~~`alxrcs, rallwalls, refwalls, setwalle` - GNOME/XFCE scripts for wpgtk (or wpg)~~ Removed (bfd5ed788e) \ ~~`termcolors` - script for KDE, sets Alacritty colorscheme from wallpaper. Currently working only with 1 monitor, but will be rewrited to support 2+. Someday, maybe...~~ Moved to https://git.sadium.cyou/SadmL/dotfiles/src/branch/master/.zshrc \ May be error - no such image, try check and edit (remove unnecessary lines)`~/.config/plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc` \ Wallpaper colors generator is [wallust](https://codeberg.org/explosion-mental/wallust) \ To make color-changing script work, your Alacritty config mustn't contain any color-related lines, but contain this: ``` import = ["/home/link/.config/alacritty/colors.toml"] ``` Check my [Alacritty config](https://git.sadium.cyou/SadmL/dotfiles/src/branch/master/.config/alacritty/alacritty.toml) as an example.