cachedValue.Rules, 1)
assert.True(t, cachedValue.Rules[0].IP.Equal(foundIP))
assert.True(t, cachedValue.Rules[0].IP.Equal(wantIP))
const googleHost = "www.google.com"
@ -92,8 +92,15 @@ func TestDefault_CheckHost_yandexAAAA(t *testing.T) {
func TestDefault_CheckHost_google(t *testing.T) {
resolver := &aghtest.TestResolver{}
ip, _ := resolver.HostToIPs("forcesafesearch.google.com")
resolver := &aghtest.Resolver{
OnLookupIP: func(_ context.Context, _, host string) (ips []net.IP, err error) {
ip4, ip6 := aghtest.HostToIPs(host)
return []net.IP{ip4, ip6}, nil
wantIP, _ := aghtest.HostToIPs("forcesafesearch.google.com")
conf := testConf
conf.CustomResolver = resolver
@ -119,7 +126,7 @@ func TestDefault_CheckHost_google(t *testing.T) {
require.Len(t, res.Rules, 1)
assert.Equal(t, ip, res.Rules[0].IP)
assert.Equal(t, wantIP, res.Rules[0].IP)
assert.EqualValues(t, filtering.SafeSearchListID, res.Rules[0].FilterListID)
@ -1505,7 +1505,6 @@ var blockedServices = []blockedService{{
@ -1589,6 +1588,7 @@ var blockedServices = []blockedService{{
@ -1661,6 +1661,7 @@ var blockedServices = []blockedService{{
@ -2160,6 +2161,20 @@ var blockedServices = []blockedService{{
Rules: []string{
}, {
ID: "wargaming",
Name: "Wargaming",
IconSVG: []byte("<svg xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\" fill=\"currentColor\" viewBox=\"0 0 24 24\"><path d=\"M12 1.998c-5.52 0-10 4.481-10 9.988 0 5.52 4.48 9.996 10 9.996s10-4.476 10-9.996c0-5.507-4.48-9.988-10-9.988zm0 2c4.413 0 8 3.588 8 7.988 0 3.246-1.944 6.04-4.727 7.293.54-1.861.831-3.988.807-6.226l1.414.414a23.648 23.648 0 0 0-2-4.041c-.627 1.347-1.48 2.56-2.52 3.68l1.68-.133c-1.507 2.92-3.134 3.906-5.547 4.013-.386-4.213.12-7.014 2.827-9.04l.386 1.493c.653-.974 1.36-2.12 2.373-2.947-1.506-.6-2.999-.627-4.492-.334.386.16.76.588 1.014.828-3.485 1.662-5.643 4.202-6.744 7.68A7.95 7.95 0 0 1 4 11.986c0-4.4 3.587-7.988 8-7.988z\"/></svg>"),
Rules: []string{
}, {
ID: "wechat",
Name: "WeChat",
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import (
@ -141,7 +142,7 @@ func (clients *clientsContainer) handleHostsUpdates() {
// webHandlersRegistered prevents a [clientsContainer] from regisering its web
// webHandlersRegistered prevents a [clientsContainer] from registering its web
// handlers more than once.
// TODO(a.garipov): Refactor HTTP handler registration logic.
@ -743,11 +744,9 @@ func (clients *clientsContainer) Update(prev, c *Client) (err error) {
return nil
// setWHOISInfo sets the WHOIS information for a client.
// setWHOISInfo sets the WHOIS information for a client. clients.lock is
// expected to be locked.
func (clients *clientsContainer) setWHOISInfo(ip netip.Addr, wi *whois.Info) {
defer clients.lock.Unlock()
_, ok := clients.findLocked(ip.String())
if ok {
log.Debug("clients: client for %s is already created, ignore whois info", ip)
@ -774,9 +773,11 @@ func (clients *clientsContainer) setWHOISInfo(ip netip.Addr, wi *whois.Info) {
rc.WHOIS = wi
// AddHost adds a new IP-hostname pairing. The priorities of the sources are
// addHost adds a new IP-hostname pairing. The priorities of the sources are
// taken into account. ok is true if the pairing was added.
func (clients *clientsContainer) AddHost(
// TODO(a.garipov): Only used in internal tests. Consider removing.
func (clients *clientsContainer) addHost(
ip netip.Addr,
host string,
src clientSource,
@ -787,6 +788,32 @@ func (clients *clientsContainer) AddHost(
return clients.addHostLocked(ip, host, src)
// type check
var _ client.AddressUpdater = (*clientsContainer)(nil)
// UpdateAddress implements the [client.AddressUpdater] interface for
// *clientsContainer
func (clients *clientsContainer) UpdateAddress(ip netip.Addr, host string, info *whois.Info) {
// Common fast path optimization.
if host == "" && info == nil {
defer clients.lock.Unlock()
if host != "" {
ok := clients.addHostLocked(ip, host, ClientSourceRDNS)
if !ok {
log.Debug("clients: host for client %q already set with higher priority source", ip)
if info != nil {
clients.setWHOISInfo(ip, info)
// addHostLocked adds a new IP-hostname pairing. clients.lock is expected to be
// locked.
func (clients *clientsContainer) addHostLocked(
@ -168,13 +168,13 @@ func TestClients(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("addhost_success", func(t *testing.T) {
ip := netip.MustParseAddr("")
ok := clients.AddHost(ip, "host", ClientSourceARP)
ok := clients.addHost(ip, "host", ClientSourceARP)
assert.True(t, ok)
ok = clients.AddHost(ip, "host2", ClientSourceARP)
ok = clients.addHost(ip, "host2", ClientSourceARP)
assert.True(t, ok)
ok = clients.AddHost(ip, "host3", ClientSourceHostsFile)
ok = clients.addHost(ip, "host3", ClientSourceHostsFile)
assert.True(t, ok)
assert.Equal(t, clients.clientSource(ip), ClientSourceHostsFile)
@ -182,18 +182,18 @@ func TestClients(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("dhcp_replaces_arp", func(t *testing.T) {
ip := netip.MustParseAddr("")
ok := clients.AddHost(ip, "from_arp", ClientSourceARP)
ok := clients.addHost(ip, "from_arp", ClientSourceARP)
assert.True(t, ok)
assert.Equal(t, clients.clientSource(ip), ClientSourceARP)
ok = clients.AddHost(ip, "from_dhcp", ClientSourceDHCP)
ok = clients.addHost(ip, "from_dhcp", ClientSourceDHCP)
assert.True(t, ok)
assert.Equal(t, clients.clientSource(ip), ClientSourceDHCP)
t.Run("addhost_fail", func(t *testing.T) {
ip := netip.MustParseAddr("")
ok := clients.AddHost(ip, "host1", ClientSourceRDNS)
ok := clients.addHost(ip, "host1", ClientSourceRDNS)
assert.False(t, ok)
@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ func TestClientsWHOIS(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("existing_auto-client", func(t *testing.T) {
ip := netip.MustParseAddr("")
ok := clients.AddHost(ip, "host", ClientSourceRDNS)
ok := clients.addHost(ip, "host", ClientSourceRDNS)
assert.True(t, ok)
clients.setWHOISInfo(ip, whois)
@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ func TestClientsAddExisting(t *testing.T) {
assert.True(t, ok)
// Now add an auto-client with the same IP.
ok = clients.AddHost(ip, "test", ClientSourceRDNS)
ok = clients.addHost(ip, "test", ClientSourceRDNS)
assert.True(t, ok)
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import (
yaml "gopkg.in/yaml.v3"
@ -590,7 +590,13 @@ func (c *configuration) write() (err error) {
dns := &config.DNS
dns.FilteringConfig = c
dns.LocalPTRResolvers, config.Clients.Sources.RDNS, dns.UsePrivateRDNS = s.RDNSSettings()
dns.LocalPTRResolvers = s.LocalPTRResolvers()
addrProcConf := s.AddrProcConfig()
config.Clients.Sources.RDNS = addrProcConf.UseRDNS
config.Clients.Sources.WHOIS = addrProcConf.UseWHOIS
dns.UsePrivateRDNS = addrProcConf.UsePrivateRDNS
if Context.dhcpServer != nil {
@ -176,12 +176,16 @@ func handleStatus(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// ------------------------
// registration of handlers
// ------------------------
func registerControlHandlers() {
func registerControlHandlers(web *webAPI) {
httpRegister(http.MethodPost, "/control/update", web.handleUpdate)
httpRegister(http.MethodGet, "/control/status", handleStatus)
httpRegister(http.MethodPost, "/control/i18n/change_language", handleI18nChangeLanguage)
httpRegister(http.MethodGet, "/control/i18n/current_language", handleI18nCurrentLanguage)
Context.mux.HandleFunc("/control/version.json", postInstall(optionalAuth(handleVersionJSON)))
httpRegister(http.MethodPost, "/control/update", handleUpdate)
httpRegister(http.MethodGet, "/control/profile", handleGetProfile)
httpRegister(http.MethodPut, "/control/profile/update", handlePutProfile)
@ -448,7 +448,7 @@ func (web *webAPI) handleInstallConfigure(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request
web.conf.BindHost = req.Web.IP
web.conf.BindPort = req.Web.Port
if f, ok := w.(http.Flusher); ok {
@ -29,9 +29,9 @@ type temporaryError interface {
// handleVersionJSON is the handler for the POST /control/version.json HTTP API.
// TODO(a.garipov): Find out if this API used with a GET method by anyone.
func handleVersionJSON(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
func (web *webAPI) handleVersionJSON(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
resp := &versionResponse{}
if Context.disableUpdate {
if web.conf.disableUpdate {
resp.Disabled = true
_ = aghhttp.WriteJSONResponse(w, r, resp)
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ func handleVersionJSON(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
err = requestVersionInfo(resp, req.Recheck)
err = web.requestVersionInfo(resp, req.Recheck)
if err != nil {
// Don't wrap the error, because it's informative enough as is.
aghhttp.Error(r, w, http.StatusBadGateway, "%s", err)
@ -73,9 +73,10 @@ func handleVersionJSON(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// requestVersionInfo sets the VersionInfo field of resp if it can reach the
// update server.
func requestVersionInfo(resp *versionResponse, recheck bool) (err error) {
func (web *webAPI) requestVersionInfo(resp *versionResponse, recheck bool) (err error) {
updater := web.conf.updater
for i := 0; i != 3; i++ {
resp.VersionInfo, err = Context.updater.VersionInfo(recheck)
resp.VersionInfo, err = updater.VersionInfo(recheck)
if err != nil {
var terr temporaryError
if errors.As(err, &terr) && terr.Temporary() {
@ -95,7 +96,7 @@ func requestVersionInfo(resp *versionResponse, recheck bool) (err error) {
if err != nil {
vcu := Context.updater.VersionCheckURL()
vcu := updater.VersionCheckURL()
return fmt.Errorf("getting version info from %s: %w", vcu, err)
@ -104,8 +105,9 @@ func requestVersionInfo(resp *versionResponse, recheck bool) (err error) {
// handleUpdate performs an update to the latest available version procedure.
func handleUpdate(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if Context.updater.NewVersion() == "" {
func (web *webAPI) handleUpdate(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
updater := web.conf.updater
if updater.NewVersion() == "" {
aghhttp.Error(r, w, http.StatusBadRequest, "/update request isn't allowed now")
@ -122,7 +124,7 @@ func handleUpdate(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
err = Context.updater.Update(false)
err = updater.Update(false)
if err != nil {
aghhttp.Error(r, w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "%s", err)
@ -137,7 +139,7 @@ func handleUpdate(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// The background context is used because the underlying functions wrap it
// with timeout and shut down the server, which handles current request. It
// also should be done in a separate goroutine for the same reason.
go finishUpdate(context.Background(), execPath)
go finishUpdate(context.Background(), execPath, web.conf.runningAsService)
// versionResponse is the response for /control/version.json endpoint.
@ -178,7 +180,7 @@ func tlsConfUsesPrivilegedPorts(c *tlsConfigSettings) (ok bool) {
// finishUpdate completes an update procedure.
func finishUpdate(ctx context.Context, execPath string) {
func finishUpdate(ctx context.Context, execPath string, runningAsService bool) {
var err error
log.Info("stopping all tasks")
@ -187,7 +189,7 @@ func finishUpdate(ctx context.Context, execPath string) {
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
if Context.runningAsService {
if runningAsService {
// NOTE: We can't restart the service via "kardianos/service"
// package, because it kills the process first we can't start a new
// instance, because Windows doesn't allow it.
@ -13,14 +13,12 @@ import (
@ -135,7 +133,7 @@ func initDNSServer(
return fmt.Errorf("preparing set of private subnets: %w", err)
p := dnsforward.DNSCreateParams{
Context.dnsServer, err = dnsforward.NewServer(dnsforward.DNSCreateParams{
DNSFilter: filters,
Stats: sts,
QueryLog: qlog,
@ -143,9 +141,7 @@ func initDNSServer(
Anonymizer: anonymizer,
LocalDomain: config.DHCP.LocalDomainName,
DHCPServer: dhcpSrv,
Context.dnsServer, err = dnsforward.NewServer(p)
if err != nil {
@ -154,134 +150,23 @@ func initDNSServer(
Context.clients.dnsServer = Context.dnsServer
dnsConf, err := generateServerConfig(tlsConf, httpReg)
dnsConf, err := newServerConfig(tlsConf, httpReg)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("generateServerConfig: %w", err)
return fmt.Errorf("newServerConfig: %w", err)
err = Context.dnsServer.Prepare(&dnsConf)
err = Context.dnsServer.Prepare(dnsConf)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("dnsServer.Prepare: %w", err)
return nil
const (
// defaultQueueSize is the size of queue of IPs for rDNS and WHOIS
// processing.
defaultQueueSize = 255
// defaultCacheSize is the maximum size of the cache for rDNS and WHOIS
// processing. It must be greater than zero.
defaultCacheSize = 10_000
// defaultIPTTL is the Time to Live duration for IP addresses cached by
// rDNS and WHOIS.
defaultIPTTL = 1 * time.Hour
// initRDNS initializes the rDNS.
func initRDNS() {
Context.rdnsCh = make(chan netip.Addr, defaultQueueSize)
// TODO(s.chzhen): Add ability to disable it on dns server configuration
// update in [dnsforward] package.
r := rdns.New(&rdns.Config{
Exchanger: Context.dnsServer,
CacheSize: defaultCacheSize,
CacheTTL: defaultIPTTL,
go processRDNS(r)
// processRDNS processes reverse DNS lookup queries. It is intended to be used
// as a goroutine.
func processRDNS(r rdns.Interface) {
defer log.OnPanic("rdns")
for ip := range Context.rdnsCh {
ok := Context.dnsServer.ShouldResolveClient(ip)
if !ok {
host, changed := r.Process(ip)
if host == "" || !changed {
ok = Context.clients.AddHost(ip, host, ClientSourceRDNS)
if ok {
"dns: can't set rdns info for client %q: already set with higher priority source",
// initWHOIS initializes the WHOIS.
// TODO(s.chzhen): Consider making configurable.
func initWHOIS() {
const (
// defaultTimeout is the timeout for WHOIS requests.
defaultTimeout = 5 * time.Second
// defaultMaxConnReadSize is an upper limit in bytes for reading from
// net.Conn.
defaultMaxConnReadSize = 64 * 1024
// defaultMaxRedirects is the maximum redirects count.
defaultMaxRedirects = 5
// defaultMaxInfoLen is the maximum length of whois.Info fields.
defaultMaxInfoLen = 250
Context.whoisCh = make(chan netip.Addr, defaultQueueSize)
var w whois.Interface
if config.Clients.Sources.WHOIS {
w = whois.New(&whois.Config{
DialContext: customDialContext,
ServerAddr: whois.DefaultServer,
Port: whois.DefaultPort,
Timeout: defaultTimeout,
CacheSize: defaultCacheSize,
MaxConnReadSize: defaultMaxConnReadSize,
MaxRedirects: defaultMaxRedirects,
MaxInfoLen: defaultMaxInfoLen,
CacheTTL: defaultIPTTL,
} else {
w = whois.Empty{}
go func() {
defer log.OnPanic("whois")
for ip := range Context.whoisCh {
info, changed := w.Process(context.Background(), ip)
if info != nil && changed {
Context.clients.setWHOISInfo(ip, info)
// parseSubnetSet parses a slice of subnets. If the slice is empty, it returns
// a subnet set that matches all locally served networks, see
// [netutil.IsLocallyServed].
@ -312,17 +197,6 @@ func isRunning() bool {
return Context.dnsServer != nil && Context.dnsServer.IsRunning()
func onDNSRequest(pctx *proxy.DNSContext) {
ip := netutil.NetAddrToAddrPort(pctx.Addr).Addr()
if ip == (netip.Addr{}) {
// This would be quite weird if we get here.
Context.rdnsCh <- ip
Context.whoisCh <- ip
func ipsToTCPAddrs(ips []netip.Addr, port int) (tcpAddrs []*net.TCPAddr) {
if ips == nil {
return nil
@ -349,23 +223,41 @@ func ipsToUDPAddrs(ips []netip.Addr, port int) (udpAddrs []*net.UDPAddr) {
return udpAddrs
func generateServerConfig(
func newServerConfig(
tlsConf *tlsConfigSettings,
httpReg aghhttp.RegisterFunc,
) (newConf dnsforward.ServerConfig, err error) {
) (newConf *dnsforward.ServerConfig, err error) {
dnsConf := config.DNS
hosts := aghalg.CoalesceSlice(dnsConf.BindHosts, []netip.Addr{netutil.IPv4Localhost()})
newConf = dnsforward.ServerConfig{
newConf = &dnsforward.ServerConfig{
UDPListenAddrs: ipsToUDPAddrs(hosts, dnsConf.Port),
TCPListenAddrs: ipsToTCPAddrs(hosts, dnsConf.Port),
FilteringConfig: dnsConf.FilteringConfig,
ConfigModified: onConfigModified,
HTTPRegister: httpReg,
OnDNSRequest: onDNSRequest,
UseDNS64: config.DNS.UseDNS64,
DNS64Prefixes: config.DNS.DNS64Prefixes,
var initialAddresses []netip.Addr
// Context.stats may be nil here if initDNSServer is called from
// [cmdlineUpdate].
if sts := Context.stats; sts != nil {
const initialClientsNum = 100
initialAddresses = Context.stats.TopClientsIP(initialClientsNum)
// Do not set DialContext, PrivateSubnets, and UsePrivateRDNS, because they
// are set by [dnsforward.Server.Prepare].
newConf.AddrProcConf = &client.DefaultAddrProcConfig{
Exchanger: Context.dnsServer,
AddressUpdater: &Context.clients,
InitialAddresses: initialAddresses,
UseRDNS: config.Clients.Sources.RDNS,
UseWHOIS: config.Clients.Sources.WHOIS,
if tlsConf.Enabled {
newConf.TLSConfig = tlsConf.TLSConfig
newConf.TLSConfig.ServerName = tlsConf.ServerName
@ -385,9 +277,9 @@ func generateServerConfig(
if tlsConf.PortDNSCrypt != 0 {
newConf.DNSCryptConfig, err = newDNSCrypt(hosts, *tlsConf)
if err != nil {
// Don't wrap the error, because it's already
// wrapped by newDNSCrypt.
return dnsforward.ServerConfig{}, err
// Don't wrap the error, because it's already wrapped by
// newDNSCrypt.
return nil, err
@ -401,7 +293,6 @@ func generateServerConfig(
newConf.LocalPTRResolvers = dnsConf.LocalPTRResolvers
newConf.UpstreamTimeout = dnsConf.UpstreamTimeout.Duration
newConf.ResolveClients = config.Clients.Sources.RDNS
newConf.UsePrivateRDNS = dnsConf.UsePrivateRDNS
newConf.ServeHTTP3 = dnsConf.ServeHTTP3
newConf.UseHTTP3Upstreams = dnsConf.UseHTTP3Upstreams
@ -556,27 +447,19 @@ func startDNSServer() error {
const topClientsNumber = 100 // the number of clients to get
for _, ip := range Context.stats.TopClientsIP(topClientsNumber) {
Context.rdnsCh <- ip
Context.whoisCh <- ip
return nil
func reconfigureDNSServer() (err error) {
var newConf dnsforward.ServerConfig
tlsConf := &tlsConfigSettings{}
newConf, err = generateServerConfig(tlsConf, httpRegister)
newConf, err := newServerConfig(tlsConf, httpRegister)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("generating forwarding dns server config: %w", err)
err = Context.dnsServer.Reconfigure(&newConf)
err = Context.dnsServer.Reconfigure(newConf)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("starting forwarding dns server: %w", err)
@ -3,14 +3,12 @@ package home
import (
@ -66,40 +64,24 @@ type homeContext struct {
// configuration files, for example /etc/hosts.
etcHosts *aghnet.HostsContainer
updater *updater.Updater
// mux is our custom http.ServeMux.
mux *http.ServeMux
// Runtime properties
// --
configFilename string // Config filename (can be overridden via the command line arguments)
workDir string // Location of our directory, used to protect against CWD being somewhere else
pidFileName string // PID file name. Empty if no PID file was created.
controlLock sync.Mutex
tlsRoots *x509.CertPool // list of root CAs for TLSv1.2
client *http.Client
appSignalChannel chan os.Signal // Channel for receiving OS signals by the console app
// rdnsCh is the channel for receiving IPs for rDNS processing.
rdnsCh chan netip.Addr
// whoisCh is the channel for receiving IPs for WHOIS processing.
whoisCh chan netip.Addr
configFilename string // Config filename (can be overridden via the command line arguments)
workDir string // Location of our directory, used to protect against CWD being somewhere else
pidFileName string // PID file name. Empty if no PID file was created.
controlLock sync.Mutex
tlsRoots *x509.CertPool // list of root CAs for TLSv1.2
// tlsCipherIDs are the ID of the cipher suites that AdGuard Home must use.
tlsCipherIDs []uint16
// disableUpdate, if true, tells AdGuard Home to not check for updates.
disableUpdate bool
// firstRun, if true, tells AdGuard Home to only start the web interface
// service, and only serve the first-run APIs.
firstRun bool
// runningAsService flag is set to true when options are passed from the service runner
runningAsService bool
// getDataDir returns path to the directory where we store databases and filters
@ -122,11 +104,11 @@ func Main(clientBuildFS fs.FS) {
// package flag.
opts := loadCmdLineOpts()
Context.appSignalChannel = make(chan os.Signal)
signal.Notify(Context.appSignalChannel, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM, syscall.SIGHUP, syscall.SIGQUIT)
signals := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(signals, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM, syscall.SIGHUP, syscall.SIGQUIT)
go func() {
for {
sig := <-Context.appSignalChannel
sig := <-signals
log.Info("Received signal %q", sig)
switch sig {
case syscall.SIGHUP:
@ -141,7 +123,7 @@ func Main(clientBuildFS fs.FS) {
if opts.serviceControlAction != "" {
handleServiceControlAction(opts, clientBuildFS)
handleServiceControlAction(opts, clientBuildFS, signals)
@ -153,74 +135,48 @@ func Main(clientBuildFS fs.FS) {
// setupContext initializes [Context] fields. It also reads and upgrades
// config file if necessary.
func setupContext(opts options) (err error) {
Context.firstRun = detectFirstRun()
Context.tlsRoots = aghtls.SystemRootCAs()
Context.client = &http.Client{
Timeout: time.Minute * 5,
Transport: &http.Transport{
DialContext: customDialContext,
Proxy: getHTTPProxy,
TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{
RootCAs: Context.tlsRoots,
CipherSuites: Context.tlsCipherIDs,
MinVersion: tls.VersionTLS12,
Context.mux = http.NewServeMux()
if !Context.firstRun {
// Do the upgrade if necessary.
err = upgradeConfig()
if Context.firstRun {
log.Info("This is the first time AdGuard Home is launched")
return nil
// Do the upgrade if necessary.
err = upgradeConfig()
if err != nil {
// Don't wrap the error, because it's informative enough as is.
return err
if err = parseConfig(); err != nil {
log.Error("parsing configuration file: %s", err)
if opts.checkConfig {
log.Info("configuration file is ok")
if !opts.noEtcHosts && config.Clients.Sources.HostsFile {
err = setupHostsContainer()
if err != nil {
// Don't wrap the error, because it's informative enough as is.
return err
if err = parseConfig(); err != nil {
log.Error("parsing configuration file: %s", err)
if opts.checkConfig {
log.Info("configuration file is ok")
if !opts.noEtcHosts && config.Clients.Sources.HostsFile {
err = setupHostsContainer()
if err != nil {
// Don't wrap the error, because it's informative enough as is.
return err
return nil
// setupContextFlags sets global flags and prints their status to the log.
func setupContextFlags(opts options) {
Context.firstRun = detectFirstRun()
if Context.firstRun {
log.Info("This is the first time AdGuard Home is launched")
Context.runningAsService = opts.runningAsService
// Don't print the runningAsService flag, since that has already been done
// in [run].
Context.disableUpdate = opts.disableUpdate || version.Channel() == version.ChannelDevelopment
if Context.disableUpdate {
log.Info("AdGuard Home updates are disabled")
// logIfUnsupported logs a formatted warning if the error is one of the
// unsupported errors and returns nil. If err is nil, logIfUnsupported returns
// nil. Otherwise, it returns err.
@ -325,7 +281,7 @@ func initContextClients() (err error) {
return err
//lint:ignore SA1019 Migration is not over.
//lint:ignore SA1019 Migration is not over.
config.DHCP.WorkDir = Context.workDir
config.DHCP.DataDir = Context.getDataDir()
config.DHCP.HTTPRegister = httpRegister
@ -340,18 +296,6 @@ func initContextClients() (err error) {
return fmt.Errorf("initing dhcp: %w", err)
Context.updater = updater.NewUpdater(&updater.Config{
Client: Context.client,
Version: version.Version(),
Channel: version.Channel(),
GOOS: runtime.GOOS,
GOARM: version.GOARM(),
GOMIPS: version.GOMIPS(),
WorkDir: Context.workDir,
ConfName: config.getConfigFilename(),
var arpdb aghnet.ARPDB
if config.Clients.Sources.ARP {
arpdb = aghnet.NewARPDB()
@ -433,7 +377,7 @@ func setupDNSFilteringConf(conf *filtering.Config) (err error) {
conf.Filters = slices.Clone(config.Filters)
conf.WhitelistFilters = slices.Clone(config.WhitelistFilters)
conf.UserRules = slices.Clone(config.UserRules)
conf.HTTPClient = Context.client
conf.HTTPClient = httpClient()
cacheTime := time.Duration(conf.CacheTime) * time.Minute
@ -515,7 +459,7 @@ func checkPorts() (err error) {
return nil
func initWeb(opts options, clientBuildFS fs.FS) (web *webAPI, err error) {
func initWeb(opts options, clientBuildFS fs.FS, upd *updater.Updater) (web *webAPI, err error) {
var clientFS fs.FS
if opts.localFrontend {
log.Info("warning: using local frontend files")
@ -528,8 +472,16 @@ func initWeb(opts options, clientBuildFS fs.FS) (web *webAPI, err error) {
webConf := webConfig{
firstRun: Context.firstRun,
disableUpdate := opts.disableUpdate || version.Channel() == version.ChannelDevelopment
if disableUpdate {
log.Info("AdGuard Home updates are disabled")
webConf := &webConfig{
updater: upd,
clientFS: clientFS,
BindHost: config.HTTPConfig.Address.Addr(),
BindPort: int(config.HTTPConfig.Address.Port()),
@ -537,12 +489,13 @@ func initWeb(opts options, clientBuildFS fs.FS) (web *webAPI, err error) {
ReadHeaderTimeout: readHdrTimeout,
WriteTimeout: writeTimeout,
clientFS: clientFS,
serveHTTP3: config.DNS.ServeHTTP3,
firstRun: Context.firstRun,
disableUpdate: disableUpdate,
runningAsService: opts.runningAsService,
serveHTTP3: config.DNS.ServeHTTP3,
web = newWebAPI(&webConf)
web = newWebAPI(webConf)
if web == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("initializing web: %w", err)
@ -593,9 +546,21 @@ func run(opts options, clientBuildFS fs.FS) {
err = setupOpts(opts)
upd := updater.NewUpdater(&updater.Config{
Client: config.DNS.DnsfilterConf.HTTPClient,
Version: version.Version(),
Channel: version.Channel(),
GOOS: runtime.GOOS,
GOARM: version.GOARM(),
GOMIPS: version.GOMIPS(),
WorkDir: Context.workDir,
ConfName: config.getConfigFilename(),
// TODO(e.burkov): This could be made earlier, probably as the option's
// effect.
cmdlineUpdate(opts, upd)
if !Context.firstRun {
// Save the updated config.
@ -624,7 +589,7 @@ func run(opts options, clientBuildFS fs.FS) {
Context.web, err = initWeb(opts, clientBuildFS)
Context.web, err = initWeb(opts, clientBuildFS, upd)
if !Context.firstRun {
@ -634,10 +599,10 @@ func run(opts options, clientBuildFS fs.FS) {
go func() {
sErr := startDNSServer()
if sErr != nil {
startErr := startDNSServer()
if startErr != nil {
@ -996,62 +961,6 @@ func detectFirstRun() bool {
return errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist)
// Connect to a remote server resolving hostname using our own DNS server.
// TODO(e.burkov): This messy logic should be decomposed and clarified.
// TODO(a.garipov): Support network.
func customDialContext(ctx context.Context, network, addr string) (conn net.Conn, err error) {
log.Debug("home: customdial: dialing addr %q for network %s", addr, network)
host, port, err := net.SplitHostPort(addr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
dialer := &net.Dialer{
Timeout: time.Minute * 5,
if net.ParseIP(host) != nil || config.DNS.Port == 0 {
return dialer.DialContext(ctx, network, addr)
addrs, err := Context.dnsServer.Resolve(host)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("resolving %q: %w", host, err)
log.Debug("dnsServer.Resolve: %q: %v", host, addrs)
if len(addrs) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("couldn't lookup host: %q", host)
var dialErrs []error
for _, a := range addrs {
addr = net.JoinHostPort(a.String(), port)
conn, err = dialer.DialContext(ctx, network, addr)
if err != nil {
dialErrs = append(dialErrs, err)
return conn, err
return nil, errors.List(fmt.Sprintf("couldn't dial to %s", addr), dialErrs...)
func getHTTPProxy(_ *http.Request) (*url.URL, error) {
if config.ProxyURL == "" {
return nil, nil
return url.Parse(config.ProxyURL)
// jsonError is a generic JSON error response.
// TODO(a.garipov): Merge together with the implementations in [dhcpd] and other
@ -1062,7 +971,7 @@ type jsonError struct {
// cmdlineUpdate updates current application and exits.
func cmdlineUpdate(opts options) {
func cmdlineUpdate(opts options, upd *updater.Updater) {
if !opts.performUpdate {
@ -1077,10 +986,9 @@ func cmdlineUpdate(opts options) {
log.Info("cmdline update: performing update")
updater := Context.updater
info, err := updater.VersionInfo(true)
info, err := upd.VersionInfo(true)
if err != nil {
vcu := updater.VersionCheckURL()
vcu := upd.VersionCheckURL()
log.Error("getting version info from %s: %s", vcu, err)
@ -1092,7 +1000,7 @@ func cmdlineUpdate(opts options) {
err = updater.Update(Context.firstRun)
err = upd.Update(Context.firstRun)
err = restartService()
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
package home
import (
// httpClient returns a new HTTP client that uses the AdGuard Home's own DNS
// server for resolving hostnames. The resulting client should not be used
// until [Context.dnsServer] is initialized.
// TODO(a.garipov, e.burkov): This is rather messy. Refactor.
func httpClient() (c *http.Client) {
// Do not use Context.dnsServer.DialContext directly in the struct literal
// below, since Context.dnsServer may be nil when this function is called.
dialContext := func(ctx context.Context, network, addr string) (conn net.Conn, err error) {
return Context.dnsServer.DialContext(ctx, network, addr)
return &http.Client{
// TODO(a.garipov): Make configurable.
Timeout: time.Minute * 5,
Transport: &http.Transport{
DialContext: dialContext,
Proxy: httpProxy,
TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{
RootCAs: Context.tlsRoots,
CipherSuites: Context.tlsCipherIDs,
MinVersion: tls.VersionTLS12,
// httpProxy returns parses and returns an HTTP proxy URL from the config, if
// any.
func httpProxy(_ *http.Request) (u *url.URL, err error) {
if config.ProxyURL == "" {
return nil, nil
return url.Parse(config.ProxyURL)
@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
package home
import (
// startPprof launches the debug and profiling server on addr.
func startPprof(addr string) {
mux := http.NewServeMux()
mux.HandleFunc("/debug/pprof/", pprof.Index)
mux.HandleFunc("/debug/pprof/cmdline", pprof.Cmdline)
mux.HandleFunc("/debug/pprof/profile", pprof.Profile)
mux.HandleFunc("/debug/pprof/symbol", pprof.Symbol)
mux.HandleFunc("/debug/pprof/trace", pprof.Trace)
// See profileSupportsDelta in src/net/http/pprof/pprof.go.
mux.Handle("/debug/pprof/allocs", pprof.Handler("allocs"))
mux.Handle("/debug/pprof/block", pprof.Handler("block"))
mux.Handle("/debug/pprof/goroutine", pprof.Handler("goroutine"))
mux.Handle("/debug/pprof/heap", pprof.Handler("heap"))
mux.Handle("/debug/pprof/mutex", pprof.Handler("mutex"))
mux.Handle("/debug/pprof/threadcreate", pprof.Handler("threadcreate"))
go func() {
defer log.OnPanic("pprof server")
log.Info("pprof: listening on %q", addr)
err := http.ListenAndServe(addr, mux)
log.Info("pprof server errors: %v", err)
@ -33,9 +33,13 @@ const (
// daemon.
type program struct {
clientBuildFS fs.FS
signals chan os.Signal
opts options
// type check
var _ service.Interface = (*program)(nil)
// Start implements service.Interface interface for *program.
func (p *program) Start(_ service.Service) (err error) {
// Start should not block. Do the actual work async.
@ -48,14 +52,14 @@ func (p *program) Start(_ service.Service) (err error) {
// Stop implements service.Interface interface for *program.
func (p *program) Stop(_ service.Service) error {
// Stop should not block. Return with a few seconds.
if Context.appSignalChannel == nil {
func (p *program) Stop(_ service.Service) (err error) {
select {
case p.signals <- syscall.SIGINT:
// Go on.
// Stop should not block.
Context.appSignalChannel <- syscall.SIGINT
return nil
@ -194,7 +198,7 @@ func restartService() (err error) {
// - run: This is a special command that is not supposed to be used directly
// it is specified when we register a service, and it indicates to the app
// that it is being run as a service/daemon.
func handleServiceControlAction(opts options, clientBuildFS fs.FS) {
func handleServiceControlAction(opts options, clientBuildFS fs.FS, signals chan os.Signal) {
// Call chooseSystem explicitly to introduce OpenBSD support for service
// package. It's a noop for other GOOS values.
@ -226,7 +230,11 @@ func handleServiceControlAction(opts options, clientBuildFS fs.FS) {
s, err := service.New(&program{clientBuildFS: clientBuildFS, opts: runOpts}, svcConfig)
s, err := service.New(&program{
clientBuildFS: clientBuildFS,
signals: signals,
opts: runOpts,
}, svcConfig)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("service: initializing service: %s", err)
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ import (
yaml "gopkg.in/yaml.v3"
@ -6,16 +6,18 @@ import (
@ -33,6 +35,8 @@ const (
type webConfig struct {
updater *updater.Updater
clientFS fs.FS
BindHost netip.Addr
@ -52,6 +56,13 @@ type webConfig struct {
firstRun bool
// disableUpdate, if true, tells AdGuard Home to not check for updates.
disableUpdate bool
// runningAsService flag is set to true when options are passed from the
// service runner.
runningAsService bool
serveHTTP3 bool
@ -102,7 +113,7 @@ func newWebAPI(conf *webConfig) (w *webAPI) {
Context.mux.Handle("/install.html", preInstallHandler(clientFS))
} else {
w.httpsServer.cond = sync.NewCond(&w.httpsServer.condLock)
@ -295,8 +306,27 @@ func (web *webAPI) mustStartHTTP3(address string) {
log.Debug("web: starting http/3 server")
err := web.httpsServer.server3.ListenAndServe()
if !errors.Is(err, quic.ErrServerClosed) {
if !errors.Is(err, http.ErrServerClosed) {
log.Fatalf("web: http3: %s", err)
// startPprof launches the debug and profiling server on addr.
func startPprof(addr string) {
mux := http.NewServeMux()
go func() {
defer log.OnPanic("pprof server")
log.Info("pprof: listening on %q", addr)
err := http.ListenAndServe(addr, mux)
if !errors.Is(err, http.ErrServerClosed) {
log.Error("pprof: shutting down: %s", err)
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import (
@ -17,7 +18,7 @@ type Interface interface {
Process(ip netip.Addr) (host string, changed bool)
// Empty is an empty [Inteface] implementation which does nothing.
// Empty is an empty [Interface] implementation which does nothing.
type Empty struct{}
// type check
@ -32,7 +33,7 @@ func (Empty) Process(_ netip.Addr) (host string, changed bool) {
type Exchanger interface {
// Exchange tries to resolve the ip in a suitable way, i.e. either as local
// or as external.
Exchange(ip netip.Addr) (host string, err error)
Exchange(ip netip.Addr) (host string, ttl time.Duration, err error)
// Config is the configuration structure for Default.
@ -82,13 +83,16 @@ func (r *Default) Process(ip netip.Addr) (host string, changed bool) {
return fromCache, false
host, err := r.exchanger.Exchange(ip)
host, ttl, err := r.exchanger.Exchange(ip)
if err != nil {
log.Debug("rdns: resolving %q: %s", ip, err)
// TODO(s.chzhen): Use built-in function max in Go 1.21.
ttl = mathutil.Max(ttl, r.cacheTTL)
item := &cacheItem{
expiry: time.Now().Add(r.cacheTTL),
expiry: time.Now().Add(ttl),
host: host,
@ -5,25 +5,13 @@ import (
// fakeRDNSExchanger is a mock [rdns.Exchanger] implementation for tests.
type fakeRDNSExchanger struct {
OnExchange func(ip netip.Addr) (host string, err error)
// type check
var _ rdns.Exchanger = (*fakeRDNSExchanger)(nil)
// Exchange implements [rdns.Exchanger] interface for *fakeRDNSExchanger.
func (e *fakeRDNSExchanger) Exchange(ip netip.Addr) (host string, err error) {
return e.OnExchange(ip)
func TestDefault_Process(t *testing.T) {
ip1 := netip.MustParseAddr("")
revAddr1, err := netutil.IPToReversedAddr(ip1.AsSlice())
@ -67,21 +55,21 @@ func TestDefault_Process(t *testing.T) {
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
hit := 0
onExchange := func(ip netip.Addr) (host string, err error) {
onExchange := func(ip netip.Addr) (host string, ttl time.Duration, err error) {
switch ip {
case ip1:
return revAddr1, nil
return revAddr1, 0, nil
case ip2:
return revAddr2, nil
return revAddr2, 0, nil
case localIP:
return localRevAddr1, nil
return localRevAddr1, 0, nil
return "", nil
return "", 0, nil
exchanger := &fakeRDNSExchanger{
exchanger := &aghtest.Exchanger{
OnExchange: onExchange,
@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ require (
github.com/kisielk/errcheck v1.6.3
github.com/kyoh86/looppointer v0.2.1
github.com/securego/gosec/v2 v2.16.0
github.com/uudashr/gocognit v1.0.6
github.com/uudashr/gocognit v1.0.7
golang.org/x/tools v0.11.0
golang.org/x/vuln v0.2.0
golang.org/x/vuln v1.0.0
// TODO(a.garipov): Return to tagged releases once a new one appears.
honnef.co/go/tools v0.5.0-0.dev.0.20230709092525-bc759185c5ee
mvdan.cc/gofumpt v0.5.0
@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ require (
github.com/BurntSushi/toml v1.3.2 // indirect
github.com/google/go-cmp v0.5.9 // indirect
github.com/google/uuid v1.3.0 // indirect
github.com/gookit/color v1.5.3 // indirect
github.com/gookit/color v1.5.4 // indirect
github.com/kyoh86/nolint v0.0.1 // indirect
github.com/nbutton23/zxcvbn-go v0.0.0-20210217022336-fa2cb2858354 // indirect
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golang.org/x/sync v0.3.0 // indirect
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@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ github.com/google/pprof v0.0.0-20210407192527-94a9f03dee38 h1:yAJXTCF9TqKcTiHJAE
github.com/google/renameio v0.1.0 h1:GOZbcHa3HfsPKPlmyPyN2KEohoMXOhdMbHrvbpl2QaA=
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github.com/gookit/color v1.5.4 h1:FZmqs7XOyGgCAxmWyPslpiok1k05wmY3SJTytgvYFs0=
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github.com/kisielk/errcheck v1.6.3 h1:dEKh+GLHcWm2oN34nMvDzn1sqI0i0WxPvrgiJA5JuM8=
@ -38,9 +38,9 @@ github.com/rogpeppe/go-internal v1.10.0 h1:TMyTOH3F/DB16zRVcYyreMH6GnZZrwQVAoYjR
github.com/securego/gosec/v2 v2.16.0 h1:Pi0JKoasQQ3NnoRao/ww/N/XdynIB9NRYYZT5CyOs5U=
github.com/securego/gosec/v2 v2.16.0/go.mod h1:xvLcVZqUfo4aAQu56TNv7/Ltz6emAOQAEsrZrt7uGlI=
github.com/stretchr/testify v1.1.4/go.mod h1:a8OnRcib4nhh0OaRAV+Yts87kKdq0PP7pXfy6kDkUVs=
github.com/stretchr/testify v1.8.0 h1:pSgiaMZlXftHpm5L7V1+rVB+AZJydKsMxsQBIJw4PKk=
github.com/uudashr/gocognit v1.0.6 h1:2Cgi6MweCsdB6kpcVQp7EW4U23iBFQWfTXiWlyp842Y=
github.com/uudashr/gocognit v1.0.6/go.mod h1:nAIUuVBnYU7pcninia3BHOvQkpQCeO76Uscky5BOwcY=
github.com/stretchr/testify v1.8.4 h1:CcVxjf3Q8PM0mHUKJCdn+eZZtm5yQwehR5yeSVQQcUk=
github.com/uudashr/gocognit v1.0.7 h1:e9aFXgKgUJrQ5+bs61zBigmj7bFJ/5cC6HmMahVzuDo=
github.com/uudashr/gocognit v1.0.7/go.mod h1:nAIUuVBnYU7pcninia3BHOvQkpQCeO76Uscky5BOwcY=
github.com/xo/terminfo v0.0.0-20220910002029-abceb7e1c41e h1:JVG44RsyaB9T2KIHavMF/ppJZNG9ZpyihvCd0w101no=
github.com/xo/terminfo v0.0.0-20220910002029-abceb7e1c41e/go.mod h1:RbqR21r5mrJuqunuUZ/Dhy/avygyECGrLceyNeo4LiM=
github.com/yuin/goldmark v1.2.1/go.mod h1:3hX8gzYuyVAZsxl0MRgGTJEmQBFcNTphYh9decYSb74=
@ -52,8 +52,8 @@ golang.org/x/crypto v0.0.0-20200622213623-75b288015ac9/go.mod h1:LzIPMQfyMNhhGPh
golang.org/x/crypto v0.0.0-20210921155107-089bfa567519/go.mod h1:GvvjBRRGRdwPK5ydBHafDWAxML/pGHZbMvKqRZ5+Abc=
golang.org/x/exp v0.0.0-20230321023759-10a507213a29 h1:ooxPy7fPvB4kwsA2h+iBNHkAbp/4JxTSwCmvdjEYmug=
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golang.org/x/exp/typeparams v0.0.0-20230725093048-515e97ebf090 h1:qOYhjyK9OeXREdh7Zrta8JRvnmnFIzhkosQpp+852Ag=
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golang.org/x/mod v0.3.0/go.mod h1:s0Qsj1ACt9ePp/hMypM3fl4fZqREWJwdYDEqhRiZZUA=
golang.org/x/mod v0.4.2/go.mod h1:s0Qsj1ACt9ePp/hMypM3fl4fZqREWJwdYDEqhRiZZUA=
golang.org/x/mod v0.6.0-dev.0.20220106191415-9b9b3d81d5e3/go.mod h1:3p9vT2HGsQu2K1YbXdKPJLVgG5VJdoTa1poYQBtP1AY=
@ -98,8 +98,8 @@ golang.org/x/tools v0.1.10/go.mod h1:Uh6Zz+xoGYZom868N8YTex3t7RhtHDBrE8Gzo9bV56E
golang.org/x/tools v0.1.11/go.mod h1:SgwaegtQh8clINPpECJMqnxLv9I09HLqnW3RMqW0CA4=
golang.org/x/tools v0.11.0 h1:EMCa6U9S2LtZXLAMoWiR/R8dAQFRqbAitmbJ2UKhoi8=
golang.org/x/tools v0.11.0/go.mod h1:anzJrxPjNtfgiYQYirP2CPGzGLxrH2u2QBhn6Bf3qY8=
golang.org/x/vuln v0.2.0 h1:Dlz47lW0pvPHU7tnb10S8vbMn9GnV2B6eyT7Tem5XBI=
golang.org/x/vuln v0.2.0/go.mod h1:V0eyhHwaAaHrt42J9bgrN6rd12f6GU4T0Lu0ex2wDg4=
golang.org/x/vuln v1.0.0 h1:tYLAU3jD9LQr98Y+3el06lWyGMCnvzw06PIWP3LIy7g=
golang.org/x/vuln v1.0.0/go.mod h1:V0eyhHwaAaHrt42J9bgrN6rd12f6GU4T0Lu0ex2wDg4=
golang.org/x/xerrors v0.0.0-20190717185122-a985d3407aa7/go.mod h1:I/5z698sn9Ka8TeJc9MKroUUfqBBauWjQqLJ2OPfmY0=
golang.org/x/xerrors v0.0.0-20191011141410-1b5146add898/go.mod h1:I/5z698sn9Ka8TeJc9MKroUUfqBBauWjQqLJ2OPfmY0=
golang.org/x/xerrors v0.0.0-20200804184101-5ec99f83aff1/go.mod h1:I/5z698sn9Ka8TeJc9MKroUUfqBBauWjQqLJ2OPfmY0=
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import (
@ -48,9 +49,8 @@ func (Empty) Process(_ context.Context, _ netip.Addr) (info *Info, changed bool)
// Config is the configuration structure for Default.
type Config struct {
// DialContext specifies the dial function for creating unencrypted TCP
// connections.
DialContext func(ctx context.Context, network, addr string) (conn net.Conn, err error)
// DialContext is used to create TCP connections to WHOIS servers.
DialContext aghnet.DialContextFunc
// ServerAddr is the address of the WHOIS server.
ServerAddr string
@ -86,9 +86,8 @@ type Default struct {
// resolve the same IP.
cache gcache.Cache
// dialContext connects to a remote server resolving hostname using our own
// DNS server and unecrypted TCP connection.
dialContext func(ctx context.Context, network, addr string) (conn net.Conn, err error)
// dialContext is used to create TCP connections to WHOIS servers.
dialContext aghnet.DialContextFunc
// serverAddr is the address of the WHOIS server.
serverAddr string
@ -215,7 +214,7 @@ func (w *Default) query(ctx context.Context, target, serverAddr string) (data []
return nil, err
_ = conn.SetReadDeadline(time.Now().Add(w.timeout))
_ = conn.SetDeadline(time.Now().Add(w.timeout))
_, err = io.WriteString(conn, target+"\r\n")
if err != nil {
// Don't wrap the error since it's informative enough as is.
@ -310,7 +309,7 @@ func (w *Default) requestInfo(
kv, err := w.queryAll(ctx, ip.String())
if err != nil {
log.Debug("whois: quering about %q: %s", ip, err)
log.Debug("whois: querying %q: %s", ip, err)
return nil, true
@ -113,20 +113,14 @@ func TestDefault_Process(t *testing.T) {
return copy(b, tc.data), io.EOF
OnWrite: func(b []byte) (n int, err error) {
return len(b), nil
OnClose: func() (err error) {
return nil
OnSetReadDeadline: func(t time.Time) (err error) {
return nil
OnWrite: func(b []byte) (n int, err error) { return len(b), nil },
OnClose: func() (err error) { return nil },
OnSetDeadline: func(t time.Time) (err error) { return nil },
w := whois.New(&whois.Config{
Timeout: 5 * time.Second,
DialContext: func(_ context.Context, _, addr string) (_ net.Conn, _ error) {
DialContext: func(_ context.Context, _, _ string) (_ net.Conn, _ error) {
hit = 0
return fakeConn, nil
@ -269,25 +269,31 @@ Optional environment:
### Usage
* `go run main.go help`: print usage.
* `go run ./scripts/translations help`: print usage.
* `go run main.go download [-n <count>]`: download and save all translations.
`n` is optional flag where count is a number of concurrent downloads.
* `go run ./scripts/translations download [-n <count>]`: download and save
all translations. `n` is optional flag where count is a number of
concurrent downloads.
* `go run main.go upload`: upload the base `en` locale.
* `go run ./scripts/translations upload`: upload the base `en` locale.
* `go run main.go summary`: show the current locales summary.
* `go run ./scripts/translations summary`: show the current locales summary.
* `go run main.go unused`: show the list of unused strings.
* `go run ./scripts/translations unused`: show the list of unused strings.
* `go run main.go auto-add`: add locales with additions to the git and
restore locales with deletions.
* `go run ./scripts/translations auto-add`: add locales with additions to the
git and restore locales with deletions.
After the download you'll find the output locales in the `client/src/__locales/`
Optional environment:
* `DOWNLOAD_LANGUAGES`: set a list of specific languages to `download`. For
example `ar be bg`. If it set to `blocker` then script will download only
those languages, which need to be fully translated (`de en es fr it ja ko
pt-br pt-pt ru zh-cn zh-tw`).
* `UPLOAD_LANGUAGE`: set an alternative language for `upload`.
* `TWOSKY_URI`: set an alternative URL for `download` or `upload`.
@ -176,15 +176,30 @@ run_linter gocognit --over 10\
# TODO(a.garipov): move these to the group above.
run_linter gocognit --over 20 ./internal/aghnet/ ./internal/querylog/
run_linter gocognit --over 19 ./internal/dnsforward/ ./internal/home/
run_linter gocognit --over 18 ./internal/aghtls/
run_linter gocognit --over 17 ./internal/filtering ./internal/filtering/rewrite/
run_linter gocognit --over 15 ./internal/aghos/ ./internal/dhcpd/
run_linter gocognit --over 14 ./internal/stats/
run_linter gocognit --over 12 ./internal/updater/
run_linter gocognit --over 11 ./internal/aghtest/
run_linter ineffassign ./...
run_linter unparam ./...
@ -209,13 +224,16 @@ run_linter gosec --quiet\
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
package main
import (
// download and save all translations.
func (c *twoskyClient) download() (err error) {
var numWorker int
flagSet := flag.NewFlagSet("download", flag.ExitOnError)
flagSet.Usage = func() {
usage("download command error")
flagSet.IntVar(&numWorker, "n", 1, "number of concurrent downloads")
err = flagSet.Parse(os.Args[2:])
if err != nil {
// Don't wrap the error since it's informative enough as is.
return err
if numWorker < 1 {
usage("count must be positive")
downloadURI := c.uri.JoinPath("download")
client := &http.Client{
Timeout: 10 * time.Second,
wg := &sync.WaitGroup{}
failed := &sync.Map{}
uriCh := make(chan *url.URL, len(c.langs))
for i := 0; i < numWorker; i++ {
go downloadWorker(wg, failed, client, uriCh)
for _, lang := range c.langs {
uri := translationURL(downloadURI, defaultBaseFile, c.projectID, lang)
uriCh <- uri
return nil
// printFailedLocales prints sorted list of failed downloads, if any.
func printFailedLocales(failed *sync.Map) {
keys := []string{}
failed.Range(func(k, _ any) bool {
s, ok := k.(string)
if !ok {
panic("unexpected type")
keys = append(keys, s)
return true
if len(keys) == 0 {
log.Info("failed locales: %s", strings.Join(keys, " "))
// downloadWorker downloads translations by received urls and saves them.
// Where failed is a map for storing failed downloads.
func downloadWorker(
wg *sync.WaitGroup,
failed *sync.Map,
client *http.Client,
uriCh <-chan *url.URL,
) {
defer wg.Done()
for uri := range uriCh {
q := uri.Query()
code := q.Get("language")
err := saveToFile(client, uri, code)
if err != nil {
log.Error("download: worker: %s", err)
failed.Store(code, struct{}{})
// saveToFile downloads translation by url and saves it to a file, or returns
// error.
func saveToFile(client *http.Client, uri *url.URL, code string) (err error) {
data, err := getTranslation(client, uri.String())
if err != nil {
log.Info("%s", data)
return fmt.Errorf("getting translation: %s", err)
name := filepath.Join(localesDir, code+".json")
err = os.WriteFile(name, data, 0o664)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("writing file: %s", err)
return nil
// getTranslation returns received translation data and error. If err is not
// nil, data may contain a response from server for inspection.
func getTranslation(client *http.Client, url string) (data []byte, err error) {
resp, err := client.Get(url)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("requesting: %w", err)
defer log.OnCloserError(resp.Body, log.ERROR)
if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
err = fmt.Errorf("url: %q; status code: %s", url, http.StatusText(resp.StatusCode))
// Go on and download the body for inspection.
limitReader, lrErr := aghio.LimitReader(resp.Body, readLimit)
if lrErr != nil {
// Generally shouldn't happen, since the only error returned by
// [aghio.LimitReader] is an argument error.
panic(fmt.Errorf("limit reading: %w", lrErr))
data, readErr := io.ReadAll(limitReader)
return data, errors.WithDeferred(err, readErr)
// translationURL returns a new url.URL with provided query parameters.
func translationURL(oldURL *url.URL, baseFile, projectID string, lang langCode) (uri *url.URL) {
uri = &url.URL{}
*uri = *oldURL
q := uri.Query()
q.Set("format", "json")
q.Set("filename", baseFile)
q.Set("project", projectID)
q.Set("language", string(lang))
uri.RawQuery = q.Encode()
return uri
@ -6,25 +6,16 @@ import (
@ -38,9 +29,26 @@ const (
srcDir = "./client/src"
twoskyURI = "https://twosky.int.agrd.dev/api/v1"
readLimit = 1 * 1024 * 1024
readLimit = 1 * 1024 * 1024
uploadTimeout = 10 * time.Second
// blockerLangCodes is the codes of languages which need to be fully translated.
var blockerLangCodes = []langCode{
// langCode is a language code.
type langCode string
@ -62,31 +70,26 @@ func main() {
uriStr := os.Getenv("TWOSKY_URI")
if uriStr == "" {
uriStr = twoskyURI
uri, err := url.Parse(uriStr)
conf, err := readTwoskyConfig()
projectID := os.Getenv("TWOSKY_PROJECT_ID")
if projectID == "" {
projectID = defaultProjectID
conf, err := readTwoskyConf()
var cli *twoskyClient
switch os.Args[1] {
case "summary":
err = summary(conf.Languages)
case "download":
err = download(uri, projectID, conf.Languages)
cli, err = conf.toClient()
err = cli.download()
case "unused":
err = unused(conf.LocalizableFiles[0])
case "upload":
err = upload(uri, projectID, conf.BaseLangcode)
cli, err = conf.toClient()
err = cli.upload()
case "auto-add":
err = autoAdd(conf.LocalizableFiles[0])
@ -133,51 +136,133 @@ Commands:
// twoskyConf is the configuration structure for localization.
type twoskyConf struct {
// twoskyConfig is the configuration structure for localization.
type twoskyConfig struct {
Languages languages `json:"languages"`
ProjectID string `json:"project_id"`
BaseLangcode langCode `json:"base_locale"`
LocalizableFiles []string `json:"localizable_files"`
// readTwoskyConf returns configuration.
func readTwoskyConf() (t twoskyConf, err error) {
defer func() { err = errors.Annotate(err, "parsing twosky conf: %w") }()
// readTwoskyConfig returns twosky configuration.
func readTwoskyConfig() (t *twoskyConfig, err error) {
defer func() { err = errors.Annotate(err, "parsing twosky config: %w") }()
b, err := os.ReadFile(twoskyConfFile)
if err != nil {
// Don't wrap the error since it's informative enough as is.
return twoskyConf{}, err
return nil, err
var tsc []twoskyConf
var tsc []twoskyConfig
err = json.Unmarshal(b, &tsc)
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("unmarshalling %q: %w", twoskyConfFile, err)
return twoskyConf{}, err
return nil, err
if len(tsc) == 0 {
err = fmt.Errorf("%q is empty", twoskyConfFile)
return twoskyConf{}, err
return nil, err
conf := tsc[0]
for _, lang := range conf.Languages {
if lang == "" {
return twoskyConf{}, errors.Error("language is empty")
return nil, errors.Error("language is empty")
if len(conf.LocalizableFiles) == 0 {
return twoskyConf{}, errors.Error("no localizable files specified")
return nil, errors.Error("no localizable files specified")
return conf, nil
return &conf, nil
// twoskyClient is the twosky client with methods for download and upload
// translations.
type twoskyClient struct {
// uri is the base URL.
uri *url.URL
// projectID is the name of the project.
projectID string
// baseLang is the base language code.
baseLang langCode
// langs is the list of codes of languages to download.
langs []langCode
// toClient reads values from environment variables or defaults, validates
// them, and returns the twosky client.
func (t *twoskyConfig) toClient() (cli *twoskyClient, err error) {
defer func() { err = errors.Annotate(err, "filling config: %w") }()
uriStr := os.Getenv("TWOSKY_URI")
if uriStr == "" {
uriStr = twoskyURI
uri, err := url.Parse(uriStr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
projectID := os.Getenv("TWOSKY_PROJECT_ID")
if projectID == "" {
projectID = defaultProjectID
baseLang := t.BaseLangcode
uLangStr := os.Getenv("UPLOAD_LANGUAGE")
if uLangStr != "" {
baseLang = langCode(uLangStr)
langs := maps.Keys(t.Languages)
dlLangStr := os.Getenv("DOWNLOAD_LANGUAGES")
if dlLangStr == "blocker" {
langs = blockerLangCodes
} else if dlLangStr != "" {
var dlLangs []langCode
dlLangs, err = validateLanguageStr(dlLangStr, t.Languages)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
langs = dlLangs
return &twoskyClient{
uri: uri,
projectID: projectID,
baseLang: baseLang,
langs: langs,
}, nil
// validateLanguageStr validates languages codes that contain in the str and
// returns them or error.
func validateLanguageStr(str string, all languages) (langs []langCode, err error) {
codes := strings.Fields(str)
langs = make([]langCode, 0, len(codes))
for _, k := range codes {
lc := langCode(k)
_, ok := all[lc]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("validating languages: unexpected language code %q", k)
langs = append(langs, lc)
return langs, nil
// readLocales reads file with name fn and returns a map, where key is text
@ -227,169 +312,47 @@ func summary(langs languages) (err error) {
f := float64(len(loc)) * 100 / size
fmt.Printf("%s\t %6.2f %%\n", lang, f)
blocker := ""
// N is small enough to not raise performance questions.
ok := slices.Contains(blockerLangCodes, lang)
if ok {
blocker = " (blocker)"
fmt.Printf("%s\t %6.2f %%%s\n", lang, f, blocker)
return nil
// download and save all translations. uri is the base URL. projectID is the
// name of the project.
func download(uri *url.URL, projectID string, langs languages) (err error) {
var numWorker int
flagSet := flag.NewFlagSet("download", flag.ExitOnError)
flagSet.Usage = func() {
usage("download command error")
flagSet.IntVar(&numWorker, "n", 1, "number of concurrent downloads")
err = flagSet.Parse(os.Args[2:])
if err != nil {
// Don't wrap the error since it's informative enough as is.
return err
if numWorker < 1 {
usage("count must be positive")
downloadURI := uri.JoinPath("download")
client := &http.Client{
Timeout: 10 * time.Second,
wg := &sync.WaitGroup{}
uriCh := make(chan *url.URL, len(langs))
for i := 0; i < numWorker; i++ {
go downloadWorker(wg, client, uriCh)
for lang := range langs {
uri = translationURL(downloadURI, defaultBaseFile, projectID, lang)
uriCh <- uri
return nil
// downloadWorker downloads translations by received urls and saves them.
func downloadWorker(wg *sync.WaitGroup, client *http.Client, uriCh <-chan *url.URL) {
defer wg.Done()
for uri := range uriCh {
data, err := getTranslation(client, uri.String())
if err != nil {
log.Error("download worker: getting translation: %s", err)
log.Info("download worker: error response:\n%s", data)
q := uri.Query()
code := q.Get("language")
// Fix some TwoSky weirdnesses.
// TODO(a.garipov): Remove when those are fixed.
code = strings.ToLower(code)
name := filepath.Join(localesDir, code+".json")
err = os.WriteFile(name, data, 0o664)
if err != nil {
log.Error("download worker: writing file: %s", err)
// getTranslation returns received translation data and error. If err is not
// nil, data may contain a response from server for inspection.
func getTranslation(client *http.Client, url string) (data []byte, err error) {
resp, err := client.Get(url)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("requesting: %w", err)
defer log.OnCloserError(resp.Body, log.ERROR)
if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
err = fmt.Errorf("url: %q; status code: %s", url, http.StatusText(resp.StatusCode))
// Go on and download the body for inspection.
limitReader, lrErr := aghio.LimitReader(resp.Body, readLimit)
if lrErr != nil {
// Generally shouldn't happen, since the only error returned by
// [aghio.LimitReader] is an argument error.
panic(fmt.Errorf("limit reading: %w", lrErr))
data, readErr := io.ReadAll(limitReader)
return data, errors.WithDeferred(err, readErr)
// translationURL returns a new url.URL with provided query parameters.
func translationURL(oldURL *url.URL, baseFile, projectID string, lang langCode) (uri *url.URL) {
uri = &url.URL{}
*uri = *oldURL
// Fix some TwoSky weirdnesses.
// TODO(a.garipov): Remove when those are fixed.
switch lang {
case "si-lk":
lang = "si-LK"
case "zh-hk":
lang = "zh-HK"
// Go on.
q := uri.Query()
q.Set("format", "json")
q.Set("filename", baseFile)
q.Set("project", projectID)
q.Set("language", string(lang))
uri.RawQuery = q.Encode()
return uri
// unused prints unused text labels.
func unused(basePath string) (err error) {
defer func() { err = errors.Annotate(err, "unused: %w") }()
baseLoc, err := readLocales(basePath)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unused: %w", err)
return err
locDir := filepath.Clean(localesDir)
js, err := findJS(locDir)
if err != nil {
return err
fileNames := []string{}
err = filepath.Walk(srcDir, func(name string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
return findUnused(js, baseLoc)
// findJS returns list of JavaScript and JSON files or error.
func findJS(locDir string) (fileNames []string, err error) {
walkFn := func(name string, _ os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if err != nil {
log.Info("warning: accessing a path %q: %s", name, err)
return nil
if info.IsDir() {
return nil
if strings.HasPrefix(name, locDir) {
return nil
@ -400,13 +363,14 @@ func unused(basePath string) (err error) {
return nil
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("filepath walking %q: %w", srcDir, err)
return findUnused(fileNames, baseLoc)
err = filepath.Walk(srcDir, walkFn)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("filepath walking %q: %w", srcDir, err)
return fileNames, nil
// findUnused prints unused text labels from fileNames.
@ -445,118 +409,6 @@ func findUnused(fileNames []string, loc locales) (err error) {
return nil
// upload base translation. uri is the base URL. projectID is the name of the
// project. baseLang is the base language code.
func upload(uri *url.URL, projectID string, baseLang langCode) (err error) {
defer func() { err = errors.Annotate(err, "upload: %w") }()
uploadURI := uri.JoinPath("upload")
lang := baseLang
langStr := os.Getenv("UPLOAD_LANGUAGE")
if langStr != "" {
lang = langCode(langStr)
basePath := filepath.Join(localesDir, defaultBaseFile)
formData := map[string]string{
"format": "json",
"language": string(lang),
"filename": defaultBaseFile,
"project": projectID,
buf, cType, err := prepareMultipartMsg(formData, basePath)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("preparing multipart msg: %w", err)
err = send(uploadURI.String(), cType, buf)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("sending multipart msg: %w", err)
return nil
// prepareMultipartMsg prepares translation data for upload.
func prepareMultipartMsg(
formData map[string]string,
basePath string,
) (buf *bytes.Buffer, cType string, err error) {
buf = &bytes.Buffer{}
w := multipart.NewWriter(buf)
var fw io.Writer
for k, v := range formData {
err = w.WriteField(k, v)
if err != nil {
return nil, "", fmt.Errorf("writing field: %w", err)
file, err := os.Open(basePath)
if err != nil {
return nil, "", fmt.Errorf("opening file: %w", err)
defer func() {
err = errors.WithDeferred(err, file.Close())
h := make(textproto.MIMEHeader)
h.Set(httphdr.ContentType, aghhttp.HdrValApplicationJSON)
d := fmt.Sprintf("form-data; name=%q; filename=%q", "file", defaultBaseFile)
h.Set(httphdr.ContentDisposition, d)
fw, err = w.CreatePart(h)
if err != nil {
return nil, "", fmt.Errorf("creating part: %w", err)
_, err = io.Copy(fw, file)
if err != nil {
return nil, "", fmt.Errorf("copying: %w", err)
err = w.Close()
if err != nil {
return nil, "", fmt.Errorf("closing writer: %w", err)
return buf, w.FormDataContentType(), nil
// send POST request to uriStr.
func send(uriStr, cType string, buf *bytes.Buffer) (err error) {
var client http.Client
req, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodPost, uriStr, buf)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("bad request: %w", err)
req.Header.Set(httphdr.ContentType, cType)
resp, err := client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("client post form: %w", err)
defer func() {
err = errors.WithDeferred(err, resp.Body.Close())
if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
return fmt.Errorf("status code is not ok: %q", http.StatusText(resp.StatusCode))
return nil
// autoAdd adds locales with additions to the git and restores locales with
// deletions.
func autoAdd(basePath string) (err error) {
@ -572,28 +424,48 @@ func autoAdd(basePath string) (err error) {
return errors.Error("base locale contains deletions")
var (
args []string
code int
out []byte
if len(adds) > 0 {
args = append([]string{"add"}, adds...)
code, out, err = aghos.RunCommand("git", args...)
if err != nil || code != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("git add exited with code %d output %q: %w", code, out, err)
err = handleAdds(adds)
if err != nil {
// Don't wrap the error since it's informative enough as is.
return nil
if len(dels) > 0 {
args = append([]string{"restore"}, dels...)
code, out, err = aghos.RunCommand("git", args...)
err = handleDels(dels)
if err != nil {
// Don't wrap the error since it's informative enough as is.
return nil
if err != nil || code != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("git restore exited with code %d output %q: %w", code, out, err)
return nil
// handleAdds adds locales with additions to the git.
func handleAdds(locales []string) (err error) {
if len(locales) == 0 {
return nil
args := append([]string{"add"}, locales...)
code, out, err := aghos.RunCommand("git", args...)
if err != nil || code != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("git add exited with code %d output %q: %w", code, out, err)
return nil
// handleDels restores locales with deletions.
func handleDels(locales []string) (err error) {
if len(locales) == 0 {
return nil
args := append([]string{"restore"}, locales...)
code, out, err := aghos.RunCommand("git", args...)
if err != nil || code != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("git restore exited with code %d output %q: %w", code, out, err)
return nil
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
package main
import (
// upload base translation.
func (c *twoskyClient) upload() (err error) {
defer func() { err = errors.Annotate(err, "upload: %w") }()
uploadURI := c.uri.JoinPath("upload")
basePath := filepath.Join(localesDir, defaultBaseFile)
formData := map[string]string{
"format": "json",
"language": string(c.baseLang),
"filename": defaultBaseFile,
"project": c.projectID,
buf, cType, err := prepareMultipartMsg(formData, basePath)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("preparing multipart msg: %w", err)
err = send(uploadURI.String(), cType, buf)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("sending multipart msg: %w", err)
return nil
// prepareMultipartMsg prepares translation data for upload.
func prepareMultipartMsg(
formData map[string]string,
basePath string,
) (buf *bytes.Buffer, cType string, err error) {
buf = &bytes.Buffer{}
w := multipart.NewWriter(buf)
var fw io.Writer
err = mapsutil.OrderedRangeError(formData, w.WriteField)
if err != nil {
return nil, "", fmt.Errorf("writing field: %w", err)
file, err := os.Open(basePath)
if err != nil {
return nil, "", fmt.Errorf("opening file: %w", err)
defer func() {
err = errors.WithDeferred(err, file.Close())
h := make(textproto.MIMEHeader)
h.Set(httphdr.ContentType, aghhttp.HdrValApplicationJSON)
d := fmt.Sprintf("form-data; name=%q; filename=%q", "file", defaultBaseFile)
h.Set(httphdr.ContentDisposition, d)
fw, err = w.CreatePart(h)
if err != nil {
return nil, "", fmt.Errorf("creating part: %w", err)
_, err = io.Copy(fw, file)
if err != nil {
return nil, "", fmt.Errorf("copying: %w", err)
err = w.Close()
if err != nil {
return nil, "", fmt.Errorf("closing writer: %w", err)
return buf, w.FormDataContentType(), nil
// send POST request to uriStr.
func send(uriStr, cType string, buf *bytes.Buffer) (err error) {
client := http.Client{
Timeout: uploadTimeout,
req, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodPost, uriStr, buf)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("bad request: %w", err)
req.Header.Set(httphdr.ContentType, cType)
resp, err := client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("client post form: %w", err)
defer func() {
err = errors.WithDeferred(err, resp.Body.Close())
if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
return fmt.Errorf("status code is not ok: %q", http.StatusText(resp.StatusCode))
return nil
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import (
func main() {
Add table
Reference in a new issue