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synced 2025-03-15 06:59:00 +03:00
Pull request 1786: rm-context-fields
Merge in DNS/adguard-home from rm-context-fields to master Squashed commit of the following: commit 402bbba6a68f163cd6a3751a50ecd544eebc875f Author: Ainar Garipov <A.Garipov@AdGuard.COM> Date: Tue Mar 28 13:07:11 2023 +0300 aghnet: names commit 209a2bb7878ee9110595f1fcf09df7f83777b80f Author: Ainar Garipov <A.Garipov@AdGuard.COM> Date: Tue Mar 28 13:03:33 2023 +0300 home: typo commit 61684815c260d5d7a34be612e06714456399a833 Merge: 7adfcf15132ec556
Author: Ainar Garipov <A.Garipov@AdGuard.COM> Date: Tue Mar 28 13:02:18 2023 +0300 Merge branch 'master' into rm-context-fields commit 7adfcf1576b52f80137aa9044355bfbec6243e28 Merge: 0d5b85f50df32601
Author: Ainar Garipov <A.Garipov@AdGuard.COM> Date: Sun Mar 26 14:25:27 2023 +0300 Merge branch 'master' into rm-context-fields commit 0d5b85f51b3eb72c3e905d5ad82c17cd932b246b Author: Ainar Garipov <A.Garipov@AdGuard.COM> Date: Sun Mar 26 13:21:26 2023 +0300 all: rm unnecessary home context fields
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 54 additions and 57 deletions
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ func (rm *requestMatcher) MatchRequest(
) (res *urlfilter.DNSResult, ok bool) {
switch req.DNSType {
case dns.TypeA, dns.TypeAAAA, dns.TypePTR:
log.Debug("%s: handling the request for %s", hostsContainerPref, req.Hostname)
log.Debug("%s: handling the request for %s", hostsContainerPrefix, req.Hostname)
return nil, false
@ -90,9 +90,9 @@ func (rm *requestMatcher) resetEng(rulesStrg *filterlist.RuleStorage, tr map[str
rm.translator = tr
// hostsContainerPref is a prefix for logging and wrapping errors in
// hostsContainerPrefix is a prefix for logging and wrapping errors in
// HostsContainer's methods.
const hostsContainerPref = "hosts container"
const hostsContainerPrefix = "hosts container"
// HostsContainer stores the relevant hosts database provided by the OS and
// processes both A/AAAA and PTR DNS requests for those.
@ -115,8 +115,8 @@ type HostsContainer struct {
// fsys is the working file system to read hosts files from.
fsys fs.FS
// w tracks the changes in specified files and directories.
w aghos.FSWatcher
// watcher tracks the changes in specified files and directories.
watcher aghos.FSWatcher
// patterns stores specified paths in the fs.Glob-compatible form.
patterns []string
@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ func NewHostsContainer(
w aghos.FSWatcher,
paths ...string,
) (hc *HostsContainer, err error) {
defer func() { err = errors.Annotate(err, "%s: %w", hostsContainerPref) }()
defer func() { err = errors.Annotate(err, "%s: %w", hostsContainerPrefix) }()
if len(paths) == 0 {
return nil, ErrNoHostsPaths
@ -182,11 +182,11 @@ func NewHostsContainer(
done: make(chan struct{}, 1),
updates: make(chan HostsRecords, 1),
fsys: fsys,
w: w,
watcher: w,
patterns: patterns,
log.Debug("%s: starting", hostsContainerPref)
log.Debug("%s: starting", hostsContainerPrefix)
// Load initially.
if err = hc.refresh(); err != nil {
@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ func NewHostsContainer(
return nil, fmt.Errorf("adding path: %w", err)
log.Debug("%s: %s is expected to exist but doesn't", hostsContainerPref, p)
log.Debug("%s: %s is expected to exist but doesn't", hostsContainerPrefix, p)
@ -208,14 +208,21 @@ func NewHostsContainer(
return hc, nil
// Close implements the io.Closer interface for *HostsContainer. Close must
// only be called once. The returned err is always nil.
// Close implements the [io.Closer] interface for *HostsContainer. It closes
// both itself and its [aghos.FSWatcher]. Close must only be called once.
func (hc *HostsContainer) Close() (err error) {
log.Debug("%s: closing", hostsContainerPref)
log.Debug("%s: closing", hostsContainerPrefix)
err = hc.watcher.Close()
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("closing fs watcher: %w", err)
// Go on and close the container either way.
return nil
return err
// Upd returns the channel into which the updates are sent.
@ -251,22 +258,22 @@ func pathsToPatterns(fsys fs.FS, paths []string) (patterns []string, err error)
// update channel of HostsContainer when finishes. It's used to be called
// within a separate goroutine.
func (hc *HostsContainer) handleEvents() {
defer log.OnPanic(fmt.Sprintf("%s: handling events", hostsContainerPref))
defer log.OnPanic(fmt.Sprintf("%s: handling events", hostsContainerPrefix))
defer close(hc.updates)
ok, eventsCh := true, hc.w.Events()
ok, eventsCh := true, hc.watcher.Events()
for ok {
select {
case _, ok = <-eventsCh:
if !ok {
log.Debug("%s: watcher closed the events channel", hostsContainerPref)
log.Debug("%s: watcher closed the events channel", hostsContainerPrefix)
if err := hc.refresh(); err != nil {
log.Error("%s: %s", hostsContainerPref, err)
log.Error("%s: %s", hostsContainerPrefix, err)
case _, ok = <-hc.done:
// Go on.
@ -345,7 +352,7 @@ func (hp *hostsParser) parseLine(line string) (ip netip.Addr, hosts []string) {
// TODO(e.burkov): Investigate if hosts may contain DNS-SD domains.
err = netutil.ValidateHostname(f)
if err != nil {
log.Error("%s: host %q is invalid, ignoring", hostsContainerPref, f)
log.Error("%s: host %q is invalid, ignoring", hostsContainerPrefix, f)
@ -389,7 +396,7 @@ func (hp *hostsParser) addRules(ip netip.Addr, host, line string) {
rule, rulePtr := hp.writeRules(host, ip)
hp.translations[rule], hp.translations[rulePtr] = line, line
log.Debug("%s: added ip-host pair %q-%q", hostsContainerPref, ip, host)
log.Debug("%s: added ip-host pair %q-%q", hostsContainerPrefix, ip, host)
// writeRules writes the actual rule for the qtype and the PTR for the host-ip
@ -443,7 +450,7 @@ func (hp *hostsParser) writeRules(host string, ip netip.Addr) (rule, rulePtr str
// sendUpd tries to send the parsed data to the ch.
func (hp *hostsParser) sendUpd(ch chan HostsRecords) {
log.Debug("%s: sending upd", hostsContainerPref)
log.Debug("%s: sending upd", hostsContainerPrefix)
upd := hp.table
select {
@ -451,11 +458,11 @@ func (hp *hostsParser) sendUpd(ch chan HostsRecords) {
// Updates are delivered. Go on.
case <-ch:
ch <- upd
log.Debug("%s: replaced the last update", hostsContainerPref)
log.Debug("%s: replaced the last update", hostsContainerPrefix)
case ch <- upd:
// The previous update was just read and the next one pushed. Go on.
log.Error("%s: the updates channel is broken", hostsContainerPref)
log.Error("%s: the updates channel is broken", hostsContainerPrefix)
@ -473,7 +480,7 @@ func (hp *hostsParser) newStrg(id int) (s *filterlist.RuleStorage, err error) {
// TODO(e.burkov): Accept a parameter to specify the files to refresh.
func (hc *HostsContainer) refresh() (err error) {
log.Debug("%s: refreshing", hostsContainerPref)
log.Debug("%s: refreshing", hostsContainerPrefix)
hp := hc.newHostsParser()
if _, err = aghos.FileWalker(hp.parseFile).Walk(hc.fsys, hc.patterns...); err != nil {
@ -482,7 +489,7 @@ func (hc *HostsContainer) refresh() (err error) {
// hc.last is nil on the first refresh, so let that one through.
if hc.last != nil && maps.EqualFunc(hp.table, hc.last, (*HostsRecord).equal) {
log.Debug("%s: no changes detected", hostsContainerPref)
log.Debug("%s: no changes detected", hostsContainerPrefix)
return nil
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ func TestNewHostsContainer(t *testing.T) {
hc, err := NewHostsContainer(0, testFS, &aghtest.FSWatcher{
OnEvents: onEvents,
OnAdd: onAdd,
OnClose: func() (err error) { panic("not implemented") },
OnClose: func() (err error) { return nil },
}, tc.paths...)
if tc.wantErr != nil {
require.ErrorIs(t, err, tc.wantErr)
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ func TestNewHostsContainer(t *testing.T) {
errWatcher := &aghtest.FSWatcher{
OnEvents: func() (e <-chan struct{}) { panic("not implemented") },
OnAdd: func(name string) (err error) { return errOnAdd },
OnClose: func() (err error) { panic("not implemented") },
OnClose: func() (err error) { return nil },
hc, err := NewHostsContainer(0, testFS, errWatcher, p)
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ func TestHostsContainer_refresh(t *testing.T) {
return nil
OnClose: func() (err error) { panic("not implemented") },
OnClose: func() (err error) { return nil },
hc, err := NewHostsContainer(0, testFS, w, "dir")
@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ func TestHostsContainer_Translate(t *testing.T) {
stubWatcher := aghtest.FSWatcher{
OnEvents: func() (e <-chan struct{}) { return nil },
OnAdd: func(name string) (err error) { return nil },
OnClose: func() (err error) { panic("not implemented") },
OnClose: func() (err error) { return nil },
require.NoError(t, fstest.TestFS(testdata, "etc_hosts"))
@ -524,7 +524,7 @@ func TestHostsContainer(t *testing.T) {
stubWatcher := aghtest.FSWatcher{
OnEvents: func() (e <-chan struct{}) { return nil },
OnAdd: func(name string) (err error) { return nil },
OnClose: func() (err error) { panic("not implemented") },
OnClose: func() (err error) { return nil },
hc, err := NewHostsContainer(listID, testdata, &stubWatcher, "etc_hosts")
@ -61,11 +61,10 @@ type homeContext struct {
filters *filtering.DNSFilter // DNS filtering module
web *Web // Web (HTTP, HTTPS) module
tls *tlsManager // TLS module
// etcHosts is an IP-hostname pairs set taken from system configuration
// (e.g. /etc/hosts) files.
// etcHosts contains IP-hostname mappings taken from the OS-specific hosts
// configuration files, for example /etc/hosts.
etcHosts *aghnet.HostsContainer
// hostsWatcher is the watcher to detect changes in the hosts files.
hostsWatcher aghos.FSWatcher
updater *updater.Updater
@ -80,7 +79,6 @@ type homeContext struct {
pidFileName string // PID file name. Empty if no PID file was created.
controlLock sync.Mutex
tlsRoots *x509.CertPool // list of root CAs for TLSv1.2
transport *http.Transport
client *http.Client
appSignalChannel chan os.Signal // Channel for receiving OS signals by the console app
@ -150,18 +148,17 @@ func setupContext(opts options) {
Context.tlsRoots = aghtls.SystemRootCAs()
Context.transport = &http.Transport{
DialContext: customDialContext,
Proxy: getHTTPProxy,
TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{
RootCAs: Context.tlsRoots,
CipherSuites: Context.tlsCipherIDs,
MinVersion: tls.VersionTLS12,
Context.client = &http.Client{
Timeout: time.Minute * 5,
Transport: Context.transport,
Timeout: time.Minute * 5,
Transport: &http.Transport{
DialContext: customDialContext,
Proxy: getHTTPProxy,
TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{
RootCAs: Context.tlsRoots,
CipherSuites: Context.tlsCipherIDs,
MinVersion: tls.VersionTLS12,
if !Context.firstRun {
@ -264,7 +261,7 @@ func configureOS(conf *configuration) (err error) {
// setupHostsContainer initializes the structures to keep up-to-date the hosts
// provided by the OS.
func setupHostsContainer() (err error) {
Context.hostsWatcher, err = aghos.NewOSWritesWatcher()
hostsWatcher, err := aghos.NewOSWritesWatcher()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("initing hosts watcher: %w", err)
@ -272,18 +269,18 @@ func setupHostsContainer() (err error) {
Context.etcHosts, err = aghnet.NewHostsContainer(
if err != nil {
cerr := Context.hostsWatcher.Close()
if errors.Is(err, aghnet.ErrNoHostsPaths) && cerr == nil {
closeErr := hostsWatcher.Close()
if errors.Is(err, aghnet.ErrNoHostsPaths) && closeErr == nil {
log.Info("warning: initing hosts container: %s", err)
return nil
return errors.WithDeferred(fmt.Errorf("initing hosts container: %w", err), cerr)
return errors.WithDeferred(fmt.Errorf("initing hosts container: %w", err), closeErr)
return nil
@ -755,13 +752,6 @@ func cleanup(ctx context.Context) {
if Context.etcHosts != nil {
// Currently Context.hostsWatcher is only used in Context.etcHosts and
// needs closing only in case of the successful initialization of
// Context.etcHosts.
if err = Context.hostsWatcher.Close(); err != nil {
log.Error("closing hosts watcher: %s", err)
if err = Context.etcHosts.Close(); err != nil {
log.Error("closing hosts container: %s", err)
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